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Developing embryos of alfalfa can be placed into nine stagesof development according to their morphological characteristics.The intact seeds do not germinate when removed from the podand placed on water until at least stage VI, and complete germinabilityis not achieved until the seeds are at the stage when they startto undergo maturation desiccation. Isolated embryos are germinableas early as stage III, and will germinate within 24 h on Murashigeand Skoog medium containing 3% sucrose. Osmoticum can inhibitembryo germination, but only proper osmotic conditions can maintaindevelopment in vitro; development does not occur at germination-inhibitingconcentrations of abscisic acid. The sensitivity to abscisicacid and osmoticum changes with stage of development. Early-stageembryos have the highest abscisic acid sensitivity and thisdeclines to the extent that mature dry embryos require a highconcentration (1?0 mol m–3) to prevent their germination.Sensitivity of the embryos to osmoticum is maximum at stageVII of development. The combined inhibitory effect of abscisicacid and osmoticum on germination during development is greaterthan their individual effects. This combined effect is stage-dependent.Thus studies on the effects of abscisic acid and osmoticum onembryogenesis and associated synthetic events should be expectedto vary according to the sensitivity to these agents at differentstages of development. Key words: Medicago sativa, embryogenesis, abscisic acid, osmoticum, seed development  相似文献   
Abstract:  A new arthropod, Synophalos xynos gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Lower Cambrian of the Chengjiang Lagerstätte, Yunnan, China. It is provisionally assigned to Crustacea, Waptiida and Waptiidae. Just one example of an isolated individual of S .  xynos is known. Typically, individuals of the new species occur together in similar, robustly integrated chain-like associations. Such a strongly linked configuration is apparently unique for any arthropod, fossil or living. The chain-like association is suggested to represent an example of collective behaviour, possibly associated with reproduction, or more likely migration.  相似文献   
Misra, S. and Bewley, J. D. 1985. The messenger RNA populationin the embryonic axes of Phaseolus vulgaris during developmentand following germination.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1644–1652. Messenger RNAs were extracted from young, mid-maturation, late-maturation,mature-dry, and 20-h-germinated embryonic axes of Phaseolusvulgaris cv. Taylor's Horticultural. They were translated invitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate protein synthesizing system.Analysis of the translation products using two-dimensional polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis indicated that there were substantial changesin the messenger RNA populations of developing and germinatingaxes. The number of polypeptides synthesized increased sharplyat 20–22 d after pollination and then declined. Therewas a parallel increase and decrease in the Poly(A)+ contentof the seed axis. The analysis showed that certain messageswere present throughout development and were stored in maturedry seed. These messages were degraded upon subsequent rehydration.Some messages appeared during mid-maturation but declined duringlater stages of development and were absent from the matureseed. In the germinating seed a set of messages unique to germinationappeared. Key words: —Seed development, germination, mRNA, in vitro translation, Phaseolus vulgaris  相似文献   
Embryonic axes of Phaseolus vulgaris undergo a transition fromdesiccation-intolerance to desiccation-tolerance in the courseof their development. Biochemical and ultrastructural observationsindicate that desiccation and rehydration during the early intolerantdevelopmental stages drastically reduces the metabolic and cellularintegrity of the axis. During the desiccation-tolerant stagesuch perturbations do not occur. Coincident with the acquisitionof desiccation-tolerance during development the seeds gain thecapacity to germinate upon subsequent rehydration. Drying presumablyacts to terminate developmental processes and to initiate themetabolic processes essential for the completion of germination.During germination of the mature axis, desiccation and rehydration,up to 12 h from the start of imbibition, does not affect subsequentseedling growth and development. But gradually desiccation-tolerancedecreases and metabolism is severely and irreversibly reducedby drying.  相似文献   
Recovery from desiccation by Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer and Scherb was accompanied by an immediate, rapid increase in respiration (measured as oxygen uptake) at 25.5°C or 3.5°C. The respiratory burst was greater on rehydration of moss which had been rapidly desiccated over silica gel than that which had been more slowly desiccated in atmospheres of high relative humidity. No respiration was observed in dry moss. Dried moss which had been placed in liquid nitrogen resumed respiration on rewarming and rehydration but moss which had been frozen in the hydrated state respired to a lesser extent and showed signs of freeze damage. In the initial stages of slow drying a slight increase in respiration was noted, followed by a gradual decrease as drought became more severe. In contrast to observations made on many higher plants under drought stress, this moss did not exhibit any changes in its starch and sugar content during or following desiccation, nor were there any changes in free proline levels. Using (1-14C)-glucose and (6-14C)-glucose, the relative activities of the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas and pentose phosphate pathways in hydrated and rehydrated moss were determined, as were the activities of specific enzymes involved in these pathways. An increased activity of the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas pathway of glucose oxidation on rehydration of Tortula was observed. The possible significance of this latter observation is outlined.  相似文献   
