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Abstract Plants that rely on other plants for support (i.e. epiphytes and vines) are common in many forest ecosystems. However, they are poorly understood relative to terrestrial plants, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. To help bridge this gap, we evaluated the diversity and distribution of vascular epiphytes and vines on seven common tree species in a conifer‐broadleaf forest on New Zealand's North Island. Ground‐based surveys of 274 host trees were used to test whether epiphyte and vine diversity increased with tree diameter, and whether diversity‐diameter relationships differed among host tree species. Occurrence patterns of individual epiphyte and vine species were also assessed. We first evaluated the accuracy of ground‐based inventories by comparing surveys of trees made from the ground to those made from a canopy walkway. On average, 1 in 10 species of epiphytes and vines were unseen from the ground. However, sampling accuracy did not differ among the three host tree species growing along the walkway, suggesting unbiased comparisons could be made between hosts. Results from ground‐based surveys showed that species diversity of epiphytes and vines increased with host tree diameter. However, epiphytes showed stronger diversity‐diameter relationships than vines. Epiphyte diversity increased markedly in four host species and less strongly in the remaining three host species. Conversely, vines showed weak diversity‐diameter relationships in all host species. Occurrence patterns of individual species helped to explain diversity‐diameter relationships. All common epiphyte species occurred more frequently on large trees, regardless of host species, but occurrence patterns in most vine species were unrelated to tree size. Rather, the vines often showed strong host ‘preferences’. Overall results illustrate a rich diversity of distributional patterns in New Zealand's epiphytes and vines, and suggest that a similarly diverse set of ecological and evolutionary processes are responsible for them.  相似文献   


The analysis of microarray experiments requires accurate and up-to-date functional annotation of the microarray reporters to optimize the interpretation of the biological processes involved. Pathway visualization tools are used to connect gene expression data with existing biological pathways by using specific database identifiers that link reporters with elements in the pathways.  相似文献   
Wild horses (Equus caballus) are a non‐native species occupying over 2800 km2 of the nationally significant Australian Alps National Parks. We estimated key demographic parameters (fecundity, adult and juvenile survival and annual finite population growth rate) over 3 years and related these to horse body condition and available food for three populations under natural conditions, and found a trend consistent with food limitation. The populations were independent, with different site characteristics and occupied areas, identified by land managers, as areas of concern about possible conservation impacts. Annual fecundity and juvenile survival varied across sites averaging between 0.21 and 0.31 female young per adult female, and 0.83 and 0.90 per annum, respectively, and annual adult survival was consistent across sites averaging 0.91 per annum. One population was increasing (λ = 1.09 year?1; 95% CI 1.04–1.14) and two populations were stable (λ ~ 1.0 year?1). Mean body condition of horses was positively correlated with mean pasture biomass rank. Across the three populations, fecundity, recruitment, body condition and annual finite population growth rate were lowest when mean pasture biomass rank was lowest and conversely highest when pasture rank was highest. We conclude that food limitation appears to be operating across these three sites. We used our results to assess the sensitivity of annual finite rate of increase (λ) to changes in key demographic parameters and found that λ was most sensitive to a change in adult survival, with the second most sensitive parameter being fecundity. Thus, if the aim of management is to reduce the size of the wild horse population then targeting adult survival is most important, followed by fecundity. Finally, we estimated the linear, negative, numerical response for wild horses between annual λ and horses per unit pasture biomass.  相似文献   
Current agriculture in Europe is predominantly reliant upon external inputs, such as fertilisers and pesticides, rather than upon soil processes, for the resources it needs for crop growth. Inputs of fertilisers have environmental disbenefits, some of which have been highlighted by the introduction of the Water Framework Directive. Here we review the scope to improve current production systems so as to reduce environmental impact while broadly maintaining productivity. The review focuses upon both the potential impacts of means of increasing soil nutrient supply, in the absence of fertilisers, and the potential impact on nutrient uptake of modifications to the functioning of the root system. Assessments of the functioning of the root system must allow for all root types and for the contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The development of productive systems based around soil processes will thus depend upon both better management of soil processes, especially when they relate to holding nutrients such as nitrogen within the system, and to developments in understanding roots and their associated microbes.  相似文献   
Polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified in order to determine paternity in a captive population of the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata. Primer sets from 93 published passerine microsatellite sequences were tested for cross‐species amplification. Thirteen loci were found to be polymorphic, of which, eight displayed null alleles and one locus (Ase50) was found to be Z‐chromosome linked.  相似文献   
  • 1 Dolphins and porpoises in coastal and/or riverine habitats face serious conservation threats, yet surveys of their abundance are often especially difficult due to the challenges imposed by the habitats. Because many of these species occur in developing countries, lack of resources imposes a further set of challenges.
  • 2 We offer advice on designing and conducting line‐transect surveys with a focus on sound, practical, design rather than analytical sophistication, and we attempt, where possible, to offer simple, inexpensive solutions.
  • 3 We guide the reader through the questions of what kind of survey should be done, whether by boat or aircraft, and we discuss ways to avoid bias and increase precision.
  • 4 Our treatment of field methods focuses especially on robust, but low‐cost, approaches. We provide two case studies to illustrate the implementation of these ideas.
