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Modulation of mitochondrial free Ca2 + ([Ca2 +]m) is implicated as one of the possible upstream factors that initiates anesthetic-mediated cardioprotection against ischemia–reperfusion (IR) injury. To unravel possible mechanisms by which volatile anesthetics modulate [Ca2 +]m and mitochondrial bioenergetics, with implications for cardioprotection, experiments were conducted to spectrofluorometrically measure concentration-dependent effects of isoflurane (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 mM) on the magnitudes and time-courses of [Ca2 +]m and mitochondrial redox state (NADH), membrane potential (ΔΨm), respiration, and matrix volume. Isolated mitochondria from rat hearts were energized with 10 mM Na+- or K+-pyruvate/malate (NaPM or KPM) or Na+-succinate (NaSuc) followed by additions of isoflurane, 0.5 mM CaCl2 (≈ 200 nM free Ca2 + with 1 mM EGTA buffer), and 250 μM ADP. Isoflurane stepwise: (a) increased [Ca2 +]m in state 2 with NaPM, but not with KPM substrate, despite an isoflurane-induced slight fall in ΔΨm and a mild matrix expansion, and (b) decreased NADH oxidation, respiration, ΔΨm, and matrix volume in state 3, while prolonging the duration of state 3 NADH oxidation, respiration, ΔΨm, and matrix contraction with PM substrates. These findings suggest that isoflurane's effects are mediated in part at the mitochondrial level: (1) to enhance the net rate of state 2 Ca2 + uptake by inhibiting the Na+/Ca2 + exchanger (NCE), independent of changes in ΔΨm and matrix volume, and (2) to decrease the rates of state 3 electron transfer and ADP phosphorylation by inhibiting complex I. These direct effects of isoflurane to increase [Ca2 +]m, while depressing NCE activity and oxidative phosphorylation, could underlie the mechanisms by which isoflurane provides cardioprotection against IR injury at the mitochondrial level.  相似文献   
Obesity is directly and strongly associated with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Development of LVH is multifactorial, caused both by haemodynamic and non-haemodynamic factors. Hypertension is the main haemodynamic factor. Humoral mechanisms, as a non-haemodynamic factor for LVH development, have not been completely explained. The aim of this study is to determine whether hyperleptinemia can be one of humoral--non-haemodynamic factor inducing LVH together with haemodynamic factors in overweight females. The study was done on thirty six adult, overweight female patients, body mass index in range 25-30 kg/m2. Patients are nondiabetic with regular renal function. Twenty one female patients were hypertensive with left ventricular hypertrophy. Control group included fifteen hypertensive female patients without left ventricular hypertrophy. In all patients was determined glucose profile and creatinine clearance, cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL. Weight, high, circumference of the waist and hips was taken. Cardiovascular determination was done applying two-dimensional ultrasound. Serum leptin level was measured using radioimmunoassay method (RIA). Results showed that serum leptin level was significantly higher in hypertensive, overweight females with LVH. This suggests that non-haemodynamic factors, such as hyperleptinemia, participate in left ventricular hypertrophy development together with haemodynamic factors in adult hypertonic, overweight females.  相似文献   
The cultivated husk tomato (Physalis ixocarpa) (2n = 2x = 24) is native from Mexico and Central America and shows a wide genetic variation. Presently, it is the fourth horticultural crop in cultivation surface in Mexico. The working team of this research previously developed an autotetraploid population by using colchicine. The objectives of the present work were to analyze the ploidy level and meiotic behavior of the subsequent generations (C3, C4, C5, C6) from the original (C2) composed only by plants with the duplicated genome from the Rendidora cultivar, and to determine pollen viability. As a diploid control the cultivar Rendidora of P. ixocarpa was used. Ploidy level was determined by flow citometry and meiotic analysis. For the meiotic study, the microsporocytes were prepared by the squash method, stained with carmin and analyzed in diakinesis. Pollen viability was evaluated through 0.01% Buffalo Black staining. The tetraploid condition prevailed through four cross-pollinating generations, maintaining a constant chromosome number 2n = 4x = 48. In diakinesis, the chromosomes of the diploid cultivar were associated into bivalents, whereas in tetraploid plants the chromosomes associated into univalents, bivalents and trivalents. Highly significant differences in bivalent pairing were detected between autotetraploid plants and between generations. Pollen viability did not show significant differences between generations and allowed reproduction. These results indicate that it is possible to develop an autotetraploid cultivar, because the polyploid state is naturally maintained and the plants are fertile. Furthermore, given the differences in bivalent pairing between plants and generations, a response to selection toward meiotic stability is expected.  相似文献   
