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Summary This study is concerned with electron-microscopic observations on endocrine or paracrine cells in the fundic gastric mucosa of the bullfrog. Also, an attempt was made to identify the histamine-releasing cells involved in the secretagogue response. At least three distinct endocrine-like cell types were found. The classification is based on the appearance of secretory granules and other organelles, and the relationship of endocrine-like cells with other cells in the tissue. The amphibian endocrine-like cells resemble the ECL, D and EC cells of mammals. Type-I (ECL) cells showed degranulation after repeated stimulation with tetragastrin (TG), acetylcholine (ACh) and K+ depolarizing solution, all of which release histamine.  相似文献   
1. Various hybridization approaches were employed to investigate structural and chromosomal interrelationships between the human cholinesterase genes CHE and ACHE encoding the polymorphic, closely related, and coordinately regulated enzymes having butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities. 2. Homologous cosmid recombination with a 190-base pair 5' fragment from BuChEcDNA resulted in the isolation of four overlapping cosmid clones, apparently derived from a single gene with several introns. The Cosmid CHEDNA included a 700-base pair fragment known to be expressed at the 3' end of BuChEcDNA from nervous system tumors and which has been mapped by in situ hybridization to the unique 3q26-ter position. In contrast, cosmid CHEDNA did not hybridize with full-length AChEcDNA, proving that the complete CHE gene does not include AChE-encoding sequences either in exons or in its introns. 3. The chromosomal origin of BuChE-encoding sequences was further examined by two unrelated gene mapping approaches. Filter hybridization with DNA from human/hamster hybrid cell lines revealed BuChEcDNA-hybridizing sequences only in cell lines including human chromosome 3. However, three BuChEcDNA-homologous sequences were observed at chromosomal positions 3q21, 3q26-ter, and 16q21 by a highly stringent in situ hybridization protocol, including washes at high temperature and low salt. 4. These findings stress the selectivity of cosmid recombination and chromosome blots, raise the possibility of individual differences in BuChEcDNA-hybridizing sequences, and present an example for a family highly similar proteins encoded by distinct, nonhomologous genes.  相似文献   
Summary Cytoplasmic male sterility (cms) and nuclear male sterility (nms) in Petunia were described respectively as possible autonomous and integrated states of the same genetic element by Frankel (1971). In the present study we describe genetic analysis of the interaction between the cms, the nuclear gene for male sterility (e) and the fertility restorer allele (Rf). The main findings in this study are: (1) The nuclear sterility allele can coexist in one or two dosages with the cytoplasmic male sterility elements (ste) in somatic cells or female gametes; (2) the presence of the fertility restorer allele Rf is not required for the coexistence of ste and e and (3) Rf does not interact epistatically with e, e.g., the expression of e is independent of Rf—the genotypes (S) RfRfee and (S) Rfrfee are male sterile.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization. The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. 1983 series No. 846 E  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Research - The current study examined the phylogenetic pattern of medicinal species of the family Apiaceae based on flavonoid groups production, as well as the overall mechanism of...  相似文献   
The effects of N-alkylation on the redox potential of the couples NiLi2+/NiLi+, L = tetraaza-14-membered-macrocyclic ligands, and on the properties of the monovalent nickel complexes in aqueous solutions are reported for 14 complexes. The spectra and lifetimes of the NiLi+ complexes are reported. The self-exchange rates for the couples NiLi2+/NiLi+ were determined. Two of the ligands were synthesized for the first time for this study. Cyclic voltammetry and pulse radiolysis were used. The results point out that: (i) N-alkylation always shifts the redox potential to a less cathodic one; this effect stems to a large degree from the decrease in the solvation energy of the complex caused by the N-alkylation of the ligand. (ii). The lifetime of the monovalent complexes is not linearly related to the redox potential of the NiLi2+/NiLi+ couples. (iii) The NiLi+ complexes exist in several isomeric forms; the rate of the isomerization depends on the structure of the ligand. (iv) Different isomers of NiLi+ may be formed when the complex NiLi2+ is reduced by different reagents; therefore, the pulse-radiolytically formed NiLi+ complexes might have different properties than those formed electrochemically.  相似文献   
(1) A synaptosomal fraction obtained from locust nervous tissue has been shown to possess an active γ-aminobutyric acid transport mechanism. This activity is preserved and even enriched by the membrane vesicles derived from osmotically shocked synaptosomes. (2) Electron-microscopy examination indicates that the above membrane vesicles are derived predominantly from the neuronal plasma membrane and are devoid of any internal cellular organelles and components. Active transport of γ-aminobutyric acid into these vesicles has been demonstrated with artificially imposed ion gradients as the sole energy source. (3) γ-Aminobutyric acid transport can be driven by an Na+ gradient (out>in) and /or by a gradient of Cl? (out>in). This process is absolutely dependent on the simultaneous presence of both types of ion in the external medium. The stimulation of the process by valinomycin indicates that γ-aminobutyric acid transport is an electrogenic process which is stimulated by a membrane potential (interior negative).  