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A suppressor tRNA(Tyr) and mutant tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (TyrRS) pair was developed to incorporate 3-iodo-L-tyrosine into proteins in mammalian cells. First, the Escherichia coli suppressor tRNA(Tyr) gene was mutated, at three positions in the D arm, to generate the internal promoter for expression. However, this tRNA, together with the cognate TyrRS, failed to exhibit suppressor activity in mammalian cells. Then, we found that amber suppression can occur with the heterologous pair of E.coli TyrRS and Bacillus stearothermophilus suppressor tRNA(Tyr), which naturally contains the promoter sequence. Furthermore, the efficiency of this suppression was significantly improved when the suppressor tRNA was expressed from a gene cluster, in which the tRNA gene was tandemly repeated nine times in the same direction. For incorporation of 3-iodo-L-tyrosine, its specific E.coli TyrRS variant, TyrRS(V37C195), which we recently created, was expressed in mammalian cells, together with the B.stearothermophilus suppressor tRNA(Tyr), while 3-iodo-L-tyrosine was supplied in the growth medium. 3-Iodo-L-tyrosine was thus incorporated into the proteins at amber positions, with an occupancy of >95%. Finally, we demonstrated conditional 3-iodo-L-tyrosine incorporation, regulated by inducible expression of the TyrRS(V37C195) gene from a tetracycline-regulated promoter.  相似文献   
A lipoxygenase L-4 gene was isolated from a soybean genomiclibrary. The amino acid sequence of lipoxygenase L-4 is highlyhomologous with the partial amino acid sequence of the 94-kDavegetative storage protein, vsp94, found in paraveinal mesophyllcells in the leaves of depodded soybean plants. No L-4 expressionwas observed in maturing seeds. The L-4 gene is highly expressedin the vegetative tissues of young seedlings, including cotyledons,hypocotyls, roots and primary leaves. L-4 expression followedthe same pattern as lipoxygenase activity in cotyledons peaking3 to 5 days after germination, and returning to a basal levelby 9 days after germination. L-4 gene expression was low inthe roots, stems and leaves of 10-week-old plants. Exposureof 4-week-old plants to atmospheric methyl jasmonate increasedL-4 mRNA in leaves. Continuous pod removal from 7-week-old plantsover a 2 week period resulted in dramatic accumulation of L-4mRNA in leaves. Accumulation of the L-4 protein and three otherlipoxygenase fractions in the leaves of depodded plants wasdemonstrated by ion exchange chromatography. These results indicatethat lipoxygenase L-4 is a component of vsp94. (Received May 31, 1993; Accepted August 9, 1993)  相似文献   
The substrate specificity of rice embryo benzoyl-L-argininep-nitroanilide hydrolase (BAPAase) was examined. No endopeptidaseactivity toward protein substrates was detectable. Small peptides(less than 8 residues) and amide, ester substrates, however,were hydrolyzed very well at the carboxyl side of the lysineor arginine residue. No other peptide bond was hydrolyzed. TheN-terminal arginine of the substrates was released very slowly.Peptides with lysine or arginine penultimate to the C-terminalposition were hydrolyzed well and released an amino acid. Theoxidized insulin B chain (30 residues) was cleaved very slowlyat the C-terminal Lys-Ala bond, whereas an Arg-Gly bond at aninner position was not cleaved. The hydrolytic rate increasedafter the chain length was shortened by chymotryptic digestion.These results show that the rice embryo BAPAase is a novel enzymewhich has mixed endopeptidase-carboxypeptidase activity towardthe Arg-X and Lys-X bonds of small peptides, a characteristicintermediate between trypsin and serine carboxypeptidase. Thisenzyme may act in the breakdown of small peptides that havephysiological functions. (Received May 26, 1984; Accepted August 29, 1984)  相似文献   
Cysteine endopeptidases, SH-EP from Vigna mungo and EP-C1 from Phaseolus vulgaris, act to degrade seed storage protein during seed germination. Using transgenic tobacco plants, expression of SH-EP and promoter activity of the EP-C1 gene were analyzed in transgenic tobacco plants. The promoters of the two genes in tobacco seeds showed germination-specific activation, although post-translational processing of SH-EP and regulatory regions of promoter of the gene for EP-C1 were found to differ between leguminous seeds and transgenic tobacco seeds.  相似文献   