Role of various cytokines have been implicated in the development and perpetuation of Sjogren's syndrome (SS), but no specific cytokine could be determined as a major contributor to the SS. Salivary and serum interleukin 6 (IL-6) levels have been studied previously in patients with SS, but data upon salivary and serum basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in SS are lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate levels of salivary and serum IL-6 and bFGF in 18 patients with SS, age range 32-79, mean 54.05 years. Control group consisted of 23 healthy participants, mean age 25 years. Serum IL-6 and bFGF levels were not significantly different between patients with SS and healthy controls. Elevated levels of salivary IL-6 and bFGF in patients with SS when compared to the healthy controls were found (p<0.001). We might speculate that higher levels of salivary IL-6 and bFGF in patients with SS might originate from local production probably having source in the salivary glands.  相似文献   
Dissection of craniocervical arteries internal carotid artery (ICA), or vertebral artery (VA) is an increasingly recognized entity and infrequent cause of stroke. We investigated 8 patients (4 women and 4 men) with dissections of the craniocervical arteries. Diagnostic procedures for detection of craniocervical dissection included: extracranial ultrasound-color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) of carotid and vertebral arteries, transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) and radiological computed tomography (CT) and digital subtractive angiography (DSA) examinations. Ultrasound findings (CDFI of carotid and vertebral arteries) were positive for vessel dissection in seven patients (or 87.5 per cent) and negative in one patient. DSA was consistent with dissection in five patients (or 62.5 per cent), negative in one, while in two patients the examination was not performed due to known allergy to contrast media. Five patients (62.5 per cent) were treated with anticoagulants, one with suppressors of platelet aggregation, and two patients were operated. Six patients (75 per cent) after the treatment showed partial recovery of neurological defects, and an improvement of ultrasound finding of dissected arteries. In one patient, following operation, stroke developed with deterioration of motor deficit, and one patient was readmitted three months later due to a newly developed stroke and soon died. The diagnosis should be suspected in any young or middle-age patient with new onset of otherwise unexplained unremitting headache or neck ache, especially in association with transient or permanent focal neurological deficits.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial bioenergetic studies mostly rely on isolated mitochondria thus excluding the regulatory role of other cellular compartments important for the overall mitochondrial function. In intact cardiomyocytes, we followed the dynamics of electron fluxes along specific sites of the electron transport chain (ETC) by simultaneous detection of NAD(P)H and flavoprotein (FP) fluorescence intensities using a laser-scanning confocal microscope. This method was used to delineate the effects of isoflurane, a volatile anesthetic and cardioprotective agent, on the ETC. Comparison to the effects of well-characterized ETC inhibitors and uncoupling agent revealed two distinct effects of isoflurane: uncoupling-induced mitochondrial depolarization and inhibition of ETC at the level of complex I. In correlation, oxygen consumption measurements in cardiomyocytes confirmed a dose-dependent, dual effect of isoflurane, and in isolated mitochondria an obstruction of the ETC primarily at the level of complex I. These effects are likely responsible for the reported mild stimulation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production required for the cardioprotective effects of isoflurane. In conclusion, isoflurane exhibits complex effects on the ETC in intact cardiomyocytes, altering its electron fluxes, and thereby enhancing ROS production. The NAD(P)H-FP fluorometry is a useful method for exploring the effect of drugs on mitochondria and identifying their specific sites of action within the ETC of intact cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   
