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We studied Grey Partridge Perdix perdix mortality during breeding to identify the environmental causes of a long‐term decline in adult survival. We radiotagged and monitored daily from mid‐March to mid‐September 1009 females on ten contrasting study sites in 1995‐97. Simultaneously, we recorded habitat features and estimated the abundance of Hen and Marsh Harriers Circus cyaneus and C. aeruginosus Red Fox Vulpes vulpes and mustelids. We experimentally tested whether scavenging could have biased predation rates. We also examined, through the necropsy of 80 carcasses of Grey Partridge, whether disease, parasites or poisoning could have been ultimate causes of high predation rates. The survival rate of radiotagged females during spring and summer ranged from 0.25 to 0.65 across study areas. Mortality peaked in May, June and July when females were laying and incubating. The direct negative impact of farming practices was low (6%). Predation was the main proximate cause of female mortality during breeding (73%) and determined the survival rate, suggesting no compensation by other causes of mortality. Ground carnivores were responsible for 64% of predation cases, and raptors for 29%, but this proportion varied across study sites. Disease and poisoning did not appear to favour predation, and scavenging was not likely to have substantially overestimated predation rates. The predation rate on breeding females was positively correlated with the abundance of Hen and Marsh Harriers, suggesting an additional mortality in areas where harriers were abundant. The proportion of raptor predation was linearly related to harrier abundance. The predation rate was not correlated with the abundance of the Red Fox and mustelids. A potential density‐dependent effect on the predation rate was confounded by the abundance of harriers. We found no convincing relationship between the predation rate and habitat features, but we observed a positive relationship between the abundance of Hen and Marsh Harriers and the mean field size. This suggested that habitat characteristics may contribute to high predation rates through predator abundance or habitat‐dependent predation.  相似文献   


Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most frequent pediatric malignant bone tumor. OS patients have not seen any major therapeutic progress in the last 30 years, in particular in the case of metastatic disease, which requires new therapeutic strategies. The pro-apoptotic cytokine Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (TRAIL) can selectively kill tumor cells while sparing normal cells, making it a promising therapeutic tool in several types of cancer. However, many OS cell lines appear resistant to recombinant human (rh)TRAIL-induced apoptosis. We, therefore, hypothesized that TRAIL presentation at the membrane level of carrier cells might overcome this resistance and trigger apoptosis.


To address this, human adipose mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) transfected in a stable manner to express membrane-bound full-length human TRAIL (mbTRAIL) were co-cultured with several human OS cell lines.


This induced apoptosis by cell-to-cell contact even in cell lines initially resistant to rhTRAIL. In contrast, mbTRAIL delivered by MSCs was not able to counteract tumor progression in this OS orthotopic model.


