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Admission to hospital is usually recommended to achieve the best possible diabetic control during pregnancy. We have used blood glucose monitoring at home to find out if patients can achieve equally good control outside hospital. Twenty-five consecutive diabetic patients were studied, of whom 20 had taken insulin before pregnancy. Six of their 14 previous pregnancies had ended in perinatal death. The 25 women performed 4247 blood glucose measurements during their pregnancies. Overall the mean blood glucose concentration was 7.1 mmol/l (128 mg/100 ml); before meals the mean was 6.5 mmol/l (117 mg/100 ml). Mean concentrations were lower in the third trimester, but at no stage was control in hospital significantly better than at home. The mean hospital stay before delivery was 22 days, and all patients had live babies. Monitoring blood glucose concentrations at home produces greater understanding and motivation among patients, improves control early in pregnancy, and shortens time spent in hospital.  相似文献   
Lithium was found to produce a marked elevation in the levels of myo-inositol 1-phosphate in the cerebral cortex of treated rats. This effect was completely inhibited by atropine. A 40% reduction in the levels of myo-inositol 1-phosphate was observed when atropine was given alone.  相似文献   
Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides, A. suum, Toxocara canis, and T. mystax were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). All species under study exhibited pronounced surface ridges. The ridges formed distinctive patterns in T. canis and T. mystax. In the Ascaris species, the ridges are similar except that they are more pronounced in the eggs of A. suum. Operculumlike structures were observed only in Ascaris. Correlation of data from SEM with previously reported transmission electron microscopy suggests that the surface ridges seen in Ascaris eggs are formed by the chitinous layer of the shell.  相似文献   
Transmission electron microscopy of the scolex of the 8-day-old Hymenolepis diminuta cysticercoid demonstrates its resemblance to the scolex of the adult. A syncytial tegument composed of external and internal layers is connected by cytoplasmic extensions. Fully developed microtriches are present. Furthermore, a basement membrane, muscle layers, and medullary region containing flame cells, nerve tissue, and other cell bodies are observed. Of particular interest is the presence of discrete sensory endings whose function is discussed.  相似文献   
A 16-year-old epileptic developed chorea. He had osteomalacia, hypocalcaemia, and hyperphosphataemia, which were due not to hypoparathyroidism but to vitamin D deficiency--itself secondary to longstanding dietary deficiency and anticonvulsant drug administration.  相似文献   
Magnesium (Mg) deficiency in plants is a widespread problem, affecting productivity and quality in agriculture. The mechanism of Mg deficiency inducing antioxidant enzyme activities has not been elucidated in rice. We examined the relationship among abscisic acid (ABA), H2O2, and antioxidant enzymes in the leaves of rice seedlings grown under conditions of Mg deficiency. The expression of OsRab16A, an ABA responsive gene, was used to determine the content of ABA. Mg deficiency resulted in increased ABA content in leaves of rice seedlings. The production of H2O2 was examined by 3,3-diaminobenzidine staining and a colorimetric method. Mg deficiency also induced H2O2 production in leaves, which was blocked by dipehnyleneiodonium chloride (DPI), an NADPH oxidase inhibitor. Tungstate (Tu), an ABA biosynthesis inhibitor, was effective in reducing Mg deficiency-increased ABA content, as well as Mg deficiency-induced H2O2 production. Both Tu and DPI were effective in reducing Mg deficiency-induced activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and catalase in the leaves. Mg deficiency-induced ABA accumulation may trigger increased production of H2O2, which may involve plasma-membrane NADPH oxidase, and, in turn, up-regulates the activities of antioxidant enzymes in leaves of rice seedlings.  相似文献   
Although it has been established that high levels of estrogen can induce thymic involution, the mechanism by which this happens is not known. We have found that daily i.p. injections of the synthetic estrogen 17-beta-estradiol reduce thymus cellularity by 80% over a period of 4-6 days. Although the atrophy is most strikingly observed in the CD4/CD8 double-positive (DP) thymic subset, the loss of thymocytes is not accompanied by a significant increase in thymocyte apoptosis, suggesting that direct killing of cells may not be the dominant means by which estrogens induce thymic atrophy. Instead, we find that estradiol drastically reduces the lineage-negative, Flt3(+)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(+) population in the bone marrow, a population that contains thymic homing progenitors. Within the thymus, we observe that estradiol treatment results in a preferential depletion of early thymic progenitors. In addition, we find that estradiol leads to a significant reduction in the proliferation of thymocytes responding to pre-TCR signals. Reduced proliferation of DN3 and DN4 cell subsets is likely the major contributor to the reduction in DP thymocytes that is observed. The reduction in early thymic progenitors is also likely to contribute to thymic atrophy, as we show that estradiol treatment can reduce the size of Rag1-deficient thymuses, which lack pre-TCR signals and DP thymocytes.  相似文献   
Many wetland restoration projects occur on former agricultural soils that have a history of disturbance and fertilization, making them prone to phosphorus (P) release upon flooding. To study the relationship between P release and hydrologic regime, we collected soil cores from three restoration wetlands and three undisturbed wetlands around Upper Klamath Lake in southern Oregon, U.S.A. Soil cores were subjected to one of three hydrologic regimes—flooded, moist, and dry—for 7.5 weeks, and P fluxes were measured upon reflooding. Soils from restoration wetlands released P upon reflooding regardless of the hydrologic regime, with the greatest releases coming from soils that had been flooded or dried. Undisturbed wetland soils released P only after drying. Patterns in P release can be explained by a combination of physical and biological processes, including the release of iron‐bound P due to anoxia in the flooded treatment and the mineralization of organic P under aerobic conditions in the dry treatment. Higher rates of soil P release from restoration wetland soils, particularly under flooded conditions, were associated with higher total P concentrations compared with undisturbed wetland soils. We conclude that maintaining moist soil is the means to minimize P release from recently flooded wetland soils. Alternatively, prolonged flooding provides a means of liberating excess labile P from former agricultural soils while minimizing continued organic P mineralization and soil subsidence.  相似文献   
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