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1. Small cages (294cm2) containing unglazed clay quarry tiles were used to investigate the influence of periphytic algae on macroinvertebrate abundance in a Hong Kong stream. Algal biomass was manipulated by shading cages with plastic sheets. Individual cages were assigned to one of three treatment groups: unshaded, shaded and deeply shaded. Invertebrate densities and algal biomass within cages were monitored after 23, 37 and 65 days. 2. Multiple-regression analysis revealed that algal biomass, invertebrate morphospecies richness and total abundance declined with greater shading intensity. The responses of individual invertebrate taxa varied: some (especially Trichoptera) were unaffected by shading, whereas grazers (Baetidae, Psephenidae and Elmidae) declined as shading increased. 3. Significant regressions of the densities of individual taxa upon algal and detrital standing stocks in cages had positive slopes, but algal biomass increased during the study while detrital standing stocks declined. Abundance of invertebrates declined or remained rather stable over time. Density increases resulting from a positive association with algae were apparently offset by declines in abundance correlated with reductions in detritus. 4. Declines in algal biomass were associated with greater shading to which animals may respond directly. To uncouple the link between scarcity of algae and reduction of light intensity, the plastic covers on two groups of cages (deeply shaded and unshaded) which had been placed in the stream for 28 days were reversed so that cages which had been shaded became unshaded and vice versa. The cages were recovered on day 33, Only Coleoptera demonstrated a positive association with atgae inside cages; no relationship between population densities and algal biomass or light intensity was apparent for other taxa. However, the design may have been confounded by deposition of sediment in the cages (due to declining stream discharge) which reduced population densities of colonizers. 5. This study documents changes in invertebrate abundance and morphospecies richness in response periphyton and detritus standing stocks within patches. Summation of such responses may account for observed variations in benthic communities among Hong Kong streams which differ in the extent of shading by riparian vegetation.  相似文献   
Abstract. The effect of gradually-developing water-stress has been studied in Lupinus albus L., Helianthus annuus L., Vitis vinifera cv. Rosaki and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Water was withheld and diurnal rhythms were investigated 4–8d later, when the predawn water deficit was more negative than in watered plants, and the stomata closed almost completely early during the photoperiod. The contribution of ‘stomatal’ and ‘non-stomatal’ components to the decrease of photosynthetic rate was investigated by (1) comparing the changes of the rate of photosynthesis in air with the changes of stomatal conductance and (2) measuring photosynthetic capacity in saturating irradiance and 15% CO2. Three species (lupin, eucalyptus and sunflower) showed larger changes of stomatal conductance than photosynthesis in air, and showed little or no decrease of photosynthetic capacity in saturating CO2. Photosynthesis in air also recovered fully overnight after watering the plants in the evening. In grapevines, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis in air changed in parallel, there was a marked decrease of photosynthetic capacity, and photosynthesis and stomatal conductance did not recover overnight after watering water-stressed plants. Relative water content remained above 90% in grapevine. We conclude that non-stomatal components do not play a significant role in lupins, sunflower or eucalyptus, but could in grapevine. The effect of water-stress on partitioning of photosynthate was investigated by measuring the amounts of sucrose and starch in leaves during a diurnal rhythm, and by measuring the partitioning of 14C-carbon dioxide between sucrose and starch. In all four species, starch was depleted in water-stressed leaves but sucrose was maintained at amounts similar to, or higher than, those in watered plants. Partitioning into sucrose was increased in lupins and eucalyptus, and remained unchanged in grapevine and sunflower. It is concluded that water-stressed leaves in all four species maintain high levels of soluble sugars in their leaves, despite having lower rates of field photosynthesis, decreased rates of export, and low amounts of starch in their leaves.  相似文献   
Does the tsetse parturition rhythm have a circadian basis?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Under an LD 12:12h photoregime at constant temperature, parturition in Glossina morsitans centralis is a gated event occurring late in the afternoon. When flies are switched to continuous light the rhythm quickly dampens, but its persistence for at least two 24-h cycles beyond the final scotophase suggests the rhythm has a circadian basis. A weak rhythm appears after 7 days of continuous light, perhaps in response to the daily disturbance caused by feeding. Return of the flies to LD 12:12h restores the rhythm after exposure to a single scotophase.  相似文献   
