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Xu Z  Jablons DM  Gruenert DC 《Gene》2001,263(1-2):265-272
Current strategies for cDNA cloning are based on construction of cDNA libraries and colony screening. The process of obtaining a full-length cDNA clone can be highly time and labor intensive. Using the human actin gene as a model target cDNA, we have developed an RNA-capture method for rapid cloning of full-length cDNAs. The approach involves the capture of mRNA with expressed sequence tag (EST)-derived, biotin labeled antisense "capture" primers and streptavidin-coated magnetic beads. Full-length cDNA is then synthesized from purified EST-specific mRNA and cloned directly into plasmid vectors. The results of using beta-actin-based capture primers on cytoplasmic RNA were the isolation of both beta- and gamma-actin cDNA clones. Of the 16 actin-specific cDNA clones analyzed, 15 (93%) were full-length. This approach for cloning full-length cDNAs from available ESTs or partial cDNA sequences will facilitate a more rapid and efficient characterization of gene structure and function.  相似文献   
Prostasin is a membrane-anchored protease expressed in airway epithelium, where it stimulates salt and water uptake by cleaving the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC). Prostasin is activated by another transmembrane tryptic protease, matriptase. Because ENaC-mediated dehydration contributes to cystic fibrosis (CF), prostasin and matriptase are potential therapeutic targets, but their catalytic competence on airway epithelial surfaces has been unclear. Seeking tools for exploring sites and modulation of activity, we used recombinant prostasin and matriptase to identify substrate t-butyloxycarbonyl-l-Gln-Ala-Arg-4-nitroanilide (QAR-4NA), which allowed direct assay of proteases in living cells. Comparisons of bronchial epithelial cells (CFBE41o-) with and without functioning cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) revealed similar levels of apical and basolateral aprotinin-inhibitable activity. Although recombinant matriptase was more active than prostasin in hydrolyzing QAR-4NA, cell surface activity resisted matriptase-selective inhibition, suggesting that prostasin dominates. Surface biotinylation revealed similar expression of matriptase and prostasin in epithelial cells expressing wild-type vs. ΔF508-mutated CFTR. However, the ratio of mature to inactive proprostasin suggested surface enrichment of active enzyme. Although small amounts of matriptase and prostasin were shed spontaneously, prostasin anchored to the cell surface by glycosylphosphatidylinositol was the major contributor to observed QAR-4NA-hydrolyzing activity. For example, the apical surface of wild-type CFBE41o- epithelial cells express 22% of total, extractable, aprotinin-inhibitable, QAR-4NA-hydrolyzing activity and 16% of prostasin immunoreactivity. In conclusion, prostasin is present, mature and active on the apical surface of wild-type and CF bronchial epithelial cells, where it can be targeted for inhibition via the airway lumen.  相似文献   
Organellar acidification by the electrogenic vacuolar proton-ATPase is coupled to anion uptake and cation efflux to preserve electroneutrality. The defective organellar pH regulation, caused by impaired counterion conductance of the mutant cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), remains highly controversial in epithelia and macrophages. Restricting the pH-sensitive probe to CFTR-containing vesicles, the counterion and proton permeability, and the luminal pH of endosomes were measured in various cells, including genetically matched CF and non-CF human respiratory epithelia, as well as cftr+/+ and cftr−/− mouse alveolar macrophages. Passive proton and relative counterion permeabilities, determinants of endosomal, lysosomal, and phagosomal pH-regulation, were probed with FITC-conjugated transferrin, dextran, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively. Although CFTR function could be documented in recycling endosomes and immature phagosomes, neither channel activation nor inhibition influenced the pH in any of these organelles. CFTR heterologous overexpression also failed to alter endocytic organellar pH. We propose that the relatively large CFTR-independent counterion and small passive proton permeability ensure efficient shunting of the proton-ATPase–generated membrane potential. These results have implications in the regulation of organelle acidification in general and demonstrate that perturbations of the endolysosomal organelles pH homeostasis cannot be linked to the etiology of the CF lung disease.  相似文献   