Modulation of mitochondrial free Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](m)) is implicated as one of the possible upstream factors that initiates anesthetic-mediated cardioprotection against ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury. To unravel possible mechanisms by which volatile anesthetics modulate [Ca(2+)](m) and mitochondrial bioenergetics, with implications for cardioprotection, experiments were conducted to spectrofluorometrically measure concentration-dependent effects of isoflurane (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2mM) on the magnitudes and time-courses of [Ca(2+)](m) and mitochondrial redox state (NADH), membrane potential (ΔΨ(m)), respiration, and matrix volume. Isolated mitochondria from rat hearts were energized with 10mM Na(+)- or K(+)-pyruvate/malate (NaPM or KPM) or Na(+)-succinate (NaSuc) followed by additions of isoflurane, 0.5mM CaCl(2) (≈200nM free Ca(2+) with 1mM EGTA buffer), and 250μM ADP. Isoflurane stepwise: (a) increased [Ca(2+)](m) in state 2 with NaPM, but not with KPM substrate, despite an isoflurane-induced slight fall in ΔΨ(m) and a mild matrix expansion, and (b) decreased NADH oxidation, respiration, ΔΨ(m), and matrix volume in state 3, while prolonging the duration of state 3 NADH oxidation, respiration, ΔΨ(m), and matrix contraction with PM substrates. These findings suggest that isoflurane's effects are mediated in part at the mitochondrial level: (1) to enhance the net rate of state 2 Ca(2+) uptake by inhibiting the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCE), independent of changes in ΔΨ(m) and matrix volume, and (2) to decrease the rates of state 3 electron transfer and ADP phosphorylation by inhibiting complex I. These direct effects of isoflurane to increase [Ca(2+)](m), while depressing NCE activity and oxidative phosphorylation, could underlie the mechanisms by which isoflurane provides cardioprotection against IR injury at the mitochondrial level.  相似文献   
The sulfonylurea receptor-2 (SUR2) is a subunit of ATP-sensitive potassium channels (K(ATP)) in heart. Mice with the SUR2 gene disrupted (SUR2m) are constitutively protected from ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) cardiac injury. This was surprising because K(ATP), either sarcolemmal or mitochondrial or both, are thought to be important for cardioprotection. We hypothesized that SUR2m mice have an altered mitochondrial phenotype that protects against I/R. Mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨ(m)), tolerance to Ca(2+) load, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation were studied by fluorescence-based assays, and volumetric changes in response to K(+) were measured by light scattering in isolated mitochondria. For resting SUR2m mitochondria compared with wild type, the ΔΨ(m) was less polarized (46.1 ± 0.4 vs. 51.9 ± 0.6%), tolerance to Ca(2+) loading was increased (163 ± 2 vs. 116 ± 2 μM), and ROS generation was enhanced with complex I [8.5 ± 1.2 vs. 4.9 ± 0.2 arbitrary fluorescence units (afu)/s] or complex II (351 ± 51.3 vs. 166 ± 36.2 afu/s) substrates. SUR2m mitochondria had greater swelling in K(+) medium (30.2 ± 3.1%) compared with wild type (14.5 ± 0.6%), indicating greater K(+) influx. Additionally, ΔΨ(m) decreased and swelling increased in the absence of ATP in SUR2m, but the sensitivity to ATP was less compared with wild type. When the mitochondria were subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation, the decrease in respiration rates and respiratory control index was less in SUR2m. ΔΨ(m) maintenance in the SUR2m intact myocytes was also more tolerant to metabolic inhibition. In conclusion, the cardioprotection observed in the SUR2m mice is associated with a protected mitochondrial phenotype resulting from enhanced K(+) conductance that partially dissipated ΔΨ(m). These results have implications for possible SUR2 participation in mitochondrial K(ATP).  相似文献   
The aim of this research was to test the CHD gene (Chromo Helicase DNA‐binding gene) as a universal molecular marker for sexing birds of relatively distant species. The CHD gene corresponds to the aim because of its high degree of conservation and different lengths in Z and W chromosomes due to different intron sizes. DNA was isolated from feathers and the amplification of the CHD gene was performed with the following sets of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers: 2550F/2718R and P2/P8. Sex determination was attempted in 284 samples of 58 bird species. It was successful in 50 bird species; in 16 of those (Alopochen aegyptiacus, Ara severus, Aratinga acuticaudata, Bucorvus leadbeateri, Cereopsis novaehollandiae, Columba arquatrix, Corvus corax, C. frugilegus, Cyanoliseus patagonus, Guttera plumifera, Lamprotornis superbus, Milvus milvus, Neophron percnopterus, Ocyphaps lophotes, Podiceps cristatus, and Poicephalus senegalus), it was carried out for the first time using molecular markers and PCR. It is reasonable to assume that extensive research is necessary to define the CHD gene as a universal molecular marker for successful sex determination in all bird species (with exception of ratites). The results of this study may largely contribute to the aim. Zoo Biol 32:269–276, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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