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Foliar modifications induced by inhibition of polar transport of auxin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of auxin polar transport inhibitors,9-hydroxy-fluorene-9-carboxylic acid (HFCA);2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid(TIBA) and trans-cinnamic acid (CA) on leaf pattern formation were investigated with shoots formed from cultured leaf explants of tobacco and cultured pedicel explants of Orychophragmus violaceus,and the seedlings of tobacco and Brassica chinensis,Although the effective concentration varies with the inhibitors used,all of the inhibitors induced the formation of trumpet-shaped and/or fused leaves.The frequency of trumpet-shaped leaf formation was related to the concentration of inhibitors in the medium.Histological observation of tobacco seedlings showed that there was only one main vascular bundle and several minor vascular bundles in normal leaves of the control,but there were several vascular bundles of more or less the same size in the trumpet-shaped leaves of treated ones.These results indicated that auxin polar transport played an important role on bilateral symmetry of leaf growth.  相似文献   
Abstract:  New material of a long-snouted dyrosaurid has been discovered in the Paleocene of Morocco. It consists of a well-preserved skull with embedded mandible and four dorsal vertebrae. The particularly elongate snout, proportionally the longest of all known dyrosaurids, allows precise identification of this material as Atlantosuchus coupatezi Buffetaut, 1979 a , and presentation of an emended diagnosis for this species previously known only from a mandibular symphysis. A phylogenetic analysis of the dyrosaurids indicates a close relationship between A. coupatezi and Rhabdognathus . It also confirms a previous hypothesis that Congosaurus is distinct from Hyposaurus . It is more closely related to Atlantosuchus than Hyposaurus . The analysis also allows palaeobiogeographic interpretations to be made. Dyrosaurids ranged from North Africa to other areas. They were rare during the Maastrichtian and endemic to each continent at this time. Competition with large marine reptiles, such as mosasaurs, limited their dispersal during the Late Cretaceous. The disappearance of these rivals during the 'K-T crisis' enabled their diversification and widespread dispersal during the Paleocene, with the same genera present on several continents.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The sesquiterpenoid euplotin C is a secondary metabolite produced by the ciliated protist Euplotes crassus and provides a mechanism for damping populations of potential competitors. Indeed, E. crassus is virtually resistant to its own product while different non-producer species representing an unbiased sample of the marine, interstitial, ciliate diversity are sensitive. For instance, euplotin C exerts a marked disruption of different homeostatic mechanisms in Euplotes vannus . We demonstrate by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay that euplotin C quickly decreases viability and mitochondrial function of E. vannus with a very high efficacy and at micromolar potency. In addition, euplotin C induces apoptosis in E. vannus as 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole and terminal transferase dUTP nick end labeling staining show the rapid condensation and fragmentation of nuclear material in cells treated with euplotin C. These effects occur without detectable permeabilisation or rupture of cell membranes and with no major changes in the overall morphology, although some traits, such as vacuolisation and disorganized microtubules, can be observed by transmission electron microscopy. In particular, E. vannus show profound changes of the mitochondrial ultrastructure. Finally, we also show that caspase activity in E. vannus is increased by euplotin C. These data elucidate the pro-apoptotic role of euplotin C and suggest a mechanism for its impact on natural selection.  相似文献   
百合组织培养和遗传转化的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
百合是单子叶球茎类观赏花卉,具有食用和药用的作用。本文综述了国内外百合组织培养和遗传转化研究进展。包括营养器官、生殖器官和原生质体再生系统的建立。详细介绍了基因转化的方法,例如农杆菌、基因枪、电激穿孔等。浅析百合外源基因的表达,例如GUS、半夏凝集素基因、几丁质酶基因等。同时,讨论了百合遗传转化中存在的问题,以期为百合基因工程方面的研究提供依据。  相似文献   
锁阳多糖提取工艺的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以浸膏得率和浸膏中多糖质量分数综合评价,利用L9(34)正交实验从水提和醇沉两方面优选锁阳中水溶性多糖最佳提取工艺条件,为锁阳活性多糖的开发提供科学依据和实验基础。最佳水提工艺条件为:m(锁阳):v(水)=1:12,回流提取0.5 h,提取2次;最佳醇沉工艺条件为:在m(生药):v(水提液)=1 g:2 mL溶液中加入乙醇,使φ(乙醇)=70%,静置6 h。  相似文献   
底明晓  魏玉莲  谷月 《菌物学报》2012,31(6):940-946
报道了木层孔菌属Phellinus 3个中国新记录种。赤杨木层孔菌Phellinus alni典型特征为菌盖具有较宽的同心环带和清晰的密集环纹菌核;黑木层孔菌P. nigricans具有较大的担孢子;东方木层孔菌P. orienticus具有平伏的子实体,担孢子相对较小。对这3个种进行了详细的描述和显微结构绘图。  相似文献   
以帽儿山地区蒙古栎凋落叶的含水率、载量和床层高度为控制变量,模拟野外凋落叶床层状态,进行了100次平地无风条件下的室内点烧试验,分析含水率、载量和床层高度对火焰长度和驻留时间的影响,并建立了多元线性预测模型.结果表明: 含水率与火焰长度呈极显著线性负相关(P<0.01),与驻留时间的线性关系并不显著(P>0.05);载量、床层高度与火焰长度和驻留时间均呈极显著线性正相关(P<0.01).床层高度与含水率、载量的交互作用对火焰长度有显著影响;含水率与载量、床层高度的交互作用对驻留时间有显著影响.火焰长度预测模型的预测效果较好,能解释火焰长度83.3%的变异,平均绝对误差为7.8 cm,平均相对误差为16.2%;驻留时间预测模型的效果略差,仅能解释驻留时间54%的变异,平均绝对误差为9.2 s,平均相对误差为18.6%.  相似文献   
This research aims at developing a remote sensing technique for monitoring the interannual variability of the European larch phenological cycle in the Alpine region of Aosta Valley (Northern Italy) and to evaluate its relationships with climatic factors. Phenological field observations were conducted in eight test sites from 2005 to 2007 to determine the dates of completion of different phenological phases. MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) 250 m 16‐days normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series were fitted with double logistic curves and the dates corresponding to different features of the curves were determined. Comparison with field data showed that the features of the fitted NDVI curve that allowed the best estimate of the start and end of the growing season were the zeroes of its third derivative (MAE of 6 and 4 days, respectively). The start and end of season were also estimated with the spring warming (SW) and growing season index (GSI) phenological models. MODIS start and end of season dates generally agreed with those obtained by the SW and GSI climate‐driven phenological models. However, phenological models provided erroneous results when applied in years with anomalous meteorological conditions. The relationships between interannual variability of the larch phenological cycle and climate were investigated by comparing the mean start and end of season yearly anomalies with air temperature anomalies. A strong linear relationship (R2=0.91) was found between mean spring temperatures and mean start of season dates, with an increase of 1 °C in mean spring temperature leading to a 7‐day anticipation of mean larch bud‐burst date. Leaf coloring dates were found to be best related with mean September temperature (R2=0.77), but with higher spring temperatures appearing to lead to earlier leaf coloring.  相似文献   
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