This was partly due to the fact that MSCs showed a potential to support tumor development. Moreover, the expression of mbTRAIL did not show caspase activation in adjacent tumor cells.  相似文献   
Several physiological processes controlling tree phenology remain poorly understood and in particular bud dormancy. Many studies have emphasised the action of chilling temperatures in breaking dormancy. However, the effect of the preceding summer temperatures has rarely been investigated although there is some evidence that they may be involved in the settlement and intensity of dormancy as well as cold acclimation. In this paper, thermal time to budburst in relation to the duration of chilling outdoors, preceding summer temperatures and forcing temperatures was studied by outdoors experiments in seedlings of Platanus acerifolia , Vitis vinifera , Quercus pubescens and Castanea sativa . Results showed that temperatures of the preceding summer had no significant effect on the timing of budburst, P. acerifolia and Q. pubescens showed a very weak response to the duration of chilling, and the phenological characteristics of each species were found to be adapted to the climate conditions of its own geographical area. The phenological model used in this study explained 82–100% of the variance of the data without taking into account summer temperatures. Thus, although summer temperatures may be well involved in the intensity of dormancy and cold hardiness, they do not significantly affect budburst and therefore may not need to be considered in phenological models for predicting budburst.  相似文献   
The present study quantifies changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in Belgium between 1960, 1990 and 2000 for 289 spatially explicit land units with unique soil association and land‐use type, termed landscape units (LSU). The SOC stocks are derived from multiple nonstandardized sets of field measurements up to a depth of 30 cm. Approximately half of the LSU show an increase in SOC between 1960 and 2000. The significant increases occur mainly in soils of grassland LSU in northern Belgium. Significant decreases are observed on loamy cropland soils. Although the largest SOC gains are observed for LSU under forest (22 t C ha?1 for coniferous and 29 t C ha?1 for broadleaf and mixed forest in the upper 30 cm of soil), significant changes are rare because of large variability. Because the number of available measurements is very high for agricultural land, most significant changes occur under cropland and grassland, but the corresponding average SOC change is smaller than for forests (9 t C ha?1 increase for grassland and 1 t C ha?1 decrease for cropland). The 1990 data for agricultural LSU show that the SOC changes between 1960 and 2000 are not linear. Most agricultural LSU show a higher SOC stock in 1990 than in 2000, especially in northern Belgium. The observed temporal and spatial patterns can be explained by a change in manure application intensity. SOC stock changes caused by land‐use change are estimated. The SOC change over time is derived from observed differences between SOC stocks in space. Because SOC stocks are continuously influenced by a number of external factors, mainly land‐use history and current land management and climate, this approach gives only an approximate estimate whose validity is limited to these conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Well-preserved arthropod trackways are described from the laminated limestones of the Crayssac Lagerstätte (south-west France, Lower Tithonian). They occur in sediments deposited in the temporary coastal mudflats of intertidal to supratidal zones. The trackways are referred to Pterichnus isopodicus isp. nov., and are interpreted as the locomotion traces of isopods. Different trackway morphotypes are recognized and clearly resulted from variations in the original consistency of the sediment. Sinuous trackways may correspond to vagrant activity on wet mud whereas numerous straight ones indicate a more rapid crawling on a soft-to-firm substratum (e.g. tidal flat during emersion). The preferred orientation of trackways indicates that isopods were crawling in a direction perpendicular to shoreline as a result of possible taxis induced by sediment wetness and/or by a migratory behaviour controlled by tidal rhythm. Unusually long emergence of the sediments may have favoured the preservation of dense networks of trackways. An isopod identity is supported by the general morphology of the tracks and the association of trackways with isopod body fossils. Archaeoniscus , which occurs abundantly in Late Jurassic deposits of England and France, was probably the trace-maker.  相似文献   
1. Forestry activities can greatly modify the structure and function of invertebrate communities in streams, but the ability to detect effects of forestry may depend on the spatial scale considered, the choice of response metric and the environmental context. In this study, a multi‐scale, multi‐metric approach was used to compare the usefulness of proximate and larger‐scale measurements of forestry activity for understanding the impacts of forestry on stream macrobenthos. 2. Site‐specific responses of macrobenthic communities to forestry activities measured at four spatial scales (sub‐basin and 8‐, 2‐ and 0.5‐km radii upstream of study sites) were examined for 90 riffle sites distributed among 22 tributary streams (Strahler order 1–5) of the Cascapedia River basin, Quebec, Canada. 3. Multiple regression models and canonical correspondence analysis were used to relate six biological metrics (taxonomic richness, numerical density, biomass density, normalised biomass spectrum, individual body mass and community structure) to variables quantifying logging 1–19 years prior to the study and road density. Environmental predictors (variables quantifying local habitat or landscape features) were included in all analyses to statistically account for environmental context and increase the likelihood of detecting potentially subtle forestry impacts. 4. Forestry activities measured at the larger (sub‐basin and 8 km) scales were linked to decline in taxonomic richness, increase in numerical and biomass densities and shift in size structure of benthic macroinvertebrates, indicating that analyses encompassing larger areas, up to the full basin, may allow for more sensitive detection of effects than those of more limited span. 5. These responses primarily reflected marked increases in the abundance of chironomids and decline in the number of trichopteran taxa with increasing areal coverage of recent (≤2–4 years) cuts, suggesting that larger, longer‐lived and possibly more specialised taxa were more vulnerable to forestry impacts than smaller, multivoltine, generalist invertebrates. After partialling out the influence of other variables, rapid decline in richness occurred even when <1% of the basin had been clear cut in the year prior to the study. 6. Effects of forestry were detected after statistically accounting for natural environmental variability, which may have otherwise concealed those effects. The combined use of multiple biological metrics, partialling out of environmental effects and measurement of impacts at multiple spatial scales may be a broadly applicable approach for enhancing sensitivity and facilitating interpretation in studies of anthropogenic effects on macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   
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