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Many hosts of parasitic wasps are, when attacked, either at an immobile stage, living in a concealed environment, or both, thus making their detection especially difficult. Cryptine ichneumonid wasps often parasitize beetle or moth larvae, prepupae or even pupae in tunnels in wood, and many others attack cocooned hosts in various states of concealment. The structure of the antennal tips shows a range of adaptations at least the most extreme of which appear to be involved in locating deeply concealed hosts through vibrational sounding (= echolocation through solid media). We show that, within the Cryptinae, the tips of the antenna are modified into a hammer-like structure that is suitable for knocking a substrate; this form of echo-location is typical to the tribe Cryptini, although it is also found in a few phygadeuontines and in the hemigastrine genus Echthrus . Electron micrographs are presented to illustrate the different degrees of antennal modifications found in the subfamily. Comparative analysis using independent contrasts was then used to demonstrate a statistically significant association between degree of antennal hammer development and attacking, typically wood-boring, beetle hosts of the families Cerambycidae and Buprestidae.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 82–102.  相似文献   
Abstract Many species have suffered population declines through loss of suitable habitat. In addition, current agricultural land use and human settlements favor generalist predators, which pose an increasing threat to ground-nesting bird species such as shorebirds (waders). During the last 2 decades, nest exclosures have been used to control nest-predation rates and often improved hatching success. We evaluated the effectiveness of protective nest-cages to boost reproductive success in the endangered southern dunlin (Calidris alpina schinzii) and ultimately to halt the population decline. We found that exclosures successfully increased the survival probability of nests and, thereby, the number of hatchlings, without markedly elevating the predation rate on incubating adults. Nest exclosures did not, however, translate into an increased number of fledglings and recruits produced/breeding adult in the population, showing that factors other than nest survival are also important for population development. Our results highlight that conservation efforts aimed only at removing high nest-predation pressure may be insufficient to preserve declining species such as the southern dunlin.  相似文献   
Globally significant increases in the riverine delivery of nutrients and suspended particulate matter have occurred with deforestation. We report here significant increases in streamwater transport of dissolved silicate (DSi) following experimental forest harvesting at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, USA. The magnitude of the streamwater response varied with the type of disturbance with the highest DSi export fluxes occurring in the manipulations that left the most plant materials on the soil surface and disturbed the soil surface least. No measurable loss of amorphous silica (ASi) was detected from the soil profile; however, ASi was redistributed within the soil profile after forest disturbance. Mass‐balance calculations demonstrate that some fraction of the DSi exported must come from dissolution of ASi and export as DSi. Land clearance and the development of agriculture may result in an enhanced flux of DSi coupled with enhanced erosion losses of ASi contained in phytoliths.  相似文献   
Factors affecting the diet, body condition and growth rates of Skylark chicks were assessed to examine their relationship to their agricultural environment during a critical period in the life cycle of this rapidly declining species. Rainfall explained the greatest amount of variation in body condition and growth rates and had a negative effect on both. Body condition indices were a good predictor of the likelihood of future partial brood loss to starvation. Low body condition in grass fields was related to a low diversity in the diet. Chicks fed insect larvae had higher body condition indices than those not fed larvae. Larger broods tended to have higher growth rates than smaller ones, whereas smaller broods tended to have higher body condition indices. Natural brood size reduction through the non-hatching of eggs resulted in higher body condition indices than were found in nests with the same number of chicks where all eggs hatched, this effect being independent of absolute brood size. There was no significant difference between crop types in the distance adult birds flew to forage for food for nestlings and foraging crop destination had no effect on chick development. Differences between crop types in chick diet could be related to the documented effects of pesticides on different prey species. We suggest that recent agricultural changes have affected diet and possibly body condition, but that these effects are unlikely to have been an important factor in recent population declines.  相似文献   
