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The survival of Salmonella montevideo during serum treatment depends on the presence of an O antigen (O-Ag) associated with the lipopolysaccharide molecule. In this organism, the O antigen is a polysaccharide composed of 0 to more than 55 subunits, each containing 4 mannose residues together with glucose and n-acetylglucosamine. We used a mutant strain of S. montevideo that requires exogenous mannose for the synthesis of O-Ag. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was prepared from these cells grown under three different conditions where the availability of exogenous mannose was regulated such that the average number of O-Ag units per LPS molecule, the percentage of LPS molecules bearing long O-Ag side chains, and the percentage of lipid A cores bearing O-Ag were all varied. These changes in LPS profiles were monitored on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, and cells with different LPS profiles were tested for their ability to survive treatment with pooled normal human serum. Survival in serum was associated with LPS that contained an average of 4 to 5 O-Ag units per LPS molecule, and 20 to 23% of the LPS molecules had more than 14 O-Ag units per LPS molecule. Serum survival was less clearly associated with the percentage of lipid A cores covered with O-Ag. We propose, based on these data and on previous work, that the O-Ag polysaccharide provides the cell protection from serum killing by sterically hindering access of the C5b-9 complex to the outer membrane and that a critical density of long O-Ag polysaccharide is necessary to provide protection.  相似文献   
All known small staphylococcal plasmids possess one or two recombination sites at which site-specific cointegrate formation occurs. One of these sites, RSA, is present on two small multicopy plasmids, pT181 and pE194; it consists of 24 base pairs of identity in the two plasmids, the "core," flanked by some 50 base pairs of decreasing homology. Here we show that recombination at RSA is recA independent and is mediated by a plasmid-encoded, trans-acting protein, Pre (plasmid recombination). Pre-mediated recombination is site specific in that it occurs within the core sequence of RSA in a recA1 host. Recombination also occurs between two intramolecular RSA sites. Unlike site-specific recombination systems encoded by other plasmids, Pre-RSA is not involved in plasmid maintenance.  相似文献   
In Streptococcus lactis ML3, the lactose plasmid (pSK08) forms cointegrates with a conjugal plasmid (pRS01). It has been proposed that cointegration is mediated by insertion sequences (IS) present on pSK08 (D. G. Anderson and L.L. McKay, J. Bacteriol. 158:954-962, 1984). We examined the junction regions of the cointegrate pPW2 and the corresponding regions of pSK08 (donor) and pRS01 (target) and identified a new IS element on pSK08 (ISS1S) which was involved in and duplicated during formation of pPW2. ISS1S was 808 base pairs (bp) in size, had 18-bp inverted repeats (GGTTCTGTTGCAAAGTTT) at its ends, contained a single long open reading frame encoding a putative protein of 226 amino acids, and generated 8-bp direct repeats of target DNA during cointegrate formation. An iso-IS element, ISS1T, which is duplicated in some other cointegrate plasmids, was also found on pSK08. ISS1T was also 808 bp in size and was identical to ISS1S in sequence except for 4 bp, none of which altered the inverted repeats or amino acid sequence of the open reading frame. Comparison of ISS1 with gram-negative IS26 revealed strong homologies in size (820 bp), sequence of inverted repeats (GGCACTGTTGCAAA), size of direct repeats generated after cointegration (8 bp), and number, size, and amino acid sequence (44.5% identical) of the open reading of frame.  相似文献   
The F420 hydrogenase of Methanobacterium formicicum was associated with membranes isolated by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation of cell extract. The methyl viologen hydrogenase was present in the soluble fractions. Column chromatography with phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B revealed that the F420 hydrogenase was strongly hydrophobic, suggesting that it associates with isolated membranes through hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   
