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Elevated CO2 has been shown to stimulate plant productivity and change litter chemistry. These changes in substrate availability may then alter soil microbial processes and possibly lead to feedback effects on N availability. However, the strength of this feedback, and even its direction, remains unknown. Further, uncertainty remains whether sustained increases in net primary productivity will lead to increased long‐term C storage in soil. To examine how changes in litter chemistry and productivity under elevated CO2 influence microbial activity and soil C formation, we conducted a 230‐day microcosm incubation with five levels of litter addition rate that represented 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.4 and 1.8 × litterfall rates observed in the field for aspen stand growing under control treatments at the Aspen FACE experiment in Rhinelander, WI, USA. Litter and soil samples were collected from the corresponding field control and elevated CO2 treatment after trees were exposed to elevated CO2 (560 ppm) for 7 years. We found that small decreases in litter [N] under elevated CO2 had minor effects on microbial biomass carbon, microbial biomass nitrogen and dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Increasing litter addition rates resulted in linear increase in total C and new C (C from added litter) that accumulated in whole soil as well as in the high density soil fraction (HDF), despite higher cumulative C loss by respiration. Total N retained in whole soil and in HDF also increased with litter addition rate as did accumulation of new C per unit of accumulated N. Based on our microcosm comparisons and regression models, we expected that enhanced C inputs rather than changes in litter chemistry would be the dominant factor controlling soil C levels and turnover at the current level of litter production rate (230 g C m−2 yr−1 under ambient CO2). However, our analysis also suggests that the effects of changes in biochemistry caused by elevated CO2 could become significant at a higher level of litter production rate, with a trend of decreasing total C in HDF, new C in whole soil, as well as total N in whole soil and HDF.  相似文献   
菝葜属和肖菝葜属的核型变异和系统演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于体细胞染色体核型及花序特征对菝葜科Smilacaceae菝葜属Smilax和肖菝葜属Heterosmilax进行了系统演化研究,报道了国产菝葜科17个分类群的核型。根据已研究的部分形态学特征和已有的核型和分子序列资料,对它们的系统进化进行了分析。结果显示:(1)整个类群的核型变异表现在二型化、多倍化、染色体的微变异以及染色体基数递减(从16-15-13),16为菝葜类群的基本染色体基数。(2)草本菝葜的核型对称性在东亚到北美种类中,表现出从对称到不对称的变化,而木本菝葜的各组间并未表现出这种趋势。(3)先出叶(prophy11)是宿存的芽鳞,因此在菝葜组sect.China和土茯苓组sect.Coilanthus中具花序的分枝(该分枝基部具先出叶)与圆锥菝葜组sect.Macranthae和穗菝葜组sect.Smilax中着生叶腋的花序分枝或者具关节的单伞形花序是同源的;结合ITS资料,推测花序原始类型是具伞形花序无总花梗呈穗状排列的种类。从祖先类型,花序的分化朝两个方向:一为菝葜属的菝葜组和土茯苓组以及肖菝葜属的全部种类为代表的生于叶腋的单伞形花序,另一为菝葜属的圆锥菝葜组sect.Macranthae的全部种类构成的圆锥.伞形花序。(4)肖菝葜属的核型和ITS数据都表明其为非单系类群,与草本菝葜和土茯苓组成员为姐妹群,首次发现花被2/3联合的过渡类型——筐条菝葜S.corbularia,建议将肖菝葜属降为亚属,置于菝葜属。(5)核型特点支持草本菝葜是东亚起源,扩展到北美,与土茯苓组种类有共同祖先.来自于x=16的木本菝葜,赞同恢复草本组sect.Nemexia。(6)在广布种菝葜S.china中首次发现二倍体居群,已知其存在3种倍性(2x、4x和6x),发现不同倍性居群的分布规律,推测在第三纪至更新世中期日本、台湾岛与大陆分离之前,菝葜的叙居群已广泛分布,而目前广泛分布的缸居群是岛屿与大陆分离后形靠的。(7)我国西南是菝葜科现代分布和分化中心。  相似文献   
Abstract: Waterfowl nesting in annual croplands has remained a little-known aspect of waterfowl nesting ecology because of the inability of many studies to systematically search this habitat through the nesting season. Where searches have been conducted, they are generally restricted to the period prior to seeding, and many nests found are destroyed by the seeding operation. Consequently, fall-seeded crops have been promoted as an alternative cropping practice that could increase nest survival of waterfowl nesting in croplands. During 1996–1999, we conducted 3–4 complete nest searches on 4,274 ha of cropland, including spring-seeded wheat and barley, winter wheat, and fall rye in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Using suites of predictive models, we tested hypotheses regarding relative nest abundance and nest survival among crop types and tested the influence of several landscape-scale covariates on these metrics. Apparent nest densities were higher in fall-seeded crops (winter wheat: 0.39 nests/ha, fall rye: 0.25 nests/ha) than in spring-seeded crops (0.03 nests/ha), and nest density in spring-seeded croplands increased with percent cropland and percent wetland habitat in the surrounding landscape. Nest survival was higher in winter wheat (38%) than in either fall rye (18%) or spring-seeded crops (12%), and nest survival in spring-seeded crops increased with relative nest initiation date. Nest survival was unaffected by surrounding landscape characteristics but tended to be higher in years of average wetness. Based on our findings, winter wheat and fall rye have the potential to provide productive nesting habitat for ≥7 species of upland nesting ducks and fall-seeded crops are a conservation tool well suited to highly cropped landscapes.  相似文献   
