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Integrin mechanotransduction is a ubiquitous biological process. Mechanical forces are transduced transmembranously by an integrin's ligand-bound extracellular domain through its -subunit's cytoplasmic domain connected to the cytoskeleton. This often culminates in the activation of tyrosine kinases directing cell responses. The delicate balance between hemostasis and thrombosis requires exquisitely fine-tuned integrin function, and balance is maintained in vivo despite that the major platelet integrin IIb3 is continuously subjected to frictional or shearing forces generated by laminar blood flow. To test the hypothesis that platelet function is regulated by the direct effects of mechanical forces on IIb3, we examined IIb3/cytoskeletal interactions in human platelets exposed to shear stress in a cone-plate viscometer. We observed that -actinin, myosin heavy chain, and Syk coimmunoprecipitate with IIb3 in resting platelets and that 120 dyn/cm2 shear stress leads to their disassociation from IIb3. Shear-induced disassociation of -actinin and myosin heavy chain from the 3 tail is unaffected by blocking von Willebrand factor (VWF) binding to glycoprotein (Gp) Ib-IX-V but abolished by blocking VWF binding to IIb3. Syk's disassociation from 3 is inhibited when VWF binding to either GpIb-IX-V or IIb3 is blocked. Shear stress-induced phosphorylation of SLP-76 and its association with tyrosine-phosphorylated adhesion and degranulation-promoting adapter protein are inhibited by blocking ligand binding to IIb3 but not by blocking ligand binding to GpIb-IX-V. Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing IIb3 with 3 truncated of its cytoskeletal binding domains demonstrate diminished shear-dependent adhesion and cohesion. These results support the hypothesis that shear stress directly modulates IIb3 function and suggest that shear-induced IIb3-mediated signaling contributes to the regulation of platelet aggregation by directing the release of constraining cytoskeletal elements from the 3-tail. platelets; mechanoreceptor; integrin; shear stress; signal transduction  相似文献   
Two spectroscopic probes are used to expose molecular level changes in hydration shell water interactions that directly relate to such issues as preferential hydration and protein stability. The major focus of the present study is on the use of pyranine (HPT) fluorescence to probe as a function of added osmolytes (PEG, urea, trehalose, and magnesium), the extent to which glycerol is preferentially excluded from the hydration shell of free HPT and HPT localized in the diphosphoglycerate (DPG) binding site of hemoglobin in both solution and in Sol-Gel matrices. The pyranine study is complemented by the use of vibronic side band luminescence from the gadolinium cation that directly exposes the changes in hydrogen bonding between first and second shell waters as a function of added osmolytes. Together the results form the basis for a water partitioning model that can account for both preferential hydration and water/osmolyte-mediated conformational changes in protein structure.  相似文献   
长江中游鱼类资源量的估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解长江中游的鱼类资源现状,于2018年5和6月以及9和10月在宜昌、石首、洪湖、武汉和湖口5个江段进行了渔获物调查工作。通过统计各江段的渔业捕捞情况,计算年捕捞量。用体长股分析方法,对铜鱼(Coreius heterodon)、鳊(Parabramis pekinensis)和瓦氏黄颡鱼(Tachysurus vachelli)的资源量进行估算,并以此推算各江段的鱼类总资源量。结果显示,宜昌江段的鱼类年总资源量1077.36 t,其中,铜鱼为623.25 t;石首江段的年总资源量为2190.74 t,铜鱼为698.19 t;洪湖江段的鱼类年总资源量为58.57 t,其中,瓦氏黄颡鱼为0.41 t;武汉江段的鱼类年总资源量1010.54 t,其中,鳊为148.65 t;湖口江段的年鱼类总资源量14.55 t,瓦氏黄颡鱼为0.032 t。估算结果可以为长江中游鱼类资源保护措施的制定提供数据参考。  相似文献   
地下水位对黄河三角洲柽柳根系生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏丽  董波涛  孙佳  赵西梅  吴春红  夏江宝 《生态学报》2021,41(10):3794-3804
