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The indirect defences of plants are comprised of herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) that among other things attract the natural enemies of insects. However, the actual extent of the benefits of HIPV emissions in complex co‐evolved plant‐herbivore systems is only poorly understood. The observation that a few Quercus robur L. trees constantly tolerated (T‐oaks) infestation by a major pest of oaks (Tortrix viridana L.), compared with heavily defoliated trees (susceptible: S‐oaks), lead us to a combined biochemical and behavioural study. We used these evidently different phenotypes to analyse whether the resistance of T‐oaks to the herbivore was dependent on the amount and scent of HIPVs and/or differences in non‐volatile polyphenolic leaf constituents (as quercetin‐, kaempferol‐ and flavonol glycosides). In addition to non‐volatile metabolic differences, typically defensive HIPV emissions differed between S‐oaks and T‐oaks. Female moths were attracted by the blend of HIPVs from S‐oaks, showing significantly higher amounts of (E)‐4,8‐dimethyl‐1,3,7‐nonatriene (DMNT) and (E)‐β‐ocimene and avoid T‐oaks with relative high fraction of the sesquiterpenes α‐farnesene and germacrene D. Hence, the strategy of T‐oaks exhibiting directly herbivore‐repellent HIPV emissions instead of high emissions of predator‐attracting HIPVs of the S‐oaks appears to be the better mechanism for avoiding defoliation.  相似文献   
描述了产于中国新疆的黄耆属(Astragalus)丁字毛类群2新种,即额尔齐斯黄耆(Astragalus eerqisiensis Z.Y.Chang,L. R. Xu & D.Podlech)和沙地黄耆(A.shadiensis L. R. Xu,Z.Y.Chang & D.Podlech).其中,额尔齐斯黄耆仅见于新疆布尔津县的额尔齐斯河流域,与哈巴河黄耆(A.habaheensis)近缘,区别在于前者小叶菱形、倒卵形或椭圆形,长15~25(30)mm,宽(3)7~12(15)mm,旗瓣长20~22(25)mm,翼瓣顶端2裂;沙地黄耆产于新疆托克逊县东北部,散生于沙地荒漠,形态上与变异黄耆(A. variabilis Bunge ex Maxim.)接近,区别在于小叶5~7(9)枚而非11~19枚,旗瓣在中部收缩,植株全体被灰色毛而呈灰色.2新种均系中国特有种,其中额尔齐斯黄耆隶属于乌拉尔组(A. Sect.Helmia Bunge),沙地黄耆隶属于旱生组[A. Sect.Craccina(Stev.)Bunge].  相似文献   
A prominent response of temperate aquatic ecosystems to climate warming is changes in phenology – advancements or delays in annually reoccurring events in an organism's life cycle. The exact seasonal timing of warming, in conjunction with species-specific life-history events such as emergence from resting stages, timing of spawning, generation times, or stage-specific prey requirements, may determine the nature of a species' response. We demonstrate that recent climate-induced shifts in the phenology of lake phytoplankton and zooplankton species in a temperate eutrophic lake (Müggelsee, Germany) differed according to differences in their characteristic life cycles. Fast-growing plankton in spring (diatoms, Daphnia ) showed significant and synchronous forward movements by about 1 month, induced by concurrent earlier ice break-up dates (diatoms) and higher spring water temperature ( Daphnia ). No such synchrony was observed for slow-growing summer zooplankton species with longer and more complex life cycles (copepods, larvae of the mussel Dreissena polymorpha ). Although coexisting, the summer plankton responded species specifically to seasonal warming trends, depending on whether the timing of warming matched their individual thermal requirements at decisive developmental stages such as emergence from diapause (copepods), or spawning ( Dreissena ). Others did not change their phenology significantly, but nevertheless, increased in abundances. We show that the detailed seasonal pattern of warming influences the response of phyto- and zooplankton species to climate change, and point to the diverse nature of responses for species exhibiting complex life-history traits.  相似文献   
An effective visual signal elicits a strong receiver response. The visual receptors of most insects are sensitive to ultraviolet (UV), blue and green light. The decorations of certain orb web spiders may be described as a type of visual signal, a sensory trap, as they exploit visual biases in insects. We filtered UV and blue light from the decorations of Argiope keyserlingi , under field conditions, using plastic sheets to test if the UV and blue light reflected affects the type of prey caught. We found that houseflies, blowflies, stingless bees, honeybees and vespid wasps were caught more frequently in webs with decorations than webs without, while ichneumonid wasps were caught less frequently. Blowflies, stingless bees, honeybees and vespid wasps were caught more often in unfiltered decorated webs. These insects also have receptor sensitivities in the blue and UV. We showed that exploiting visual sensory biases plays an integral role in attracting insects to orb web decorations. Whether UV light, blue light, or both, are the most important cue, however, requires further study.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 221–229.  相似文献   
Several soft‐tissue imprints and attachment sites have been discovered on the inside of the shell wall and on the apertural side of the septum of various fossil and Recent ectocochleate cephalopods. In addition to the scars of the cephalic retractors, steinkerns of the body chambers of bactritoids and some ammonoids from the Moroccan and the German Emsian (Early Devonian) display various kinds of striations; some of these striations are restricted to the mural part of the septum, some start at the suture and terminate at the anterior limit of the annular elevation. Several of these features were also discovered in specimens of Mesozoic and Recent nautilids. These structures are here interpreted as imprints of muscle fibre bundles of the posterior and especially the septal mantle, blood vessels as well as the septal furrow. Most of these structures were not found in ammonoids younger than Middle Devonian. We suggest that newly formed, not yet mineralized (or only slightly), septa were more tightly stayed between the more numerous lobes and saddles in more strongly folded septa of more derived ammonoids and that the higher tension in these septa did not permit soft‐parts to leave imprints on the organic preseptum. It is conceivable that this permitted more derived ammonoids to replace the chamber liquid faster by gas and consequently, new chambers could be used earlier than in other ectocochleate cephalopods, perhaps this process began even prior to mineralization. This would have allowed faster growth rates in derived ammonoids.  相似文献   
