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Band 3, the predominant membrane-spanning polypeptide and purported anion transport protein of human red cells, was isolated by a new procedure which utilized selective solubilization and anion exchange chromatography on Affi-Gel 102 in 0.5% and Triton X-100/0.03% sodium dodecyl sulfate. Rabbit anti-serum prepared against the purified protein reacted with human and monkey band 3 but gave no immunoprecipitate with membrane proteins from several non-primate species. The antiserum was directed solely towards a portion of the cytoplasmic pole of the band 3 polypeptide contained within a 23,000 dalton amino-terminal fragment, as shown by agglutination, absorption, double diffusion and immunoprecipitation techniques. Saturation of both surfaces of resealed erythrocyte ghosts with the anti-band 3 antiserum had no significant effect on chloride transport. Our data define the topographically-limited immunogenicity of human band 3 in rabbits, demonstrate a lack of immunological cross-reactivity of band 3 between primates and non-primates, and support the hypothesis that the cytoplasmic domain of band 3 is not intimately involved in anion transport.  相似文献   
Intact pig aortic strips were incubated in medium containing [32P]P1 and various Ca2+ concentrations. The 32P content of the myosin P-light chain was determined by radioautography after electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. Although treatment of the strips with noradrenaline always caused a rise in tension, this was not necessarily accompanied by increased phosphorylation of the P-light chain. These results indicate that, in aortic smooth muscle, phosphorylation of the P-light chain is not obligatory for contraction.  相似文献   
In vitro maturation in the bitch has yet to be fully investigated, and perfection of the technique is essential for future gamete salvage programs in endangered canine species. For optimal success with these techniques, knowledge of the individual animal and of oocyte effects upon maturational competence would be useful. Two factors were therefore studied using an aceto-orcein staining technique, which has been shown to be effective for monitoring nuclear maturation of canine oocytes following oocyte culture in medium supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Oocytes of different sizes were cultured in vitro and their nuclear maturation monitored. It was shown that the selection of oocytes which had acquired meiotic competence through adequate intrafollicular growth was important for in vitro maturation. In vitro maturation of oocytes from bitches aged 1 to 6 yr, and from those 7 yr and older was then compared, and it was found that oocytes from young bitches had a greater potential to mature than those collected from the older animals.  相似文献   
GC-MS is a widely used tool to measure oxidative DNA damage because of its ability to identify a wide range of base modification products. However, it has been suggested that the derivatization procedures required to form volatile products prior to GC-MS analysis can sometimes produce artifactual formation of certain base oxidation products, although these studies did not replicate previously-used reaction conditions, e.g. they failed to remove air from the derivatization vials. A systematic examination of this problem revealed that levels of 8-hydroxyguanine, 8-hydroxyadenine,5-hydroxycytosine and 5-(hydroxymethyluracil) in commercial calf thymus DNA determined by GC-MS are elevated by increasing the temperature at which derivatization is performed in our laboratory. In particular, 8-hydroxyguanine levels after silylation at 140°C were raised 8-fold compared to derivatization at 23°C. Experiments on the derivatization of each undamaged base revealed that the artifactual oxidation of guanine, adenine, cytosine and thymine respectively was responsible. Formation of the above products was potentiated by not purging with nitrogen prior to derivatization. Increasing the temperature to 140°C or allowing air to be present during derivatization did not significantly increase levels of the other oxidized bases measured.

This work suggests that artifactual oxidation during derivatization is restricted to certain products (8-hydroxyguanine, 8-hydroxyadenine, 5-hydroxycytosine and 5-[hydroxymethyluracil]) and can be decreased by reducing the temperature of the derivatization reaction to 23°C and excluding as much air possible. Despite some recent reports, we were easily able to detect formamidopyrimidines in acid-hydrolyzed DNA. Artifacts of derivatization are less marked than has been claimed in some papers and may vary between laboratories, depending on the experimental procedures used, in particular the efficiency of exclusion of O2 during the derivatization process.  相似文献   
1H NMR spectroscopy at 360 MHz has been used to study the interactions between the calmodulin function inhibitor calmidazolium (R24571) and (i) calmodulin (CaM) and (ii) skeletal muscle troponin C (sTnC). One equivalent of racemic calmidazolium binds tightly to CaM and perturbs a number of protein signals, corresponding to residues in both dicalcium-binding domains, in a manner characteristic of slow exchange. Calmidazolium binds with lower affinity to sTnC but still induces widespread perturbations in both domains. Extensive spectral overlap precludes definite assignment of intermolecular nuclear Overhauser effect (NOEs) although intraprotein NOEs do indicate the nature of some drug-induced conformational changes. Relaxation enhancements induced by two spin-labeled calmidazolium analogues demonstrate that several methionine residues of CaM, significantly immobilized by calmidazolium binding, are in fact located at or near its binding sites. These and other residue-specific broadening effects have enabled low resolution models to be constructed of the predominantly hydrophobic drug-binding sites on each domain of CaM. The hydrophobic portions of calmidazolium itself, and its analogues, contact side chains of Ala-15, Leu-18, Phe-19, Val-35, Met-36, Leu-37, Leu-39, Met-51, Met-71, Met-72, and Met-76 in the N-terminal domain of calmodulin, and Ala-88, Val-91, Phe-92, Val-108, Met-109, Leu-112, Phe-141, and Met-145 in its C-terminal domain. The model, and an analogous one of sTnC, can be used to rationalize drug-induced changes in intraprotein NOEs. Issues pertaining to the possible simultaneous binding of calmidazolium to both globular domains of the proteins are discussed in terms of the experimental results and the overall structures of each protein.  相似文献   
