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Optical replicas of leaf surfaces were made for characterizingthe lens properties of individual epidermal cells. Using a dentallatex, moulds were made of leaf surfaces and subsequently usedto produce agarose replicas. The replicas focused light in amanner similar to intact epidermal cells and it was possibleto measure both focal lengths and intensifications within leafreplicas of Thermopsis montana, Mahonia repens, and Smilacinastellata which had epidermal cells of different diameter. Focallengths ranged from 74—130 µm which indicated thatlight was concentrated within the underlying photosynthetictissues of these leaves. Focal intensifications were measuredsensiometrically and were 1.5 for T. montana and 2-6 for theother species. These values compare favourably with calculatedfocal lengths and measurements taken from isolated epidermallayers. The results indicate that the epidermis can concentratelight within the leaf to amounts well in excess of ambient light.Furthermore, the replicas faithfully reproduced fine anatomicaldetails from a wide variety of leaves and they provide a non-destructiveway to reproduce surface characteristics for anatomical andphysiological studies.  相似文献   
During the preparation of the Vascular Flora of the Marquesas Islands and Flore de la Polynésie française , four new species of Ixora L. (Rubiaceae) have come to light and are described and illustrated herein: Ixora jourdanii Mouly & J.Florence, Ixora tahuataensis Mouly & J.Florence, Ixora uahukaensis Lorence & W.L.Wagner, and Ixora uapouensis Lorence & W.L.Wagner. In addition to these new taxa, the following three species of Ixora previously described from the Marquesas are recognized: Ixora marquesensis F.Br., Ixora ooumuensis J.Florence, and Ixora spathoidea F.Br. As the Marquesan environment is under serious threat from human impact, feral animals and weeds, the conservation status was estimated for each Ixora species. It is concluded that all Marquesan taxa are in need of inclusion in the IUCN Red List, their status ranging from endangered to critically endangered.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 581–597.  相似文献   
The availability of expressed sequence data derived from gene discovery programs enables mining for simple sequence repeats (SSR), providing useful genetic markers for crop improvement. These markers are inexpensive, require minimal labour to produce and can frequently be associated with functionally annotated genes. This study presents the development and characterization of 16 expressed sequence tags (EST)‐SSR markers from Brassica juncea and their cross‐amplification across Brassica species. Sixteen primer pairs were assessed for polymorphism in all genomes of the diploid and amphidiploid Brassica species. The markers show reliable amplification, considerable polymorphism and high transferability across species, demonstrating the utility of EST‐SSRs for genetic analysis of brassicas.  相似文献   
Eggs and embryos of many aquatic organisms develop in the watercolumn and can experience ultraviolet radiation with potentiallydeleterious effects. This is especially vexing for floatingembryos that develop in the surface or neuston layer. Radiationdamage can be a particular problem for these embryos since thecell division cycle during the cleavage period is quite shortand often these cycles do not have mitotic checkpoints to insurefaithful transmission of DNA to the daughter cells. This couldresult in cell division with unrepaired DNA in the blastomeres,which could impact embryogenesis and the transmission of thegenome through the germ line. Described strategies to restrictradiation damage include mechanisms to limit oxidative damageand the use of sunscreens such as the mycosporines to curb radiationto sensitive targets. We describe a particularly ingenious useof sunscreens in the tunicate embryo, the use of extra-embryoniccells to shield the embryo from potentially harmful UV-A andUV-B radiation. We also raise questions regarding the natureof UV damage to embryos (is it DNA or also protein) and thecharacteristics of DNA repair in such embryos. It is likelythat unique mechanisms are present in floating embryos thatdevelop in this air-water interface to assure that cell andgenomic integrity are maintained in this challenging environment.  相似文献   
Abstract Brief exposure to low (0oC) or high (40oC) temperature elicits a protective response that prevents injury when the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart, is subjected to more severe cold (-10oC) or heat (45oC). Both the low and high temperature responses were found in all developmental stages of the fly, but were most pronounced in the pupal and pharate adult stages. The protective responses generated by brief exposure to 0 or 40oC appear similar in that both result in a rapid acquisition of cold or heat tolerance and a loss of protection after the flies are returned to 25oC. The protection generated by chilling is obvious within 10 min of exposure to 0oC while a 30 min exposure to 40oC is required to induce the high temperature protection. High temperature protects against cold shock injury within a narrow range (around 36oC) but we have no evidence that low temperature can protect against heat injury. We previously demonstrated that the rapid increase in cold tolerance correlates with concomitant increases in glycerol concentration, but in this study we found no significant elevation in glycerol in heat-shocked flies. Thus the physiological and biochemical bases for the rapid responses to cold and heat appear to be different.  相似文献   
