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软骨的修复是当前医学界十分棘手的难题,人们采取若干手段均收效甚微。由于软骨缺损时,其下的软骨下骨常出现硬化、退变,而新生软骨是无法与病变的软骨下骨进行整合的,所以在修复软骨的同时,必须重视软骨下骨的修复。近十几年来,人们开始发明和利用各种骨软骨复合支架,进行同时修复软骨与软骨下骨的动物实验研究。在正常骨软骨组织中,软骨与软骨下骨被钙化层所相连,此外钙化层也将软骨与软骨下骨分隔在不同的生存环境中。根据仿生学原理,人们又设计出一种带有隔离层的新型骨软骨复合支架,并取得了较为理想的实验结果。本文就国内外骨软骨复合支架的研完进展作一综述。  相似文献   
小麦HMW-GS1Dx5基因的克隆及其特异性表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
显微切割了普通小麦钢82-122(Triticumaestivum2n=42)具有1Dx5+1Dy10亚基的1D染色体长臂端,利用PCR扩增得到了HMW-GS1Dx5亚基的5(端400bp序列片段.以此作为探针从基因的组织特异性和特定发育阶段的表达两个方面研究了HMW-GS1Dx5基因表达的规律.结果表明,干种子及萌发种子中存在此基因,而在发育的幼苗中此基因未表达.HMW-GS1Dx5基因可能从开花初期开始表达.HMW-GS1Dx5基因在籽粒成熟期表达,然而在营养器官如叶片中未表达,其表达存在组织特异性.HMW-GS1Dx5基因在蜡熟期籽粒表达水平最高,其次是乳熟期籽粒.从开花15d至蜡熟期籽粒,表达趋于增加.开花15d其mRNA水平是蜡熟期籽粒mRNA的28%,灌浆期为40%、乳熟期为72%、完熟期为54%.这为进一步研究其表达调控和改善小麦品质打下基础  相似文献   
新型表达载体 pEC34 试用于人 γ 干扰素基因的高表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
构建了一个新的双顺反子表达载体pEC34,它的第一个顺反子是已高表达的era基因的部分序列,并带有原核翻译增强子。当检测pEC34的可用性时,获得了人γ-干扰素的极高表达。目的蛋白占菌体总蛋白的85.5%,诱导后经SDS-PAGE分析,出现分子量为15.5kDa左右的蛋白表达带。Western blot结果证实为人γ-干扰素。无压力传代30次表达质粒仍然稳定,表明pEC34可能用作真核蛋白质高表达  相似文献   
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease with gradual loss of dopaminergic neurons. Despite extensive research in the past decades, the etiology of PD remains elusive. Nevertheless, multiple lines of evidence suggest that oxidative stress is one of the common causes in the pathogenesis of PD. It has also been suggested that heavy metal-associated oxidative stress may be implicated in the etiology and pathogenesis of PD. Here we review the roles of redox metals, including iron, copper and cobalt, in PD. Iron is a highly reactive element and deregulation of iron homeostasis is accompanied by concomitant oxidation processes in PD. Copper is a key metal in cell division process, and it has been shown to have an important role in neurodegenerative diseases such as PD. Cobalt induces the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and DNA damage in brain tissues.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic N-terminal domain of the human ether-a-go-go related gene (hERG) K+ channel is critical for the slow deactivation kinetics of the channel. However, the mechanism(s) by which the N-terminal domain regulates deactivation remains to be determined. Here we show that the solution NMR structure of the N-terminal 135 residues of hERG contains a previously described Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain (residues 26-135) as well as an amphipathic α-helix (residues 13-23) and an initial unstructured segment (residues 2-9). Deletion of residues 2-25, only the unstructured segment (residues 2-9) or replacement of the α-helix with a flexible linker all result in enhanced rates of deactivation. Thus, both the initial flexible segment and the α-helix are required but neither is sufficient to confer slow deactivation kinetics. Alanine scanning mutagenesis identified R5 and G6 in the initial flexible segment as critical for slow deactivation. Alanine mutants in the helical region had less dramatic phenotypes. We propose that the PAS domain is bound close to the central core of the channel and that the N-terminal α-helix ensures that the flexible tail is correctly orientated for interaction with the activation gating machinery to stabilize the open state of the channel.  相似文献   
