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Background and Objective Immune escape by tumors can occur by multiple mechanisms, each a significant barrier to immunotherapy. We previously demonstrated that upregulation of the immunosuppressive molecule CD200 on chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells inhibits Th1 cytokine production required for an effective cytotoxic T cell response. CD200 expression on human tumor cells in animal models prevents human lymphocytes from rejecting the tumor; treatment with an antagonistic anti-CD200 antibody restored lymphocyte-mediated tumor growth inhibition. The current study evaluated CD200 expression on solid cancers, and its effect on immune response in vitro. Methods and Results CD200 protein was expressed on the surface of 5/8 ovarian cancer, 2/4 melanoma, 2/2 neuroblastoma and 2/3 renal carcinoma cell lines tested, but CD200 was absent on prostate, lung, breast, astrocytoma, or glioblastoma cell lines. Evaluation of patient samples by immunohistochemistry showed strong, membrane-associated CD200 staining on malignant cells of melanoma (4/4), ovarian cancer (3/3) and clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) (2/3), but also on normal ovary and kidney. CD200 expression on melanoma metastases was determined by RT-QPCR, and was found to be significantly higher in jejunum metastases (2/2) and lung metastases (2/6) than in normal samples. Addition of CD200-expressing, but not CD200-negative solid tumor cell lines to mixed lymphocyte reactions downregulated the production of Th1 cytokines. Inclusion of antagonistic anti-CD200 antibody restored Th1 cytokine responses. Conclusion These data suggest that melanoma, ccRCC and ovarian tumor cells can express CD200, thereby potentially suppressing anti-tumor immune responses. CD200 blockade with an antagonistic antibody may permit an effective anti-tumor immune response in these solid tumor types.  相似文献   
We examined the responses of an allergenic species, western ragweed (Ambrosia psilostachya DC.), to experimental warming and clipping. The experiment was conducted in a tallgrass prairie in Oklahoma, USA, between 1999 and 2001. Warming increased ragweed stems by 88% when not clipped and 46% when clipped. Clipping increased ragweed stems by 75% and 36% in the control and warmed plots, respectively. In 2001, warming resulted in a 105% increase in ragweed aboveground biomass (AGB), and the ratio of ragweed AGB to total AGB increased by 79%. Dry mass per ragweed stem in the warmed plots was 37% and 38% greater than that in the control plots in 2000 and 2001, respectively. Although warming caused no difference in pollen production per stem, total pollen production increased by 84% (P < 0.05) because there were more ragweed stems. Experimental warming significantly increased pollen diameter from 21.2 μm in the control plots to 23.9 μm in the warmed plots (a 13% increase). The results from our experiment suggest that global warming could aggravate allergic hazards and thereby jeopardize public health.  相似文献   
Nasopharyngeal colonization by Streptococcus pneumoniae is a prerequisite to invasion to the lungs or bloodstream1. This organism is capable of colonizing the mucosal surface of the nasopharynx, where it can reside, multiply and eventually overcome host defences to invade to other tissues of the host. Establishment of an infection in the normally lower respiratory tract results in pneumonia. Alternatively, the bacteria can disseminate into the bloodstream causing bacteraemia, which is associated with high mortality rates2, or else lead directly to the development of pneumococcal meningitis. Understanding the kinetics of, and immune responses to, nasopharyngeal colonization is an important aspect of S. pneumoniae infection models.Our mouse model of intranasal colonization is adapted from human models3 and has been used by multiple research groups in the study of host-pathogen responses in the nasopharynx4-7. In the first part of the model, we use a clinical isolate of S. pneumoniae to establish a self-limiting bacterial colonization that is similar to carriage events in human adults. The procedure detailed herein involves preparation of a bacterial inoculum, followed by the establishment of a colonization event through delivery of the inoculum via an intranasal route of administration. Resident macrophages are the predominant cell type in the nasopharynx during the steady state. Typically, there are few lymphocytes present in uninfected mice8, however mucosal colonization will lead to low- to high-grade inflammation (depending on the virulence of the bacterial species and strain) that will result in an immune response and the subsequent recruitment of host immune cells. These cells can be isolated by a lavage of the tracheal contents through the nares, and correlated to the density of colonization bacteria to better understand the kinetics of the infection.  相似文献   