The spatial heterogeneity of recent decadal dynamics in vegetation greenness and biomass in response to changes in summer warmth index (SWI) was investigated along spatial gradients on the Arctic Slope of Alaska. Image spatial analysis was used to examine the spatial pattern of greenness dynamics from 1991 to 2000 as indicated by variations of the maximum normalized difference vegetation index (Peak NDVI) and time‐integrated NDVI (TI‐NDVI) along latitudinal gradients. Spatial gradients for both the means and temporal variances of the NDVI indices for 0.1° latitude intervals crossing three bioclimate subzones were analyzed along two north–south Arctic transects. NDVI indices were generally highly variable over the decade, with great heterogeneity across the transects. The greatest variance in TI‐NDVI was found in low shrub vegetation to the south (68.7–68.8°N) and corresponded to high fractional cover of shrub tundra and moist acidic tundra (MAT), while the greatest variance in Peak‐NDVI predominately occurred in areas dominated by wet tundra (WT) and moist nonacidic tundra (MNT). Relatively high NDVI temporal variances were also related to specific transitional areas between dominant vegetation types. The regional temporal variances of NDVI from 1991 to 2000 were largely driven by meso‐scale climate dynamics. The spatial heterogeneity of the NDVI variance was mostly explained by the fractional land cover composition, different responses of each vegetation type to climate change, and patterned ground features. Aboveground plant biomass exhibited similar spatial heterogeneity as TI‐NDVI; however, spatial patterns are slightly different from NDVI because of their nonlinear relationship.  相似文献   
We tested the main and interactive effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]), nitrogen (N), and light availability on leaf photosynthesis, and plant growth and survival in understory seedlings grown in an N‐limited northern hardwood forest. For two growing seasons, we exposed six species of tree seedlings (Betula papyrifera, Populus tremuloides, Acer saccharum, Fagus grandifolia, Pinus strobus, and Prunus serotina) to a factorial combination of atmospheric CO2 (ambient, and elevated CO2 at 658 μmol CO2 mol−1) and N deposition (ambient and ambient +30 kg N ha−1 yr−1) in open‐top chambers placed in an understory light gradient. Elevated CO2 exposure significantly increased apparent quantum efficiency of electron transport by 41% (P<0.0001), light‐limited photosynthesis by 47% (P<0.0001), and light‐saturated photosynthesis by 60% (P<0.003) compared with seedlings grown in ambient [CO2]. Experimental N deposition significantly increased light‐limited photosynthesis as light availability increased (P<0.037). Species differed in the magnitude of light‐saturated photosynthetic response to elevated N and light treatments (P<0.016). Elevated CO2 exposure and high N availability did not affect seedling growth; however, growth increased slightly with light availability (R2=0.26, P<0.0001). Experimental N deposition significantly increased average survival of all species by 48% (P<0.012). However, seedling survival was greatest (85%) under conditions of both high [CO2] and N deposition (P<0.009). Path analysis determined that the greatest predictor for seedling survival in the understory was total biomass (R2=0.39, P<0.001), and that carboxylation capacity (Vcmax) was a better predictor for seedling growth and survival than maximum photosynthetic rate (Amax). Our results suggest that increasing [CO2] and N deposition from fossil fuel combustion could alter understory tree species recruitment dynamics through changes in seedling survival, and this has the potential to alter future forest species composition.  相似文献   
Fine roots (≤1 mm diameter) are critical in plant water and nutrient absorption, and it is important to understand how rising atmospheric CO2 will affect them as part of terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change. This study's objective was to determine the effects of elevated CO2 on production, mortality, and standing crops of fine root length over 2 years in a free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) facility in the Mojave Desert of southern Nevada, USA. Three replicate 25 m diameter FACE rings were maintained at ambient (~370 μmol mol?1) and elevated CO2 (~550 μmol mol?1) atmospheric concentrations. Twenty‐eight minirhizotron tubes were placed in each ring to sample three microsite locations: evergreen Larrea shrubs, drought‐deciduous Ambrosia shrubs, and along systematic community transects (primarily in shrub interspaces which account for ~85% of the area). Seasonal dynamics were similar for ambient and elevated CO2: fine root production peaked