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Castanera, D., Pascual, C., Canudo, J.I., Hernández, N. & Barco, J., 2012: Ethological variations in gauge in sauropod trackways from the Berriasian of Spain. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 476–489. Two sauropod trackways from the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) of the Cameros Basin (Spain) show important variations in trackway gauge, along the same trackway. These variations seem to be associated with different behaviours; on the one hand with a significant variation in the direction of travel (turning phenomena) and on the other hand with a decrease in speed, probably associated with the properties of the substrate. These variations in sauropod trackways provide the trackway gauge debate with new data, supporting the hypothesis that the walking style and substrate properties may in some cases determine this sauropod character. The study of turning sauropod trackways improves our knowledge of sauropod locomotion. □Ethology, intermediate‐gauge, sauropod trackways, substrate properties, wide‐gauge.  相似文献   
Mice injected with an immunosuppressive factor (ISF) extracted from Plasmodium berghei-infected rat erythrocytes have a reduced antibody response to unrelated antigens. T-cells from ISF-treated mice failed to provide adequate help to naive, syngeneic B-cells in the primary IgM response in vitro to sheep red blood cells and to dinitrophenylated keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The same T-cells, however, were able to cooperate with memory B-cells in the secondary IgG response. No other cellular deficit was delected in ISF-treated mice; B-cells and macrophages behaved normally, and there was no detectable excess of suppressor cells. The T-cell impairment was not reflected in decreased production of interleukin 2, but was also shown by the diminished delayed type hyperaensitivity reaction to sheep red blood cells of ISF-treated mice.  相似文献   
The impact of global warming in space and time is described for species assemblages of wandering spiders along the alpine glacier foreland of the Forni Valley (Northern Italy). We tested the effect of environmental variables (e.g. elevation, age of glacier retreat, vegetation cover, debris cover) on species richness and on species composition of spiders. Age of glacier retreat was the only significant variable influencing spider species assemblages in the valley. A spatially structured distribution of species and species assemblages along the chronosequence of glacier retreat was evidenced. The threshold abruptly differentiating two groups of species richness and species composition fell between sites deglaciated 100 and 155 years before the analysis. Latitudinal shifts towards the poles in species ranges at the global scale in response to climatic changes are known, and an altitudinal shift in species range should be expected for spiders at the local scale of the Forni Valley. Such a shift is present in spider species assemblages, although not as an expected gradual change in species richness and composition, but with a threshold effect after one century of glacier retreat. We discuss our results in the light of plausible future scenarios due to global warming, the consequence of further glacier retreats onto spiders, and caveats for monitoring studies.  相似文献   
1. In sexually reproducing organisms, the energetic costs of spermatogenesis can be considerable, and can limit the reproductive potential of the males. In species where males mate more than once during the reproductive season, the costs of sperm production are generally predicted to result in a decrease of ejaculate size and quality with successive fertilizations. 2. In this study we examined the variation in ejaculate size among successive fertilizations in a long‐lived freshwater crayfish species, Austropotamobius italicus. 3. Sexually active adult males of various sizes were allowed to mate repeatedly with different females on consecutive days. Trials for a given male ended when he copulated but did not release any sperm or refused to mate. 4. Males fertilized between 0 and 4 females, and most (42.5%) fertilized a single female. The overall number of females fertilized by a given male decreased with increasing male body size. Ejaculate size decreased markedly with consecutive fertilizations in a similar fashion among both large and small males, while simultaneously increasing with female body size. The total ejaculate size over successive fertilizations decreased with increasing male size. 5. Our study indicates that either sperm production or release involves non‐trivial costs in freshwater crayfish, and suggests that large/old males may face greater difficulties in gamete release than small/young ones, as shown by the lower number of females fertilized by large compared with small males, which may reflect the ongoing senescence of their reproductive performance.  相似文献   