Chromosomal DNAs from exponential-phase and competent cells of Haemophilus influenzae were examined by electron microscopy to determine whether the chromosome undergoes structural changes during competence development. Single-stranded gaps and single-stranded tails formed in chromosomal DNA during competence development. The generation of gaps was dependent on the rec-2 function. Since the rec-2 mutant is defective in the translocation of donor DNA, it was inferred that the gaps were involved in the translocation step of transformation. The generation of single-stranded tails was independent of the rec-1 and rec-2 genes. Therefore, these structures were assumed to play no direct role in the interaction of donor and recipient DNAs during transformation. Gaps were preferentially associated with a readily denaturable, possibly A + T-rich fraction of the genome. This finding raised the possibility that hot spots for transformation might be associated with A + T-rich DNA.  相似文献   
Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Rhizobium meliloti carry related genetic loci which have important roles in virulence and symbiosis. Previously, it was shown that two virulence loci of A. tumefaciens, chvA and chvB, are related to two R. meliloti symbiosis loci, ndvA and ndvB, respectively (T. Dylan, L. Ielpi, S. Stanfield, L. Kashyap, C. Douglas, M. Yanofsky, E. Nester, D. R. Helinski, and G. Ditta, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:4403-4407, 1986). Here we show that these two phytobacteria possess additional related virulence/symbiosis genes. Results of genetic complementation and DNA hybridization experiments indicate that the pscA virulence locus of A. tumefaciens is structurally and functionally related to the exoC symbiosis locus of R. meliloti. Thus, A. tumefaciens and R. meliloti bear at least three related genetic loci that have crucial roles in establishing the interactions that each bacterium has with its respective host plants.  相似文献   
A cosmid bank of Serratia marcescens was established from which DNA fragments were cloned into the plasmid pBR322, which conferred the chromosomally encoded hemolytic activity to Escherichia coli K-12. By transposon mutagenesis with Tn1000 and Tn5 IS50L::phoA (TnphoA), the coding region was assigned to a DNA fragment, designated hly, comprising approximately 7 kilobases. Two proteins with molecular weights of 61,000 (61K protein) and 160,000 (160K protein) were expressed by the pBR322 derivatives and by a plasmid which contained the hly genes under the control of a phage T7 promoter and the T7 RNA polymerase. When strongly overexpressed the 160K protein was released by E. coli cells into the extracellular medium concomitant with hemolytic activity. The genes encoding the 61K and the 160K proteins were transcribed in the same direction. Mutants expressing a 160K protein truncated at the carboxy-terminal end were partially hemolytic. Hemolysis was progressively inhibited by saccharides with increasing molecular weights from maltotriose (Mr 504) to maltoheptaose (Mr 1,152) and was totally abolished by dextran 4 (Mr 4,000). This result and the observed influx of [14C]sucrose into erythrocytes in the presence of hemolytic E. coli transformants under osmotically protective conditions suggest the formation of defined transmembrane channels by the hemolysin.  相似文献   
The lamB701-708 signal sequence mutation reduces expression of LamB, an outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli. To investigate the possibility that synthesis and export of LamB are coupled, as suggested by the expression defect of the lamB701-708 mutation, we isolated intragenic suppressors of the lamB701-708 mutation. The expression defect imposed by the lamB701-708 mutation is suppressed by an export-defective signal sequence mutation, suggesting that translation and export are coupled. The additional observation that not all export-defective signal sequence mutations suppressed the lamB701-708 expression defect suggests that translational arrest can be uncoupled from export.  相似文献   
A characteristic of N2-fixing cyanobacteria in symbiotic associations appears to be release of N2-derived NH4+. The specific activity of the primary ammonium-assimilating enzyme, glutamine synthetase (GS), was found to be three- to fourfold lower in Nostoc sp. strain 7801 grown in symbiotic association with the bryophyte Anthoceros punctatus than in free-living Nostoc sp. strain 7801. Quantitative immunological assays with antisera against GS purified from Nostoc sp. strain 7801 and from Escherichia coli indicated that similar amounts of the GS protein were present in symbiotic (50 micrograms mg-1) and free-living (68 micrograms mg-1) cultures. The conclusion from these experiments is that GS is regulated by a posttranslational mechanism in Anthoceros-associated Nostoc sp. strain 7801. However, the results of comparative catalytic and immunological experiments between N2- and NH4+-grown free-living Nostoc sp. strain 7801 implied control of GS synthesis. A correlation was not observed between the level of GS expression and the extent of symbiotic heterocyst differentiation in Nostoc sp. strain 7801 associated with A. punctatus.  相似文献   
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