The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Ku70–Ku80 heterodimer is required for telomere length regulation. Lack of pku70+ results in telomere shortening and striking rearrangements of telomere-associated sequences. We found that the rearrangements of telomere-associated sequences in pku80+ mutants are Rhp51 dependent, but not Rad50 dependent. Rhp51 bound to telomere ends when the Ku heterodimer was not present at telomere ends. We also found that the single-stranded G-rich tails increased in S phase in wild-type strains, while deletion of pku70+ increased the single-stranded overhang in both G2 and S phase. Based on these observations, we propose that Rhp51 binds to the G-rich overhang and promotes homologous pairing between two different telomere ends in the absence of Ku heterodimer. Moreover, pku80 rhp51 double mutants showed a significantly reduced telomere hybridization signal. Our results suggest that, although Ku heterodimer sequesters Rhp51 from telomere ends to inhibit homologous recombination activity, Rhp51 plays important roles for the maintenance of telomere ends in the absence of the Ku heterodimer.  相似文献   
The interaction between Cd and Zn in aquatic organisms is known to be highly variable. The purpose of this study was to use a subcellular compartmentalization approach to examine Cd and Zn interactions in the deposit-feeding polychaete Capitella capitata (sp. I). Laboratory-reared C. capitata were co-exposed to Cd (background or 50 μg Cd l− 1) and Zn (background or 86 μg Zn l− 1) with 109Cd and 65Zn as radiotracers for 1 week. After the 1-week uptake period, subsets of worms were allowed to depurate accumulated metals for an additional 1 week. Worms from both phases (uptake and loss) were then subjected to subcellular fractionation to determine the compartmentalization of metals as metal-sensitive fractions [MSF — organelles and heat-denaturable proteins (HDP)] and biologically detoxified metals [BDM — heat-stable proteins (HSP) and metal-rich granules (MRG)]. Uptake and loss of Cd and Zn in C. capitata at the whole body level were similar at bkgd-Cd/bkgd-Zn, with worms depurating the majority of accumulated metal (∼ 75% Cd and ∼ 64% Zn). When exposure of Zn or Cd was increased (bkgd-Cd/86-Zn; bkgd-Zn/50-Cd), uptake of background levels of Cd or Zn, respectively, was suppressed by ∼ 50%. These accumulated metals, however, were retained during the loss phase resulting in ∼ 40-50% greater Cd and Zn whole body tissue burdens than those of bkgd-Cd/bkgd-Zn worms. Beyond exhibiting similar patterns of uptake and loss at the whole body level, Cd and Zn behaved similarly at the subcellular level. Under background levels (bkgd-Cd/bkgd-Zn), after uptake, worms partitioned a majority of Cd (∼ 65%) and Zn (∼ 55%) to the HSP and organelles fractions. The HDP and MRG fractions contained less than ∼ 6% of both metals. Following depuration, at bkgd-Cd/bkgd-Zn, Cd and Zn were lost from all subcellular fractions; loss from HSP was the greatest contributor to whole body loss. When exposed to elevated concentrations of Zn or Cd, the suppression in uptake of bkgd-Cd or bkgd-Zn observed in whole body uptake was largely due to suppressions in the storage of Cd and Zn to HSP. These results suggest that Cd-Zn interactions reduce partitioning of both Cd and Zn to HSP, indicating that metal-binding proteins such as metallothioneins play a key role in these interactions.  相似文献   
Microbial organisms utilize light not only as energy sources but also as signals by which rhodopsins (containing retinal as a chromophore) work as photoreceptors. Sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) is a dual photoreceptor that regulates both negative and positive phototaxis in microbial organisms, such as the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum and the eubacterium Salinibacter ruber. These organisms live in highly halophilic environments, suggesting the possibility of the effects of salts on the function of SRI. However, such effects remain unclear because SRI proteins from H. salinarum (HsSRI) are unstable in dilute salt solutions. Recently, we characterized a new SRI protein (SrSRI) that is stable