1. The secondary salinisation of wetlands is a global problem that poses a great threat to most freshwater biodiversity, including amphibians. We examined tadpole diversity in relation to wetland conductivity (our proxy for salinity) in wetlands in south‐eastern Australia to better understand (i) how salinity and amphibian diversity interact and (ii) the threat posed by secondary salinisation. 2. Six tadpole species were trapped in 56 wetlands that reflected a typical salinity gradient for the study region. We developed Bayesian models to examine the relationships between conductivity and both the probability of species occupancy and expected number of species with the imperfect detection probability of species accounted for in the models. 3. The probability of occupancy for all species and expected species number was negatively associated with wetland conductivity. Our results predict that conductivity should not limit tadpole presence below about 3000 μS cm−1 at 25 °C (approximately 6% seawater) in the region, but will largely exclude amphibian larvae beyond about 6000 μS cm−1 at 25 °C (approximately 12% seawater). 4. We also detected subtle among‐species differences in salinity tolerance. The results reported here show that tadpoles in the study region are likely to be negatively affected by projected future increases in salinisation.  相似文献   
A 2S albumin fraction was characterized in seeds of alfalfa{Medicago sativa L.). This low molecular weight (LMW) familyof disulphide-bonded proteins represents a major nitrogen andsulphur storage reserve for the alfalfa seed Characteristicof seed storage proteins, the 2S albumins are abundant in nitrogen-richglutarrune/glutamate/asparagine/aspartate (32%) In addition,this LMW fraction is high in cysteine (9%) and methionine (4%),amino acids which are under-represented in legume seed globulins.These 2S proteins start to accumulate during the early cotyledonstage of development, and are mobilized following germinationPulse-chase labelling experiments show that the 2S proteinsare synthesized as 'preproproteins', similar to 2S proteinsin other seeds. However, alfalfa 2S albumins are immunologicallyunrelated to these proteins. Key words: Seed development, sulphur-containing 2S storage protein, alfalfa (Medicago sativa)  相似文献   
The embryo axis is required for the rapid breakdown of the crystalloid,albumin and lectin protein storage reserve in the endospermof castor bean (Ricinus communis L. cv. Hale) seeds, and forthe attainment of high specific activities of several endospermicproteolytic enzymes: one carboxy-peptidase and two -SH- dependentaminopeptidases. The embryo axis must be present to initiatestorage protein breakdown but it is not required to maintainthis process. We suggest that the embryo axis controls storageprotein breakdown through the release of promoters, which canbe replaced by gibberellins. Storage protein breakdown is notinfluenced by source-sink effects. However, the endosperm becomessensitive to gibberellin only after an imbibition period forup to 24 h. Key words: Castor bean, Protein breakdown, Storage protein, Embryo control, Gibberellin, Seed germination  相似文献   
The supposed early vertebrate Anatolepis has recently been reinterpreted by Peel (1979; Rapp. Gr∅nl. Geol. Unders. 91 ) as an arthropod, probably aglaspidid. The cuticle of Aglaspis shows a characteristic arthropodan structure, including laminations and ducts, but it is apparently composed of primary phosphate. Apart from composition, the skeletal histology of Anatolepis is totally different, and this, together with more general considerations, eliminates any possibility of arthropod affinity. Anatolepis remains the earliest known vertebrate. Aglaspididae, cuticle, ultrastructure, Vertebrata, Upper Cambrian.  相似文献   
Although the graptolites lacked biomineralised tissue, their skeletons are abundantly preserved in deeper-water mudstones. Decay experiments and observations on the closely related living hemichordate Rhabdopleura demonstrate that the periderm and stolon are highly resistant to decay, remaining intact for months, whereas the zooids are unrecognizable within days. The extreme rarity of the preservation of traces of the zooids in graptoloids reflects their planktic lifestyle; the zooids had normally decayed before burial. Curie-point-gas-chromatography (Py-GC) and Curie-point-gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) of the periderm of Rhabdopleura confirms that proteinaceous organic matter is a major constituent. Ultrastructurally preserved graptolite periderm (Ordovician, Oklahoma; Silurian, Arctic Canada), on the other hand, is a highly altered kerogen-like substance rich in aliphatic biomacromolecules. The composition of the preserved graptolite periderm reflects diagenetic replacement by components probably mainly derived from algal cell walls.  相似文献   
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