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Visual signalling can be affected by both the intensity and spectral distribution of environmental light. In shallow aquatic habitats, the spectral range available for visually mediated behaviour, such as foraging, can reach from ultraviolet (UV) to long wavelengths in the human visible range. However, the relative importance of different wavebands in foraging behaviour is generally unknown. Here, we test how the spectral composition of ambient light influences the behaviour of three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) when foraging for live cladoceran Daphnia magna. Although paying particular attention to the UV waveband, we measured the foraging preferences of sticklebacks for prey presented under four different spectral conditions. These conditions selectively removed UV (UV–), short‐wave (SW–), mid‐wave (MW–) or long‐wave (LW–) light from the entire spectrum. The absence of UV and long wavelengths strongly reduced prey attractiveness for G. aculeatus compared with conditions without short‐wave and mid‐wave light. To control for potential light habitat preferences in the main experiment, we conducted a further choice experiment without prey stimuli. Fish in these trials did not discriminate significantly between the different spectral conditions. When comparing both experiments, it was observed that, although filter preferences for MW– and LW– conditions were virtually consistent, they differed at shorter wavelengths, with a reduced preference for UV– conditions and, at the same time, an increased preference for SW– conditions in the presence of prey. Thus, prey choice seems to be strongly affected by visual information at the short‐wave end of the spectrum. The foraging preferences were also mirrored by the chromatic contrast values between prey and the experimental background, as calculated for each lighting condition using a series of physiological models on stickleback perception. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 359–368.  相似文献   
Field in‐situ sinter growth studies have been carried out in five geochemically very different Icelandic geothermal areas with the aim to quantify the effects of water chemistry, (e.g. silica content (250 to 695 p.p.m. SiO2), salinity (meteoric to seawater), pH (7.5 to 10)), temperature (42–96 °C) and microbial abundance (prevalence, density) on the growth rates, textures and structures of sinters forming within and around geothermal waters. At each location, sinter growth was monitored over time periods between 30 min and 25 months using glass slides that acted as precipitation substrates from which sinter growth rates were derived. In geothermal areas like Svartsengi and Reykjanes, subaqueous sinters developed rapidly with growth rates of 10 and 304 kg year?1 m?2, respectively, and this was attributed primarily to the near neutral pH, high salinity and medium to high silica content within these geothermal waters. The porous and homogeneous precipitates that formed at these sites were dominated by aggregates of amorphous silica and they contained few if any microorganisms. At Hveragerdi and Geysir, the geothermal waters were characterized by slightly alkaline pH, low salinity and moderate silica contents, resulting in substantially lower rates of sinter growth (0.2–1.4 kg year?1 m?2). At these sites sinter formation was restricted to the vicinity of the air–water interface (AWI) where evaporation and condensation processes predominated, with sinter textures being governed by the formation of dense and heterogeneous crusts with well‐defined spicules and silica terraces. In contrast, the subaqueous sinters at these sites were characterized by extensive biofilms, which, with time, became fully silicified and thus well preserved within the sinter edifices. Finally, at Krafla, the geothermal waters exhibited high sinter growth rates (19.5 kg year?1 m?2) despite being considerably undersaturated with respect to amorphous silica. However, the bulk of the sinter textures and structure were made up of thick silicified biofilms and this indicated that silica precipitation, i.e. sinter growth, was aided by the surfaces provided by the thick biofilms. These results further suggest that the interplay between purely abiotic processes and the ubiquitous presence of mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms in modern silica rich terrestrial hydrothermal settings provides an excellent analogue for processes in Earth's and possibly Mars's ancient past.  相似文献   
Abstract: Key aspects of the morphology, autecology, systematics and taphonomy of the crustacean syncarids from the Montceau Lagerstätte (Upper Carboniferous, Stephanian B; France) are presented. Palaeocaris secretanae is the most abundant faunal element of the Montceau biota and shows striking morphological similarities with Palaeocaris typus from the Mazon Creek Lagerstätte (Westphalian D; Illinois, USA). Palaeocaris secretanae was a shrimp‐like animal with a short head (no head shield), large mandibles, 14 trunk segments (the first one being reduced) and a fan‐like caudal termination. Both the body and the appendage design indicate abilities for crawling on the substratum (slender endopods) and for escape reaction (uropodal fan, pleonal flexibility), although swimming activities may have been reduced (trunk appendages with small flap‐like exopods). Details of the appendages involved in feeding, e.g. mandibles and maxillipeds, indicate poor ability for predation but point to an omnivorous detritus feeding mode. Poorly developed respiratory organs (small cylindrical epipods) suggest a relatively low level of locomotory activity. The field of vision may have been large and panoramic (stalked eyes). Rows of pores on 12 trunk segments are interpreted as possible sensory organs used for current detection. Females were brooding eggs (clusters of eggs preserved along anteroventral trunk). Microprobe analysis indicates that siderite is the major component of the nodules. Four events played a key‐role in the three‐dimensional preservation of syncarids: (1) rapid burial, (2) minimal decomposition, (3) phosphatic mineralization shortly after the animal's death and (4) nodule formation around the carcass. Palaeocaris secretanae is morphologically close to Recent syncarids such Anaspides tasmaniae (freshwater streams, Australia) in its general body plan and detailed anatomy, e.g. mouth parts, indicating morphological stasis in syncarids over more than 200 million years.  相似文献   
A quantitative examination was carried out on the early and mature stages of dentinogenesis in the rat incisor, using a post-embedding immunogold labelling with an anti-chondroitin 4 sulphate/dermatan sulphate antibody (2B6). At a very early stage of predentine formation, before polarizing odontoblasts have established junctional complexes, immunolabelling was weak. In contrast, when polarized odontoblasts established distal junctional complexes, immunolabelling in predentine was uniform and threefold denser than in initial predentine. The same gold particle density was found in the non-mineralized mantle dentine. During circumpulpal dentine formation, a gradient was seen in predentine, a larger number of gold particles being scored in the proximal zone compared with the distal region adjacent to the mineralization front. In circumpulpal dentine, some labelling was found within the lumen of the tubules and in the bordering dentine around the tubules. A few particles were also detected in intertubular matrix after demineralization. Together, these data provide evidence for a developmentally regulated gradient during the transition between mantle and circumpulpal dentine, and also in a more mature part of the tooth, a functional gradient that probably plays a role in the process of mineralization. © 1998 Chapman & Hall  相似文献   
