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Several studies have indicated that olfactory responses are impeded by amiloride. Therefore, it was of interest to see whether, and if so which, olfactory epithelial cellular compartments have amiloride- sensitive structures. Using ultrastructural methods that involved rapid freezing, freeze-substitution and low temperature embedding of olfactory epithelia, this study shows that, in the rat, this tissue is immunoreactive to antibodies against amiloride sensitive Na(+)- channels. However, microvilli of olfactory supporting cells, as opposed to receptor cilia, contained most of the immunoreactive sites. Apices from which the microvilli sprout and receptor cell dendritic knobs had much less if any of the amiloride-antibody binding sites. Using a direct ligand-binding cytochemical method, this study also confirms earlier ones that showed that olfactory receptor cell cilia have Na+, K(+)-ATPase. It is proposed that supporting cell microvilli and the receptor cilia themselves have mechanisms, different but likely complementary, that participate in regulating the salt concentration around the receptor cell cilia. In this way, both structures help to provide the ambient mucous environment for receptor cells to function properly. This regulation of the salt concentration of an ambient fluid environment is a function that the olfactory epithelium shares with cells of transporting epithelia, such as those of kidney.   相似文献   
The possible inotropic effects of all three classes of endogenous opioids were tested alone or in combination with noradrenaline, adrenaline, or carbachol on electrically stimulated atria isolated from male Sprague-Dawley rats. Noradrenaline (6.0 and 12 microM) and adrenaline (4.0 and 8.0 microM) injections caused marked but transient (5 min) dose-related increases in atrial tension compared with preinjection control values, whereas carbachol (0.14 and 1.4 microM) caused a more potent and prolonged (over 15 min) dose-related decrease in atrial tension development. Adrenal enkephalins (0.3-4.0 microM) of methionine enkephalin, leucine enkephalin, Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7, and Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8, beta-endorphin (0.2-2.0 microM), or dynorphin A(1-13) (0.2-2.0 microM) did not change atrial tension for a 15-min postadministration test period. In addition, these opioids did not affect the positive inotropic effects of noradrenaline (12 microM) or adrenaline (8.0 microM) or the negative inotropic actions of carbachol (1.4 microM) when the same doses of noradrenaline, adrenaline, or carbachol were given alone. These data indicate that endogenous opioids given in micromolar concentrations tested did not affect atrial tension development of electrically stimulated rat atria. Comparing these data with those of past literature, it is suggested that circulating endogenous opioids probably do not have any direct effects on the rat myocardium to affect myocardial contractility.  相似文献   
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) is commonly utilized to identify and quantify microbial diversity, but the conditions required for different electrophoretic systems to yield equivalent results and optimal resolution have not been assessed. Herein, the influence of different DGGE system configuration parameters on microbial diversity estimates was tested using Symbiodinium, a group of marine eukaryotic microbes that are important constituents of coral reef ecosystems. To accomplish this, bacterial clone libraries were constructed and sequenced from cultured isolates of Symbiodinium for the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region. From these, 15 clones were subjected to PCR with a GC clamped primer set for DGGE analyses. Migration behaviors of the resulting amplicons were analyzed using a range of conditions, including variation in the composition of the denaturing gradient, electrophoresis time, and applied voltage. All tests were conducted in parallel on two commercial DGGE systems, a C.B.S. Scientific DGGE-2001, and the Bio-Rad DCode system. In this context, identical nucleotide fragments exhibited differing migration behaviors depending on the model of apparatus utilized, with fragments denaturing at a lower gradient concentration and applied voltage on the Bio-Rad DCode system than on the C.B.S. Scientific DGGE-2001 system. Although equivalent PCR–DGGE profiles could be achieved with both brands of DGGE system, the composition of the denaturing gradient and application of electrophoresis time × voltage must be appropriately optimized to achieve congruent results across platforms.  相似文献   
The countries of the world vary in their position along the autocracy–democracy continuum of values. Traditionally, scholars explain this variation as based on resource distribution and disparity among nations. We provide a different framework for understanding the autocracy–democracy dimension and related value dimensions, one that is complementary (not alternative) to the research tradition, but more encompassing, involving both evolutionary (ultimate) and proximate causation of the values. We hypothesize that the variation in values pertaining to autocracy–democracy arises fundamentally out of human (Homo sapiens) species‐typical psychological adaptation that manifests contingently, producing values and associated behaviours that functioned adaptively in human evolutionary history to cope with local levels of infectious diseases. We test this parasite hypothesis of democratization using publicly available data measuring democratization, collectivism–individualism, gender egalitarianism, property rights, sexual restrictiveness, and parasite prevalence across many countries of the world. Parasite prevalence across countries is based on a validated index of the severity of 22 important human diseases. We show that, as the hypothesis predicts, collectivism (hence, conservatism), autocracy, women’s subordination relative to men’s status, and women’s sexual restrictiveness are values that positively covary, and that correspond with high prevalence of infectious disease. Apparently, the psychology of xenophobia and ethnocentrism links these values to avoidance and management of parasites. Also as predicted, we show that the antipoles of each of the above values—individualism (hence, liberalism), democracy, and women’s rights, freedom and increased participation in casual sex—are a positively covarying set of values in countries with relatively low parasite stress. Beyond the cross‐national support for the parasite hypothesis of democratization, it is consistent with the geographic location at high latitudes (and hence reduced parasite stress) of the early democratic transitions in Britain, France and the U.S.A. It, too, is consistent with the marked increase in the liberalization of social values in the West in the 1950s and 1960s (in part, the sexual revolution), regions that, a generation or two earlier, experienced dramatically reduced infectious diseases as a result of antibiotics, vaccinations, food‐ and water‐safety practices, and increased sanitation. Moreover, we hypothesize that the generation and diffusion of innovations (in thought, action and technology) within and among regions, which is associated positively with democratization, is causally related to parasite stress. Finally, we hypothesize that past selection in the context of morbidity and mortality resulting from parasitic disease crafted many of the aspects of social psychology unique to humans.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted to compare the blood pressure and heart rate responses of conscious rats given intracerebroventricular (ICV) injections of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH 1-24) and corticotropin releasing factor (CRF). Under sodium pentobarbital anaesthesia, rats were implanted with a stainless-steel cannula into the lateral cerebral ventricle and had their right femoral artery and vein cannulated. Upon recovery (24-48 hr later) conscious, unrestrained rats were given ICV injections (total volume 5 microliter by gravity flow) of sterile saline, ACTH (1-24) (0.85 and 1.7 nmoles) or CRF (0.55 and 1.1 nmoles) and blood pressure and heart rate were monitored over the next 2 hr (from the abdominal aorta via the femoral arterial catheter). Both ACTH and CRF caused mean arterial pressure (MAP) to increase, which was paralleled with increases in mean heart rate (MHR). Moreover, these elevations in MAP and MHR were temporally associated with excessive grooming (for ACTH) and locomotor activity (for CRF), which occurred before and lasted as long as MAP and MHR were enhanced. Intravenous (IV) pretreatment whereby naloxone was given 10 min before ICV administration of ACTH (1.7 nmoles) or CRF (1.1 nmoles), showed that naloxone blocked the behavioral, pressor and tachycardic effects of both ACTH and CRF. The results demonstrate that the pressor, tachycardic and locomotor effects evoked in conscious rats by ICV administration of ACTH or CRF are antagonized by naloxone and that their hemodynamic changes may, in part, be mediated by prior behavioral activation.  相似文献   
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