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We studied leaves of 208 seedlings (S), infants (I) and juveniles(J) ofEuterpe edulis,randomly selected from plants in 1 ha ofswampy forest in SE Brazil. Each new leaf began extending afterthe complete development of the preceding leaf. The sequencesteps of leaf growth were emergence, linear growth while closed,opening of segments and logarithmic growth of the petiole. Averageleaf production rate (2.21 leaves per plant year-1) did notvary among ontogenetic stages, conforming to a plastochronicrhythm. Average linear growth rate of the closed leaf was directlyrelated to average area of the open lamina. Herbivores attacked33.0% of all leaves giving rise to up to 10% loss of area andincluded damping-off-inducing suckers (7.1%), ordinary suckers(9.8%), chewers (5.4%), miners (2.7%) and multiple attacks (8.0%).These attacks varied among stages (S=22.4%, I=38.1%, J=33.3%),as did leaf mortality rates (S=26.5%, I=14.3% and J=0.0%). Unknownfactors were the main cause of leaf mortality (S=14.3%, I=7.1%).Not losing a leaf while a seedling and attaining a minimum leafarea in the infant stage were critical events for survival.Plants gained leaf area by not losing leaves while a seedling,by producing larger leaves with greater growth rates, and byaccumulating leaves with longer lifespans. The petiole can simulatean energetically cheaper branch, delimit a vital space aroundthe stem, favourably position the leaf lamina and substituteprovisionally for stem growth in height.Copyright 1999 Annalsof Botany Company Arecaceae,Euterpe edulis, herbivory, leaf ecology, leaf growth, leaf production, semideciduous forest, southeastern Brazil.  相似文献   
RIVERA NUÑEZ, D., OBON DE CASTRO, C., TOMAS-LORENTE, F., FERRERES, F. & TOMAS-BARBERAN, F. A., 1990. Infrasectional systematics of the genus Sideritis L. section Sideritis (Lamiaceae). A new taxonomic division of the section Sideritis is proposed on the basis of morphological, cytological and chemical characters. The following subsections art-recognized: Grandiflora, Ovata, Camarae, Linearifolia, Gymnocarpae, Stachydioides, Lacaitae, Hirsuta, Chamaedryfolia, Arborescens, Flavovirens, Leucantha, Angustifolia, Serrata and Scordioides . Possible evolutionary pathways are discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Morphological and ultrastructural studies on a new ciliate, Paraptychostomum almae , from the digestive tract of an oligochaete ( Alma emini ) from the Cameroons are carried out. The flattened cell has a large size; its left lateral face bears an anterior thigmotactic zone that includes seven-nine short kinetal segments. The somatic cortex is composed of flattened alveoli, a thin epiplasm and a microfibrillar ecto-endoplasmic boundary. Kineties are made of monokinetids, each particularly characterized by a long anteriorly directed kinetodesmal fiber, and a hyperdivergent postciliary ribbon. The postero-ventral buccal apparatus consists of a short peristome and a deep longitudinal infundibulum. The paroral organelle is a long stichodyad. The three adoral organelles are of different types: ADI and AD3 are of the membranoid type, respectively with two and one rows of ciliated kinetosomes; AD2 is of the peniculus type with six-seven rows of ciliated kinetosomes. A microfibrillar network with nodes arises from all the buccal kinetosomes and extends under the naked wall. Mitochondria are small and numerous and dispersed throughout the whole cell. The existence of an AD2 with more than two rows of kinetosomes warrants the creation of the new genus Paraptychostomum and a new family, Ptychostomatidae. The presence of a distinct ecto-endoplasmic boundary and of somatic kinetids exclusive without transversal dense tractus, hyperdivergent postciliary ribbons, and dispersed numerous mitochondria, added to particularities of the stomatogenesis, allow us to clearly separate hysterocinetians from the scuticociliates and to set up for them the new subclass Hysterocinetia, within the class Oligohymenophorea, with a single new order Hysterocinetida.  相似文献   
Wolterbeek, H. Th. and De Bruin, M. 1986. Xylem and phloem importof Na+, K+ , Rb+, Cs+ and in tomato fruits: differential contributions from stem and leaf.—J.exp. Bot. 37: 928–939. The transport of Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+ and into developing fruits of tomato (an inbred lineof Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Tiny Tim) was measured.Element solutions were introduced into the transpiration streamthrough the cut stem bases of plant parts consisting of a stempart with single green fruit, both with and without attachedfully expanded leaf. Measurements were carried out of the accumulationin the fruit of the gamma-ray emitting radiotracers 24Na+, 42K+,86Rb+, 134Cs+ and The transport into the fruit was expressed by a single parameter taking intoaccount volume flows varying with time and experiments. Xylemto phloem transfer in the stem as a source of fruit elementsupply was shown to be inversely related with the velocity offlow of the stem xylem. The results also indicated that thetransfer system in the stem was more rapidly equilibrated thanit was in the leaf. Stem loading of the phloem is suggested as a possible mechanismregulating the solute influx in fruits under varying flow velocitiesof the stem xylem, while fruit influx of phloem solutes, whichwere loaded in the leaf, may play a major role in influx regulationunder conditions of varying solute concentrations. Key words: Alkali ions, tomato fruits, stem and leaf phloem loading  相似文献   
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