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观察了20位志愿者在接种试验性流行性出血热(EHF)地鼠肾细胞(GHKC)双价灭活疫苗后的细胞免疫反应,并以其体液免疫反应作对照观察。用淋巴细胞转化试验测定细胞免疫水平。结果首针疫苗接种后42天和56天,特异性刺激指数(SSI)和非特异性刺激指数(NSI)均较免疫前显著增高(P_(SSI)<0.001;P_(NSI)<0.02),免疫后SSI累计阳转率为100%,NSI累计阳转率为60%,免疫后6个月二者均降低至正常水平。免疫后56天测定抗体,荧光抗体阳转率为100%;微量感染性中和试验表明,针对家鼠型病毒L99株中和抗体阳转率为95%,而针对野鼠型病毒JR株阳转率为65%。  相似文献   
Since the first human case of H5N1 avian influenza virus infection was reported in 1997, this highly pathogenic virus has infected hundreds of people around the world and resulted in many deaths. The ability of H5N1 to cross species boundaries, and the presence of polymorphisms that enhance virulence, present challenges to developing clear strategies to prevent the pandemic spread of this highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus. This review summarizes the current understanding of, and recent research on, the avian influenza H5N1 virus, including transmission, virulence, pathogenesis, clinical characteristics, treatment and prevention.  相似文献   
The tumour susceptibility gene 101 (TSG101) is reported to play important roles in the development and progression of several human cancers. However, its potential roles and underlined mechanisms in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are still needed to be further clarified. In the present study, we reported that knock down of TSG101 suppressed the proliferation, migration and invasion of HCC cells, while overexpression of TSG101 facilitated them. Molecularly, the results revealed that knock down of TSG101 significantly decreased the cell cycle related regulatory factor p53 and p21. In another point, knock down of TSG101 also obviously decreased the level of metallopeptidase inhibitor TIMP1 (Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases 1), which results in inhibition of MMP2, MMP7 and MMP9. In contrast, overexpression of TSG101 had opposite effects. The iTRAQ proteomics analysis identified that oncogenic protein PEG10 (Paternally expressed gene 10) might be a potential downstream target of TSG101. Further investigation showed that TSG101 interacted with PEG10 and protected it from proteasomal degradation thereby regulating the expression of p53, p21 and MMPs. Finally, we found that both TSG101 and PEG10 proteins are up‐regulated and presented a direct correlation in HCC patients. In conclusion, these results suggest that TSG101 is up‐regulated in human HCC patients, which may accelerate the proliferation, migration and invasion of HCC cells through regulating PEG10.  相似文献   
Encroachment of woody plants into grasslands is a global phenomenon that has substantial impacts on pastoral productivity and ecosystem services. Over the past half century, pastoralists and land management agencies have explored various options to control woody plants in order to improve ecosystem services in shrub‐encroached grasslands. We examined the effectiveness of controlling the encroachment of the shrub Caragana microphylla into grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. We cut and removed all of the aboveground biomass from 450 shrubs, predicting that the effectiveness of this technique to control shrubs would depend on shrub morphology. Specifically, we expected that larger shrubs with more biomass would be more difficult to kill by cutting than smaller shrubs. A year after treatment, we found that cutting killed only 11% of the 450 treated shrubs, and of these, three‐quarters of the locations that they occupied reverted to grasses and one‐quarter to bare soil. Shrubs that survived the cutting treatment produced more stems and leaf biomass, and therefore had a greater leaf to stem ratio. Shrubs that died after cutting had a lower crown area and basal area, and less stem biomass than shrubs that resprouted within 12 months of cutting. There were no effects of shrub height on the fate of treated shrubs. Cutting had no effect on understory plant cover or richness, but reproductive plants were taller under shrubs that were not cut. Overall, our study showed that removing aboveground shrub biomass by cutting is an ineffective technique for “restoring” the original grassland community unless shrubs are very small. Strategic targeting of small shrubs would be a more effective technique for controlling the spread of C. microphylla in the long term.  相似文献   
