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Vascular remodeling characterized by hyperproliferative neointima formation is an unfavorable repair process that is triggered by vascular damage. This process is characterized by an increased local inflammatory and proliferative response that critically involves the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β). IL-1β is expressed and cytosolically retained as a procytokine that requires additional processing prior to exerting its pro-inflammatory function. Maturation and release of pro IL-1β is governed by a cytosolic protein scaffold that is known as the inflammasome.Here we show that NLRP3 (NOD-like receptor family, pryin domain containing 3), an important activating component of the inflammasome, is involved in neointima formation after vascular injury. NLRP3 deficiency itself does not affect the functional cardiovascular phenotype and does not alter peripheral differential blood counts. However, neointima development following wire injury of the carotid artery was significantly decreased in NLRP3-deficient mice as compared to wild-type controls. In all, NLRP3 plays a non-redundant role in vascular damage mediated neointima formation.Our data establish NLRP3 as a key player in the response to vascular damage, which could open new avenues to therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   
Modern approaches for bioremediation of radionuclide contaminated environments are based on the ability of microorganisms to effectively catalyze changes in the oxidation states of metals that in turn influence their solubility. Although microbial metal reduction has been identified as an effective means for immobilizing highly-soluble uranium(VI) complexes in situ, the biomolecular mechanisms of U(VI) reduction are not well understood. Here, we show that c-type cytochromes of a dissimilatory metal-reducing bacterium, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, are essential for the reduction of U(VI) and formation of extracellular UO(2) nanoparticles. In particular, the outer membrane (OM) decaheme cytochrome MtrC (metal reduction), previously implicated in Mn(IV) and Fe(III) reduction, directly transferred electrons to U(VI). Additionally, deletions of mtrC and/or omcA significantly affected the in vivo U(VI) reduction rate relative to wild-type MR-1. Similar to the wild-type, the mutants accumulated UO(2) nanoparticles extracellularly to high densities in association with an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS). In wild-type cells, this UO(2)-EPS matrix exhibited glycocalyx-like properties and contained multiple elements of the OM, polysaccharide, and heme-containing proteins. Using a novel combination of methods including synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence microscopy and high-resolution immune-electron microscopy, we demonstrate a close association of the extracellular UO(2) nanoparticles with MtrC and OmcA (outer membrane cytochrome). This is the first study to our knowledge to directly localize the OM-associated cytochromes with EPS, which contains biogenic UO(2) nanoparticles. In the environment, such association of UO(2) nanoparticles with biopolymers may exert a strong influence on subsequent behavior including susceptibility to oxidation by O(2) or transport in soils and sediments.  相似文献   
Avian influenza virus (AIV) subtype H5N1 was first discovered in the 1990 s and since then its emergence has become a likely source of a global pandemic and economic loss. Currently accepted gold standard methods of influenza detection, viral culture and rRT-PCR, are time consuming, expensive and require special training and laboratory facilities. A rapid, sensitive, and specific screening method is needed for in-field or bedside testing of AI virus to effectively implement quarantines and medications. Therefore, the objective of this study was to improve the specificity and sensitivity of an impedance biosensor that has been developed for the screening of AIV H5. Three major components of the developed biosensor are immunomagnetic nanoparticles for the separation of AI virus, a microfluidic chip for sample control and an interdigitated microelectrode for impedance measurement. In this study polyclonal