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Mitotic activity and nuclear DNA synthesis in tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cv. King plus) flowers targeted for abortion under unfavorable light conditions are completely stopped 6 days after macroscopic appearance of the inflorescence. Ovular cells are arrested at the G1 (80%) and G2 (20%) stages of the cell cycle. Exogenous applications of a mixture of N6-benzyladenine (BA) and gibberellins A4+7 (GA) directly on the inflorescence may prevent its failure. Nuclear DNA synthesis and mitoses resume in ovules of the flower 16 to 20 h after the BA+GA treatment. When applied alone, BA and GA are able to mimic the effect of the mixture upon the progression of ovular cells through their cycle. Sporogenesis processes are also set in motion by the exogenous plant growth regulators. The mechanism of action of cytokinins and gibberellins in the control of floral development is discussed.  相似文献   
The immunogenicity and reactogenicity of the Urabe Am 9 mumps virus vaccine strain were studied after the administration of different doses of the vaccine to 197 children ranging in age from seven and a half months to nine years and without a history of mumps. There was no effect of dose on the response in serum neutralizing antibodies in the range of 10(2.9) to 10(4.7) TCID50/dose. In the 90 subjects without detectable serum neutralization antibodies before vaccination seroconversion was obtained in 94.4% after 42 days. Half of a group of 34 seropositive children who were tested also showed a fourfold or greater rise in antibodies. Persistence of vaccine-enhanced haemagluttinin-inhibition (EHI) antibodies was satisfactory as only two of 46 vaccinees followed-up for between 27 and 32 months had undetectable levels of EHI antibodies and the geometric mean titre of vaccine-induced EHI antibodies had only fallen to about one-third by 32 months after vaccination. Although there was serological evidence of a subclinical re-infection in three subjects, to date none of the vaccinees has had clinical mumps indicating that the vaccine confers protection against disease. The vaccine was well tolerated. Furthermore, the majority of the few 'reactions' reported were probably not vaccine-related. It is concluded that the Urabe Am 9 is an acceptable strain for use in live mumps vaccines.  相似文献   
Summary Pleitropic interactions among genes controlling the formation of bacterial spores and of sporulation-associated products are studied. In order to obtain sporulation mutants, spores have been germinated in the presence of chloramphenicol and then treated with nitrosoguanidine. In the most favorable conditions 25% of sporulation mutants have been found among the 40% surviving bacteria. This number is at least four times higher than the number of auxotrophic mutants, therefore a rough estimate of the number of genes involved in sporulation is 800.Rapid plate-tests have been developed for the oxidation of terrazolium salts, the formation of various proteolytic enzymes and the production of antibiotics. Although the exact biochemical nature of the products is not yet known, the results suggest that distinct factors, probably various enzymes (including several proteases) are detected by these tests. All of them are associated with spore formation and absent from a large number of sporulation mutants. Using these tests, the phenotypes of 500 randomly selected sporulation mutants were determined. No important differences were found between asporogenous and oligosporogenous mutants. The number of mutants deficient for several sporulation-associated characters is large, pleiotropic interactions following a defined pattern are observed. Statistical analysis indicates the existence of a unidirectional pleiotropic system. All the results agree with the hypothesis of sequential gene activation. Consequently, the sporulation-associated characters can be ordered into a linear sequence, presumably reflecting the consecutive steps in spore formation. The order obtained is the following: gelatinase, proteases acting on casein and on denatured albumin, oxidation of tetrazolium No 7, digestion of protamine, production of antibiotics (against a Staphylococcus and a Bacillus), hydrolysis of hemoglobin, oxidation of tetrazolium No 2, digestion of native albumin, synthesis of elastase. Another category of mutants, blocked in a late step of sporulation and apparently derepressed for the formation of elastase, is also described.In conclusion, arguments are put forward in favor of sequential gene activation. Sporulation genes, related by unidirectional pleiotropic interactions, form a sporulon. Generalization of this concept to other differentiating systems (a differon), its predictions and possible experimental confirmation are considered.The author was a Gosney Research Fellow in 1966/67, on leave of absence from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris. Present adress: see end of paper.  相似文献   
