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A new species, Galearis huanglongensis Q.W.Meng & Y.B.Luo, is described and illustrated. It is similar to Galearis cyclochila (Franch. & Sav.) Soó and Galearis diantha (Schltr.) P.F.Hunt, but differs in having a short spur, two elliptical lateral stigma lobes and distinctly separated bursicles. This new species is known only from the type locality, the Huanglong Valley, Songpan County, western Sichuan, China, growing amongst mosses under alpine shrubs at an elevation of about 3000 m. Based on two years of observations of its population size, the species was categorized as critically endangered CR (B1a, B2a) according to the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List Categories and Criteria, Version 3.1. The micromorphology of pollinia and seeds was observed by scanning electron microscopy and compared with that of G. cyclochila and G. diantha. The results supported G. huanglongensis Q.W.Meng & Y.B.Luo as a new species. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 689–695.  相似文献   
大麻叶蜂是安徽麻区大麻上的主要害虫之一.单食性,以幼虫咀食大麻叶片形成孔洞和缺刻,严重时仅残留叶柄和主叶脉,致使麻皮产量锐减.据室内饲养及结合田间定点观察,大麻叶蜂在安徽六安每年发生二代,以老熟幼虫于土内结茧越冬.两性或孤雌生殖,幼虫六龄、三龄前食量小,是药剂防治的有利时机,幼虫有趋嫩性和假死性. 室内测定和田间试验表明,喷洒杀螟松、乐果、西维因和敌敌畏1,000倍液,对三龄前幼虫有很好的效果,特别是杀螟松效果更佳,杀虫快速,药效期长,即使对高龄幼虫仍有良好的效果.  相似文献   
虫草蝠蛾生物学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
虫草蝠蛾(Thitarodes armoricanus Oberthur)的卵于室温11.4℃时,历期32—47天,在潮湿滤纸表面孵化率高达93.2%.幼虫在土壤中生活三年多才化蛹.蛹期35—50天.成虫寿命3—12天.卵在发育中有变色现象,即由白→黄→灰→黑.变色过程一般需6—13小时.幼虫栖息地表以下10—25cm土层中,适宜在地温5—10℃、土壤含水量70%左右条件下生活.蛹腹节有棘突,助蛹活动.成虫白天不吃不动,黄昏时活动,无趋光性,也无趋化性.雌雄交配自傍晚至深夜,经4—10小时.一雌产卵400—800粒.  相似文献   
NO—样松驰因子在大鼠止血带休克中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张连元  董淑云 《生理学报》1992,44(6):576-582
为探讨NO-样松驰因子(NO-LRF)在休克中的效应及其病理生理意义,本工作在大鼠止血带休克(ToS)模型上发现离体灌流的主动脉环对去甲肾上腺素的反应性降低,组织cGMP含量增加。用NO前体L-精氨酸(L-Arg)或NO合成阻断剂L-NNA,可溶性乌苷酸环化酶抑制剂亚甲蓝灌流,分别增强或减轻ToS动物主动脉的上述变化,而且这些药物的作用不受血管内皮是否存在的影响。实验结果提示非内皮细胞源的NO-LRF是引起ToS动物血管低反应性的因素之一。体内实验表明 L-Arg治疗缓解,而L-NNA恶化ToS病程,提示NO-LRF可能参与机体的适应保护机制。  相似文献   
本文在麻醉并制动的大鼠上观察了中缝背核(DR)条件刺激对由苔状和爬行纤维传入引起的小脑浦肯野细胞(PC)诱发反应的影响。主要结果有:(1)刺激大脑皮层感觉运动区可以引起苔状和爬行纤维向对侧小脑皮层第Ⅵ和Ⅶ小叶的传入,因而在该小叶上记录到 PC 的诱发简单锋电位(SS)和复杂锋电位(CS)反应,潜伏期分别是8—25和12—30ms。(2)以不影响PC 自发 SS 和 CS 活动的阈下强度刺激 DR,可显著地压抑 PC 对于刺激感觉运动皮层引起的苔状和爬行纤维兴奋所产生的诱发 SS 和 CS 反应,这种压抑作用可持续数百毫秒。(3)DR条件刺激对 PC 的诱发 SS 和 CS 反应的压抑作用可以被静脉注射5-HT 受体阻断剂羟甲丙基甲基麦角酰胺所减弱或阻断。上述结果表明 DR 的5-HT 能纤维传入可以降低苔状和爬行纤维对 PC 的突触作用效力,抑或降低 PC 对突触传入的反应敏感性,提示中缝-小脑5-HT,能纤维传入系统参与了小脑某些重要的神经活动过程。  相似文献   
肾素-血管紧张素系统──应激激素反应系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
各种急性与慢性应激时,循环血中及脑、心血管、肾腺等组织中血管紧张素Ⅱ(AⅡ)显著增多;人剧烈运动后血浆AⅡ与皮质醇一样均剧烈增加,在慢性应激性高血压动物循环及组织中,AⅡ含量持续地增高。还发现高浓度AⅡ对肾上腺糖皮质激素的分泌有直接的刺激作用,而组织AⅡ增多又受肾上腺素能β受体的激发。根据近年来的系列工作,并结合文献,我们认为AⅡ是一种重要的应激激素;肾素-血管紧张素系统是一个应激激素反应系统;它与经典的应激激素反应系统,下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质系统及交感-肾上腺髓质系统也存在着密切的关系。  相似文献   
