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Populations of Arenaria uniflora exhibit intraspecific variation in floral size and degree of protandry in association with the evolution of self-pollination. Heterochrony, or a simple change in the absolute timing or rate of developmental events, is proposed as the evolutionary mechanism underlying the origin of the small, self-pollinating flowers from their large, outcrossing progenitors. Inflorescence growth in two autogamous populations and their related outcrossing progenitors was studied to provide the temporal data necessary for testing the hypothesis of heterochrony. All four races showed significant variation in the growth and mature length of inflorescence organs. Inflorescences of selfing races were smaller, and had slower relative growth rates and a two-fold increase in the plastochron relative to outcrossing populations. The large-flowered races were both significantly protandrous. A more detailed growth analysis of flower development in two races indicated that the selfing flowers develop at a slower rate and for a longer duration relative to outcrossing flowers. The implications of these temporal changes in floral ontogeny for the heterochronic origin of self-pollinating floral forms are considered.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC8 gene and its product.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
Discovery of the CYP107Z subfamily of cytochrome P450 oxidases (CYPs) led to an alternative biocatalytic synthesis of 4'-oxo-avermectin, a key intermediate for the commercial production of the semisynthetic insecticide emamectin. However, under industrial process conditions, these wild-type CYPs showed lower yields due to side product formation. Molecular evolution employing GeneReassembly was used to improve the regiospecificity of these enzymes by a combination of random mutagenesis, protein structure-guided site-directed mutagenesis, and recombination of multiple natural and synthetic CYP107Z gene fragments. To assess the specificity of CYP mutants, a miniaturized, whole-cell biocatalytic reaction system that allowed high-throughput screening of large numbers of variants was developed. In an iterative process consisting of four successive rounds of GeneReassembly evolution, enzyme variants with significantly improved specificity for the production of 4'-oxo-avermectin were identified; these variants could be employed for a more economical industrial biocatalytic process to manufacture emamectin.  相似文献   
Peptide YY (PYY) and ghrelin (GHR) may modulate one another's actions within the hypothalamus. Peripheral infusion of PYY in humans acutely suppresses circulating concentrations of GHR. Whether an association between PYY and GHR exists in the peripheral circulation of humans over 24 h is unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine if circulating concentrations of PYY and GHR were significantly associated over 24 h in humans. Participants (n = 13) were normal weight, moderately active, women ages 18–24 yr. Blood samples were obtained q10 min for 24 h and assayed using RIA for total PYY and total GHR hourly from 0800 to 1000 h and 2000 to 0800 h and q20 min from 1000 to 2000 h. Dietary intake during the 24 h procedure was comprised of 55% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 15% protein (three meals and a snack). Statistical analyses included linear mixed-effects modeling to test whether PYY predicted GHR concentrations over 24 h. Participants weighed 57.0 ± 1.5 kg and had 26.1 ± 1.5% body fat (15.0 ± 1.1 kg), 42.1 ± 1.1 kg fat free mass, a BMI of 21.3 ± 0.5 kg/m2 and RMR of 1072 ± 28 kcal/24 h. Visually, PYY and GHR exhibited an inverse association over nearly the entire 24 h period. Statistically, circulating concentrations of 24 h PYY predicted 24 h GHR (ghrelin = 1860.51–2.14*PYY; p = 0.04). Circulating concentrations of PYY are inversely associated with GHR over 24 h. These data provide evidence that PYY may contribute to the modulation of the secretion of GHR in normal weight, premenopausal women over a 24 h period and supports similar inferences from experimental studies in animals and humans.  相似文献   
High-throughput analyses that are central to microbial systems biology and ecophysiology research benefit from highly homogeneous and physiologically well-defined cell cultures. While attention has focused on the technical variation associated with high-throughput technologies, biological variation introduced as a function of cell cultivation methods has been largely overlooked. This study evaluated the impact of cultivation methods, controlled batch or continuous culture in bioreactors versus shake flasks, on the reproducibility of global proteome measurements in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Variability in dissolved oxygen concentration and consumption rate, metabolite profiles, and proteome was greater in shake flask than controlled batch or chemostat cultures. Proteins indicative of suboxic and anaerobic growth (e.g., fumarate reductase and decaheme c-type cytochromes) were more abundant in cells from shake flasks compared to bioreactor cultures, a finding consistent with data demonstrating that “aerobic” flask cultures were O2 deficient due to poor mass transfer kinetics. The work described herein establishes the necessity of controlled cultivation for ensuring highly reproducible and homogenous microbial cultures. By decreasing cell to cell variability, higher quality samples will allow for the interpretive accuracy necessary for drawing conclusions relevant to microbial systems biology research.  相似文献   
