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In neurons, tubulin is synthesized primarily in the cell body, whereas the molecular machinery for neurite extension and elaboration of microtubule (MT) array is localized to the growth cone region. This unique functional and biochemical compartmentalization of neuronal cells requires transport mechanisms for the delivery of newly synthesized tubulin and other cytoplasmic components from the cell body to the growing axon. According to the polymer transport model, tubulin is transported along the axon as a polymer. Because the majority of axonal MTs are stationary at any given moment, it has been assumed that only a small fraction of MTs translocates along the axon by saltatory movement reminiscent of the fast axonal transport. Such intermittent "stop and go" MT transport has been difficult to detect or to exclude by using direct video microscopy methods. In this study, we measured the translocation of MT plus ends in the axonal shaft by expressing GFP-EB1 in Xenopus embryo neurons in culture. Formal quantitative analysis of MT assembly/disassembly indicated that none of the MTs in the axonal shaft were rapidly transported. Our results suggest that transport of axonal MTs is not required for delivery of newly synthesized tubulin to the growing nerve processes.  相似文献   
GC-MS of trimethylsilyl derivatives of the compounds present in the butanolic extract of biomass of brown seaweed Colpomenia peregrina from the Black Sea aided in identification of 24 components, including aliphatic hydroxy and keto and aromatic acids, glycerol, mannitol, floridoside, and monosaccharides. The polysaccharide composition of the biomass was also studied, with high sodium alginate and laminaran contents and a comparatively low level of fucoidan being revealed. The polysaccharides were isolated from the biomass by fractional extraction and purified by precipitation or ion exchange chromatography. The structures of alginic acid and laminaran were deduced from 13C NMR spectra and confirmed, in the case of laminaran, by methylation analysis. The sodium alginate was shown to contain more guluronic (G) than mannuronic acid (M) residues, the M/G ratio being 0.48. Laminaran was demonstrated to be a -glucan with 1 3 linkages in its backbone and 1 6 linkages in its branching points, which is characteristic of brown algae. Fucoidan turned out to be a complex heteropolysaccharide containing, in addition to fucose and sulfate, other neutral monosaccharides and uronic acids.  相似文献   
Amino acid residues His and Cys of the NAD-dependent hydrogenase from the hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium Ralstonia eutropha H16 were chemically modified with specific reagents. The modification of His residues of the nonactivated hydrogenase resulted in decrease in both hydrogenase and diaphorase activities of the enzyme. Activation of NADH hydrogenase under anaerobic conditions additionally modified a His residue (or residues) significant only for the hydrogenase activity. The rate of decrease in the diaphorase activity was unchanged. The modification of thiol groups of the nonactivated enzyme did not affect the hydrogenase activity. The effect of thiol-modifying agents on the activated hydrogenase was accompanied by inactivation of both diaphorase and hydrogenase activities. The modification degree and changes in the corresponding catalytic activities depended on conditions of the enzyme activation. Data on the modification of cysteine and histidine residues of the hydrogenase suggested that the enzyme activation should be associated with significant conformational changes in the protein globule.  相似文献   
Acid phosphatases differing in both subcellular localization and substrate specificity were isolated for the first time from the liver of the freshwater snail Viviparus viviparus L. by preparative isoelectrofocusing. One of five characterized phosphatases is highly specific to ADP and the others can hydrolyze (at variable rate) a series of natural substrates. A scheme is proposed for the involvement of the studied phosphatases in carbohydrate metabolism. We have also studied some peculiarities of the effect of Cd2+ in vitro and in vivo on the activities of individual components of the acid phosphatase complex and corresponding changes in metabolism of the freshwater snail as a new test-object allowing the estimation of toxicity in water.  相似文献   
Chromosome C-banding patterns were analyzed in three closely related flax species (Linum usitatissimum L., 2n = 30; L. angustifolium Huds., 2n = 30; and L. bienne Mill., 2n = 30) and their hybrids. In each case, the karyotype included metacentrics, submetacentrics, and one or two satellite chromosomes. Chromosomes of the three flax species were similar in morphology, size (1-3 microns), and C-banding pattern and slightly differed in size of heterochromatic regions. In all accessions, a large major site of ribosomal genes was revealed by hybridization in the pericentric region of a large metacentric. A minor 45S rDNA site was observed on a small chromosome in L. usitatissimum and L. bienne and on a medium-sized chromosome in L. angustifolium. Upon silver staining, a nucleolus-organizing region (NOR) was detected on a large chromosome in all species. In L. angustifolium, an Ag-NOR band was sometimes seen on a medium-sized chromosome. In the karyotypes of interspecific hybrids, silver-stained rDNA loci were observed on satellite chromosomes of both parental species. RAPD analysis with 22 primers revealed a high similarity of the three species. The greatest difference was observed between L. angustifolium and the other two species. The RAPD patterns of L. bienne and L. usitatissimum differed in fewer fragments. A dendrogram of genetic similarity was constructed for the three flax species on the basis of their RAPD patterns. Genome analysis with chromosome and molecular markers showed that L. bienne must be considered as a subspecies of L. usitatissimum rather than a separate species. The three species were assumed to originate from a common ancestor, L. angustifolium being closest to it.  相似文献   