The preservation for electron microscopy of saturated phospholipids in general, and phosphatidyl choline (PC)in particular, remains and unsolved problem since OsO(4) and glutaraldehyde are incapable of interacting with PC directly. However, by introducing tannic acid preceding osmication, we were able to demonstrate highly ordered, preserved lamellar structures in model experiments with saturated PC, and in vivo experiments type II pneumocytes of lung tissue. The secretory bodies of the latter are known to contain a high proportion of these saturated phospholipids. In both cases, the repeating periodicity approximated 45 A. It was determined that tannic acid interacts with the choline component of PC to form a "complex," which then could be stabilized by treatment with OsO(4). In the absence of osmication, the PC-tannic acid complex acid did not survive conventional dehydration techniques, but osmication permitted conventional Epon embedment. Sphingomyelin (SPH), which contains choline, behaved similarly in model experiments. But there was no evidence of a comparable reaction with tannic acid using phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PEA), phosphatidyl serine (PS), or phosphstidy inositol (PI). Chemical studies indicted a high pH dependency for the formation of the PC- tannic acid complex. Also, experiments demonstrated its dissociation in various organic solvents. Sharp delineation and great contrast of the polar zones in the ordered lamellar structures was achieved by additional staining with lead citrate thus leading to the conclusion that tannic acid serves as a multivalent agent, capable of simultaneous interaction with saturated PC, OsO(4), and lead citrate stains.  相似文献   
Normal rat kidney (NRK) cells infected with a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant of mouse sarcoma virus (NRK [MSV-1b]) express the transformed phenotype when grown under permissive conditions, but acquire the normal phenotype when grown under restrictive conditions. Addition of 3', 5' cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) to NRK (MSV-1b) cells grown at the restrictive temperature results in morphological transformation. To determine whether other markers associated with the transformed phenotype were coordinately expressed after cAMP exposure, concanavalin A (Con A) agglutinability, hexose transport rate, and incorporation of radioactively labeled fucose into fucolipid III and fucolipid IV (FL III and FL IV ) of the cells were examined. NRK cells transformed by wild-type MSV or NRK(MSV- 1b) grown under permissive conditions were agglutinated by low concentrations of Con A and exhibited relatively high maximal agglutination levels which were specifically inhibited by α-methyl-D-mannoside. In contrast, NRK (MSV-1b) cells grown under restrictive conditions were weakly agglutinated by Con A and exhibited reduced maximal agglutination levels, similar to uninfected NRK cells. Treatment of NRK (MSV-1b) cells at the restrictive temperature with cAMP resulted in morphological transformation and a change in the pattern of incorporation of labeled fucose inot FL III and FL IV to one comparable to that of NRK (MSV-1b) cells at the permissive temperature or to NRK cells transformed by wild-type MSV. In contrast, cAMP treatment resulted in no increase in Con A agglutinability or 2 deoxy-D- [(3)H]glucose transport relative to mock treated cultures. The results demonstrate that cAMP-induced morphological transformation and altered fucolipid composition of NRK (MSV-1b) cells are not correlated with alterations in hexose transport rate or Con A agglutinability.  相似文献   
In situ hybridization has become a standard method for localizing DNA or RNA sequences in cytological preparations. We developed two methods to extend this technique to the transmission electron microscope level using mouse satellite DNA hybridization to whole mount metaphase chromosomes as the test system. The first method devised is a direct extension of standard light microscope level using mouse satellite DNA hybridization to whole mount metaphase chromosomes as the test system. The first method devised is a direct extension of standard light microscope in situ hybridization. Radioactively labeled complementary RNA (cRNA) is hybridized to metaphase chromosomes deposited on electron microscope grids and fixed in 70 percent ethanol vapor; hybridixation site are detected by autoradiography. Specific and intense labeling of chromosomal centromeric regions is observed even after relatively short exposure times. Inerphase nuclei present in some of the metaphase chromosome preparations also show defined paatterms of satellite DNA labeling which suggests that satellite-containing regions are associate with each other during interphase. The sensitivity of this method is estimated to at least as good as that at the light microscope level while the resolution is improved at least threefold. The second method, which circumvents the use of autoradiogrphic