Rats were submitted to a series of 10 daily electroconvulsive shocks (ECS). A first group of animals was killed 1 day after the last seizure and a second group 30 days later. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity was measured using an in vitro assay in the nucleus caudatus, anterior cortex, amygdala, substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and locus ceruleus. The mRNA corresponding to this enzyme (TH-mRNA) was evaluated using a cDNA probe at the cellular level in the ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, and locus ceruleus. Met-enkephalin (MET)-immunoreactivity and the mRNA coding for the preproenkephalin (PPE-mRNA) were assayed in striatum and the central nucleus of the amygdala. The day after the last ECS an increase of TH activity was observed in the ventral tegmental area, locus ceruleus, and substantia nigra in parallel with a similar increase in the amygdala and striatum; in the anterior cortex TH activity remained unchanged. TH-mRNA was increased in the locus ceruleus, evidencing the presence in this structure of a genomic activation. The amounts of MET and PPE-mRNA were unaffected in the striatum but increased in the amygdala. Thirty days after the last ECS we observed a decrease of TH activity in the amygdala and of TH-mRNA amount in the ventral tegmental area. In the locus ceruleus TH-mRNA remained higher in treated animals than in controls whereas TH activity returned to control levels. These results demonstrate that a series of ECS induces an initial increase of the activity of mesoamygdaloid catecholaminergic neurons followed by a sustained decrease through alterations of TH gene expression which could mediate the clinical effect of the treatment.  相似文献   
Abstract: Neurons and glial cells are capable of synthesizing various steroid hormones, but biosynthesis of testosterone in the CNS has never been reported. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the synthesis of testosterone in the frog brain. The presence of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD)-like immunoreactivity was detected in a population of glial cells located in the telencephalon. Reversed-phase HPLC analysis of brain tissue extracts combined with radioimmunoassay detection revealed the presence of substantial amounts of testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT) in the telencephalon where 17β-HSD-positive cells were visualized. In male frogs, castration totally suppressed testosterone and 5α-DHT in the blood and in the rhombencephalon but did not affect the concentration of these two steroids in the telencephalon. Chemical characterization of testosterone in female frog telencephalon extracts was performed by coupling HPLC analysis with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Using the pulse-chase technique with [3H]pregnenolone as a precursor, the formation of a series of metabolites was observed, including dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, testosterone, 5α-DHT, and estradiol. These data demonstrate the existence of an active form of 17β-HSD in the frog telencephalon, which is likely involved in testosterone biosynthesis within the brain.  相似文献   
The lactose-protease plasmid pUCL22 of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain CNRZ270 contained two inverted copies of IS 1076 flanking a region of 3.7 kb. This internal region was sequenced and found to contain two large open reading frames, ORF1 and ORFP in opposite orientations. ORF1 consists of 2289 bp; the deduced 763-amino-acid sequence is similar to the ATPases of the ClpA family. It contains two well-conserved consensus ATP-binding sites. It was named ClpL. ORFP consists of 930 bp encoding a protein of 310 amino acids. No similarity with any known protein was found in GenBank data for ORFP. Increased ATP-dependent proteolytic activity was detected in extracts from Escherichia coli cells expressing the clpL and ORFP genes.  相似文献   
Nodulation, the organogenetic process resulting from the symbiotic interaction between Rhizobium and legumes, is under the feedback control of the plant. However, the autoregulatory mechanisms controlling root nodule formation are poorly understood. In this paper it is shown that alfalfa can react to infection by its symbiont Rhizobium meliloti by eliciting a defence mechanism similar to the hypersensitive reaction (HR) observed in incompatible plant-pathogen interactions. After the first nodule primordia have been induced, an increasing proportion of infection threads abort in a single or a few root cortical cells in which both symbionts simultaneously undergo necrosis. Autofluorescent, cytochemical and immunolocalization assays revealed that phenolic compounds and proteins associated with defence mechanisms in plants have accumulated in the necrotic cells. These results lead to the proposition that the elicitation of a HR is part of the mechanism by which the plant controls infection and, therefore, regulates nodulation.  相似文献   
The gene for the -A subunit of inhibin (INHBA) was assigned to bovine syntenic group U13 by bovine x rodent hybrid somatic cells and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A 482-bp PCR fragment was used to clone a 37-kb cosmid. This cosmid was assigned to bovine Chromosome (Chr) 4 (BTA 4) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This is the first assignment of a U13 marker to a bovine chromosome. A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was detected with PstI within the INHBA cosmid.  相似文献   
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