There are debates about the function of the two main central brain structures of insects--mushroom bodies and the central complex--in the control of motor co-ordination and triggering of different behaviour programs including sound production. To throw additional light onto this problem we analysed the parameters of the love song produced by 5-day old males courting for 5 minutes a fertilised CS female at 25 degrees C, in two wild-type strains of Drosophila melanogaster (Berlin and CS), hydroxyurea (HU)-treated flies (chemical ablation of the mushroom bodies) two mushroom body mutants (mbm1 and mud1), two central complex mutants (ccbKS127 and cexKS181) and a mutant cxbN71 with defects both in the mushroom bodies and in the central complex. It was found that the love song of HU-treated flies devoid of the mushroom bodies is very similar to that of wild-type flies. In mbm1 and mud1 the main parameters of the song (interpulse interval, IPI, and train duration) are slightly shifted from those of wild type but the sharpness of tuning of the pulse oscillator is the same. The flies of all these strains are equal to wild-type strains in mating success (% of copulations with virgins in 10-min test). On the contrary, the songs of the central complex mutants differ from those of wild-type flies. First of all, the sharpness of tuning of the pulse oscillator is destroyed,--the IPIs become highly variable. The pulses often are much longer and polycyclic as in well known cacophony mutant. The mean duration of pulse trains is much shorter. The males of the mutant cexKS181 usually court violently, but in most cases abnormal sounds are produced. Both cexKS181 and ccbKS127 males are much less successful in matings in comparison to wild-type flies. One can conclude that the central complex plays probably a very important role in the control of singing, whereas the mushroom bodies are practically not involved in this function.  相似文献   
The authors studied postural responses to bilateral vibratory stimulation (70 Hz, 1 mm, 2 s) of the calf triceps proprioceptors or anterior tibial muscles. Anteroposterior body tilts evoked by vibration were recorded by stabilography. The authors compared the values of postural responses under various conditions of visual control, namely, with normal vision, eyes closed, right–left inversion of the visual space by prismatic spectacles, central vision, and diffuse light. Visual inversion influenced the subjects' proprioceptive postural responses. The amplitude of vibration-evoked shifts of the feet pressure center was minimal with eyes open and significantly increased with eyes closed and inverted vision. Postural responses with visual inversion were significantly stronger than with eyes closed. Since inversion spectacles enabled a subject to see only the central part of the visual field (20°), the reference point was the condition of central vision, i.e., spectacles with same visual angle and without prisms. Postural responses were significantly weaker under these conditions than with visual inversion and eyes closed. Visual field inversion by prismatic spectacles made it impossible to use visual information for stabilizing the human upright posture and, moreover, destabized it. True, this holds only for a randomized experimental protocol, which prevents adaptation to prisms.  相似文献   
There is a strong association between seronegative arthritis and HLA B27, but it is still unresolved whether the contribution of B27 to disease pathogenesis is solely as a restriction element for an arthritogenic peptide, or whether B27 itself serves as an autoantigen. This study uses transgenic rats to address the question as to whether exposure to an arthritogenic pathogen can alter tolerance to B27. Unlike their nontransgenic counterparts, B27-transgenic rats are tolerant of B27 immunization using either B27(+) splenocytes or plasmid DNA and do not develop anti-B27 CTL. However, if splenocytes from such immunized animals are exposed to Chlamydia in vitro, CTL are generated that lyse B27(+) targets. No killing was seen with targets transfected with control B7, B14, B40, or B44. This phenomenon was not observed with immunization by nontransgenic splenocytes, or HLA-A2 DNA alone. Using targets expressing mutated B27, we show that the epitope for autoreactive CTL recognition of B27 involves the Lys(70) amino acid residue in the alpha(1) domain of the MHC class I molecule. The generation of CTL with specificity for B27 under these conditions demonstrates that tolerance to B27 can be subverted by CHLAMYDIA: This indicates a dynamic interrelationship between the pathogen and B27, which may have important implications for B27-related spondyloarthropathies triggered by intracellular bacteria.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of the brown alga Cystoseira crinita Bory from the Eastern Mediterranean was investigated. Fourteen sterols have been identified, five of them for the first time in algae. The structure of one new sterol was established. The origin of seven sterols with short side chains was discussed. In the volatile fraction 19 compounds and in the polar fraction 15 compounds were identified. The main lipid classes were isolated and their fatty acid composition was established.  相似文献   
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