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Transgenic cotton resistant to herbicide bialaphos   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Resistance to bialaphos, a non-selective herbicide, was intro duced into cotton through genetic engineering. A gene encoding phosphinothric in acetyltransferase (bar) from Streptomyces hygroscopicus was inserted into elite varieties of cotton through particle bombardment. Based on the marker gene, -glucuronidase (gus) expression, a total of 18 Pima (Gossypium barbadense), 45 DP50 (G. hirsutum L.), 20 Coker 312 (G. hirsutum) and 2 El Dorado (G. hirsutum) transgenic plants were recovered. Integration of the bar gene into cotton genomic DNA was confirmed by Southern blot analysis and gene expression was confirmed by northern blot and enzyme assays. Herbicide (Basta®) tolerance up to 15 000 ppm was demonstrated in greenhouse trials. The newly introduced herbicide tolerance trait is inherited in a Mendelian fashion in the progenies of germline transformants. This study demonstrates the potential for particle bombardment to introduce commerically important genes directly into elite varieties of cotton. This mode of gene transfer can expedite the introduction of transgenic cotton products into world markets  相似文献   
Tropical peatlands play an important role in the global carbon cycling but little is known about factors regulating carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from these ecosystems. Here, we test the hypotheses that (i) CO2 and CH4 are produced mainly from surface peat and (ii) that the contribution of subsurface peat to net C emissions is governed by substrate availability. To achieve this, in situ and ex situ CO2 and CH4 fluxes were determined throughout the peat profiles under three vegetation types along a nutrient gradient in a tropical ombrotrophic peatland in Panama. The peat was also characterized with respect to its organic composition using 13C solid state cross‐polarization magic‐angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Deep peat contributed substantially to CO2 effluxes both with respect to actual in situ and potential ex situ fluxes. CH4 was produced throughout the peat profile with distinct subsurface peaks, but net emission was limited by oxidation in the surface layers. CO2 and CH4 production were strongly substrate‐limited and a large proportion of the variance in their production (30% and 63%, respectively) was related to the quantity of carbohydrates in the peat. Furthermore, CO2 and CH4 production differed between vegetation types, suggesting that the quality of plant‐derived carbon inputs is an important driver of trace gas production throughout the peat profile. We conclude that the production of both CO2 and CH4 from subsurface peat is a substantial component of the net efflux of these gases, but that gas production through the peat profile is regulated in part by the degree of decomposition of the peat.  相似文献   
Stocks of the Tetrahymena pyriformis complex have been collected in North America and their mating reactivity has been studied. In addition to stocks mating with Tetrahymena americanis, T. borealis, T. pigmentosa, T. hyperangularis, and T. australis, stocks belonging to old syngen 5 and three new mating groups, numbers 13, 14, and 15, were discovered. Syngen 5 and groups 13 and 14 are distinct “biological” species, based on their reproductive isolation from other groups and on the ability of withingroup crosses to produce immature progeny. These species have been named T. hegewischi n. sp., T. sonneborni n. sp., and T. nipissingi n. sp., respectively. The cross between the two group 15 stocks did not produce immature progeny, and there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that this pair of stocks represents a separate species. Temperature tolerance measurements have been made on stocks representing all known micronucleate members of “pyriformis” complex. Within each species, the range of temperature tolerances is narrow; the average within-species standard deviation is 0.63°C. The species averages range from 32.7 to 40.7°C. Using syngen numbers, the order from lowest to highest temperature tolerance is 9, 8, 10, 7, 6, 4, 13, 14, 12, 11, 5, 3, 2, 1. The large differences among species make temperature tolerance a useful aid in identification, but the origins of the differences among species are unknown.  相似文献   
Seven species of grazing molluscs, two littorinids, one nerite, three limpets and one chiton, lived on the vertical intertidal rock wall at the landward edge of the coastal limestone platforms at Rottnest Island, Western Australia. On the average, the vertical ranges of these species overlapped broadly, although a consistent zonation pattern was conspicuous from the platform surface upwards for 2 m. On these vertical intertidal shores, physical and biological conditions were predicted quantitatively from easily made measurements of vertical height on the shore; the percentage of time any shore level was immersed in seawater, the percent weight loss of plaster clods, the standing crop of algae, and the growth rate of the limpet, Notoacmea onychitis, all decreased linearly or semi-logarithmically with increasing height on the shore. The standing crop of animals was greatest, largely due to the presence of the chiton, between 40 and 70 cm from the platform surface and decreased rapidly down the shore and more gradually towards higher shore levels. We interpret this information and the positive correlation between algal production rate, and egestion rate of the animal community at various levels of the shore as evidence supporting the idea that food may be in short supply on these shores.  相似文献   
Finite quantities of water were applied at different growthstages of groundnut stands (Arachis hypogaea L.) grown in controlledenvironment glasshouses. Soil moisture deficits were imposedbetween sowing and pod initiation or between pod initiationand final harvest by withholding or applying water. Effectson assimilate production and partitioning and plant water relationswere examined. Leaves were the primary sites of 14CO2 fixation, though theircontribution generally declined late in the season, whereasfixation by stems was initially low but increased sharply whenstress was released in the late-irrigated stands. 14C-fixationby stem apices and pegs also rose sharply following irrigationof the late-stressed stands. Leaves were the primary source of assimilates, though translocationtended to decrease as the season progressed, even in the late-irrigatedstands. Stems were initially the major sinks, but their sinkactivity disappeared almost completely when stress was releasedin the late-irrigated stands. Assimilate import by stem apicesdeclined progressively and pod sink activity was negligiblein the late-stressed stand, but both increased markedly whenearly-season stress was released. Leaf water status showed marked diurnal variation, whereas pegsshowed less variation and maintained much higher turgor levels,largely because of their lower solute potentials. Marked osmoticadjustment occurred in expanding but not in mature leaves, allowingthem to maintain higher turgor levels during periods of severestress. This adjustment was rapidly lost when stress was released.The observed changes in assimilate production and partitioningpreceded detectable changes in bulk turgor levels. Implications for growth, development and yield are discussed. Key words: Groundnut, irrigation, partitioning, water status  相似文献   
The movement of carbon and nitrogen from Amphiscolops langerhansi , fed on 14C- and 15N-labelled Tigriopus japonica , to its algal endosymbiont Amphidinium klebsii is examined in a series of experiments designed to detect both sources in the host and utilization by the symbiont. Data for carbon indicate that.1. klebsii utilizes host carbon primarily as respired CO2 taken up in photosynthesis. Data for nitrogen suggest that translocation takes place primarily through the excretion of ammonia, and that uptake and incorporation by the alga is light-dependent.  相似文献   
The cell cycle in plant development   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
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