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The pleurembolic proboscis of Bullia functions in the manner of a classical hydrostatic skeleton. Its protrusion occurs both with high pressure pulses (2 KPa) in the cephalic sinus and at a steady standing pressure (0-2 KPa). The proboscis probably functions as a haemocoelic chamber separate from the cephalic sinus and pressure pulses from within the everted proboscis, but not the sinus, suggest that muscle antagonism occurs in a manner common to hydrostatic skeletons. The advantages of the proboscis having a hydrostatic skeleton are discussed.  相似文献   
FOUNTAIN, D. W., HOLDSWORTH, J. M. & OUTRED, H. A., 1989. The dispersal unit of Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (A. Rich.) de Laubenfels (Podocarpaceae) and the significance of the fleshy receptacle. Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (formerly Podocarpus dacrydioides ) is an arborescent gymnosperm endemic to New Zealand. The high water content (43%) and sensitivity of viability towards desiccation, suggest the seeds are of the 'recalcitrant' type. The 'fruits' comprising a seed borne on a fleshy receptacle arc shed in large numbers. The development of the seed precedes the full development of succulence in the receptacle and at maturity the seed has a high relative water content (RWC) relative to the receptacle. Within the maturing reproductive unit, the receptacle buffers the seed against the effects of water stress. After shedding, seeds are rapidly desiccated in moving air, and viability is impaired below approximately 80"' RWC and abolished at 34", seed RWC. The presence of the receptacle during drying confers resistance to desiccation-associated damage. Five phases of desiccation sensitivity are distinguished in recognition of the protective role of the receptacle. It is suggested that the advantages associated with prolonging seed viability may have contributed to the evolutionary development of succulence in the reproductive unit. This might be considered as a selection pressure in a manner similar to the proposal that such fleshy structures are associated with seed dispersal by birds.  相似文献   
Seasonal dynamics of invertebrate drift in a Hong Kong stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drift samples were taken with paired nets on 19 occasions over a 12-month period in Tai Po Kau Forest Stream (TPKFS), Hong Kong. Mean drift density (±1 S.E.) was 277·9 ± 25·0 individuals 100 m-3; peaks in density were apparent during autumn and spring. One hundred and two taxa were recovered from the drift, and the total number of taxa drifting was positively related to water temperatures. Over 99% of the aquatic animals collected in drift samples were insects, 10 taxa of which constituted 67·3% of the entire catch. Baetid mayflies dominated the composition of the drift, comprising 40·4% of individuals caught.
Seasonal changes in the drift of individual taxa were evident, reflecting significant relationships between drift densities and water temperature: Simulium T1 (Diptera). Anisocentropus maculatus (Trichoptera) and Amphinemura chui (Plecoptera) drifted most in winter, whereas Chimarra T1, Polymorphanisus astictus (Trichoptera), Helodes #1 and cf. Rhantus sp. (Coleoptera) were most numerous in summer. Drifting mayflies showed spring ( Indobaetis sp., Cinygmina T1, Serratella T2), autumn ( Baetiella sp., Pseudocloeon T2), or spring and autumn ( Baetis nr pseudofrequentus ) peaks which were not clearly related to water temperature. In only two cases ( A. maculatus and P. astictus ) was TPKFS drift seasonality associated with life-cycle events. Overall, there was no evidence of community-level trends in the periodicity of stream drift in this seasonal tropical habitat.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A sessile, tentacle-bearing protozoon, Heliophrya sp. (Suctoria, Ciliata), reproduces asexually by evaginative budding to form a ciliated swarmer, which begins metamorphosis to the adult form within 30 min of its release from the parent cell. Morphological features of embryogenesis were investigated using transmission and scanning electron microscopy and found to correspond, with certain exceptions, to the few previous reports concerning evaginative budding in suctorians. Following invagination of a portion of the pellicle to form an embryonic cavity within the parent cell, numerous kinetosomes, apparently formed de novo, organize into rows which surround the embryonic cavity and eventually develop cilia that project into the cavity. When the cavity is complete, its walls are extruded through an opening in the parent cell surface. Parent cell cytoplasm streams into the incipient swarmer, thus supplying it with at least the minimum requirement of all cytoplasmic organelles. The ciliated swarmer remains attached to its parent cell for several minutes before it detaches. A complete pellicle is formed in both parent and swarmer prior to detachment. The numerous mitochondria underlying the parent cell pellicle in the vicinity of the attachment area suggest that cross wall formation is an energy-dependent process.  相似文献   
