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Abstract Brief exposure to low (0oC) or high (40oC) temperature elicits a protective response that prevents injury when the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart, is subjected to more severe cold (-10oC) or heat (45oC). Both the low and high temperature responses were found in all developmental stages of the fly, but were most pronounced in the pupal and pharate adult stages. The protective responses generated by brief exposure to 0 or 40oC appear similar in that both result in a rapid acquisition of cold or heat tolerance and a loss of protection after the flies are returned to 25oC. The protection generated by chilling is obvious within 10 min of exposure to 0oC while a 30 min exposure to 40oC is required to induce the high temperature protection. High temperature protects against cold shock injury within a narrow range (around 36oC) but we have no evidence that low temperature can protect against heat injury. We previously demonstrated that the rapid increase in cold tolerance correlates with concomitant increases in glycerol concentration, but in this study we found no significant elevation in glycerol in heat-shocked flies. Thus the physiological and biochemical bases for the rapid responses to cold and heat appear to be different.  相似文献   
DAVID C. HOUSTON 《Ibis》1988,130(4):402-417
Carcasses were provided at a gallery forest site in Venezuela to compare the feeding methods of four vulture species. Turkey Vultures or Lesser Yellow-headed Vultures were always the first species to arrive. Black Vultures were most likely to arrive at large carcasses or those in open situations and were the only species to form large feeding groups. King Vultures were equally likely to arrive at small or large carcasses. There were marked differences in feeding technique, food selection, rate of feeding and bill morphology between Turkey, Black and King Vultures, and the level of aggression between species was low compared to intra-specific aggression.  相似文献   
A dual-surface leaf chamber was used to investigate the responsesof net photosynthesis and leaf conductance to independent changesin the humidity environments of the upper and lower surfacesof leaves of sunflower and soybean. In sunflower decreasingthe humidity around the upper leaf surface while maintainingthat of the lower surface constant and high reduced both thephotosynthetic rate and the conductance of the lower surface.These reductions could not be attributed to changes in bulkleaf water potential since the transpiration rate of the wholeleaf remained constant. Similarly, the reductions were not relatedto localized water deficits in the lower epidermis or lowermesophyll since the transpiration rate of the lower surfacewas reduced. Possible mechanisms whereby the gas exchange characteristicsof the lower leaf surface of sunflower respond to the humidityenvironment of the upper surface are discussed. In contrastto sunflower, the photosynthetic rate of the lower surface ofsoybean was insensitive to the humidity environment of the uppersurface. In leaves of sunflower grown under a moderate temperature anda medium light level, simultaneous decreases of humidity atboth leaf surfaces reduced the photosynthetic rate of the wholeleaf without affecting the substomatal partial pressure of CO2.In contrast, with leaves developed under a cool temperatureand a high light level, both the photosynthetic rate and thesubstomatal partial pressure of CO2 were reduced. Evidently,the occurrence in sunflower of the response pattern suggestinga non-stomatal inhibition of photosynthesis by low humiditydepends upon the environment during growth. The possibilitythat this non-stomatal inhibition may be an artifact due toan error in the assumption of water vapour saturation withinthe leaf airspace is considered. Key words: Vapour pressure deficit, photosynthesis, conductance, non-stomatal inhibition, Helianthus annuus, Glycine max  相似文献   
Proton Fluxes and the Activity of a Stelar Proton Pump in Onion Roots   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
The xylem vessels of excised adventitious roots of onion, Alliumcepa, were perfused with unbuffered nutrient solution adjustedinitially to either pH 9·3 or 3·9; the pH of thesolution after passage through the xylem, at rates not lessthan 2 xylem volume changes min–1, was close to pH 6·5in both instances. The flux of H+ across the xylem/symplastboundary into mildly alkaline, phosphate-buffered solutionsperfusing the vessels could be increased greatly with increasingbuffer strength, up to a maximum value between 0·5–1·0pmol H+ mm–2 s–1. The apparent neutralization ofacidic malic acid buffers had a slightly lower maximum capacity,equivalent to –0·3 to –0·5 pmol H+mm–2 s–1. The addition of 5·0 pmol m–3fusicoccin (FC) to the xylem perfusion solution stimulated theentry of H+ into the xylem; in unbuffered perfusion solutionsthe pH fell to pH 3·6 after a lag of 25–35 min.FC additions to phosphate-buffered solutions also stimulatedthe H+ flux to an extent similar to that in unbuffered solution,viz. 0·2–0·4 pmol mm–2 s–1. The release of K+ (36Rb-labelled) into xylem sap transientlyincreased as the [K+] in weakly buffered perfusion solutionswas raised stepwise; a very marked increase being seen whenthe concentration was raised to 100 mol m–3 from 40 molm–3. The addition of 5·0 mmol m–3 FC to theperfusing solution containing 100 mol m–3 K+ rapidly decreasedthe K+ flux to the xylem as the H+ flux increased. Fusicoccinalso inhibited the flux of K+ into unbuffered perfusion solutionsbut the effect appeared reversible. Addition of 10 mmol m–3abscisic acid (ABA) to the perfusion solution quickly producedtransient increases in both K+ and H+ fluxes into the xylem.In this and other experiments using weakly phosphate-bufferedperfusing solutions, H+ fluxes were comparable in size to thoseof K+ The results are consistent with the idea that the stele of onionroots contains a proton trarislocating ATPase whose activityresponds to the pH of the xylem sap. It is evident that theactivity of the proton secreting and proton neutralizing mechanismsin the xylem parenchyma control the movement of other ions acrossthe xylem/symplast boundary. Key words: Xylem perfusion, fusicoccin, abscisic acid, pH gradient  相似文献   
The genus Parapsylla (Homoptera: Psylloidea) is redescribed and placed in the Diaphorininae of the Family Aphalaridae. Its relationships within this subfamily are discussed. The genus Agmapsylla syn. nov. is placed into the synonymy of Parapsylla , and Pennavena syn. nov. and Eudiaphorina syn. nov. are placed into the synonymy of Diaphorina. The eight known species of Parapsylla are distributed in southern Africa and upland areas of East Africa. Host plant relationships are not clearly established but the genus appears to be associated with species of Maytenus (Celastraceae), Olinia (Oliniaceae) and possibly Olea (Oleaceae) and Syzygium (Myrtaceae). Parapsylla relicta syn. nov, and A. aureus syn. nov. are placed into the synonymy of Arytaina capensis. Parapsylla capensis comb. nov. is transferred from Arytaina, Parapsylla valens comb. nov. is transferred from Diaphorina , and the following new species are described: P. angolensis sp. nov., P. eafra sp. nov., P. huila sp. nov., P. marginipennis sp. nov., P. rufa sp. nov. and P. theroni sp. nov.  相似文献   
  • 1 The abundance and microdistribution of thirteen gastropod and ten macrophyte species were monitored over 2 years in a 1 ha shallow eutrophic pond near Oxford, England. While areas of allochthonous leaf litter supported a depauperate and nondistinctive gastropod fauna, three different macrophyte habitats supported more diverse and distinctive assemblages of gastropods.
