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We studied Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus at two localities in Ghana during the winter. In the north (Tono), the birds arrived from late September and conducted a rapid moult soon after arrival. Towards the end of moult, birds accumulated fat and disappeared from the site. In the south (Tafo), birds arrived from mid-November in fresh plumage. This seemed to be the final wintering area as birds stayed there during the winter. In March-April they again accumulated fat, although only small amounts, before spring migration back to breeding areas.  相似文献   
Plastids were isolated from the developing endosperm of Ricinuscommunis L. and purified by rate-zonal centrifugation on discontinuoussucrose gradients. Assay conditions were optimized for the uptakeand incorporation of 14C-acetate into lipids by intact plastids.Using the optimized conditions, the uptake and incorporationof several 14C-glycolytic intermediates into lipids were examined.Neither sucrose nor glucose-6-phosphate was incorporated intolipids. In order of increasing magnitude of incorporation, glucose,fructose, 3-phosphoglycerate, acetate, and pyruvate were metabolizedto chloroform-methanol (2: 1 v/v) soluble products. Pyridoxal-5'-phosphateinhibited the incorporation of 3-phosphoglycerate into lipidswhereas -cyano-4 hydroxycinnamate was without effect on pyruvateincorporation. Avidin and cerulenin did not inhibit the incorporationof acetate into lipids by intact plastids. Key words: Ricinus communis, Plastids, Lipid synthesis, Glycolytic intermediates  相似文献   
The separation of extracellular protozoan parasites from host cells based on a difference in surface charge has been described. However, with Trypanosoma cruzi no method exists for the isolation of pure parasite stages from heterogeneous mixtures. Studies on the electrophoresis of mixed stage populations confirm significant surface charge density differences exist among epimastigotes, trypomastigotes, and amastigotes. In ascending order of electronegativity, amastigotes have the lowest charge density, try-pomastigotes next, followed by epimastigotes. A technique has been developed for the separation of purified populations of parasites based on these charge differences using a continuous free-flow electrophoresis apparatus. The separated populations are morphologically intact and maintain their infectivity to mice. This separation method is applicable for preparative and analytical isolation of pure stages of T. cruzi for biochemical and immunological studies.  相似文献   
Nuclear or cell number, and the mitotic index, were recordedin endosperms of Triticum aestivum cv. Mardler to test if aparticular stage of endosperm development was critical in determiningthe final grain weight. The basal four florets of emasculatedspikelets (controls), and the third and fourth florets of spikeletswhere the two basal ovaries were removed (ovary-removed), weresampled at various times up to 360 h after hand-pollination.The coenocytic phase in endosperms ended about 84 h after pollinationregardless of both grain position and the treatment. The onsetof the cellular stage was characterized by the final large fluctuationsin the mitotic index reflecting the culmination of the synchronousnuclear division of the coenocytic stage. Thereafter, the mitoticindex fluctuated with smaller amplitudes and, by 216 h afterpollination, was < 1%. Neither floret position in the spikeletnor the treatment affected the pattern of alteration to themitotic index. However, ovary removal from first and secondflorets resulted in significantly heavier grains and higherendosperm cell number in the 3rd and 4th florets compared withthe controls. In all florets, mean endosperm cell number peakedat 280 h but decreased by 360 h after pollination. At this time,the mean cell numbers in endosperms of the 3rd and 4th floretsof ovary-removed spikelets were significantly higher than inthe corresponding endosperms in the controls. Thus, a key contributoryfactor in determining the final endosperm cell number may bethe number of cells which are lost during the late period ofthe cellular stage of endosperm development. Key words: Endosperm cell number, florets, grain weight, mitotic index, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   
Intact Myriophyllum spicatum plants were grown in compartmentalized containers in a growth room so that the roots were separated from the shoots by a watertight partition. Nitrogen 15N was added to the water or sediment to trace the uptake of inorganic N by the plant shoots or roots. Myriophyllum spicatum is capable of taking up inorganic N through both roots and shoots. Plant N requirements can apparently be met by root uptake alone. However, when about 0·1 mg/l of NH4-N were present in the water, foliar uptake supplied more N to the plants than did root uptake. Foliar uptake of NH4-N was found to be several times faster than that of NO3-N when both forms of N were present in the water. Only about 1% of the N taken up by the roots was subsequently released to the water through the foliage.  相似文献   
The moult of Barred Warblers Sylvia nisoria was studied during three winter seasons in southeastern Kenya at a southward passage site (Ngulia) and a wintering site (Mtito Andei). Most Barred Warblers migrating through Ngulia in November had yet to commence winter moult. These birds probably moulted subsequently in winter in northern Tanzania. In December, birds were found in heavy moult at Mtito Andei, and some of these birds were known to stay throughout the winter. By contrast, most birds reaching southeastern Kenya from late December onwards had already completed part or all of their winter moult, presumably at stopover sites in northern and eastern Kenya or in Ethiopia. Thus, winter moult in Barred Warblers takes place mainly in late November and December, either just before or soon after the final leg of autumn migration. In general, first-year birds renewed all tertials and tail feathers, about three to five secondaries per wing and commonly also the outer one to four large primaries per wing. Adults renewed all tertials and tail feathers, almost all secondaries and only occasionally an outer primary. The replacement of relatively fresh juvenile secondaries during the birds' first winter implies that the split moult pattern of this species (secondaries, tertials and tail moulted in winter; primaries and tertials in summer) is endogenously controlled.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Sporozoites of Eimeria tenella were injected into the peritoneal cavity of normal chickens and chickens immunized against E. tenella. In some experiments normal scrum and serum from resistant chickens were injected prior to the injection of sporozoites. After 15 or 30 minute periods of intraperitoneal incubation, exudates were harvested and the occurrence of intracellular sporozoites was determined. Only macrophages and degranulated granulocytes were observed to contain sporozoites. There was no significant difference between the number of macrophages obtained from normal chickens (normal macrophages) which contained sporozoites and the number of macrophages obtained from immune chickens (immune macrophages) which contained sporozoites. Significantly fewer immune macrophages treated with immune serum contained sporozoites than untreated normal or immune cells, normal macrophages treated with either serum, or immune macrophages treated with normal scrum. Sporozoites in untreated normal macrophages did not appear to be harmed by the intracellular environment, based on structural observations. The majority of sporozoites in macrophages from all other groups were difficult to distinguish within the cytoplasm and were visibly distorted. It is hypothesized that the presence of fewer infected macrophages in exudates of immune chickens and serum-treated normal chickens was caused by an enhanced ability of these cells to destroy the parasite. Similar observations were noted in the case of sporozoites within degranulated granulocytes of experimental groups. The lack of understanding of the degranulation phenomenon makes it difficult to interpret these findings.  相似文献   
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