Information on the biological activities of gibberellins (GAs)in the barley aleurone, Tangin-bozu dwarf rice, dwarf pea, lettucehypocotyl and cucumber hypocotyl bioassays is reviewed and discussedin the context of GA structure-activity relationships. The barley aleurone bioassay exhibits a limited response toGAs and it is suggested that this may be because the aleuronecells are able to carry out few GA interconversions. Consequentlyactivity is determined by the degree of compatibility betweenthe GAs and a receptor site. In this assay high biological activityis associated with GAs having a 3ß-hydroxy--lactonestructure. This activity is substantially enhanced by the additionalpresence of a 13-hydroxyl group. The substitution of a -lactoneor a -lactol for a -lactone results in reduced activity while3ß,13-dihydroxy GAs with either 20-carboxyl or 20-methylfunctions are completely inactive. The Tanginbozu dwarf ricebioassay responds to many more GAs than the barley aleuronesystem possibly because the rice seedlings can carry out extensiveGA interconversions. Under these circumstances GAs that areinactive per se can be metabolically converted to active forms.There is no interaction between the 3ß- and 13-hydroxyfunctions of GA molecules in the rice assay. Activity appearsto be determined by the degree oxidation of the C-20 group.The order of activity is usually -lactone > -lactol >-lactone > methyl > carboxyl. It is suggested this mayindicate that in rice seedlings C20-GAs are converted to C19-GAsvia a Baeyer-Villiger type oxidation. Activity in the dwarfpea bioassay is dependent upon GAs possessing both 3ß-and 13-hydroxyl groups and is again related to the state ofoxidation at the C-20 locus. In the lettuce bioassay activityis restricted to GAs with a -lactone function. In some instancesa -lactone, but not a -lactol, can substitute effectively. Thismay imply that the applied C20-GAs are not converted to C19-GAsand that the response to the -lactone results from the six-memberedring mimicking the -lactone at the receptor site. Only GAs havinga 19,10 or a 19,20 lactonic bridge show substantial activityin the cucumber bioassay. The additional presence of eithera 12- or a 13-hydroxyl group severely reduces activity.  相似文献   
MANY blue-green algae fix nitrogen, assimilate carbon dioxide and evolve oxygen and as algal nitrogenase is inhibited1–3 by high oxygen pressure, enhanced nitrogen fixation accompanying photosynthesis is surprising. Heterocysts do not contain4 or have comparatively less amounts4–7 of photosystem II (PS II) pigments, which are responsible for the evolution of oxygen. This tends to favour the suggestion of Fay et al.8 that these cells are the sites of nitrogenase activity. Until now, however, attempts at obtaining unequivocal evidence for heterocysts as principal loci for nitrogenase activity have yielded conflicting results. Stewart et al.7 first demonstrated nitrogenase activity in heterocysts incubated aerobically, a finding confirmed by Wolk and Wojciuch9 and Van Gorkom and Donze10. By contrast, Smith and Evans3,11 and Kurz and La Rue12 reported results favouring vegetative cells as the major site of nitrogenase activity. Other evidence2,13 showed high nitrogenase activity in cell-free preparations of Anabaena cylindrica and the non-heterocystous alga Plectonema boryanum strain 594.  相似文献   
Helical Structure of <Emphasis Type="Italic">Myxicola</Emphasis> Axoplasm   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DAVID S. GILBERT 《Nature: New biology》1972,237(76):195-8 passim
Dissection and polarizing microscopy of the giant axon of Myxicola reveal fibrous protein arranged in three levels of helical configurations, all of which may arise from torques about the axes of individual proteins.  相似文献   
NORMAL and neoplastic mammalian cells cultivated in vitro retain a number of functions that characterize their cellular origin, even after extensive passage1. It therefore seems reasonable to expect that cell products such as tumour-associated antigens could, if present from the outset, be retained in a demonstrable state when the tumour cells are cultivated outside the original host organism. The discovery by Gold and Freedman2 of an antigenic substance specific for entodermally-derived cancers of the digestive system, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), provides a suitable candidate for studying one such property related to a particular type of human cancer. It has been proposed, however, that tumour-specific antigens such as CEA are not indigenous to the tumours, but are glycoproteins produced elsewhere in the body and coating the tumour cells secondarily3. If this were the case, then human colonic cancer cells in long-term propagation in vitro should not synthesize this material. We now present evidence to the contrary.  相似文献   
IT has been known for a number of years that specific immune responses can be under genetic control. In some cases the immunological phenotype is controlled by a single Mendelian genetic factor1–3, while in other cases a more complex mode of inheritance determines the animal's ability to mount a specific immune response4–7. An intriguing feature of this line of investigation is that in many cases a gene controlling a specific immune response is genetically linked to a histocompatibility locus3,8–13. We now report that a specific immune response which has been shown to be under complex genetic control7 can be explained by the segregation of two genetic loci, one of which is closely linked or identical to the H-2 locus.  相似文献   
Molecular hybridization with radioactive polyuridylic acid has been used to detect regions of polyadenylic acid in virus RNA. On the average, RNA from tumour viruses is twenty-five to fifty-fold richer in polyadenylic acid than RNA from non-oncogenic viruses. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis permitted a qualitative distinction between RNA preparations from the two virus classes.  相似文献   
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