Processes occurring at the end of the larval stage are of major importance in shaping spatial structure of fish assemblages in coral reefs. However, because of the difficulty in identifying larvae to species, many studies dealing with these stages are limited to the family level. It remains unknown if variation in the spatial structure of coral‐reef fish assemblages across life stages can be detected at such a coarse taxonomic level. Two different surveys conducted in a similar area of New Caledonia, Southwest Pacific, provided the opportunity to compare the structure of coral‐reef fish assemblages collected as pre‐settlement larvae, juveniles and adults along a coast to barrier reef gradient. Adult and juvenile fish were sampled using underwater visual counts (UVC) during the warm seasons of 2004 and 2005. Pre‐settlement larvae were sampled with light‐traps during the same seasons. In order to standardize data between sampling methods, analyses were conducted on the relative abundance (for larvae) and density (for juveniles and adults) of 21 families commonly collected with both methods. Relative abundances/densities of families were analysed as a function of life stage (larvae, juveniles or adults), large‐scale spatial location (coast, lagoon or barrier) and years (2004, 2005) using non‐parametric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) and permutational multivariate analysis of variance (permanova ). Kruskal–Wallis tests were then used to examine differences among life stages and locations for individual families. Different levels of spatial and temporal variability characterized fish assemblages from different life stages, and differences among life stages were detected at all locations and years. Differences among life stages were also significant at the level of individual families. Overall results indicate that studies conducted at the family level may efficiently reveal changes in coral‐reef fish spatial structure among successive life stages when large spatial scales are considered.  相似文献   
Climate and litter quality are primary drivers of terrestrial decomposition and, based on evidence from multisite experiments at regional and global scales, are universally factored into global decomposition models. In contrast, soil animals are considered key regulators of decomposition at local scales but their role at larger scales is unresolved. Soil animals are consequently excluded from global models of organic mineralization processes. Incomplete assessment of the roles of soil animals stems from the difficulties of manipulating invertebrate animals experimentally across large geographic gradients. This is compounded by deficient or inconsistent taxonomy. We report a global decomposition experiment to assess the importance of soil animals in C mineralization, in which a common grass litter substrate was exposed to natural decomposition in either control or reduced animal treatments across 30 sites distributed from 43°S to 68°N on six continents. Animals in the mesofaunal size range were recovered from the litter by Tullgren extraction and identified to common specifications, mostly at the ordinal level. The design of the trials enabled faunal contribution to be evaluated against abiotic parameters between sites. Soil animals increase decomposition rates in temperate and wet tropical climates, but have neutral effects where temperature or moisture constrain biological activity. Our findings highlight that faunal influences on decomposition are dependent on prevailing climatic conditions. We conclude that (1) inclusion of soil animals will improve the predictive capabilities of region‐ or biome‐scale decomposition models, (2) soil animal influences on decomposition are important at the regional scale when attempting to predict global change scenarios, and (3) the statistical relationship between decomposition rates and climate, at the global scale, is robust against changes in soil faunal abundance and diversity.  相似文献   
Intercontinental trade has led to multiple introductions of invasive pest species at a global scale. Molecular analyses of the structure of populations support the understanding of ecological strategies and evolutionary patterns that promote successful biological invasions. The oriental fruit moth, Grapholita (=Cydia) molesta, is a cosmopolitan and economically destructive pest of stone and pome fruits, expanding its distribution range concomitantly with global climate warming. We used ten newly developed polymorphic microsatellite markers to examine the genetic structure of G. molesta populations in an agricultural ecosystem in the Emilia‐Romagna region of northern Italy. Larvae collected in eight sampling sites were assigned to a mosaic of five populations with significant intra‐regional structure. Inferred measures of gene flow within populations implicated both active dispersal, and passive dispersal associated with accidental anthropogenic displacements. Small effective population sizes, coupled with high inbreeding levels, highlighted the effect of orchard management practices on the observed patterns of genetic variation within the sampling sites. Isolation by distance did not appear to play a major role at the spatial scale considered. Our results provide new insights into the population genetics and dynamics of an invasive pest species at a regional scale.  相似文献   
[5-3H] indoleacetic acid (IAA) was applied to the apical budof young tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) treatedor not with 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA). Chromatographicanalysis showed that treatment with TIBA increased the quantityof breakdown products in the apical 1.5 mm segment of the stem.Autoradiographs of ultra-thin sections of this segment wereprepared after treatment with glutaraldehyde. The inhibitionof polar auxin transport by TIBA caused an increase in the densityof labelling of all the cellular types in the shoot apex. TheTIBA treatment provoked a modification of the structure of theshoot apex in which the greatest increases in density of labellingwere detected in the superficial tunical layer and in the pithmeristem. The increase in radioactivity of the superficial tunicallayer could be explained by the presence of polyphenols in thevacuoles. For the pith meristem, the TIBA treatment intensifiedthe high labelling previously observed at this level in thecontrol plants. This could indicate a role for auxin in cellularelongation. It could also point to the importance of the pithmeristem in the functioning of the shoot apex. Key words: [3H] IAA, Lycopersicon esculentum, TIBA  相似文献   
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