We have identified a novel N -acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity in lactating bovine mammary gland membranes. Acceptor specificity studies and analysis of products obtained in vitro by 400 MHz1H-NMR spectroscopy revealed that the enzyme catalyses the transfer of N - acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) from UDP-GalNAc to acceptor substrates carrying a terminal, beta-linked N -acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residue and establishes a beta1-->4-linkage forming a GalNAcbeta1-->4GlcNAc ( N, N '-diacetyllactosediamine, lacdiNAc) unit. Therefore, the enzyme can be identified as a UDP-GalNAc:GlcNAcbeta-R beta1-->4-N- acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (beta4-GalNAcT). This enzyme resembles invertebrate beta4-GalNAcT as well as mammalian beta4- galactosyltransferase (beta4-GalT) in acceptor specificity. It can, however, be clearly distinguished from the pituitary hormone-specific beta4-GalNAcT by its incapability of acting with an elevated activity on a glycoprotein substrate carrying a hormone-specific peptide motif. Furthermore, the GalNAcT activity appeared not to be due to a promiscuous action of a beta4-GalT as could be demonstrated by comparing the beta4-GalNAcT and beta4-GalT activities of the mammary gland, bovine colostrum, and purified beta4-GalT, by competition studies with UDP-GalNAc and UDP-Gal, and by use of an anti-beta4-GalT polyclonal inhibiting antibody. Interestingly, under conditions where mammalian beta4-GalT forms with alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) the lactose synthase complex, the mammary gland beta4-GalNAcT was similarly induced by alpha-LA to act on Glc with an increased efficiency yielding the lactose analog GalNAcbeta1-->4Glc. This enzyme thus forms the second example of a mammalian glycosyltransferase the specificity of which can be modified by this milk protein. It is proposed that the mammary gland beta4-GalNAcT functions in the synthesis of lacdiNAc- based, complex-type glycans frequently occurring on bovine milk glycoproteins. The action of this enzyme is to be considered when aiming at the production of properly glycosylated protein biopharmaceuticals in the milk of transgenic dairy animals.   相似文献   
The phylum Porifera (sponges) was the first to diverge from the common ancestor of the Metazoa. In this study, six cDNAs coding for protein- serine/threonine kinases (PS/TKs) are presented; they have been isolated from libraries obtained from the demosponges Geodia cydonium and Suberites domuncula and from the calcareous sponge Sycon raphanus. Sequence alignments of the catalytic domains revealed that two major families of PS/TK, the "conventional" (Ca(2+)-dependent) protein kinase C (PKC), the cPKC subfamily, as well as the "novel" (Ca(2+)- independent) PKC (nPKC), form two separate clusters. In each cluster, the sequence from S. raphanus diverges first. To approach the question about the origin of protein-tyrosine kinases (PTK), which are found only in Metazoa, we analyzed two additional PS/TKs which have been cloned from S. domuncula: the stress-responsive protein kinase (KRSvSD) and the protein-kinase-C-related kinase (PRKvSD). The construction of the phylogenetic tree, comprising the eight PS/TKs and the PTK cloned previously from G. cydonium, revealed that the PTK derived from the branch including the KRSvSD kinase. These data facilitate the first molecular approach to elucidate the origin of metazoan PTK within the PS/TK superfamily.   相似文献   
A. DAWSON 《Ibis》1998,140(1):35-40
Two photoperiodic mechanisms controlling gonadal regression in birds have been identified: absolute photorefractoriness, typical of species with short breeding seasons, where gonadal regression occurs spontaneously during long days, and relative photorefractoriness, where a decrease in daylength is required to induce regression. An experiment was designed to test whether these simply represent extremes of one underlying mechanism. Three groups of male House Sparrows Passer domesticus were transferred from a short photoperiod, 8 h of light: 16 h of darkness per day (8L:16D) to long photoperiods of either 18L:6D, 16L:8D or 13L:11D. Gonadal maturation rates were similar in all three groups; gonadal regression and moult began latest in the 13L:11D group. Four additional groups of sparrows were transferred from 8L:16D to 18L:6D and then transferred to either 13L: 11D or 16L:8D prior to, or shortly after, the onset of gonadal regression. The decrease in daylength prior to regression had no effect on the timing of regression but did advance the onset of moult. Decrease in daylength after the onset of regression increased the rate of regression and the rate of moult. Because a decrease in daylength did not affect the timing of regression, the data do not support the hypothesis that absolute and relative photorefractoriness represent extremes of a single underlying photoperiodic control mechanism. The adaptive significance of the effects of decreasing daylength on the rate of regression and moult is discussed.  相似文献   
Differences between species in breeding seasons are thought to be mediated through differences in their reproductive physiology. Little is known about how the timing and duration of gonadal maturation varies between raptor species, how the timing of moult relates to the gonadal cycle, whether the timing and degree of sexual maturation varies between juveniles and adults or whether body condition has a significant effect. To address these questions, data on gonadal size and moult for adults and juveniles of both sexes of three raptor species were extracted from the Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (based on birds found dead by members of the public). The three species, Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus, Kestrel Falco tinnunculus and Barn Owl Tyto alba, have different ecologies – diurnal bird predator, diurnal mammal predator and nocturnal mammal predator, respectively. All are single‐brooded but have different breeding seasons. The duration of gonadal maturation was markedly different between the species. Barn Owls showed the earliest maturation and the latest gonad regression, and Sparrowhawks the latest maturation and earliest gonad regression. Kestrels were intermediate. In males of all species, the testes remained fully mature throughout their respective breeding seasons. In females, the ovaries remained partially mature throughout the breeding season. Moult started slightly earlier in Sparrowhawks than in Kestrels and coincided with gonadal regression in the two species. Although females of the two species started to moult earlier than males, moult duration was similar between the sexes. Barn Owls showed no distinct annual pattern of moult. In juveniles of all three species, the gonads were smaller than in adults throughout spring and started to mature later. Gonad size in birds that had starved tended to be smaller than in birds dying from other causes, but did not influence the difference in gonad mass between adults and juveniles and between seasons. Body condition had no effect on moult. Whilst ecology has led to the evolution of different breeding seasons, differences between species, and between adults and juveniles, are mediated through adaptive differences in their reproductive physiology.  相似文献   
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