antibody against N1 subtype was immobilized on the surface of the microelectrode to specifically bind AIV H5N1 to generate more specific impedance signal and chicken red blood cells (RBC) were used as biolabels to attach to AIV H5N1 captured on the microelectrode to amplify impedance signal. RBC amplification was shown to increase the impedance signal change by more than 100% compared to the protocol without RBC biolabels, and was necessary for forming a linear calibration curve for the biosensor. The use of a second antibody against N1 offered much greater specificity and reliability than the previous biosensor protocol. The biosensor was able to detect AIV H5N1 at concentrations down to 10(3) EID(50)ml(-1) in less than 2h.  相似文献   
Ontogeny and vasculature of viviparous buds in Bolbitis semicordata (Baker) Ching was studied. The bud showed a superficial origin, later developing in to a rhizomatous structure. The bud developed root primordia from a meristematic cell having four cutting faces. Simultaneous with leaf primordial development, the mid-rib of the leaf produces a lateral bundle which later on supplies vasculature to the developing bud. Roots and fronds develop in an alternate manner, the increasing weight causes the bud to hang down and thus roots get established in the soil. Since no sexual reproduction was noticed during viviparous germination, this method may be an alternative in unfavorable conditions to replace the same.  相似文献   
21-hydroxylase gene analysis was performed on the genomic DNA from patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), their siblings, their parents as well as from a healthy individual serving as control. After digestion by the Taq I and Bgl II restriction enzymes, DNA was hybridized with specific nucleotidic probes: pC21a for the 21-hydroxylase genes, pAT-A for the C4 component Complement genes, closely linked to the 21-hydroxylase genes on the 6 chromosome. Likewise the pFB3B probe was used for the B factor gene located 80 kilobases upstream the 21-hydroxylase gene. From this molecular analysis on 11 families, we report here 4 investigations showing the most frequent genetic abnormalities we have encountered: gene deletions, gene conversions and point mutations. These data show that the molecular approach is a powerful tool for studying this endocrine disease at the clinical, genetic and fundamental point of view.  相似文献   
The radiation of neotropical echimyid rodents resulted in the diversification of spiny rats, hutias, and the coypu, grouped into four major clades. Different echimyid lineages specialized for terrestrial, semifossorial, semiaquatic, and arboreal locomotion, and for living in bamboo thickets. Comparative phylogenetic methods were herein used for evaluating the relative effect of historical and ecological factors in shaping morphometric traits of external morphology (length of head and body, tail, ear, and hindfeet). Additionally, we investigated whether the adoption of different locomotory habits was associated with changes in their macroevolutionary dynamics. Our findings showed that variation of all traits was phylogenetically structured, although size was less structured than other traits. Tail, ear, and mainly hindfeet were allometrically correlated with head and body length, indicating the occurrence of evolutionary structural constraints. In addition to phylogenetic and allometric components, morphometric variation was strongly associated with locomotory specializations, except for body size. Disparification of body size and tail length took place gradually, fitting the Brownian motion model albeit with some punctual shifts in evolutionary rates. Some of these shifts were associated with changes in locomotory habits, notably with adoption of a semiaquatic habit by the large‐sized Myocastor lineage, which occurred with an accelerated rate of size evolution. Evolutionary changes in ear and hindfeet length were concentrated during early echimyid diversification, concomitantly with the emergence of most locomotory habits, with subsequent deceleration of evolutionary rates. These findings indicated a complex interaction between phylogenetic, structural, and ecological effects gradually shaping echimyid external morphology.  相似文献   