The C-type lectin L-SIGN is expressed on liver and lymph node endothelial cells, where it serves as a receptor for a variety of carbohydrate ligands, including ICAM-3, Ebola, and HIV. To consider targeting liver/lymph node-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin (L-SIGN) for therapeutic purposes in autoimmunity and infectious disease, we isolated and characterized Fabs that bind strongly to L-SIGN, but to a lesser degree or not at all to dendritic cell-specific ICAM-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN). Six Fabs with distinct relative affinities and epitope specificities were characterized. The Fabs and those selected for conversion to IgG were tested for their ability to block ligand (HIV gp120, Ebola gp, and ICAM-3) binding. Receptor internalization upon Fab binding was evaluated on primary human liver sinusoidal endothelial cells by flow cytometry and confirmed by confocal microscopy. Although all six Fabs internalized, three Fabs that showed the most complete blocking of HIVgp120 and ICAM-3 binding to L-SIGN also internalized most efficiently. Differences among the Fab panel in the ability to efficiently block Ebola gp compared with HIVgp120 suggested distinct binding sites. As a first step to consider the potential of these Abs for Ab-mediated Ag delivery, we evaluated specific peptide delivery to human dendritic cells. A durable human T cell response was induced when a tetanus toxide epitope embedded into a L-SIGN/DC-SIGN-cross-reactive Ab was targeted to dendritic cells. We believe that the isolated Abs may be useful for selective delivery of Ags to DC-SIGN- or L-SIGN-bearing APCs for the modulation of immune responses and for blocking viral infections.  相似文献   
Diploid a/alpha Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells cease mitotic growth and enter meiosis in response to starvation. Expression of meiotic genes depends on the IME1 gene product, which accumulates only in meiotic cells. We report here an analysis of the regulatory region of IME2, an IME1-dependent meiotic gene. Deletion and substitution studies identified a 48-bp IME1-dependent upstream activation sequence (UAS). Activity of the UAS also requires the RIM11, RIM15, and RIM16 gene products, which are required for expression of the chromosomal IME2 promoter and for meiosis. Through a selection for suppressors that permit UAS activity in an ime1 deletion mutant, we identified recessive mutations in three genes, SIN3 (also called RPD1, UME4, and SDI1), RPD3, and UME6 (also called CAR80), that were previously known as negative regulators of other early meiotic genes. Mutational analysis of the IME2 UAS reveals two critical sequence elements: a G+C-rich sequence (called URS1), previously identified at many meiotic genes, and a newly described element, the T4C site, that we found at a subset of meiotic genes. In agreement with prior studies, URS1 mutations lead to elevated IME2 UAS activity in the absence of IME1. However, the URS1 mutations prevent any further stimulation of UAS activity by IME1. Repression through URS1 has been shown to require the UME6 gene product. We find that activation of the IME2 UAS by IME1 also requires the UME6 gene product. Thus, UME6 and the URS1 site both have dual negative and positive roles at the IME2 UAS. We propose that IME1 modifies UME6 to convert it from a negulator to a positive Regulor.  相似文献   
We have isolated two novel human cDNAs, gps1-1 and gps2, that suppress lethal G-protein subunit-activating mutations in the pheromone response pathway of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Suppression of other pathway-activating events was examined. In wild-type cells, expression of either gps1-1 or gps2 led to enhanced recovery from cell cycle arrest induced by pheromone. Sequence analysis indicated that gps1-1 contains only the carboxy-terminal half of the gps1 coding sequence. The predicted gene product of gps1 has striking similarity to the protein encoded by the Arabidopsis FUS6 (COP11) gene, a negative regulator of light-mediated signal transduction that is known to be essential for normal development. A chimeric construct containing gps1 and FUS6 sequences also suppressed the yeast pheromone pathway, indicating functional conservation between these human and plant genes. In addition, when overexpressed in mammalian cells, gps1 or gps2 potently suppressed a RAS- and mitogen-activated protein kinase-mediated signal and interfered with JNK activity, suggesting that signal repression is part of their normal function. For gps1, these results are consistent with the proposed function of FUS6 (COP11) as a signal transduction repressor in plants.  相似文献   