为揭示黄河三角洲柽柳根系生长特征对地下水位的响应规律,明确柽柳生长适宜的地下水位,在咸水矿化度(6 g/L)下,模拟设置0、0.3、0.6、0.9、1.2、1.5、1.8 m共7个地下水位。测定分析栽植柽柳土柱的水盐参数与根系生长指标。结果表明:在咸水矿化度下,地下水位可显著影响土壤水盐变化,从而影响柽柳根系的生长。随地下水位的降低,土壤含水量、含盐量和土壤溶液绝对浓度显著降低。在高水位(≤0.6 m)下,柽柳根系生长受水盐胁迫影响显著,柽柳根长、根径、侧根数、总生物量、侧根生物量、根系连接长度均较低,拓扑结构呈叉状分支;中水位(0.9 m)时,土壤水盐条件适宜,柽柳侧根数、根径、二级侧根和毛细根生物量达到最大值,拓扑结构由叉状分支向鱼尾形分支过渡;低水位(≥1.2 m)下,土壤水盐含量低,柽柳根系总生物量、主根生物量、一级侧根生物量和根系平均连接长度在1.2 m水位达到最大值后降低,拓扑结构呈鱼尾形分支。柽柳根系生长与地下水位密切相关,柽柳通过改变根系生长和调整构型来适应不同土壤水盐和地下水位条件。高水位(≤0.6 m)下柽柳以降低根系生长深度,增加分叉,调配各组织器官的生物量来适应水盐胁迫;中水位0.9 m下土壤水盐条件最适宜柽柳生长;低水位(≥1.2 m)下柽柳主要受土壤干旱胁迫而使根系向下生长,增加根系连接长度,以此扩大资源获取效率。柽柳根系生长及根系构型对咸水矿化度下不同地下水位表现出较强的适应性和可塑性。  相似文献   
克氏针茅草原土壤生态化学计量特征对放牧强度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态化学计量学是研究生态系统中各元素间平衡的科学,对于探究土壤有机碳(C)、全氮(N)、全磷(P)元素循环以及土壤养分限制状况具有重要意义。为了解克氏针茅(Stipa kirschnii)草原土壤生态化学计量特征,以内蒙古克氏针茅草原区为研究对象,在不同放牧强度草场进行采样分析。结果表明:随着放牧强度的增加,C、P含量先降低后升高,N含量先升高后降低;土壤C/N先降低后升高、C/P逐渐升高、N/P先升高后降低。C/N随着放牧强度的增加与有机碳相关性逐渐增大、与全氮的相关性逐渐减小;轻牧区的C/P受有机碳作用有所增强;中牧区N/P受全氮作用增强。C/N主要限制因素是有机碳含量,C/P和N/P主要限制因素是全磷含量。不同放牧强度会影响土壤化学计量比与其他物质的关系,也会改变土壤化学计量比各制约因素的强度。  相似文献   
Artificial materials that can simultaneously mimic the relative permittivity and conductivity of various human tissues are usually used in medical applications. However, the method of precisely designing these materials with designated values of both relative permittivity and conductivity at 3 T MRI resonance frequency is lacking. In this study, a reliable method is established to determine the compositions of artificial dielectric materials with designated relative permittivity and conductivity at 128 MHz. Sixty dielectric materials were produced using oil, sodium chloride, gelatin, and deionized water as the main raw materials. The dielectric properties of these dielectric materials were measured using the open‐ended coaxial line method at 128 MHz. Nonlinear least‐squares Marquardt–Levenberg algorithm was used to obtain the formula, establishing the relationship between the compositions of the dielectric materials and their dielectric properties at 128 MHz. The dielectric properties of the blood, gall bladder, muscle, skin, lung, and bone at 128 MHz were selected to verify the reliability of the obtained formula. For the obtained formula, the coefficient of determination and the expanded uncertainties with a coverage factor of k = 2 were 0.991% and 4.9% for relative permittivity and 0.992% and 6.4% for conductivity. For the obtained artificial materials measured using the open‐ended coaxial line method, the maximal difference of relative permittivity and conductivity were 1.0 and 0.02 S/m, respectively, with respect to the designated values. In conclusion, the compositions of tissue‐mimicking material can be quickly determined after the establishment of the formulas with the expanded uncertainties of less than 10%. Bioelectromagnetics. 2021;42:86–94. © 2020 Bioelectromagnetics Society.  相似文献   
采用响应面优化法对超声波辅助法同步提取川芎精油(LCEO)和多糖(LCP)工艺条件进行优化,以总还原力和DPPH·清除率为指标评价LCEO和LCP的抗氧化活性.结果表明,川芎精油和多糖提取的最佳工艺条件为:液料比16mL/g,超声时间17 min,提取时间4.3 h,在此条件下,精油提取率为1.35%,多糖提取率为2....  相似文献   
以飞龙掌血(Toddalia asiatica(L.)Lam.)的根为实验材料,以总生物碱的含量为检测指标,应用响应面法对飞龙掌血中总生物碱的提取工艺进行了优化。结果显示,当提取条件为乙醇体积分数74.76%、料液比20∶1和提取时间32.87 min时,飞龙掌血提取物中总生物碱的理论含量值可达11.09 mg/g,总生物碱含量达到最高值。按照最佳提取工艺条件进行验证,3次平行实验的均值为(10.74 ±0.18)mg/g,与理论值差异较小,表明利用响应面法来优化飞龙掌血中总生物碱的最佳提取工艺模型拟合良好,具有一定实用价值。  相似文献   
马尾松Pinus massoniana当年生幼苗中会出现全初生叶和全次生针叶两种变异类型,它们的根系生长以及外生菌根(ectomycorrhiza,ECM)真菌群落是否也表现出差异,截止目前尚不明晰.本研究以马尾松全初生叶及全次生针叶幼苗类型为材料,采集幼苗根系,利用万深LA-S植物根系分析系统测定根系形态,采用TTC...  相似文献   
聚多巴胺作为贻贝的仿生材料,可由多巴胺在碱性环境中自发形成。由于其较好的黏附特性以及组织相容性,在生命科学等领域有着广泛的应用。将聚多巴胺对材料进行表面修饰,既可以保护材料免受强氧化剂、酸碱等外界的侵蚀,也可以通过表面改性赋予材料新的功能,使其在各领域发挥更好的作用。对聚多巴胺的制备原理、生物性能,以及近年来在组织工程领域(骨组织、软骨组织、硬脑膜组织、血管组织、耳组织)的运用进行综述,以期为后续聚多巴胺作为组织工程黏附材料的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
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