detection, uses biotin-labeled polynucleotide probes. After hybridization of these probes, either DNA or RNA, to fixed chromosomes on grids, hybrids are detected via reaction is improved at least threefold. The second method, which circumvents the use of autoradiographic detection, uses biotin-labeled polynucleotide probes. After hybridization of these probes, either DNA or RNA, to fixed chromosomes on grids, hybrids are detected via reaction with an antibody against biotin and secondary antibody adsorbed to the surface of over centromeric heterochromatin and along the associated peripheral fibers. Labeling is on average ten times that of background binding. This method is rapid and possesses the potential to allow precise ultrastructual localization of DNA sequences in chromosomes and chromatin.  相似文献   
Bioluminescence detection of ATP release mechanisms in epithelia   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Autocrine and paracrine release of and extracellular signalingby ATP is a ubiquitous cell biological and physiological process. Despite this knowledge, the mechanisms and physiological roles ofcellular ATP release are unknown. We tested the hypothesis thatepithelia release ATP under basal and stimulated conditions by using anewly designed and highly sensitive assay for bioluminescence detectionof ATP released from polarized epithelial monolayers. Thisbioluminescence assay measures ATP released from cystic fibrosis (CF)and non-CF human epithelial monolayers in a reduced serum mediumthrough catalysis of the luciferase-luciferin reaction, yielding aphoton of light collected by a luminometer. This novel assay measuresATP released into the apical or basolateral medium surroundingepithelia. Of relevance to CF, CF epithelia fail to release ATP acrossthe apical membrane under basal conditions. Moreover, hypotonicity isan extracellular signal that stimulates ATP release into bothcompartments of non-CF epithelia in a reversible manner; the responseto hypotonicity is also lost in CF epithelia. The bioluminescencedetection assay for ATP released from epithelia and other cells will beuseful in the study of extracellular nucleotide signaling inphysiological and pathophysiological paradigms. Taken together, theseresults suggest that extracellular ATP may be a constant regulator ofepithelial cell function under basal conditions and an autocrineregulator of cell volume under hypotonic conditions, two functions thatmay be lost in CF and contribute to CF pathophysiology.

DNA-DNA crosslinks in cells treated with mitomycin C, nitrogen mustard, or decarbamoyl mitomycin C were measured in alkaline isopycnic gradients as a function of pH. Crosslinks from cells treated with mitomycin C and nitrogen mustard, which react with DNA purines, could be detected at pH 12.5 but not at pH 14. No crosslinks from cells treated with decarbamoyl mitomycin C were detected at either pH. Previous studies with cells exposed to psoralen derivatives plus 360 nm light, which produce DNA-DNA crosslinks with pyrimidines, demonstrated stable crosslinks at pH 14. These studies indicate that DNA-DNA crosslinks involving DNA purines are much less stable at high pH than those involving pyrimidines, and that methods involving exposure to extreme alkaline conditions may give inaccurate information for some agents.  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide- and polynucleotide-based gene modification strategies were developed as an alternative to transgene-based and classical gene targeting-based gene therapy approaches for treatment of genetic disorders. Unlike the transgene-based strategies, oligo/polynucleotide gene targeting approaches maintain gene integrity and the relationship between the protein coding and gene-specific regulatory sequences. Oligo/polynucleotide-based gene modification also has several advantages over classical vector-based homologous recombination approaches. These include essentially complete homology to the target sequence and the potential to rapidly engineer patient-specific oligo/polynucleotide gene modification reagents. Several oligo/polynucleotide-based approaches have been shown to successfully mediate sequence-specific modification of genomic DNA in mammalian cells. The strategies involve the use of polynucleotide small DNA fragments, triplex-forming oligonucleotides, and single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides to mediate homologous exchange. The primary focus of this review will be on the mechanistic aspects of the small fragment homologous replacement, triplex-forming oligonucleotide-mediated, and single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotide-mediated gene modification strategies as it relates to their therapeutic potential.  相似文献   
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