Previously, we showed an inverse correlation between HSP27 serum levels and experimental atherogenesis in ApoE?/? mice that over-express HSP27 and speculated that the apparent binding of HSP27 to scavenger receptor-A (SR-A) was of mechanistic importance in attenuating foam cell formation. However, the nature and importance of the interplay between HSP27 and SR-A in atheroprotection remained unclear. Treatment of THP-1 macrophages with recombinant HSP27 (rHSP27) inhibited acLDL binding (? 34%; p < 0.005) and uptake (? 38%, p < 0.05). rHSP27 reduced SR-A mRNA (? 39%, p = 0.02), total protein (? 56%, p = 0.01) and cell surface (? 53%, p < 0.001) expression. The reduction in SR-A expression by rHSP27 was associated with a 4-fold increase in nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signaling (p < 0.001 versus control), while an inhibitor of NF-κB signaling, BAY11-7082, attenuated the negative effects of rHSP27 on both SR-A expression and lipid uptake. To determine if SR-A is required for HSP27 mediated atheroprotection in vivo, ApoE?/? and ApoE?/? SR-A?/? mice fed with a high fat diet were treated for 3 weeks with rHSP25. Compared to controls, rHSP25 therapy reduced aortic en face and aortic sinus atherosclerotic lesion size in ApoE?/? mice by 39% and 36% (p < 0.05), respectively, but not in ApoE?/?SR-A?/? mice. In conclusion, rHSP27 diminishes SR-A expression, resulting in attenuated foam cell formation in vitro. Regulation of SR-A by HSP27 may involve the participation of NF-κB signaling. Lastly, SR-A is required for HSP27-mediated atheroprotection in vivo.  相似文献   
To study the nature of antibody-antigen interactions, we have determined the variable gene sequences of the anti-cytochrome c immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) monoclonal antibody E8, and obtained diffraction-quality crystals of the E8 antigen-binding fragment (Fab), both free and bound to its antigen, horse cytochrome c. The FabE8 crystals belong to space group P21 with unit cell dimensions of a = 45.0 A, b = 85.1 A, c = 63.3 A and beta = 105.5 degrees, have one FabE8 molecule per asymmetric unit and diffract to at least 2.1 A resolution. Crystals of the FabE8-cytochrome c complex belong to space group P212121 with unit cell dimensions of a = 84.3 A, b = 73.3 A and c = 94.9 A, accommodate one complex per asymmetric unit and diffract to 2.4 A resolution. In the nucleotide-derived amino acid sequences, the light-chain variable domain (VL) but not the heavy-chain variable domain (VH) of E8 is nearly identical to that of the anti-lysozyme antibody D1.3, differing by only five amino acid residues. Only one of these interacts with lysozyme in the D1.3-lysozyme crystal structure. Six negative and four positive charges in the VH complementarity determining regions of E8 complement four positive and three negative charges in the E8 epitope on cytochrome c. These data suggest that only a subset of the residues in an antibody-protein interface may be critical for binding and that the VH may play a dominant role in antigenic recognition.  相似文献   
Although the microneutralization (MN) assay has been shown to be more sensitive than the hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) assay for the measurement of humoral immunity against influenza viruses, further evidence relating MN titres to protective efficacy against infection is needed. Serum antibodies against seasonal H1N1 and H3N2 influenza were measured in children and adolescents (n = 656) by MN and hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) assays. Compared to HAI, the MN assay is more sensitive in detecting serum antibodies and estimates of protective effectiveness against PCR-confirmed infection were higher for both subtypes. Given our findings, the MN assay warrants further consideration as a formal tool for the routine evaluation of vaccine-induced antibody responses.  相似文献   
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