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of normal and glycerol treated fibers of the closer muscle of the ghost crab, Ocypode cursor, was studiedmthe muscle is composed of presumably phasic (short sarcomeres) and tonic (long sarcomeres) fibers, the latter greatly predominating. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used as an extracellular tracer to delineate the tubular system (TS), and to determine to what extent this system becomes detached from the extracellular space as a result of glycerol treatment. Sarcolemmal clefts invade deeply into the muscle at Z-lines and I-bands; tubules invaginate into the muscle from the clefts and from the surface sarcolemma at the Z-lines, A-I overlaps and A-bands. A tubules are in frequent diadic or tetradic contact with the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), whereas Z tubules appear to be randomly associated with SR, terminal cisterns (TC) and Z-line fibrils. When HRP was administered to normal muscle, black reaction product was found adjacent to the outer surface of the sarcolemma, within the clefts and within profiles of the TS throughout the tissue. In glycerol treated muscle peripheral vacuolation frequently occurred; black reaction product penetrated only as far as the vacuoles and into dilated Z-line tubules, but was virtually absent from the rest of the TS. This lack of continuity between the extracellular space and the A tubules indicated disruption or constriction of the A tubules as a result of glycerol treatment, although Z tubule contact with the extracellular space appeared unimpaired. These findings provide ultrastructural correlates of the electrophysiological changes produced by glycerol treatment of the closer muscle of the ghost crab (Papir, 1973), namely, interference with excitation-contraction (e-c) coupling. The random association of the Z tubules with SR and TC, and their resistance to disruption by glycerol treatment, tend to endorse the claims that the Z tubules in crustacean muscle are not directly involved in e-c coupling (Brandt et al., 1965; Peachey, 1967; Selverston, 1967).  相似文献   
A total of 92 samples — 23 winter wheat, 12 summer barley, 5 oats and 52 mixed feed — were collected from a state factory in Kaunas, Lithuania and were analysed for the presence of trichothecenes, zearalenone (ZEN) and ochratoxin A (OA) using gas chromatography with electron capture detection and immunoaffinity column/high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence and UV detections. Deoxynivalenol (DON), nivalenol (NIV), T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin were detected at concentrations above 10 μg/kg in 68%, 48%, 38% and 8% of cereal samples, respectively, and in 98%, 88%, 12% and 8% of samples of mixed feed for swine and poultry. More than 10 μg/kg of zearalenone and ochratoxin A were found in 58% and 92% of the mixed feed samples, respectively. The highest concentrations of all analysed trichothecenes in Lithuanian mixed feed and cereal grains, with an exception of T-2 toxin in one oat lot and one sample of mixed feed and OA in two mixed feed samples, were lower than those reported as Lithuanian advisory or tolerance limits.  相似文献   
DNA base flipping is an important mechanism in molecular enzymology, but its study is limited by the lack of an accessible and reliable diagnostic technique. A series of crystalline complexes of a DNA methyltransferase, M.HhaI, and its cognate DNA, in which a fluorescent nucleobase analogue, 2-aminopurine (AP), occupies defined positions with respect the target flipped base, have been prepared and their structures determined at higher than 2 Å resolution. From time-resolved fluorescence measurements of these single crystals, we have established that the fluorescence decay function of AP shows a pronounced, characteristic response to base flipping: the loss of the very short (~100 ps) decay component and the large increase in the amplitude of the long (~10 ns) component. When AP is positioned at sites other than the target site, this response is not seen. Most significantly, we have shown that the same clear response is apparent when M.HhaI complexes with DNA in solution, giving an unambiguous signal of base flipping. Analysis of the AP fluorescence decay function reveals conformational heterogeneity in the DNA–enzyme complexes that cannot be discerned from the present X-ray structures.  相似文献   
A systematic in silico approach has been employed to generate sound, experimentally validated active-site models for galactose oxidase (GO) using a hybrid density functional, B(38HF)P86. GO displays three distinct oxidation states: oxidized [Cu(II)-Y*]; semireduced [Cu(II)-Y]; and reduced [Cu(I)-Y]. Only the [Cu(II)-Y*] and the [Cu(I)-Y] states are assumed to be involved in the catalytic cycle, but their structures have not yet been determined. We have developed several models (1-7) for the [Cu(II)-Y*] state that were evaluated by comparison of our computational results with experimental data. An extended model system (6) that includes solvent molecules and second coordination sphere residues (R330, Y405, and W290) is essential to obtain an experimentally correct electronic structure of the active site. The optimized structure of 6 resulted in a five-coordinate Cu site with a protein radical centered on the Tyr-Cys cofactor. We further validated our converged model with the largest model (7) that included additional outer-sphere residues (Q406, H334, Y329, G513, and T580) and water molecules. Adding these residues did not affect significantly the active site's electronic and geometric structures. Using both 6 and 7, we explored the redox dependence of the active-site structure. We obtained four- and three-coordinate Cu sites for [Cu(II)-Y] and [Cu(I)-Y] states, respectively, that corroborate well with the experimental data. The relative energies of these states were validated by a comparison with experimental redox potentials. Collectively, our computational GO models well reproduce the physicochemical characteristics of the individual states, including their redox behaviors.  相似文献   
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