This study examined the fecundity, oviposition, nymphal development and longevity of field‐collected samples of the tropical bedbug, Cimex hemipterus (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Cimicidae). Under environmental conditions of 26±2°C, 70 ± 5% relative humidity and a 12‐h photoperiod, with bloodmeals provided by a human host, six strains of tropical bedbug had a fecundity of up to 50 eggs per lifetime, over 11–14 oviposition cycles. Increased feeding frequency improved fecundity. After feeding and mating, adult females normally took 2–3 days to produce a first batch of eggs. The oviposition period lasted 2–7 days before cessation of the oviposition cycle. The egg incubation period usually lasted 5–7 days before the emergence of first instars. The nymphs underwent five stadia (the first four of which each took 3–4 days, whereas the last took 4–5 days) before becoming adults at a sex ratio of 1 : 1. More than five bloodmeals were required by the nymphs to ensure a successful moult. Unmated adults lived significantly longer than mated adults (P < 0.05). Unmated females lived up to almost 7 months, but the longevity of mated males and females did not differ significantly (P > 0.05).  相似文献   
Global surface temperatures are expected to increase by several degrees in the next century, with potentially large but poorly understood impacts on ecological interactions. Here we propose potential effects of increased temperatures on ecologically dominant New Zealand grasses (Chionochloa spp.) that mass flower and mast seed. Twenty-two years’ data from five masting Chionochloa species in New Zealand showed that the cue for heavy flowering was unusually high temperature in the summer of the year before flowering. Attack by predispersal insect seed predators was much reduced in mast years, apparently because predator populations were satiated. Increased temperatures would greatly decrease interannual variation in Chionochloa flowering, allowing seed predator populations to increase and potentially to devastate the seed crop annually. Similar responses are likely in masting species worldwide. This previously unrecognized effect of global warming could have widespread impacts on temperate ecosystems.  相似文献   
Large miliolid foraminifers of the subfamily Soritinae bear symbiotic dinoflagellates morphologically similar to the species of the "Symbiodinium" complex, commonly found in corals and other marine invertebrates. Soritid foraminifers are abundant in coral reefs and it has been proposed that they share their symbionts with other dinoflagellate-bearing reef dwellers. In order to test this hypothesis, we have analysed partial large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences from dinoflagellates symbionts obtained from 28 foraminiferal specimens, and compared them to the corresponding sequences of Symbiodinium-like endosymbionts from various groups of invertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis of our data shows that all soritid symbionts belong to the "Symbiodinium" species complex, within which they form seven different molecular types (Frl-Fr7). Only one of these types (Fr1) branches within a group of invertebrate symbionts, previously described as type C. The remaining six types form sister groups to coral symbionts previously designed as types B, C, and D. Our data indicate a high genetic diversity and specificity of Symbiodinium-like symbionts in soritids. Except for type C, we have found no evidence for the transmission of symbionts between foraminifers and other symbiont-bearing invertebrates from the same localities. However, exchanges must have occurred frequently between the different species of Soritinae, as suggested by the lack of host specificity and some biogeographical patterns observed in symbiont distribution. Our data suggest that members of the subfamily Soritinae acquired their symbionts at least three times during their history, each acquisition being followed by a rapid diversification and independent radiation of symbionts within the foraminiferal hosts.  相似文献   
Biochemical effects of sub lethal doses LC10 and LC20 of cypermethrin were studied on some enzymes and macromolecule activities of adult beetles of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst.). Cypermethrin caused disturbances in levels of all biochemical components under study. The dose of 0.78 ppm caused abnormalities in α‐amylase and FAA by increasing their activities i.e., 45.45% and 21.97% significantly. The higher sub lethal dose of 2.62 ppm disturbed all the parameters (AcP, α‐amylase, soluble protein and FAA) except AkP, which was decreased by 93.06%. Moreover, sub lethal doses either increased or decreased the levels of all parameters non‐significantly except AkP and FAA which were effected significantly by 87.92% and 14.29% at lower and higher doses, respectively. In the present studies, cypermethrin significantly enhanced the activity of AkP in both susceptible and resistant strains of T. castaneum adult beetles while FAA contents were increased significantly in resistant strain only. The activity of α‐amylase was significantly lowered in susceptible strain only.  相似文献   
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