通过比较小麦与玉米及鸭茅状摩擦禾属间杂交获得的胚与小麦正常自交的胚之间在不同发育时期过氧化物酶和酯酶的同工酶谱,发现过氧化物酶同工酶表现出时空顺序的特异性变化。在同一发育时期,远缘杂交的具胚子房和无胚子房之间存在过氧化物酶同工酶谱的差异,这可能涉及到与胚发育相关的同工酶的出现。远缘杂交的具胚子房和正常自交的小麦子房之间也有一定的酶谱差异。同时,同一材料还表现出不同发育时期的过氧化物酶酶谱差别。在远缘杂交后的胚发育期间,酯酶同工酶的时空表达不如过氧化物酶显著。此外,对远缘杂交后的胚中的水溶性蛋白质进行了SD S-PAGE分析,初步的分析结果表明,可能存在与胚发育相关的蛋白质。  相似文献   
MethodsforHandy,RapidIsolationofHighQualityRNAbyGuanadiumThioeyauateDuJianYuanYanhuaMaShenglinDongZhiwei(BeijingInstituteforCancerResearchBeijing100034)硫氰胍是一种有效的蛋白变性剂。早在1979年,Chirgwin等就利用氯化铯/硫氰胍超离心技术成功地从RNA酶富集的胰脏组织中提取出未降解的RNA分子[2],从而使它成为抑制RNA酶的首选药物并得到广泛使用,但受到超速离心设备的限制。1983年,Cathala报道了氯化锂/硫氰胍RNA提取法[1]。该方法操作简便,获得的RNA质量很高,但所需时间较长。为了能在短时间内更快…  相似文献   
In order to better understand the cascade of melanogenic events in melanocytes, this report has introduced our two recent approaches for the expression of melanogenesis/or melanosome-associated genes and encoded proteins in melanocytes (melanoma cells) after repeated exposure to UV -B and after cotransfection of two human genes, i.e., tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TRP-1). Repeated exposure of UV B (2.5–5.0 mJ/cm2) caused not only upregulation of tyrosinase and TRP-1 genes but also coordinated increase in the gene and protein synthesis expression of Lamp-1 (lysosome-associated membrane protein-1). When COS-7 kidney cells and amelanotic melanoma (C32 and SKMEL-24) and melanotic melanoma (G361 and SK-MEL-23) cells were exposed to cotransfection of human tyrosinase and TRP-1 cDNAs, there was also an increased expression of Lamp-1 mRNA and protein along with tyrosinase activation and new melanin synthesis. Importantly, single transfectants of human tyrosinase cDNA revealed marked cellular degeneration, whereas this degeneration was not seen in single transfectants of TRP-1 cDNA or cotransfectants of human tyrosinase and TRP-1 cDNAs, indicating that TRP-1 prevented, along with Lamp-1, programmed death of melanocytes after transfection of tyrosinase gene. The coordinated expression of TRP-1 and Lamp-1 was further confirmed by antisense oligodeoxynucleotide hybridization experiment against Lamp-1 gene, showing the decreased expression of TRP-1 as identified by three different types of anti-TRP-1 monoclonal antibodies. We propose therefore that human tyrosinase and TRP-l, when activated or expressed together, will coordinate to upregulate the mRNA expression and protein synthesis of Lamp-1. The Lamp-1 molecules will, in turn, cover the inner surface of melanosomal membrane, together with TRP-1 molecules, thus protecting the melanosomal membrane from toxic melanin intermediates generated during melanogenesis in the presence of active tyrosinase. In contrast, the expression of other lysosome-related proteins, e.g., β-galactosidase and CD63 is not stimulated in new melanogenesis.  相似文献   
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