The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, “Unequal Treatment,” which defines disparities as racially based, indicates that disparities in cancer diagnosis and treatment are less clear. While a number of studies have acknowledged cancer disparities, they have limitations of retrospective nature, small sample sizes, inability to control for covariates, and measurement errors.


The purpose of this study was to examine disparities as predictors of survival among newly diagnosed head and neck cancer patients recruited from 3 hospitals in Michigan, USA, while controlling for a number of covariates (health behaviors, medical comorbidities, and treatment modality).


Longitudinal data were collected from newly diagnosed head and neck cancer patients (N = 634). The independent variables were median household income, education, race, age, sex, and marital status. The outcome variables were overall, cancer-specific, and disease-free survival censored at 5 years. Kaplan-Meier curves and univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards models were performed to examine demographic disparities in relation to survival.


Five-year overall, cancer-specific, and disease-free survival were 65.4% (407/622), 76.4% (487/622), and 67.0% (427/622), respectively. Lower income (HR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.1–2.0 for overall survival; HR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.0–1.9 for cancer-specific survival), high school education or less (HR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.1–1.9 for overall survival; HR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.1–1.9 for cancer-specific survival), and older age in decades (HR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.2–1.7 for overall survival; HR, 1.2; 95% CI, 1.1–1.4 for cancer-specific survival) decreased both overall and disease-free survival rates. A high school education or less (HR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.0–2.1) and advanced age (HR, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1–1.6) were significant independent predictors of poor cancer-specific survival.


Low income, low education, and advanced age predicted poor survival while controlling for a number of covariates (health behaviors, medical comorbidities, and treatment modality). Recommendations from the Institute of Medicine’s Report to reduce disparities need to be implemented in treating head and neck cancer patients.  相似文献   
Summary The human T-cell receptor gamma gene region spans 160 kb genomic DNA. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) have been previously documented for the constant region (TRGC) genes, the joining (TRGJ) segments and the variable (TRGV) genes. We have recently defined the alleles of the T-cell receptor gamma V, J and C genes and we have described seven haplotypes of the V gamma subgroup I genes characterized either by RFLPs or by deletion or insertion of V gamma genes. The number of VI genes may vary from 7 to 10 per haploid genome, the 9-gene haplotype being the most frequent. Allelic fragments can unambiguously characterize the TRGC2 gene with duplication or triplication of the exon 2. These alleles and haplotypes have been analyzed in four different populations (French, Lebanese, Tunisian and Black African). In this paper, we compare these allele and haplotype frequencies with those found in a Chinese population and we describe new TRGV allelic restriction fragments found only in the Chinese samples. These results and the previous data demonstrate the flexibility of the human T cell receptor gamma locus and the importance of unequal crossing-overs in the evolution of that locus. Moreover, they underline the importance of studying these polymorphisms in population genetics.  相似文献   
Metal hyperaccumulator plants like Alyssum murale are used for phytoremediation of Ni contaminated soils. Soil microorganisms are known to play an important role in nutrient acquisition for plants, however, little is known about the rhizosphere microorganisms of hyperaccumulators. Fresh and dry weight, and Ni and Fe concentrations in plant shoots were higher when A. murale was grown in non-sterilized compared to sterilized soils. The analysis of microbial populations in the rhizosphere of A. murale and in bulk soils demonstrated that microbial numbers were affected by the presence of the plant. Significantly higher numbers of culturable actinomycetes, bacteria and fungi were found in the rhizosphere compared to bulk soil. A higher percent of Ni-resistant bacteria were also found in the rhizosphere compared to bulk soil. Percentage of acid producing bacteria was higher among the rhizosphere isolates compared to isolates from bulk soil. However, proportions of siderophore producing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria were not affected by the presence of the plant. We hypothesize that microbes in the rhizosphere of A. murale were capable of reducing soil pH leading to an increase in metal uptake by this hyperaccumulator.  相似文献   
Mammalian cell cultures are integral to the production of therapeutic and diagnostic proteins. A common problem encountered in culturing these cell lines, however, is a loss in viability at later stages of the cell culture process. In this study the effects of three newly synthesized chemical caspase inhibitors were investigated for their capacity to inhibit cell death. Findings show that these protease inhibitors were successful in prolonging cellular viabilities among anchorage-dependent CHO-K1 and HEK-293 cells lines. Cells treated with one inhibitor, 7312, performed as well or better when compared with the commercially known caspase inhibitor, zVAD.fmk. Suspension CHO cells producing an IgG were used to investigate the capacity of 7312 to improve protein production. Treatment of cells with 7312 increased integrated cell densities by 33% with treated cells having a higher maximum cell density and higher viability. As a result, monoclonal antibody titers increased by 20% and higher in spinner flask experiments. Increasing productivity in mammalian cell cultures has key implications for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors, which are presently focused on developing methods to enhance cell performance in bioreactor environments.  相似文献   
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