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Recent studies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in mammals and Drosophila have shown an excess of amino acid variation within species (replacement polymorphism) relative to the number of silent and replacement differences fixed between species. To examine further this pattern of nonneutral mtDNA evolution, we present sequence data for the ND3 and ND5 genes from 59 lines of Drosophila melanogaster and 29 lines of D. simulans. Of interest are the frequency spectra of silent and replacement polymorphisms, and potential variation among genes and taxa in the departures from neutral expectations. The Drosophila ND3 and ND5 data show no significant excess of replacement polymorphism using the McDonald-Kreitman test. These data are in contrast to significant departures from neutrality for the ND3 gene in mammals and other genes in Drosophila mtDNA (cytochrome b and ATPase 6). Pooled across genes, however, both Drosophila and human mtDNA show very significant excesses of amino acid polymorphism. Silent polymorphisms at ND5 show a significantly higher variance in frequency than replacement polymorphisms, and the latter show a significant skew toward low frequencies (Tajima's D = -1.954). These patterns are interpreted in light of the nearly neutral theory where mildly deleterious amino acid haplotypes are observed as ephemeral variants within species but do not contribute to divergence. The patterns of polymorphism and divergence at charge-altering amino acid sites are presented for the Drosophila ND5 gene to examine the evolution of functionally distinct mutations. Excess charge-altering polymorphism is observed at the carboxyl terminal and excess charge-altering divergence is detected at the amino terminal. While the mildly deleterious model fits as a net effect in the evolution of nonrecombining mitochondrial genomes, these data suggest that opposing evolutionary pressures may act on different regions of mitochondrial genes and genomes.   相似文献   
The seasonal maximum in photosynthetic CO2 exchange rate (CER) and the cessation of leaf expansion in soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr) accompany fruiting under normal agricultural conditions. To investigate whether these phenomena were obligatively tied together, we caused early flowering of long-season varieties by imposing artificial short-day treatments. Comparisons of CER and leaf area between vegetative (long-day treatment) and fruiting (short-day treatment) plants of long-season cultivar confirmed the relationship of these phenomena. The same comparisons made between a long-season and a short-season cultivar, both at the same daylength, also confirmed the relationship.  相似文献   
Force development in smooth muscle, as in skeletal muscle, is believed to reflect recruitment of force-generating myosin cross-bridges. However, little is known about the events underlying cross-bridge recruitment as the muscle cell approaches peak isometric force and then enters a period of tension maintenance. In the present studies on single smooth muscle cells isolated from the toad (Bufo marinus) stomach muscularis, active muscle stiffness, calculated from the force response to small sinusoidal length changes (0.5% cell length, 250 Hz), was utilized to estimate the relative number of attached cross-bridges. By comparing stiffness during initial force development to stiffness during force redevelopment immediately after a quick release imposed at peak force, we propose that the instantaneous active stiffness of the cell reflects both a linearly elastic cross-bridge element having 1.5 times the compliance of the cross-bridge in frog skeletal muscle and a series elastic component having an exponential length-force relationship. At the onset of force development, the ratio of stiffness to force was 2.5 times greater than at peak isometric force. These data suggest that, upon activation, cross-bridges attach in at least two states (i.e., low-force-producing and high-force-producing) and redistribute to a steady state distribution at peak isometric force. The possibility that the cross-bridge cycling rate was modulated with time was also investigated by analyzing the time course of tension recovery to small, rapid step length changes (0.5% cell length in 2.5 ms) imposed during initial force development, at peak force, and after 15 s of tension maintenance. The rate of tension recovery slowed continuously throughout force development following activation and slowed further as force was maintained. Our results suggest that the kinetics of force production in smooth muscle may involve a redistribution of cross-bridge populations between two attached states and that the average cycling rate of these cross-bridges becomes slower with time during contraction.  相似文献   