even in the absence of salts, thus allowing us to investigate the effects of salts on the photochemical properties of SRI. In this study, we report that the absorption maximum of SrSRI is shifted from 542 to 556 nm in a Cl-dependent manner with a Km of 307 ± 56 mM, showing that Cl-binding sites exist in SRI. The bathochromic shift was caused not only by NaCl but also by other salts (NaI, NaBr, and NaNO3), implying that I, Br, and NO3 can also bind to SrSRI. In addition, the photochemical properties during the photocycle are also affected by chloride ion binding. Mutagenesis studies strongly suggested that a conserved residue, His131, is involved in the Cl-binding site. In light of these results, we discuss the effects of the Cl binding to SRI and the roles of Cl binding in its function.  相似文献   
In photorespiration, peroxisomal glutamate:glyoxylate aminotransferase (GGAT) catalyzes the reaction of glutamate and glyoxylate to produce 2-oxoglutarate and glycine. Previous studies demonstrated that alanine aminotransferase-like protein functions as a photorespiratory GGAT. Photorespiratory transamination to glyoxylate, which is mediated by GGAT and serine glyoxylate aminotransferase (SGAT), is believed to play an important role in the biosynthesis and metabolism of major amino acids. To better understand its role in the regulation of amino acid levels, we produced 42 GGAT1 overexpression lines that express different levels of GGAT1 mRNA. The levels of free serine, glycine, and citrulline increased markedly in GGAT1 overexpression lines compared with levels in the wild type, and levels of these amino acids were strongly correlated with levels of GGAT1 mRNA and GGAT activity in the leaves. This accumulation began soon after exposure to light and was repressed under high levels of CO(2). Light and nutrient conditions both affected the amino acid profiles; supplementation with NH(4)NO(3) increased the levels of some amino acids compared with the controls. The results suggest that the photorespiratory aminotransferase reactions catalyzed by GGAT and SGAT are both important regulators of amino acid content.  相似文献   
Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollinosis is one of seasonal allergic rhinitis that mainly occurs in Japan. The pollinosis is caused by two main kinds of allergenic proteins called Cry j 1 and Cry j 2 which exist in Cryptomeria japonica pollen. In our previous study, we reported that the size-segregated of airborne fine allergenic Cry j 1 and morphological change of Cry j 1 due to the contact with rainfall. However, the study on airborne allergenic Cry j 2 in different particle sizes has not been identified until now. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to investigate the size distribution and scattering behavior of allergenic Cry j 2. The Cry j 2 particles were collected and determined in different particle sizes at the urban sampling points during the most severe pollination season of 2012 in Saitama, Japan. After the size-segregated Cry j 2 allergenic particles were collected using an Andersen high-volume (AHV) atmospheric sample, the airborne Cry j 2 concentrations were determined with a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) method. At the same time, the airborne Cryptomeria japonica pollens were also counted by the Durham pollen sampler. The higher concentrations of the allergenic Cry j 2 were detected even in particle sizes equal to or less than 1.1 μm (PM1.1) than other particle sizes. The airborne particles ranges from 0.06 to 11 μm were also collected by a low-pressure impactor (LPI) atmospheric sampler. After that, the concentrations of Cry j 2 allergenic particles in fine particle sizes were measured by the SPR method either. With the help of this study, we have confirmed the existence of fine daughter allergenic particles, which clearly differ from the parent pollen grains in size, especially after the rainy days. It is possible that the daughter allergenic species will be released from the fractions of cell wall and burst pollen grains. We concluded that rainwater was one of the important factors that affects the release of pollen allergenic proteins of both Cry j 1 and Cry j 2 from the parent pollen grains.  相似文献   
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