in April–June, with peak standing crop occurring about 1 month later, and peak mortality occurring during the hot summer months, with higher values for all three measures in a wet year compared with a dry year. Fine root standing crop, production, and mortality were not significantly different between treatments except standing crop along community transects, where fine root length was significantly lower in elevated CO2. Fine root turnover (annual cumulative mortality/mean standing crop) ranged from 2.33 to 3.17 year?1, and was not significantly different among CO2 treatments, except for community transect tubes where it was significantly lower for elevated CO2. There were no differences in fine root responses to CO2 between evergreen (Larrea) and drought‐deciduous (Ambrosia) shrubs. Combined with observations of increased leaf‐level water‐use efficiency and lack of soil moisture differences, these results suggest that under elevated CO2 conditions, reduced root systems (compared with ambient CO2) appear sufficient to provide resources for modest aboveground production increases across the community, but in more fertile shrub microsites, fine root systems of comparable size with those in ambient CO2 were required to support the greater aboveground production increases. For community transects, development of the difference in fine root standing crops occurred primarily through lower stimulation of fine root production in the elevated CO2 treatment during periods of high water availability.  相似文献   
1. Ecosystems are strongly influenced by land use practices. However, identifying the mechanisms behind these influences is complicated by the many potential pathways (often indirect) between land use and ecosystems and by the long‐lasting effects of past land use. To support ecosystem restoration and conservation efforts, we need to better understand these indirect and lasting effects. 2. We constructed structural equation models (SEM) to evaluate the direct and indirect effects of contemporary (2002) land use (agriculture and development) and change in land use from 1952 to 2002 on present‐day streams (n = 190) in Maryland, U.S.A. Additional variables examined included site location, system size, altitude, per cent sand in soils, riparian condition, habitat quality, stream water NO3‐N and benthic macroinvertebrate and fish measures of stream condition. Our first SEM (2002 Land Use) included the proportions of contemporary agriculture and development in catchments in the model. The second SEM (Land Use Change) included five measures of land use change (proportion agricultural in both times, developed in both times, agricultural in 1952 and developed in 2002, forested in 1952 and developed in 2002 and agricultural in 1952 and forested in 2002). 3. The data set fit both SEMs well. The 2002 Land Use model explained 71% of variation in NO3‐N and 55%, 42% and 38% of variation in riffle quality, macroinvertebrate condition and fish condition, respectively. The Land Use Change model explained similar amounts of variation in NO3‐N (R2 = 0.72), riffle quality (R2 = 0.57) and macroinvertebrate condition (R2 = 0.44) but slightly more variation in fish condition (R2 = 0.43). 4. Both models identified pathways through which landscape variables affect stream responses, including negative direct effects of latitude on macroinvertebrate and fish conditions and positive direct and indirect effects of altitude on NO3‐N, riffle quality and macroinvertebrate and fish conditions. The 2002 Land Use model showed contemporary development and agriculture had positive total effects on NO3‐N (both through direct pathways); contemporary development had negative effects on macroinvertebrate condition. The Land Use Change model showed that contemporary developed land that was forested in 1952 had no effects on NO3‐N; current developed land that was developed or agricultural in 1952 showed positive effects on NO3‐N. Forests that were agricultural in 1952 had negative effects on NO3‐N, suggesting reduced NO3‐N export with reforestation. The Land Use Change model also showed negative total effects of all types of contemporary developed land (developed, agricultural or forested in 1952) on benthic condition. Developed land that was forested in 1952 had negative effects on fish condition. Forest sites that were agricultural in 1952 had negative effects on fish and macroinvertebrate conditions, suggesting a long‐term imprint of abandoned agriculture in stream communities. 5. Our analyses (i) identified multiple indirect effects of contemporary land use on streams, (ii) showed that current land uses with different land use histories can exhibit different effects on streams and (iii) demonstrated an imprint of land use lasting >50 years. Knowledge of these indirect and long‐term effects of land use will help to conserve and restore streams.  相似文献   
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