AMPA receptors are a family of ligand-gated ion channels that play central roles in rapid neural signaling and in regulation of synaptic strength. Additionally, these receptors are implicated in a number of major psychiatric and neurological diseases. A comprehensive understanding of the roles that AMPA receptors play in the mammalian nervous system has been hampered by the dearth of ligands available to select between individual AMPA receptors subtypes. Here we provide a perspective on opportunities for developing a complete pharmacology for AMPA receptors.  相似文献   
Wolbachia are maternally inherited intracellular bacteria known to manipulate the reproduction of their arthropod hosts. Wolbachia commonly affect the sperm of infected arthropods. Wolbachia-modified sperm cannot successfully fertilize unless the female is infected with the same Wolbachia type. A study of spermatogenesis in the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis reveals that Wolbachia are not required in individual spermatocytes or spermatids to modify sperm. In N. vitripennis, Wolbachia modify nearly all sperm, but are found only in approximately 28% of developing sperm, and are also found in surrounding cyst and sheath cells. In the beetle Chelymorpha alternans, Wolbachia can modify up to 90% of sperm, but were never observed within the developing sperm or within the surrounding cyst cells; they were abundant within the outer testis sheath. We conclude that the residence within a developing sperm is not a prerequisite for Wolbachia-induced sperm modification, suggesting that Wolbachia modification of sperm may occur across multiple tissue membranes or act upstream of spermiogenesis.  相似文献   
Despite the spontaneity of some in vitro protein-folding reactions, native folding in vivo often requires the participation of barrel-shaped multimeric complexes known as chaperonins. Although it has long been known that chaperonin substrates fold upon sequestration inside the chaperonin barrel, the precise mechanism by which confinement within this space facilitates folding remains unknown. We examine the possibility that the chaperonin mediates a favorable reorganization of the solvent for the folding reaction. We discuss the effect of electrostatic charge on solvent-mediated hydrophobic forces in an aqueous environment. Based on these physical arguments, we construct a simple, phenomenological theory for the thermodynamics of density and hydrogen-bond order fluctuations in liquid water. Within the framework of this model, we investigate the effect of confinement inside a chaperonin-like cavity on the configurational free energy of water by calculating solvent free energies for cavities corresponding to the different conformational states in the ATP-driven catalytic cycle of the prokaryotic chaperonin GroEL. Our findings suggest that one function of chaperonins may involve trapping unfolded proteins and subsequently exposing them to a microenvironment in which the hydrophobic effect, a crucial thermodynamic driving force for folding, is enhanced.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that upper airway (UA) pressure and flow modulate respiratory muscle activity in a respiratory phase-specific fashion was assessed in anesthetized, tracheotomized, spontaneously breathing piglets. We generated negative pressure and inspiratory flow in phase with tracheal inspiration or positive pressure and expiratory flow in phase with tracheal expiration in the isolated UA. Stimulation of UA negative pressure receptors with body temperature air resulted in a 10--15% enhancement of phasic moving-time-averaged posterior cricoarytenoid electromyographic (EMG) activity above tonic levels obtained without pressure and flow in the UA (baseline). Stimulation of UA positive pressure receptors increased phasic moving-time-averaged thyroarytenoid EMG activity above tonic levels by 45% from baseline. The same enhancement of posterior cricoarytenoid or thyroarytenoid EMG activity was observed with the addition of flow receptor stimulation with room temperature air. Tidal volume and diaphragmatic and abdominal muscle activity were unaffected by UA flow and/or pressure, whereas respiratory timing was minimally affected. We conclude that laryngeal afferents, mainly from pressure receptors, are important in modulating the respiratory activity of laryngeal muscles.  相似文献   
Nerve growth factor (NGF) overexpression and increased production of peroxynitrite occur in several neurodegenerative diseases. We investigated whether NGF could undergo posttranslational oxidative or nitrative modifications that would modulate its biological activity. Compared to native NGF, peroxynitrite-treated NGF showed an exceptional ability to induce p75(NTR)-dependent motor neuron apoptosis at physiologically relevant concentrations. Whereas native NGF requires an external source of nitric oxide (NO) to induce motor neuron death, peroxynitrite-treated NGF induced motor neuron apoptosis in the absence of exogenous NO. Nevertheless, NO potentiated the apoptotic activity of peroxynitrite-modified NGF. Blocking antibodies to p75(NTR) or downregulation of p75(NTR) expression by antisense treatment prevented motor neuron apoptosis induced by peroxynitrite-treated NGF. We investigated what oxidative modifications were responsible for inducing a toxic gain of function and found that peroxynitrite induced tyrosine nitration in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, peroxynitrite triggered the formation of stable high-molecular-weight oligomers of NGF. Preventing tyrosine nitration by urate abolished the effect of peroxynitrite on NGF apoptotic activity. These results indicate that the oxidation of NGF by peroxynitrite enhances NGF apoptotic activity through p75(NTR) 10,000-fold. To our knowledge, this is the first known posttranslational modification that transforms a neurotrophin into an apoptotic agent.  相似文献   
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