Orophilous taxa of Sideritis sect. Sideritis (Lamiaceae) are rare, although highly diversified in south-eastern Spain. Most of them belong to subsections Hyssopifolia and Fruticulosa and show very reduced distribution areas in the summits of the highest Betic mountains. The inaccessibility of their habitats has meant that many of them have been described only within the last twenty years. In this context, a new species Sideritis tugiensis is described in subsection Hyssopifolia , from the Oromediterranean summits of Sierra de Segura (south-eastern Spain). It is a woody, cushion-shaped plant, resembling both S. carbonellis Socorro (subsect. Hyssopifolia) and S. glacialis Boiss., s.l. (subsect. Fruticulosa) , though important morphological divergences warrant recognition at species rank. Data on morphology, ecology and chorology of the new species are reported, and affinities and differences with regard to close taxa from other subsections are presented. Evolutionary trends in the whole aggregate are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Forty-five specimens of Leptomitus conicus sp. nov. have been collected from the base of the Murero Formation (Caesaraugustan, Middle Cambrian) in the Murero area of Zaragoza, north-east Spain. The new species is a small obconical sponge, which has coarse oxeas forming parallel rods that run the whole length of the specimens in the manner typical of the genus. The biostratigraphy and facies of the levels with Leptomitus conicus have been analysed. Palaeoecological information derived from associated trilobites, brachiopods and ichnofossils shows that L. conicus lived in a soft substrate of a sublittoral environment of low to low/moderate energy. According to established Cambrian palaeogeographical reconstructions, a tropical distribution is inferred for the genus Leptomitus . Based on body shape, wall structure and stratigraphical distribution, a phylogenetic tree of the various Leptomitus species is proposed, with a central stock of simple cylindrical sponges branching out to other morphs.  相似文献   
Balseiro, D., Waisfeld, B.G. & Buatois, L.A. 2010: Unusual trilobite biofacies from the Lower Ordovician of the Argentine Cordillera Oriental: new insights into olenid palaeoecology. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 58–75. The study of biofacies has proven to be relevant in the understanding of trilobite palaeoecology, palaeobiogeography and macroevolution. The widespread Olenid biofacies is one of the best known, and is usually interpreted as occuring in dysoxic environments. Tremadocian successions of the Argentinian Cordillera Oriental bear a diverse and long‐studied olenid‐dominated fauna. Based on cluster analysis, five distinct biofacies are defined for the middle Tremadocian (Tr2 stage slice), distributed from shelf (below storm wave base) to lower‐shoreface settings (above fair‐weather wave base). Ordination shows biofacies along two gradients, a bathymetrical one and another related to oxygen content. All of them are dominated both taxonomically and ecologically by olenids. This detailed quantitative palaeoecological study challenges current views suggesting instead that the Olenidae dominated a broad range of environments, from oxygenated shallow‐marine to dysoxic deep‐marine. Comparisons with largely coeval trilobite records from geodynamically and palaeobiogeographically disparate sites suggest that siliciclastic sedimentation appears as the most influential controlling environmental factor upon olenid distribution and dominance. Further comparisons across different climatic belts show that siliciclastic input controlled trilobite diversity gradients, even more than latitude. From an autoecological viewpoint distribution of traditional olenid morphotypes shows no relation to depth or to oxygen content, and at least some members of the group appear to have had the possibility of coping with low oxygen content, rather than being restricted to oxygen‐deficient environments. The analysis performed herein, together with recent research on the group, demonstrate that factors controlling olenid distribution are more complex than previously envisaged. □Biofacies, diversity, Olenidae, palaeoecology, Tremadocian, trilobite.  相似文献   
1. The occurrence of unresolved complexes of cryptic species may hinder the identification of the main ecological drivers of biodiversity when different cryptic taxa have different ecological requirements. 2. We assessed factors influencing the occurrence of Synchaeta species (monogonont rotifers) in 17 waterbodies of the Trentino‐South Tyrol region in the Eastern Alps. To do so, we compared the results of using unresolved complexes of cryptic species, as is common practice in limnological studies based on morphological taxonomy, and having resolved cryptic complexes, made possible by DNA taxonomy. 3. To identify cryptic species, we used the generalised mixed Yule coalescent (GMYC) model. We investigated the relationship between the environment and the occurrence of Synchaeta spp. by multivariate ordination using two definitions of the units of diversity, namely (i) unresolved species complexes (morphospecies) and (ii) putative cryptic species (GMYC entities). Our expectation was that resolving complexes of cryptic species could provide more information than using morphospecies. 4. As expected, DNA taxonomy provided greater taxonomic resolution than morphological taxonomy. Further, environmental‐based multivariate ordination on cryptic species explained a significantly higher proportion of variance than that based on morphospecies. Occurrence of GMYC entities was related to total phosphorus (TP), whereas no relationship could be found between morphospecies and the environment. Moreover, different cryptic species within the same morphospecies showed different, and even opposite, preferences for TP. In addition, the wide geographical distribution of haplotypes and cryptic species indicated the absence of barriers to dispersal in Synchaeta.  相似文献   
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