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The prophylactic effect resulting from the localized application of streptomycin as a foliage spray on dwarf bean plants has been examined. Streptomycin sulphate solution applied to the primary leaves exhibited a marked and consistent systemic, antibacterial, prophylactic action even at sites as far removed from the point of application as the fourth trifoliate leaf. This systemic protection against the halo blight organism persisted for various periods up to a maximum of 11 days. Mannosidostreptomycin was much inferior to streptomycin in its systemic prophylactic action against halo blight.  相似文献   
1. Forest fragmentation affects many ecosystem processes by spatially altering relationships among organisms. Herbivory by arthropods is an important ecosystem processes in forests that fragmentation alters by changing relationships among herbivores, their predators, and their hosts. The relative importance of these factors remains unclear. 2. It was tested whether the exclusion of vertebrate predators affected the arthropod abundance or amounts of herbivory in a fragmented, deciduous forest landscape in southern Quebec. Differences in the abundance of arthropod herbivores and amounts of herbivory in forest patches with different landscape characteristics (small isolated patches versus large connected ones), on sugar maple saplings with or without exclosures that restricted access by large vertebrate predators were measured. 3. Saplings protected from predators with exclosures had greater abundances of all arthropods (herbivores and invertebrate predators) than those without, indicating potential top‐down effects of vertebrate predators on arthropods. Analysis of effect sizes between exclosure treatments and controls suggests the magnitude of predation effects may be affected by fragmentation. 4. Strong top‐down effects of predators on arthropods, and weak effects of fragmentation on predation or amounts of herbivory were found. As a result, herbivory may be regulated by factors other than vertebrate predation in this system.  相似文献   
A Numerical Taxonomic Study of Proteus-Providence Bacteria   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
One hundred and six strains from the Proteus-Providence group and 27 other strains from the rest of the Enterobacteriaceae were subjected to 178 morphological. physiological and biochemical tests and the results analysed by computer. Most of the Proteus-Providence strains grouped into six main clusters; (1) Proteus mirabilis , (2) Proteus vulgaris , (3) Proteus morganii , (4) Providencia alcalifaciens, Shigella dysenteriae , (5) Proteus rettgeri , (6) Providencia stuartii . On the basis of these groupings a scheme has been drawn up for distinguishing between the different taxa in the Proteus-Providence group.  相似文献   
Tissue mass, rate of protein synthesis, content of ribosomalRNA and rates of synthesis of ribosomal RNA have been studiedthroughout the molting cycle in the midgut gland, epithelium,and somatic muscle in the land crab, Gecarcinns lateralis. Inall tissues there is an increase in ribosomal RNA followed byan increase in the rate of synthesis of protein in the premoltperiod. Subsequently, the three tissues differed in that (a)in the midgut gland the level of ribosomal RNA and protein synthesisreturned to the intermolt rates before ecdysis whether or notthe mass of the tissue was increasing or decreasing; (b) ribosomalRNA and protein synthesis in epithelium reached a maximum ata time when epithelial cells reached a maximal size; subsequently,all three parameters decreased toward intermolt levels beforeecdysis; (c) ribosomal RNA and protein synthesis reached a maximumin the premolt period in somatic muscle while the muscle wasin fact decreasing in mass. Muscle ribosomes are very stableand appear to be conserved for weeks or months to be reusedafter ecdysis in a second burst of protein synthetic activityat the time when there is replacement and growth of new musculartissue. The relation of these events with hormonal control ofgrowth is discussed.  相似文献   
An aero-aquatic hyphomycete with setose synnemata and scolecospores with a central isthmus is described.  相似文献   
Transition from Water to Land in Decapod Crustaceans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the Order Decapoda four families of Macrura, one of Anomura,and seven of Brachyura include semi-terrestrial or terrestrialrepresentatives, primarily tropical and subtropical in distribution. Observations have been made largely on brachyurans. In theseforms mating takes place on land, and courtship involves mainlyvisual and acoustic signals rather than chemical and tactileones. During copulation the female is often hard rather thansoft and may assume a position above the male rather than beneathhim, as in many marine forms. Eggs are carried by the femaleon land. Larval development takes place either in sea wateror, in the case of some fresh-water crayfishes and crabs, entirelywithin the egg. Extremes of temperature are met primarily by acclimation, transpiration,or escape (immersion, burrowing). During transpiration bodytemperature is lowered by a few degrees but water is lost. Insome species water can be replenished by uptake from a moistsubstratum and stored within the pericardial sacs. Ionic regulation occurs largely through antennal glands, gills,and gut and helps to move water from exterior into hemolymphand from hemolymph into gut and its diverticula. In Gecarcinuslateralis at ecdysis, large amounts of water move from hemolymphinto gut, this process being controlled by a hormone from thethoracic ganglionic mass.  相似文献   
Worlds of Power: Religious Thought and Political Practice in Africa . Stephen Ellis and Gerrie Ter Haar. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. 263 pp.  相似文献   
From Sea to Tree: Saga of a Land Crab   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are advantages to be gained when an animal abandons itsancestral home, the ocean, and advances across the littoralzone to the land. But along with the advantages come the inevitableproblems. How a land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, has solvedits problems of life on land is the subject of this paper. Itsuse of dew as a source of moisture and of its burrow as a refugefrom predators and a hostile environment; its ability to collectmoisture from a damp substrate and conduct this moisture toits branchial chambers and its gills; its capacity to retainlarge amounts of water before ecdysis and to use this waterto stretch its new soft exoskeleton and attain its proper shapeafter ecdysis are only a few of the crab's special adaptationsfor terrestrial life. Its feeding and reproductive behaviorare equally adaptive, as is its propensity for tree-climbingwhen danger threatens–or at other times. During the pastseveral decades, much interesting and important research hasbeen done on G. lateralis, as well as on other land crabs–butmuch remains to be done. Land crabs are and will undoubtedlycontinue to be promising objects of scientific research.  相似文献   
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