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Dunlop, J., Knighton, M. V. and White, D. W. R. 1988. Ion transportand the effects of acetic acid in white clover. I. Phosphateabsorption.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 79–88. The effect of acetic acid on phosphate absorption by white clovertissue has been examined. At 1·0 mol m3 acetic acid phosphateabsorption by roots of intact plants was stimulated by 36% (P< 0.001). At 5.0 and 10 mol m–3 acetic acid there wasmarked inhibition of absorption by both suspension culturesof cells and the roots of intact plants. The inhibition waspH dependent with decreasing pH causing increased inhibition.Acetic acid caused changes in the membrane electropotential(E) with concentrations of 2·0 mol m–3 or lesscausing persistent polarization whereas at 5·0 mol m–3and higher concentrations the polarization was followed by agreater depolarization. Intracellular pH as measured by thefluorescence of fluorescein was lowered by acetic acid. Calculationsindicate that for white clover roots the proton motive force(pmf) appears to provide sufficient energy for phosphate absorption.It is proposed that acetic acid influences phosphate absorptionthrough its dependence on proton cotransport and that changesin J E affect the rate of phosphate absorption because of thedependence of the pmf on E. Key words: Phosphate absorption, intracellular pH, acetic acid, proton motive force, Trifolium repens, membrane electropotential  相似文献   
1. How organisms locate their hosts is of fundamental importance in a variety of basic and applied ecological fields, including population dynamics, invasive species management and biological control. However, tracking movement of small organisms, such as insects, poses significant logistical challenges. 2. Mass‐release and individual–mark–recapture techniques were combined in an individually mark–mass release–resight (IMMRR) approach to track the movement of over 2000 adult insects in an economically important plant–herbivore system. Despite its widespread use for the biological control of the invasive thistle Carduus nutans, the host‐finding behaviour of the thistle head weevil Rhinocyllus conicus has not previously been studied. Insects were released at different distances from a mosaic of artificially created host patches with different areas and number of plants to assess the ecological determinants of patch finding. 3. The study was able to characterize the within‐season dispersal abilities and between‐patch movement patterns of R. conicus. Weevils found host plant patches over 900 m away. Large patches, with tall plants, situated close to the nearest release point had the highest first R. conicus resights. Patch area and plant density had no effect on the number of weevils resighted per plant; however, R. conicus individuals were more likely to disperse out of small patches and into large patches. 4. By understanding how R. conicus locates host patches of C. nutans, management activities for the control of this invasive thistle can be better informed. A deeper mechanistic understanding of host location will also improve prediction of coupled plant–herbivore spatial dynamics in general.  相似文献   
Distribution and regulation of urea in lakes of central North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Urea accounts for ~50% of global nitrogen (N)‐based fertiliser; however, little is known of the factors regulating its distribution and abundance in freshwaters. Improved understanding of urea biogeochemistry is essential because its use as fertiliser is expected to double by 2050 and because pollution with urea can promote outbreaks of toxic cyanobacteria in phosphorus (P)‐rich lakes in regions with intensive agricultural or urban development. 2. Biweekly measurements of urea concentration and diverse limnological variables (water chemistry, hydrology, algae, zooplankton) were taken during two summers (2008, 2009) in a chain of seven productive lakes within a 52 000‐km2 catchment in central Canada to quantify environmental and anthropogenic correlates of temporal and spatial patterns of urea occurrence. 3. Mean (±SD) urea concentrations varied between 29 ± 14 and 132 ± 65 μg N L?1, generally increased from headwater to downstream sites and represented 10–50% of bioavailable N (as sum of , and urea). Principal components analysis demonstrated that urea concentrations were elevated in agriculturally impacted lakes with abundant dissolved organic and inorganic nutrients (N, P, C) and low O2 concentrations, but were not correlated consistently with plankton abundance or community composition. Urea concentrations were more than twofold greater in lakes receiving N from cities than in agriculturally affected basins, despite low summer concentrations of urea in tertiary‐treated urban effluent (c. 50% of lake values). Multiple regression models evaluated using Akaike Information Criterion showed that mean water‐column O2 concentration was the single best predictor of in situ urea concentrations (r2 = 0.91, P = 0.002), but that urea concentrations were also correlated significantly with changes in longitudinal position and Secchi depth and with concentrations of , non‐urea dissolved organic N (DON) and dissolved inorganic carbon. 4. Additional seasonal surveys of up to 69 closed‐basin lakes within a 100 000‐km2 region during 2004 and 2008 revealed that urea was abundant in 100% of measured sites and exhibited concentrations (81 ± 48 μg N L?1) similar to those observed in lakes with surface drainage (58 ± 38 μg N L?1). Further, non‐urea DON accounted for 50–99% of the total dissolved N pool in both open‐ and closed‐basin lakes. 5. When combined with an extensive literature review and previous mass‐budget analyses of the study lakes, these findings allowed the development of a first‐generation model of the mechanisms regulating urea content of P‐rich lakes of central North America. In this model, water‐column concentrations of urea are predicted to be regulated mainly by algal decomposition in anoxic environments (sediments, hypolimnion), followed by redistribution into surface waters. Consequently, anthropogenic activities can increase the urea content of lakes by stimulating primary production, sedimentation and deepwater anoxia and by increasing influx of undegraded urea from agricultural and urban sources.  相似文献   