The development of Caryospora bigenetica in vitro is described by light microscopy. Sporozoites from snake-derived oocysts were purified and inoculated onto cultures of primary testicle cells of the cotton rat, cotton rat kidney cells, and human fetal lung cells. Intracellular sporozoites were observed one and two days postinoculation (DPI). Motile, extracellular first-generation merozoites were present 3 DPI, and second-generation merozoites were present 5 DPI. Mature gamonts were observed 9 DPI and developed into unsporulated oocysts by 10 DPI. Oocysts sporulated in vitro, and excystation was observed. Cells that were penetrated by in vitro-produced sporozoites formed caryocysts by 16 DPI. To test infectivity of in vitro-derived stages, merozoites were removed from cultured cells 5 DPI and inoculated intraperitoneally into a mouse; infection resulted. Sporulated oocysts removed from cell cultures 12 DPI produced facial swelling in an orally inoculated cotton rat.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The purpose of this research was to determine whether mice could be protected from lethal challenge with Naegleria fowleri by prior intranasal exposure to pathogenic and nonpathogenic Naegleria. Mortality ranged from 0 to 100% for mice inoculated intranasally (i.n.) with 5 × 103 amebae of 13 human isolates of N. fowleri. Mice were immunized and challenged i.n. using live amebae of strains of low, medium, and high virulence. The greatest protection against lethal challenge was afforded by three immunizing doses of 103 amebae per dose of the strain of medium virulence. Nonpathogenic N. gruberi also was used to immunize mice i.n. against lethal challenge with N. fowleri. Protection was greater following immunization with N. gruberi than it was after immunization with N. fowleri, suggesting that nonpathogenic N. gruberi may be a better immunogen in protecting mice against lethal naeglerial challenge.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Measures of energy expenditure by free-living birdscan provide quantitative testsof a number of ecological theories,regarding such diverse phenomena as foraging strategies, resourcecompetition, or parental investment. Our confidence in thesetests rests heavily on the confidence we have in the estimatedrates of energy expenditure. The most common approach to obtainingsuch estimates is the construction of time-energy budgets, inwhich the durations of ananimal's daily activities are multipliedby the respective energy costs of the activities, and thesecosts are summed. Our knowledge of the energy costs of activities,particularly locomotion, has greatly advanced in recent years,as has the ability to adequately assess thermoregulatory costs.Comparisons between timeenergy budgets and direct measures ofenergy expenditure obtained using doubly labeled water indicatethat time-energy budgets can yield accurate estimates of energyexpenditure. However, this is likely to be achieved only underfairly rigorous conditions in which resting costs, activitycosts, and thermoregulatory costs are all well described.Evidenceis accumulating to suggest that, under some conditions, energyexpenditure by birds reaches a maximum sustainable level, atwhich point it is limited by the physiological capacitiestoingest and assimilate energy. Under these conditions, behavioralresponses to changing physical environments and resource availabilitymay be critical to the maintenance of energy balance.  相似文献   
A rapid method for the detection of corynetoxins, tunicamycin-like antibiotics, is described. Test samples were applied to or grown on an agar medium and overlain with Clavibacter tritici which is highly sensitive to the toxins. The method could detect 50 ng of tunicamycin. Corynetoxins in a range of field and laboratory samples were readily detected.  相似文献   
Using a cost-benefit model, the leaf nitrogen concentrationand root : shoot ratio that maximize whole-plant relative growthrate are determined as a function of the above-ground environment(integrated daily photon flux density and the concentrationof carbon dioxide at the site of fixation within the leaf).The major advantage of this approach is that it determines theadaptive significance of leaf physiology by considering thefunctional integration of leaves and roots. The predicted responseto increasing daily photon flux densities is an increase inoptimal leaf N concentration (Nopt) and a concomitant increasein root: shoot ratio. Increased carbon dioxide concentrations,on the other hand, reduce Nopt and only slightly change root:shoot ratio. The observed increase in leaf nitrogen concentrationfound in plants growing at high altitudes (low CO2 partial pressure)is also predicted. Since these responses to light and CO2 maximizethe whole-plant relative growth rate, the observed adjustmentsthat plants make to light and carbon dioxide concentration appearto be adaptive. We show that the relationship between photosynthesis and leafnitrogen concentration is complex and depends on the light andCO2 levels at which photosynthesis is measured. The shape ofthis function is important in determining Nopt and the oppositeresponse of leaf nitrogen to light and carbon dioxide is shownto be the result of the different effects of light and CO2 onthe photosynthesis-leaf nitrogen curve. Plant growth, photosynthesis, leaf nitrogen, biomass allocation, optimization, carbon dioxide light  相似文献   
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