Soil C erosion and burial in cropland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Erosion influences the lateral and vertical distribution of soil in agricultural landscapes. A better understanding of the effects of erosion and redistribution on soil organic carbon (C) within croplands would improve our knowledge of how management practices may affect global C dynamics. In this study, the vertical and lateral distribution of soil organic C was characterized to evaluate the amounts and timescales of soil organic C movement, deposition and burial over the last 50 years in different agroecosystems across Canada. There was strong evidence that a substantial portion of eroded sediment and soil organic C was deposited as colluvium close to its source area, thereby burying the original topsoil. The deepest aggraded profile was in a potato field and contained over 70 cm of deposited soil indicating an accumulation rate of 152 Mg ha yr?1; aggraded profiles in other sites had soil deposition rates of 40–90 Mg ha?1 yr?1. The largest stock of soil organic C was 463 Mg ha?1 (to 60 cm depth) and soil C deposition ranged from about 2 to 4 Mg ha?1 yr?1 across all sites. A distinct feature observed in the aggraded profiles at every site was the presence of a large increase in soil organic C concentration near the bottom of the A horizon; the concentration of this C was greater than that at the soil surface. Compared to aggraded profiles, the SOC concentration in eroded profiles did not differ with depth, suggesting that dynamic replacement of soil organic C had occurred in eroded soils. A large amount of soil organic C is buried in depositional areas of Canadian croplands; mineralization of this stock of C appears to have been constrained since burial, but it may be vulnerable to future loss by management practices, land use change and a warming climate.  相似文献   
The effect of supplementary food on the reproductive success of Black-billed Magpies Pica pica was studied in an urban habitat in the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We provided supplementary food (pelleted dog food) regularly from August 1986 to June 1988 in a feeder situated outside all known magpie territories. Magpies using the supplementary food showed (i) an advancement of 7 days in the initiation of laying, (ii) no increase in clutch-size, (iii) higher survival of nest contents (eggs and young) during a spring snow storm, (iv) an increase in rate of nestling weight gain, and (v) an increase in fledging success. Supplementary food did not prompt the fed pairs to select nest sites nearer the feeder in 1988 than in 1987. The feeder did not affect the breeding density because the nearest neighbour distances of fed magpies did not differ from unfed magpies in either year, nor did they differ between the two years for either fed or unfed magpies. This study provided evidence that magpies frequently renest even if their initial nests fail after the eggs hatch—a practice that has been reported to be absent or rare in other studies. Although brood reduction was equally frequent in the nests of food-supplemented and control pairs, the actual number of nestlings disappearing from the former (1.56 per nest) was significantly smaller than that from the latter (2.60 per nest), suggesting that the availability of food plays a major role in magpie reproductive success.  相似文献   
How much water does a river need?   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
1. This paper introduces a new approach for setting streamflow-based river ecosystem management targets and this method is called the 'Range of Variability Approach' (RVA). The proposed approach derives from aquatic ecology theory concerning the critical role of hydrological variability, and associated characteristics of timing, frequency, duration, and rates of change, in sustaining aquatic ecosystems. The method is intended for application on rivers wherein the conservation of native aquatic biodiversity and protection of natural ecosystem functions are primary river management objectives.
2. The RVA uses as its starting point either measured or synthesized daily streamflow values from a period during which human perturbations to the hydrological regime were negligible. This streamflow record is then characterized using thirty-two different hydrological parameters, using methods defined in Richter et al . (1996). Using the RVA, a range of variation in each of the thirty-two parameters, e.g. the values at ± 1 standard deviation from the mean or the twenty-fifth to seventy-fifth percentile range, are selected as initial flow management targets.
3. The RVA targets are intended to guide the design of river management strategies (e.g. reservoir operations rules, catchment restoration) that will lead to attainment of these targets on an annual basis. The RVA will enable river managers to define and adopt readily interim management targets before conclusive, long-term ecosystem research results are available. The RVA targets and management strategies should be adaptively refined as suggested by research results and as needed to sustain native aquatic ecosystem biodiversity and integrity.  相似文献   
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