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Abstract: Statistics is one of the most important yet difficult subjects for many ecology and wildlife graduate students to learn. Insufficient knowledge about how to conduct quality science and the ongoing debate about the relative value of competing statistical ideologies contribute to uncertainties among graduate students regarding which statistical tests are most appropriate. Herein, we argue that increased education of the available statistical tests alone is unlikely to ameliorate the problem. Instead, we suggest that statistical uncertainties among graduate students are a secondary symptom of a larger problem. We believe the root cause lies in the lack of education on how to conduct science as an integrated process from hypothesis creation through statistical analysis. We argue that if students are taught to think about how each step of the process will affect all other steps, many statistical uncertainties will be avoided.  相似文献   
Loss and Recovery of Phenotypic Expression of Gross Leukaemia Virus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MEASUREMENTS reported by Klein and Phelps1 and by Glasel2 have been interpreted to cast doubt on the conclusion from previous nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies3–5 that water in neural and muscle tissue possesses more average structure than liquid water. This communication intends to point out that the data in these two articles provide no basis for such doubt.  相似文献   
1. Oligotrophic Arctic streams are likely to be sensitive to changes in hydrology and nutrient inputs predicted to occur as a consequence of future climate and land use change. To investigate the potential consequences of nutrient enrichment for low‐order Arctic streams, we added ammonium‐N and phosphorous to a second‐order beaded, tundra stream on Alaska's north slope. We measured responses in nutrient chemistry, chlorophyll a standing crop, and in the breakdown and macroinvertebrate colonisation of leaf litter over a 38‐day summer period. 2. During the addition, nutrient concentrations immediately downstream of the dripper averaged 6.4 μm ammonium‐N and 0.45 μm soluble reactive P. Concentrations upstream of the dripper averaged 0.54 μm ammonium‐N and 0.03 μm soluble reactive P. Uptake of both nutrients was rapid. Concentrations were reduced on average to 28% (ammonium‐N) and 15% (inorganic P) of maximum values within 1500 m. Standing crops of chlorophyll a on standardised samplers were significantly higher by the end of the experiment. Breakdown rates of senescent willow (Salix sp.) and sedge (Carex sp.) litter and associated fungal biomass were also significantly increased by nutrient addition. 3. Fertilisation resulted in four‐ to sevenfold higher macroinvertebrate abundance and two‐ to fourfold higher macroinvertebrate biomass in litter bags, as well as an increase in late‐summer body mass of larval Nemoura stoneflies. 4. Our results are consistent with those of similar studies of larger streams in the high‐Arctic region. Based on our short‐term experiment, increased inputs of nutrients into these ecosystems, whether caused by climate change or more local disturbance, are likely to have profound ecological consequences. Longer‐term effects of enrichment, and their interaction with other components of future change in climate or land use, are more difficult to assess.  相似文献   
We tested the common assumption that fleshy fruits become dependent on phloem water supply because xylem inflow declines at the onset of ripening. Using two distinct grape genotypes exposed to drought stress, we found that a sink‐driven rise in phloem inflow at the beginning of ripening was sufficient to reverse drought‐induced berry shrinkage. Rewatering accelerated berry growth and sugar accumulation concurrently with leaf photosynthetic recovery. Interrupting phloem flow through the peduncle prevented the increase in berry growth after rewatering, but interrupting xylem flow did not. Nevertheless, xylem flow in ripening berries, but not berry size, remained responsive to root or shoot pressurization. A mass balance analysis on ripening berries sampled in the field suggested that phloem water inflow may exceed growth and transpiration water demands. Collecting apoplastic sap from ripening berries showed that osmotic pressure increased at distinct rates in berry vacuoles and apoplast. Our results indicate that the decrease in xylem inflow at the onset of ripening may be a consequence of the sink‐driven increase in phloem inflow. We propose a conceptual model in which surplus phloem water bypasses the fruit cells and partly evaporates from the berry surface and partly moves apoplastically to the xylem for outflow.  相似文献   
Enzymatic carboxyl activation of amino acids   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
Rapid range expansions can cause pervasive changes in the genetic diversity and structure of populations. The postglacial history of the Balsam Poplar, Populus balsamifera, involved the colonization of most of northern North America, an area largely covered by continental ice sheets during the last glacial maximum. To characterize how this expansion shaped genomic diversity within and among populations, we developed 412 SNP markers that we assayed for a range‐wide sample of 474 individuals sampled from 34 populations. We complemented the SNP data set with DNA sequence data from 11 nuclear loci from 94 individuals, and used coalescent analyses to estimate historical population size, demographic growth, and patterns of migration. Bayesian clustering identified three geographically separated demes found in the Northern, Central, and Eastern portions of the species’ range. These demes varied significantly in nucleotide diversity, the abundance of private polymorphisms, and population substructure. Most measures supported the Central deme as descended from the primary refuge of diversity. Both SNPs and sequence data suggested recent population growth, and coalescent analyses of historical migration suggested a massive expansion from the Centre to the North and East. Collectively, these data demonstrate the strong influence that range expansions exert on genomic diversity, both within local populations and across the range. Our results suggest that an in‐depth knowledge of nucleotide diversity following expansion requires sampling within multiple populations, and highlight the utility of combining insights from different data types in population genomic studies.  相似文献   
Parental brood attendance patterns vary greatly among shorebird species. For monogamous calidridine species, biparental care with female-first brood departure is most common. It is believed that adult sandpipers balance potential individual survival costs associated with extended parental care against the benefit gained by their brood of prolonged parental care. These costs and benefits are difficult to quantify and factors affecting the termination of parental brood attendance are unclear. We compared clutch size, nesting phenology, and parental attendance patterns of Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri at Nome and Kanaryarmiut, Alaska, sites separated by three degrees of latitude. The sites differed in breeding density and duration of breeding season, but the distribution of clutch sizes did not differ between sites or between nesting attempts. Parental attendance patterns were similar between sites, suggesting that parental attendance is a highly conserved life-history trait in Western Sandpipers. Male Western Sandpipers attended broods longer than females, and the duration of parental attendance decreased at a similar rate for both sexes as the season progressed. Male and female Western Sandpipers undertake differential migrations to their non-breeding grounds, with males typically settling at more northerly locations and females at more southerly sites, a migration pattern shared by certain other monogamous calidridine species. These same species exhibit similar parental brood attendance patterns, suggesting the strong role of overall migration distance in shaping the expression of parental attendance behaviours. A contrast of more geographically disjunct sites coupled with a better understanding of the migratory connectivity between Western Sandpiper breeding and non-breeding populations would elucidate the role of cross-seasonal effects on parental brood attendance decisions.  相似文献   
The importance of kastom to national identity in Vanuatu has been recognized. In this paper I identify plaiting technology in general and basketry in particular — which once served to distinguish ethnic groups in Vanuatu — as emerging symbols of ni-Vanuatu unity. I argue that unlike these kastom traditions often discussed in the literature, plaiting and basketry need not be reinvented. Plaiting is a customary practice which has rich contemporaneous expressions. Plaited products may be fully elaborated in local detail and yet, as shared productions of a technology with common features, can simultaneously represent ni-Vanuatu identity.  相似文献   
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