星形柄裸藻与附生宿主之间的相互作用为:它是偏利者,而对宿主无很大影响;当其在宿主体表大量附着时,才对宿主有偏害作用。它的种群密度(N,个/L)与宿主密度(Na,个/L)有密切的正相关关系:N=0.0858e0.0528Na(r=0921,pT,天)对星形柄裸藻的平均附着量(m,个/每个甲壳动物)和附着量(B,个/L)的影响是:在一定的蜕皮间隔时间范围内呈正相关性:m=aebT和B=aebT(a和b为方程常数,下同);超过这个范围呈负相关性:m=aT-b和B=aT-b。而宿主蜕皮间隔时间(T,天)对星形柄裸藻附着率(R,%)的影响则仅为正相关性:R=a+blnT。星形柄裸藻对宿主的附生有一定的选择性。水温(t,℃)与星形柄裸藻种群密度(N,个/L)的关系为:在5-12℃时呈正相关性,N=0.309e0.624t(r=0.914,pN=0.0000617e190.2/t(r=0.941,pR,%)的影响则仅呈负相关关系:R=bln(30-t)-a。水的透明度(d,cm)与星形柄裸藻种群密度(N,个/L)的相关方程为:N=0.020e0.037d(r=0.838,pS,mg/L)与种群密度(N,个/L)有一定的正相关性:N=0.00254e0.178S(r=0.816,pN,个/L)与4个主要因子:宿主密度(N,个/L),透明度(d,cm),水温(t,℃),含钙量(S,mg/L)的多元回归方程为:N=1.208Na+0.698d+5.584t+2.942S-357.957(R=0.853,df=11,k=4,p<0.01)。    相似文献   
锦天牛属阳茎内囊结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴蔚文  石旺鹏 《昆虫学报》1999,42(2):172-175
采用显微解剖和冰冻组织切片方法研究锦天牛属Acalolepta三种天牛阳茎内囊的结构,发现内囊骨化结构物,尤其端部骨化结构物,及其控制内囊伸缩的加厚侧带和有聚集精子作用的射精管壶腹结构,在探讨天牛科分类和系统发育上均具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Conversion of 3-hydroxypropionate (3HP) from 1,3-propanediol (PDO) was improved by expressing dehydratase gene (dhaT) and aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (aldD) of Pseudomonas putida KT2442 under the promoter of phaCAB operon from Ralstonia eutropha H16. Expression of these genes in Aeromonas hydrophila 4AK4 produced up to 21 g/L 3HP in a fermentation process. To synthesize homopolymer poly(3-hydroxypropionate) (P3HP), and copolymer poly(3-hydroxypropionate-co-3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HP4HB), dhaT and aldD were expressed in E. coli together with the phaC1 gene encoding polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthase gene of Ralstonia eutropha, and pcs' gene encoding the ACS domain of the tri-functional propionyl-CoA ligase (PCS) of Chloroflexus aurantiacus. Up to 92 wt% P3HP and 42 wt% P3HP4HB were produced by the recombinant Escherichia coli grown on PDO and a mixture of PDO+1,4-butanediol (BD), respectively.  相似文献   
East Lake (Lake Donghu), located in Wuhan, China, is a typical city freshwater lake that has been experiencing eutrophic conditions and algal blooming during recent years. Marine and fresh water are considered to contain a large number of viruses. However, little is known about their genetic diversity because of the limited techniques for culturing viruses. In this study, we conducted a viral metagenomic analysis using a high-throughput sequencing technique with samples collected from East Lake in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. The libraries from four samples each generated 234,669, 71,837, 12,820, and 34,236 contigs (> 90 bp each), respectively. The genetic structure of the viral community revealed a high genetic diversity covering 23 viral families, with the majority of contigs homologous to DNA viruses, including members of Myoviridae, Podoviridae, Siphoviridae, Phycodnaviridae, and Microviridae, which infect bacteria or algae, and members of Circoviridae, which infect invertebrates and vertebrates. The highest viral genetic diversity occurred in samples collected in August, then December and June, and the least diversity in March. Most contigs have low-sequence identities with known viruses. PCR detection targeting the conserved sequences of genes (g20, psbA, psbD, and DNApol) of cyanophages further confirmed that there are novel cyanophages in the East Lake. Our viral metagenomic data provide the first preliminary understanding of the virome in one freshwater lake in China and would be helpful for novel virus discovery and the control of algal blooming in the future.  相似文献   
半干旱黄土高原地区春小麦地膜覆盖研究概述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在黄土高原半干旱地区春小麦上进行的地膜覆盖试验表明,地膜覆盖通过改善耕层土壤生态环境条件,即通过改善水,热状况,活化土壤养分,对提高水分和养分利用效率,实现粮食增产具有重要作用,但近年来在生产实践和科学实验中发现,不合理的长期全生育期地膜覆盖,因在作物生长前期和中期覆膜作物较不覆膜作物生长好,覆膜作物在生长期水分蒸腾损失严重,土壤水分的蒸散(蒸发+蒸腾)损失远比不覆膜土壤严重,在作物生长后期降水少或没有补充灌溉时,会产生严重的水分肋迫现象,显著抑制小穗分化和灌浆,最终导致收获得指数和产量下降,同时,地膜覆盖的增产作用在一定程度上是以耗竭土壤肥力,特别是在有机物质为代 的,因此,不正确的地膜覆盖(如全生育期的地膜覆盖),不仅有时起不到显著的增产作用,而且易造成土壤养分,特别是土壤中硝态氮的累积和损失,肥料利用效率降低,土壤生态条件恶化,下降,难以持续高产,因此在确定地膜覆盖范式时,必须要考虑底墒,作物生育期降水,地膜覆盖的阶段性和氮肥的施用等。  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted in artificial stream tanks with juvenile Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, captured in the Yangtze Estuary to test two null hypotheses (1) juveniles have no preference for white or black substrates, and (2) white or black substrate color has no effect on juvenile feeding efficiency on the barcheek goby,Rhinogobius giurinus, a dark-colored prey of wild juveniles. Juveniles strongly preferred white substrate. However, in feeding tests, feeding efficiency by juveniles was similar on white or black substrates. Thus, substrate color had no effect on feeding efficiency. Results suggest the innate preference for white substrate is not a visual adaptation for capturing prey on a contrasting background, but is an adaptation predisposing juveniles to seek light-colored sandy substrate where forage abundance is greatest.  相似文献   
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