Hard rock quarries are commonly located close to national parks and special areas of conservation and are generally regarded as visually intrusive. Consequently, restoration strategies that effectively accelerate natural plant regeneration processes are required. Slate waste tips present extreme conditions for plant establishment with multiple potential limiting factors (e.g., lack of organic matter, nutrients, and poor water retention). In this study, we investigated ecological strategies to accelerate natural regeneration at the largest slate quarry in Europe. A field experiment was conducted to assess ecosystem restoration using a contrasting set of native woody species. Treatments included amendments of waste tips with: polyacrylamide gel to increase water‐holding capacity; mineral fertilizer to increase nutrient supply; and two treatments that increased both (organic waste or boulder clay addition). Ecosystem recovery was evaluated through above‐ and below‐ground productivity (plant and microbial, respectively) and soil analyses. Neither increasing nutrient supply (with mineral fertilizer) nor water‐holding capacity (with polyacrylamide gel) was sufficient, alone, to improve plant establishment. However, both boulder clay and organic waste amendment significantly enhanced plant growth. There was a marked positive interaction in the effects on tree growth of the amendment with organic waste and boulder clay. Large interactions occurred between tree species and substrate amendments. The growth of N2‐fixing species was strongly favored over non‐fixers where there was no addition of material increasing soil nitrogen supply, whereas the growth advantage of pioneer species over non‐pioneers was greatest with fertilizer, organic waste, or clay additions. Organic waste addition had the greatest positive impact on soil processes.  相似文献   
Species' ranges are shifting globally in response to climate warming, with substantial variability among taxa, even within regions. Relationships between range dynamics and intrinsic species traits may be particularly apparent in the ocean, where temperature more directly shapes species' distributions. Here, we test for a role of species traits and climate velocity in driving range extensions in the ocean‐warming hotspot of southeast Australia. Climate velocity explained some variation in range shifts, however, including species traits more than doubled the variation explained. Swimming ability, omnivory and latitudinal range size all had positive relationships with range extension rate, supporting hypotheses that increased dispersal capacity and ecological generalism promote extensions. We find independent support for the hypothesis that species with narrow latitudinal ranges are limited by factors other than climate. Our findings suggest that small‐ranging species are in double jeopardy, with limited ability to escape warming and greater intrinsic vulnerability to stochastic disturbances.  相似文献   
N R Mattatall  L M Cameron  B C Hill 《Biochemistry》2001,40(44):13331-13341
Cytochrome aa3-600 or menaquinol oxidase, from Bacillus subtilis, is a member of the heme-copper oxidase family. Cytochrome aa3-600 contains cytochrome a, cytochrome a3, and CuB, and each is coordinated via histidine residues to subunit I. Subunit II of cytochrome aa3-600 lacks CuA, which is a common feature of the cytochrome c oxidase family members. Anaerobic reduction of cytochrome aa3-600 by the substrate analogue 2,3-dimethyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (DMN) resolves two distinct kinetic phases by stopped-flow, single-wavelength spectrometry. Global analysis of time-resolved, multiwavelength spectra shows that during these distinct phases cytochromes a and a3 are both reduced. Cyanide binding to cytochrome a3 enhances the fast phase rate, which in the presence of cyanide can be assigned to cytochrome a reduction, whereas cytochrome a3-cyanide reduction is slow. The steady-state activity of cytochrome aa3-600 exhibits saturation kinetics as a function of DMN concentration with a Km of 300 microM and a maximal turnover of 63.5 s(-1). Global kinetic analysis of steady-state spectra reveals a species that is characteristic of a partially reduced oxygen adduct of cytochrome a3-CuB, whereas cytochrome a remains oxidized. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of the oxidase in the steady state shows the expected signal from ferricytochrome a, and a new EPR signal at g = 2.01. A model of the catalytic cycle for cytochrome aa3-600 proposes initial electron delivery from DMN to cytochrome a, followed by rapid heme to heme electron transfer, and suggests possible origins of the radical signal in the steady-state form of the enzyme.  相似文献   
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