Abstract: Nonlethal management alternatives are needed to minimize bird depredation of agricultural crops. We conducted 8 caged feeding tests and 2 field studies to evaluate 2 registered fungicides (GWN-4770, Gowan Company, Yuma, AZ; Quadris®, Syngenta Crop Protection, Greensboro, NC), a neem oil insecticide (Aza-Direct®, Gowan Company), and a novel terpene formulation (Gander Gone, Natural Earth Products, Winter Springs, FL) as avian repellents. For all candidate repellents, red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) discriminated between untreated and treated rice during preference-testing in captivity. We observed a positive concentration-response relationship among birds offered rice treated with 2,500 ppm, 5,000 ppm, 7,500 ppm, 11,000 ppm, or 22,000 ppm GWN-4770. Relative to pretreatment, blackbirds consumed 34% and 77% less rice treated with 11,000 ppm and 22,000 ppm GWN-4770, respectively, during the concentration-response test. Maximum repellency among other tested compounds was <40% during the concentration-response test. Blackbirds consumed 28% of rice seeds treated with 20,000 ppm GWN-4770 and 68% of untreated seeds broadcast within rice fields in southwestern Louisiana, USA. We observed 50% fewer unprotected seedlings than those treated with 10,000 ppm GWN-4770 within a drill-seeded rice field in southeastern Missouri, USA. The manufacturer subsequently applied for a United States patent for the active ingredient of GWN-4770 as an avian repellent. Although additional registration criteria and formulation optimization must be satisfied to enable the commercial availability of GWN-4770 as an avian repellent, additional efficacy studies of GWN-4770 and other promising repellents under extended field conditions are warranted for protection of newly planted and ripening rice.  相似文献   
Abstract Habitat structure and complexity affect the diversity and composition of fauna in a number of systems. We investigated patterns in wasp species richness, abundance and composition and also their associations with habitat complexity in Sydney sandstone forests, Australia. Pitfall and flight‐intercept traps collected dissimilar wasp assemblages. High complexity habitats supported greater abundance and species richness and a dissimilar composition of pitfall‐trapped wasps to low complexity habitats. Soil moisture, tree canopy cover, ground herb cover and shrub canopy cover all had significant positive associations with the species richness of pitfall‐trapped wasps. Although the five most abundant families of wasps we trapped are endoparasitoids of other arthropods, they showed a variety of preferences for habitat variables. The mechanisms driving associations between habitat complexity and patterns in wasp communities may also provide a basis for understanding factors influencing the regulation of arthropod assemblages by wasps in agricultural and natural landscapes.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Palaeozoic and Mesozoic cephalopod conchs occasionally reveal dark organic coatings at the aperture. A number of these coatings, including still unrecorded examples, are described, figured and interpreted herein. On the basis of elemental analysis, actualistic comparison and a comparison with Triassic bivalves, some of these coatings are shown to consist of apatite and primarily probably of conchiolin (and also probably melanin). In several Mesozoic ammonoid genera such as Paranannites , Psiloceras , Lytoceras , Phylloceras , Harpoceras and Chondroceras , some of these coatings (recorded herein for most of these taxa for the first time) are interpreted as a structure similar to the black band, which was previously known only from Recent Allonautilus and Nautilus . In contrast to these nautilid genera, however, the organic material of some Mesozoic ammonoids was not deposited on the inside of the shell but externally, albeit positioned at the terminal aperture as in Recent nautilids. Some ammonoids of Carboniferous and Triassic age show several such bands at more or less regular angular distances on the ultimate whorls and at the aperture, e.g. Nomismoceras , Gatherites , Owenites , Paranannites , Juvenites and Melagathiceratidae gen. et sp. nov. Triassic material from Oman shows that the black coating was probably secreted from the inside, because the position of this organic deposit changes from interior to exterior in an anterior direction (i.e. adaperturally). This structure has previously been referred to as a 'false colour pattern' and is here interpreted as having been formed at an interim aperture or megastria ('alter Mundrand'). All structures discussed in the paper are considered to have been secreted by a single organ and to have been initiated by some form of stress or adverse conditions. Thus, certain environmental parameters and growth anomalies appear to have influenced their formation.  相似文献   
Tubulin-containing structures of the male germ cells of Drosophila hydei crossreact in indirect immu-nofluorescence microscopy with antibody directed against homogeneous porcine brain tubulin. There is no detectable difference in reactivity between germ cells of wildtype flies and the mutant l(3)pl (lethal-polyploid) which is characterized by microtubular abnormalities. However, the technique of indirect immunofluorescence microscopy allows the direct visualization of several abnormalities in the arrangement of the microtubular system of the mutant, particularly in the axonemal complex.  相似文献   
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