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1.Sugar beet, tomato, potato, oat, and kale were grown in sandcultures with additions of several ‘heavy’ metalsincluding Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, V, Mo in equivalentconcentrations. 2.In sugar beet Cu++, Co++, Cd++ were usually highly activein causing chlorosis mainly suggestive of iron deficiency. Theeffect of Cr depended on valency and was greater as CrO4––.Zn++, VO3––, Cr+++, Mn++, and Pb++ were less activein order. 3.The visual responses to Co++ and Ni++ varied greatly withthe crop tested. Cu++, however, always induced typical irondeficiency. Crop susceptibility also varied greatly. For example,Cu++ readily caused chlorosis in beet and also in tomato, andpotato, but not in oat and kale. 4. Ni++ induced symptoms resembling manganese deficiency inpotato and tomato and unusual oblique white and green bandingleaves of oat. Zn++ induced apparent manganese deficiency insugar beet and Co++ toxicity in tomato initially resembled manganesedeficiency. Ni++ and Co++ were the most toxic of the metalstested.  相似文献   
Parental role division predicts avian preen wax cycles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies have shown that preen wax composition in some sandpipers shifts from the usual monoesters to diesters during the breeding season, possibly to reduce the ability of mammalian predators to find nests using olfactory cues. To investigate further the relationship between incubation and wax secretion, we examined seven sandpiper species with different incubation patterns (species in which both sexes incubate, in which only males incubate and in which only females incubate). During the breeding period, diester preen wax was secreted almost exclusively by the incubating sex in species with uniparental incubation, and by both sexes in species with biparental incubation. These findings suggest that diester preen waxes have a function that is directly related to incubation. Unexpectedly, in female-incubating Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea and Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis , some males also secreted diester preen waxes during the breeding period. This suggests that some males may in fact incubate, that these waxes may be a remnant from their evolutionary past when both sexes incubated, or that males need to be olfactorally cryptic because they are involved in the making of nest scrapes. The seasonal pattern of preen wax composition was also studied in captive male, female and female-mimicking male ('faeder') Ruff Philomachus pugnax . Captive female Ruff changed preen wax composition from monoesters to diesters in the spring despite the fact that no incubation took place. This suggests that circannual rhythms rather than actual incubation behaviour may trigger the shift to diester waxes. All captive male Ruff, including the faeders, continued to secrete monoesters, supporting the hypothesis that only the incubating sex secretes diesters.  相似文献   
1. Foliar trichomes clearly reduce chewing damage and efficiency of movement by some insect herbivores, but the effect of trichomes on insect oviposition is less well characterised. Trichomes are likely to have particularly strong, negative effects on species that require secure attachment of the egg to the leaf epidermis for successful transition to the feeding stage – a group that includes many leaf mining insects. 2. One such species, Micrurapteryx salicifoliella, must initially enter leaf cells directly from an egg adhered to the cuticle, but later instars can move between leaves and initiate new mines from the leaf exterior. 3. Natural patterns of occurrence by M. salicifoliella were quantified on 10 sympatric Salix species varying in trichome expression to test whether trichomes were associated with reduced oviposition, larval survival and leaf damage. 4. Mean egg density and leaf mining damage were negatively related to mean trichome density across Salix species. Survival of M. salicifoliella from egg to pupa was positively related to trichome density, suggesting that initiation of new mines by late‐instar larvae was not adversely affected by trichomes. There was no evidence that trichomes benefited leaf miner larvae indirectly by decreasing density‐dependent mortality; rather, the positive relationship between trichome density and larval survival may reflect less effective chemical defence by Salix species expressing high trichome density. 5. The results suggest that foliar trichomes serve as an effective defence against M. salicifoliella by deterring oviposition, but do not reduce the survivorship of those individuals that successfully transition from egg to larva.  相似文献   
In 1967 a programme was initiated by the Freshwater Biological Association to study fish populations within the proposed Cow Green reservoir basin and in the Tees downstream of the dam, before and after impoundment. This paper describes the result of a supporting study on aquatic invertebrates covering the pre-impoundment period 1967–70. The benthic faunas of six streams in the reservoir basin, the Tees below Cauldron Snout and Maize Beck, a tributary ofthe Tees below the dam, were studied. Species list are presented for each habitat and changes in seasonal and annual abundance are discussed. All areas sampled lie at altitudes between 440 and 550 m O.D. and are situated amongst moorland and limestone grassland. Conditions in the streams ranged from slow-flowing peaty reaches to small streams with moss-covered bottoms and larger stony rivers and streams with relatively unstable bottoms. Samples were taken in riffles and pools using the ‘kick’ method wherever possible. An attempt was made to quantify kick-sample catches by comparing them with shovel-sample catches which cover a known area of stream bottom. It was found that 10 5 kicks gave a catch equivalent to the populations of 1 m2, giving a population density of about 1200 animals/m for the reservoir-basin riffles. Over 120 taxa were recorded, 100 of which were at the species level. In the reservoir-basin streams, 116 taxa were found with seventy-one in Maize Beck and fifty-six in the Tees below Cauldron Snout. Ephemeroptera were the most abundant group in the reservoir basin and Maize Beck faunas with Rhithrogena semicohrata, Heptagenia lateralis and Baetidae being the most abundant forms, although Ecdyonurus spp. especially