Local adaptation to variable environments can generate clinal variation in morphological traits. Alternatively, similar patterns of clinal variation may be generated simply as a result of genetic drift/migration balance. Teasing apart these different processes is a continuing focus in evolutionary ecology. We compare genetic differentiation at molecular loci and quantitative traits to analyse the effect of these different processes in a morphological latitudinal cline of the barn swallow, Hirundo rustica, breeding across Europe. The results obtained show no structuring at neutral microsatellite loci, which contrasts with positive structuring at five quantitative morphometric traits. This supports the hypothesis that the observed morphometric cline in barn swallows is the result of selection acting in a spatially heterogeneous environment. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 306–314.  相似文献   
Detached fronds of Polypodium virginianum L. survived loss of65–70% of their fresh weight over 10 d of slow-drying.Drying over silica gel resulted in a faster rate of water loss,to a lower fresh weight, which the fronds did not survive. Whenfronds were incubated in abscisic acid for 24 h prior to silica-drying,the amount of water lost was reduced, resulting in survivalof the fronds upon subsequent rehydration. Incubation in abscisicacid for at least 18 h was necessary for survival. Fronds inwhich the final fresh weight after drying was below a criticalamount (i.e. to less than 25% original fresh weight) did notsurvive. A reasonable correlation could be drawn between electrolyteleakage upon rehydration and survival of somedesiccation treatments,although this was not always clear-cut, especially in frondsincubated in abscisic acid for an insufficient time to ensuresurvival. Several polypeptides were synthesized during slow-and silica-drying, and in response to abscisic acid. No novelpolypeptides were identified that were unique to the desiccationregimes which resulted in survival. Nor did ABA induce specificproteins in fronds desiccated after preincubation in this regulatorfor 24 h. Key words: Desiccation-tolerance, abscisic acid, protein synthesis, fern, Polypodium virginianum  相似文献   
Kermode, A. R. and Bewley, J. D. 1985. The role of maturationdrying in the transition from seed development to germination.1. Acquisition of desiccation–tolerance and germinabilityduring development of Ricinus communis L. seeds.—J. exp.Bot. 36: 1906–1915. Seeds of Ricinus communis L. cv. Hale(castor bean) undergo a transition from desiccation–intoleranceto desiccation–tolerance approximately midway throughtheir development. Tolerance of slow desiccation is gained overonly a few days of development (between 20 and 25 d) and isachieved well before the completion of major developmental events,such as reserve deposition and the onset of normal maturationdrying. A tolerance of very rapid water loss brought about bydrying over silica gel is not acquired by this seed until nearmaturity. Coincident with the acquisition of tolerance to slowdesiccation the seeds gain the capacity to germinate upon subsequentrehydration. Germinability and capacity for normal post–germinativegrowth during the tolerant phase are not fully expressed unlessthe seed is dried at an optimal rate, which is dependent uponthe developmental stage of the seed. Drying presumably actsto terminate developmental processes and to initiate those metabolicprocesses necessary to prepare the seed for germination andgrowth. Key words: Desiccation-tolerance, germinability, seed development, castor bean  相似文献   
Dunlop, J., Knighton, M. V. and White, D. W. R. 1988. Ion transportand the effects of acetic acid in white clover. II. Potassiumabsorption.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 89–96. Acetic acid stimulated K+ influx into cells of white cloverin suspension culture and net K+ influx by roots of intact whiteclover plants. At concentrations of acetic acid up to 2·0mol m–3 the stimulation continued unabated for at least2 h. However, at higher concentrations the rate of absorptiondeclined to near zero values after 2 h. When acetic acid wasremoved from the solution there was a net efflux of K+. Thestimulation was pH dependent with a maximum at pH 5·0.There was maximum stimulation at an acetic acid concentrationof 2·0 mol m–3 Net H+ efflux was reduced by 1·0 mol m–3 aceticacid. When Rb+ uptake and H+ efflux were measured at a rangeof RbCl concentrations Rb+ uptake increased with concentrationwhereas H+ efflux was maximum in the absence of Rb+ (and K+)and decreased as RbCl concentration was increased Acetic acid caused a hyperpolarization of the membrane electricalpotential difference (E) of about 25 mV. In 1·0 mol m–3acetic acid the hyperpolarization persisted for at least 2 hwhereas at 10 mol m–3 d E subsequently depolarized tovalues around –80 mV. With a slight lag, the time courseof the stimulation of the rate of K+ absorption followed thepolarization and depolarization of E. These results imply thatthe linkage between K+ and H+ movements is probably throughE. Key words: Proton efflux, membrane electrical potential difference, Trifolium repens  相似文献   
A tiny arthropod with a thin, possibly poorly mineralized, bivalved carapace and a pair of annulated, uniramous, probable frontal appendages is described from lower Ordovician marine mudstones in boreholes from central England. It represents only the fifth Ordovician example of a conservation deposit with soft integument preserved. Its systematic position is unresolved, but it may belong to the Ostracoda; if so, it is a rare example of an ostracod with fossilized appendages. Arthropoda, Ostracoda, appendages, Tremadoc Series, Ordovician, England.  相似文献   
Shifting drainage patterns in western North America, shaped by geological activity and changing global climates, have influenced the evolution of many aquatic taxa. We investigated the role of late Pleistocene high stands in pluvial Lake Lahontan on the genetic structure of Richardsonius egregius, a minnow endemic to the Lahontan Basin of the western Great Basin. We used the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to generate a phylogeny and assess intraspecific genetic diversity, to estimate divergence times between clades, and to evaluate whether gene flow currently occurs. The results obtained show that R. egregius exhibits genetic divergence between eastern and western Lahontan Basin populations. Divergence time estimates show that intraspecific genetic diversification began in the Pliocene or early Pleistocene, before the pluvial lake high stands associated with the last glacial maximum. These results imply that the fluctuating water levels in pluvial Lake Lahontan had a minimal effect on shaping the genetic architecture of R. egregius. Coalescent analyses using the immigration with migration model show that contemporary gene flow between eastern and western Lahontan Basin populations does not occur. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 163–176.  相似文献   
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