(S)-(-)-Tropic acid is the acidic moiety of the tropane ester alkaloids, hyoscyamine and scopolamine (hyoscine). When tropic acid is fed to transformed root cultures of Datura stramonium L. or a Brugmansia (Datura) Candida x B. aurea hybrid, the formation of these alkaloids is inhibited. Phenyllactic acid, from which the tropoyl moiety is derived, is considerably less inhibitory. Label from (RS)-phenyl[1,3-13C2]lactic acid is incorporated at high levels into apoatropine, littorine, aposcopolamine, hyoscyamine, 7-hydroxyapoatropine, scopolamine and 7-hydroxyhyoscyamine when fed to these cultures. The presence of an excess concentration of unlabelled tropic acid has little influence on the specific incorporation into these products. It is concluded that free tropic acid is not an intermediate in hyoscyamine biosynthesis but rather that the rearrangement of phenyllactic acid occurs subsequent to its esterification.Abbreviations FM fresh mass - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy We are grateful to Drs. N.J. Walton, A.J. Parr, M.J.C. Rhodes (Institue of Food Research, Norwich) and B. Dräger (Münster, Germany) for helpful and critical discussions. We also wish to thank Dr. P. Bachmann (Braunschweig, Germany) for suggesting the use of the DB-17 column to separate littorine from hyoscyamine and for the modified Excel programme used to calculate the specific incorporations, Yannick Ford (AFRC Co-operative Award Studentship, University of Oxford) and Abigael Peerless for their able assistance, Dr. I. Colquhoun for assistance with some of the NMR spectroscopy and Drs. K. Shimomura (Tsukuba, Japan) and T. Hashimoto (Kyoto, Japan) for pure samples of 7-hydroxyhyoscyamine. J.G.W, gratefully acknowledges support from the Nuffield Foundation under the Small Grants Scheme to promote collaborative experimentation and M.A. is grateful to the Ministry of Education, Iran for a research scholarship.  相似文献   
The CpG Island Methylator Phenotype (CIMP) is fundamental to an important subset of colorectal cancer; however, its cause is unknown. CIMP is associated with microsatellite instability but is also found in BRAF mutant microsatellite stable cancers that are associated with poor prognosis. The isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) gene causes CIMP in glioma due to an activating mutation that produces the 2-hydroxyglutarate oncometabolite. We therefore examined IDH1 alteration as a potential cause of CIMP in colorectal cancer. The IDH1 mutational hotspot was screened in 86 CIMP-positive and 80 CIMP-negative cancers. The entire coding sequence was examined in 81 CIMP-positive colorectal cancers. Forty-seven cancers varying by CIMP-status and IDH1 mutation status were examined using Illumina 450K DNA methylation microarrays. The R132C IDH1 mutation was detected in 4/166 cancers. All IDH1 mutations were in CIMP cancers that were BRAF mutant and microsatellite stable (4/45, 8.9%). Unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis identified an IDH1 mutation-like methylation signature in approximately half of the CIMP-positive cancers. IDH1 mutation appears to cause CIMP in a small proportion of BRAF mutant, microsatellite stable colorectal cancers. This study provides a precedent that a single gene mutation may cause CIMP in colorectal cancer, and that this will be associated with a specific epigenetic signature and clinicopathological features.  相似文献   


The diversity of parasites attacking a host varies substantially among different host species. Understanding the factors that explain these patterns of parasite diversity is critical to identifying the ecological principles underlying biodiversity. Seabirds (Charadriiformes, Pelecaniformes and Procellariiformes) and their ectoparasitic lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) are ideal model groups in which to study correlates of parasite species richness. We evaluated the relative importance of morphological (body size, body weight, wingspan, bill length), life-history (longevity, clutch size), ecological (population size, geographical range) and behavioural (diving versus non-diving) variables as predictors of louse diversity on 413 seabird hosts species. Diversity was measured at the level of louse suborder, genus, and species, and uneven sampling of hosts was controlled for using literature citations as a proxy for sampling effort.  相似文献   
