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Maternal Effects on Offspring Quality in Poeciliid Fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SYNOPSIS. We evaluated the effects of maternal environment onoffspring size and composition in three species of poeciliidfishes. We chose food availability as the environmental factorfor study. Mature females were assigned to either high or lowfood for an interval of time, then randomly reassigned to highor low food, with the restriction that there be equal numbersin each of four treatments: high-high, high-low, lowhigh, andlow-low food availability. The three species chosen for studydiffer in the pattern of maternal provisioning. Poecilia reticulataand Priapichthys festae mothers provide all resources necessaryfor development as yolk, prior to fertilization. In contrast,Heterandria formosa mothers continue to provision the youngthroughout development. These species also differ in whetheror not they have superfetation, or the ability to carry multiplebroods of young in different stages of development. P. reticulatadoes not have superfetation while the other two species do.We were interested in whether the pattern of maternal provisioningor superfetation influenced the maternal effect. The two lecithotrophicspecies responded to low food by producing larger young withgreater fat reserves. H. formosa, the matrotrophic species,responded to low food by producing smaller young. We proposethat the production of large young in the face of low food availabilitymight represent adaptive plasticity; matrotrophy might representa constraint that prevents such an adaptive response. Superfetationhad no impact on this maternal effect.  相似文献   
1. ‘Placer’ mining for alluvial deposits of gold in a number of stream systems in interior Alaska represents a major disturbance to the stream bed and affects habitat for biotic communities. 2. The potential of analysing aerial photographs to map changes in channel habitat and morphology within gravel-bed rivers is outlined with reference to the impact and recovery of Faith Creek, a second-order stream with a history of placer mining. 3. A strong correlation between the reflectance of the channel bed and water depth is necessary to use the technique succesfully, together with a knowledge of the effects of ‘broken’water on the spectral characteristics of rivers. 4. Image analysis demonstrated that a wide range of water depths and instream mesoscale habitats existed prior to mining. During mining, the stream was confined to a channellized reach with negligible deep water or habitat diversity. 5. Since mining ceased the stream has abandoned its channellized course and formed a new channel with few deep pools. It is suggested that geomorphological recovery and associated habitat recovery takes a number of large flood events and is likely to require more than 10 years.  相似文献   
In many bird species males provision their mates prior to egg-laying. Courtship feeding has been suggested to function in several ways: to advance laying date by improving female condition, to induce a female to copulate or to allow a female to assess her mate. The role of courtship feeding in Ospreys Pandion haliaetus was investigated in British Columbia, Canada. Courtship feeding rate affected the probability of a pair initiating a clutch. Pairs that laid eggs had higher rates of courtship feeding than pairs that did not lay eggs in both 1991 and 1992. Male courtship feeding rate also correlated negatively with the duration of the courtship period. Experimentally increasing the amount of food available to females prior to egg-laying resulted in a nonsignificant reduction in the duration of the courtship period. This study found no evidence to support the suggestion that female Ospreys trade copulations for food during the courtship period; only 63 of 385 copulations observed were associated with feeds, and courtship feeding rate did not correlate with the copulation rate of a pair. Male provisioning rates, however, were predictable; courtship feeding rate correlated with both male delivery rate to the nest when chicks were 1–2 weeks old and mean brood growth rate. Female Ospreys therefore may be able to predict the quality of subsequent paternal care using courtship feeding rate. As predicted if optimal hatching asynchrony is dependent on food availability, mean brood growth rate, an indirect measure of male parental care, was negatively correlated with hatching asynchrony. This suggests that female Ospreys may manipulate hatching asynchrony in response to male courtship feeding rate, thereby maximizing the productivity of their brood at predicted food levels.  相似文献   