  • 2 Most gastropod species were clearly more abundant (number m-2pond bottom) on one macrophyte type than on other substrates. One exception, the limpet Acroloxus lacustris (Linn.) was abundantion both the water lily Nymphaea alba L. and on emergent macrophyles. Planorbis vortex (Linn.) was associated with graminoid emergent macropytes, especially Glyceria maxima (Hartm.) Holmberg, while Lymnaea peregra (Mull.) was associated with submersed macrophytes, perhaps more particularly with Elodea canadensis Michx.
  • 3 The association of, 4. lacuxtris with N. alba and emergent macrophytes is perhaps explained by constraints of the morphology of the limpet requiring a relatively broad smooth substrate for attachment and locomotion.
  • 4 The reason for the associations of P. vortex with G. maxima, and of L. peregra with E.canadensis are less obvious. Experiments giving each snail species a choice between the two macrophytes showed that P. vortex regularly exhibited a preference for G. maxima but failed to reveal substrate selection by L. peregra. Neither snail species affected the macrophyte choice of the other. The results suggested that L. peregra did not behave naturally in experiments.
  • 5 The preference for G, maxima by P. vortex was not affected by prior conditioning of the plant by the snail, but was affected by the emergent nature of G. maxima and by the presence/absence of a natural periphyton assemblage and associated detritus.
  • 6 The distribution of A. lacustris is probably determined by the physical structure of the substrate, while that of P. vortex is determined by the presence and quality of epiphytic periphyton-detritus. The observations and experiments with L. peregra reported here leave the reasons for its distribution in doubt.
1. Terrestrial snails and slugs are exceedingly susceptible to dehydration due to evaporative water loss from the integument and lung surface, and the deposition of a dilute mucous trail. Active slugs can lose 30–40% of their initial body weight (IBW) within 2 h. 2. Both field and laboratory studies have revealed that habitat selection by snails and slugs is well correlated with the availability of water. In addition, numerous species display homing behaviour, returning directly to their moist secluded daytime resting sites at dawn. 3. Several aspects of locomotor activity are affected by body hydration and environmental conditions such as relative humidity. Moist conditions result in termination of aestivation in snails and a generally higher level of activity in both snails and slugs. In contrast, severe dehydration initiates aestivation in snails and an increase in the intensity and duration of circadian locomotor activity in slugs. 4. Huddling behaviour is a specialized example of the general preference of slugs for moist habitats. When groups of slugs are exposed to dry environmental conditions, they form closely packed aggregations. This response results in a decrease in the rate of dehydration of the individual slugs. 5. When slugs have been dehydrated to about 90% IBW, rhythmic closures of the pneumostome are initiated. As dehydration progresses there is a reduction in the open diameter of the pneumostome. These responses reduce the total exposure of the lung surface and thereby evaporative water loss. In slugs dehydrated to about 80 % IBW, these responses can result in a 7 % reduction in water loss. 6. When slugs have been dehydrated to about 65% IBW (67·6 ± 4·3% IBW) they move on to a moist surface, assume a characteristic flattened posture and remain quiescent while water is absorbed through the surface of the foot. Once they are rehydrated (to 93·5 ± 12·4% IBW) they move off the moist surface. Thus there exists a specific dehydration threshold for the initiation of contact-rehydration and a rehydration set-point at which the response is terminated. 7. Both initiation and termination of contact-rehydration are controlled by variations in haemolymph osmotic pressure. The behaviour can be experimentally initiated by injection of hyperosmotic mannitol solution and terminated by injection of dilute saline. 8. Contact-rehydration involves bulk flow of water through an epithelial paracellular pathway in the integument of the foot. The rate of absorption of [14C]inulin during contact-rehydration is similar to that of water. The efficacy of water movement through the pathway is modulated by body hydration, the pathway being opened only in dehydrated slugs. 9. By means of the dual-limit control of contact-rehydration slugs can behaviourally regulate their body hydration and haemolymph osmolality within the tolerable hydration range described by the upper and lower limits.  相似文献   
Improvements of jackknife confidence limit methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HINKLEY  DAVID; WET  BO-CHENG 《Biometrika》1984,71(2):331-339
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