E. dispar were much more common in Maize Beck. In other groups Leuctra spp. and Gammarus pulex were very common. In the Tees below Cauldron Snout Limnaea peregra, Chironomidae and Baetidae formed the bulk of the fauna and Plecoptera were uncommon. Amongst the reservoir basin streams Weelhead Sike supported the largest number of species and species groups (eighty-one), and all the streams had forty-nine or more taxa represented. Information on seasonal changes in the numbers of those species or species groups composing 90% or more of the total fauna is presented. Faunal density was high in May with Ephemeroptera, particularly Ecdyonuridae, and the plecopteran Leuctra inermis being the most abundant forms. In August, the numbers of animals appeared t o fall and common members of the community were Baetidae, Diptera, Leuctra fusca and Ecdyonuridae. In October, Ecdyonuridae particularly R. semicolorata, were most abundant. A comparison ofthe bottom fauna of riffles and pools was made and more animals were found in riffles than in pools. The effect of gravel extraction on the bottom fauna of the Tees was examined. A severe drop in the numbers of animals was observed after extraction. Diptera were the first group to return to their pre-disturbance density. Elminthidae and Annelida were worst affected and slowest to recover. The fauna of the area is discussed and possible reasons for its relative species richness are put forward. Habitat diversity and chemical richness appear to be the most likely reasons for the relatively large number of species found.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Sporozoan parasites of the phylum Apicomplexa all possess common apical structures. The current study used a monoclonal antibody (mAb-E12) to identify a conserved antigen in the apical region of merozoites of seven species of Plasmodium (including rodent, primate and human pathogens), tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii , bradyzoites of Sarcocystis bovis , and sporozoites and merozoites of Eimeria tenella and E. acervulina. The antigen was also present in sporozoites of haemosporinid parasites. Immunofluorescence studies showed that the antigen was restricted to the apical 3rd of these invasive stages. Using immunoelectron microscopy, labeling was demonstrated in the region of the polar ring, below the paired inner membranes of the parasite pellicle, and near the subpellicular microtubules radiating from the polar ring of merozoites and sporozoites of E. tenella . The majority of the antigen could be extracted with 1% Triton-X 100, but a portion remained associated with the cytoskeletal elements. The molecule has a relative rate of migration (Mr) of 47,000 in Plasmodium spp. and 43–46,000 in coccidian species. Since the epitope recognized by mAb-El 2 is highly conserved, restricted to motile stages, and appears to be associated with microtubules, this antigen could be involved in cellular motility and cellular invasion.  相似文献   
Diuraphis noxia infestations were monitored in early winter and winter wheat during 1983–1985. The aphid population increase was logarithmic in all three years and on both cultivars 100 % infestation levels were recorded. The period of exponential increase in both percentage infestation and in the number of D. noxia per stem took place when the plants had reached the stem elongation stage. The mean number recorded at peak population levels was 150–160 aphids per stem. During the period of plant senescence numbers dropped rapidly. Large reductions in yield were recorded on all infested plants. Single-plant data showed that yield reductions in the early winter cv. Betta were related to the duration of infestation. Relative to sprayed controls, reduction in kernel mass ranged from 25–80% and in 1000-kernel mass from 15–45%. However, the yield reductions of the faster-growing cv. Flamink, appeared to be dependent on the number of aphids per plant during the later growth stages and not the duration of infestation.  相似文献   
DL-Allylglycine was resolved into the L- and D-stereoisomers using hog kidney acylase. Both isomers were active as convulsants after administration to mice. The dose of D-allylglycine required to induce convulsions was greater than that of the L-isomer. Studies on the concentration of the two isomers in brain suggest that the lower effectiveness of D-allylglycine is partially due to its slower penetration into the brain through the blood-brain barrier. Both isomers of allylglycine inhibited brain glutamate decarboxylase in vitro to approximately the same extent, however, in vivo L-allylglycine inhibited the enzyme more strongly than the D isomer. Concentrations of allylglycine which caused a significant inhibition of L-glutamate decarboxylase in vivo were ineffective in inhibiting the enzyme in vitro. Oxidation products derived from L- or D-allylglycine by the action of either L- or D-amino acid oxidase caused an almost complete inhibition of the enzyme in vitro. It is suggested that a common intermediate derived from the two isomers (possibly 2-keto-4-pentenoic acid) is responsible for the in vivo inhibition of L-glutamate decarboxylase and possibly also for the induction of convulsions.  相似文献   
The cranial anatomy of the Early Permian sphenacodontid synapsid Secodontosaurus is redescribed. There is no evidence for recognition of more than one species of Secodontosaurus, and S. willistoni is declared a junior subjective synonym of S. obtusidens. Numerous derived characters (autapomorphies), mainly related to the unusually slender and slightly elongated skull, distinguish Secodontosaurus. The cranial specializations are interpreted as an adaptation toward a feeding strategy which involved preying upon small tetrapods that attempted to avoid capture by hiding in crevices and burrows. A cladistic analysis supports the following hypotheses of relationships: (a) the Sphenacodontidae is the nearest sister taxon of Therapsida; (b) Secodontosaurus, Sphenacodon, Ctenospondylus and Dimetrodon share a more recent common ancestor with one another than any of them do with Haptodus, and (c) Secodontosaurus shares a more recent common ancestor with Dimetrodon than with either Sphenacodon or Ctenospondylus. The latter hypothesis suggests that the sphenacodont subfamily 'Sphenacodontinae' is paraphyletic and, therefore, invalid.  相似文献   
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