Expression vectors of human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSG) and long acting tissue plasminogen activator (La-tPA) in mammary gland were constructed using promoters of mouse whey acid protein gene (WAP) and sheep β-lactoglobulin gene (BLG) with sizes of 2.6 and 5 kb respectively. Two kinds of transgenic mice of G-CSF and La-tPA were produced with microinjection. The expression of G-CSF and La-tPA was achieved in mammary glands of transgenic mice, respectively. In order to establish dual transgenic mice of La-tPA /G-CSF, transgenic mice carrying G-CSF and La-tPA gene characterized with specific expression in mammary gland were mated. La-tPA/G-CSF dual transgenic mice were screened out from the hybrid offspring by Once-PCR. The co-expression of La-tPA and G-CSF in mammary gland of the dual transgenic mice was confirmed by the milk assayed and Northern blot analysis. Some parameters about the dual transgenic mice indicated that there were fewer litters than that of normal mice. The ratio of dual transgenes was 46.1% in F1 generation, and offspring’s sex ratio was normal. Hence a dual transgenic mouse model was established for the study of co-expression foreign proteins in mammary gland.  相似文献   
通过花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ染色体配对构型分析、Giemsa C-分带,从普通小麦-大赖草第7条染色体二体异附加系自交后代中选育并鉴定出了93G51-9和93G52-8 2个等臂染色体异附加系。该异附加系在花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ,其等臂染色体自身两臂配对频率高,染色体易发生断裂,且又携带有较抗赤霉病的基因,是向小麦转移大赖草赤霉病抗性基因的有用中间材料。  相似文献   
氮磷肥配施对冬小麦灌浆期光合参数及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在西北绿洲生态条件下, 实验设4个处理, 即165(N1)和225 kg·hm-2(N2)2个氮素(纯氮)水平及105(P1)和165 kg·hm-2(P2)2个磷素(P2O5)水平, 研究了氮磷肥配施对冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)品种临抗2号光合特性及产量的影响。结果表明, 低氮(165 kg·hm-2)处理组的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)及蒸腾速率(Tr)日变化均呈双峰曲线, 有光合“午休”现象; 高氮(225 kg·hm-2)处理可减弱甚至使光合“午休”现象消失; 高磷(165 kg·hm-2)和低磷(105 kg·hm-2)处理对光合特性的影响差异不显著。N2P2具有最高的群体叶面积指数(LAI)、群体光合速率(CAP)、穗粒数、亩穗数、千粒重及产量, 且与N1P1和N1P2的差异均达显著水平, 与N2P1则无显著差异。但N2P2水分利用效率(WUE)低于N2P1, 显著高于N1P1和N1P2 (N1P1高于N1P2, 但无显著差异)。氮肥对光合“午休”的影响大于磷肥, 二者互作效应差异不显著。该实验条件下, 当N、P分别为225和105 kg·hm-2时有利于提高冬小麦的光合速率及产量。  相似文献   
用呼吸道合胞病毒R6(武汉地方株)活毒滴鼻加用戍二醛固定的病毒感染的Hela细胞免疫BALB/C鼠,取脾细胞与小鼠骨髓瘤SP_2/0细胞融合,培育出分泌抗呼吸道合胞病毒单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞13株,这些细胞的染色体数为94至104条,其分泌的抗体分别属于鼠IgC_1、IgG_(2a)、IgG_(2b)亚类。腹水荧光抗体滴度为1:10000~1:100000。其中五株单抗有中和病毒作用,尤其是两株中和放价达1:128。应用免疫转印法证实了这些单抗分别能识别RSV6种主要结构蛋白,用7株识别不同病毒结构蛋白的单抗对12株合胞病毒进行抗原性分析,可将这些病毒区分为二个血清型,即A亚型和B亚型。  相似文献   
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