We measured proenkephalin (PEK) mRNA levels in the anterior and medial aspects of the caudate-putamen (CPU) and in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) of the rat by in situ hybridization histochemistry after chronic treatment for 21 days with typical (haloperidol and prolixin) and atypical (molindone, thioridazine, and clozapine) neuroleptics. Chronic administration with these drugs resulted in PEK mRNA levels that were 60-80% higher than controls in the anterior and medial aspects of the CPU but only 25-30% over controls in the NAc. All three atypical neuroleptics studied increased PEK mRNA in the following order: anterior-CPU, thioridazine greater than clozapine and molindone; medial-CPU, thioridazine and molindone greater than clozapine; and NAc, thioridazine much greater than molindone and clozapine. Chronic treatment with the specific dopamine D2 antagonist sulpiride also caused elevation in PEK mRNA levels in all three brain regions studied whereas the specific serotonin S2 receptor blocker, cinanserin, had no significant effects on PEK mRNA levels. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that elevated levels of the enkephalins in the mesolimbic system may be necessary for antipsychotic activity. They also support the idea that the undesirable motoric signs and symptoms observed after chronic treatment with typical neuroleptics may not be the result of increased levels of enkephalins in the basal ganglia because atypical neuroleptics which are almost totally devoid of these side effects caused similar increases in PEK mRNA in the CPU.  相似文献   
Canopy CO2-exchange rates (CER), air temperatures, and dew points were measured throughout ten days during the 1987 growing season for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench], and five soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr.] cultivars, and throughout seven days in 1988, on maize (Zea maize L.). The objective was to determine if the decline in CER per unit light during the afternoon is associated with a vapor pressure deficit (VPD) increase. Some of the soybean and maize plots were kept as dry as possible. A VPD term significantly contributed (P0.05) to a canopy CER regression model in 54 of 80 data sets in 1987. Grain sorghum was less sensitive than the well-watered soybean genotypes to an increasing VPD (P0.05) on three of the ten measurement days and less sensitive than cotton (P0.05) on only one day. Cotton demonstrated less VPD sensitivity than soybean (P0.05) on one day. The moisture stressed soybean plots showed a greater CER sensitivity to VPD (P0.05) than the well-watered soybean plots. In 1988, the frequently irrigated maize plots were less sensitive to VPD (P0.05) than the rain-fed plots early in the season, before the rain-fed plots were excessively damaged by moisture stress. These results indicate that the afternoon declines in canopy CER found in a number of different species are associated with increases in the VPD; recent work of others suggests that this may be due to partial stomatal closure.Abbreviations CER carbon dioxide exchange rate - VPD vapor pressure deficit - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - DAP days after planning  相似文献   
2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-8-azido (TNP-8N3)-AMP, -ADP, and -ATP bind tightly to the Ca(2+)-ATPase of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum and become covalently attached on irradiation at alkaline pH, concomitant with inactivation of ATPase activity (Seebregts, C. J., and McIntosh, D. B. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 2043-2052). The ATPase is derivatized to the extent of 2-3 nmol/mg protein (i.e. approximately 1/2 maximum phosphoenzyme levels) per irradiation period at equimolar concentrations of ATPase and nucleotide. Stability studies of the adduct formed at alkaline pH revealed that the linkage is labile, particularly if the protein is denatured by brief heat (60 degrees C) treatment (t1/2 = 4-8 h at 40 degrees C). Thermolysin digestion of derivatized vesicles resulted in the release of the majority of the TNP chromaphore as an unstable TNP-peptide adduct (t1/2 = 9 h at 25 degrees C) with the sequence FSRDR*SMS, where the missing residue is Lys-492 and is presumably that which is derivatized. The same peptide adduct, and in similar amounts, was isolated from the ATPase derivatized with either TNP-8N3-AMP or -ATP. Several lines of evidence, including the finding that ATP- and not acetyl phosphate- or Pi-dependent phosphorylation is blocked by derivatization, suggest that the lysyl residue is at the catalytic nucleotide binding site, but is not directly involved in phosphoryl transfer. Lys-492 and Phe-487, as well as neighboring Arg-476 and Lys-515 (labeled with fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate), have all been highly conserved and probably contribute to a subdomain binding the purine and/or proximal phosphoryl groups of ATP.  相似文献   
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