Responses of seven Phaseolus genotypes to the four auxins picloram, 2,4-D, NAA and 1AA, in tissue cultures, were examined. Callus growth was promoted by picloram and the range of effective concentrations for most genotypes was broad. The auxin 2,4-D also enhanced callus growth, but the range of optimal concentrations was markedly narrower than that of picloram. NAA when supplied at relatively high concentrations gave good growth. IAA was ineffective in supporting callus growth. The differences in 2,4-D concentrations required for optimal growth and the differential responses to low concentrations (0.04–1.25 μM) of picloram between several genotypes tested were large. These genotypic variations in auxin responses were repeatable and may thus reflect genetic differences.  相似文献   
Radial estimates and the test for sphericity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TYLER  DAVID E. 《Biometrika》1982,69(2):429-436
Partial residuals for the proportional hazards regression model   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
SCHOENFELD  DAVID 《Biometrika》1982,69(1):239-241
Six-day-old rice plants (Oryza sativa L. cv. Bahia) were grownin the presence of 0.5 mol m–3 Ni or Cd for 5 or 10 d.Five days after treatment, some plants were transferred to amedium containing no heavy metal for 5 or 10 d. Plasmalemmavesicles from shoots of treated, transferred (recovery experiments)and control plants were isolated, ATPase activity and proton-pumpingwere assessed, and free sterols and phospholipids determined.The ATPase hydrolytic activity was increased by 37% and 34%in 5 and 10 d Cd-treated plants, respectively; and by 66% in5 and 10 d Ni-treated plants. However, neither the initial rateof H+ transport nor the proton-pumping rate at steady-statewere significantly affected by the treatments. The relativeproportion (%) of the plasmalemma sterols campesterol and 5-avenasteroldecreased while sitosterol increased during heavy metal treatment.The overall plasmalemma phospholipid fatty acyl chain lengthand degree of unsaturation were also reduced. In experimentswhere plants recovered from Cd and Ni treatment, differencesbetween treated and control plants were reverted, particularlyin 10 d Ni-recovered plants. The possible involvement of lipidsin the regulation of the plasmalemma ATPase as well as the relationshipbetween growth, ATPase and adaptations to stress conditionsare discussed. Key words: Cadmium, nickel, sterols, phospholipids, ATPase  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of concentrationof NH4+ in nutrient solution on root assimilation of NO3and to determine whether the NH4+NO3 interaction wasmodified in the presence of K+. Dark-grown, detopped corn seedlings(cv. Pioneer 3369A) were exposed for 8 h to 0.15 mM Ca(NO3)2and varying concentrations of (NH4)2SO4 in the absence or presenceof 0.15 mM K2SO4. The accelerated phase of NO3 uptakeappeared most sensitive to restriction by additions of 0.15mM (NH4)2SO4. In the absence of K+, the restriction increasedonly slightly even when solution (NH4)2SO4, was increased from0.15 mM to 12.5 mM which was accompanied by an increase of NH4+in the tissue from about 7.0 to 35 µmol g–1 fr.wt. of root. Increasing concentrations of solution NH4+ progressivelyinhibited net K+ uptake. At the highest solution NH4+ concentrations,there was an initial net efflux of K+ and no net influx occurredduring the treatment period. The severity of the NH4)SO4 restrictionof NO3 uptake was moderated considerably in the presenceof K+ as long as a net influx of K+ occurred. However, net influxof K+ was not associated with alteration of NH4+ uptake, assimilation,or accumulation in the root tissue. The lack of correlationbetween the severity of restriction of NO3 uptake andendogenous NHJ suggested the restriction resulted from an effectexerted by exogenous NH4+ which tended to saturate at lowersolution NHJ concentrations or by inhibitory factors generatedduring assimilation of NH4+. Several mechanisms were postulatedto account for the moderating influence of K+. In all experiments,root NO3 reduction was restricted by the presence ofambient NH4+. The quantitative decreases in reduction tendedto be less than decreases in NO3 uptake and therefore,could result from inhibition solely of uptake with subsequentlimitation in availability of substrate for the reduction process,but the possibility of a direct effect on reduction could notbe excluded.  相似文献   
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