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To predict how forests will respond to rising temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations, we need to understand how trees respond to both of these environmental factors. In this review, we discuss the importance of scaling, moving from leaf‐level responses to those of the canopy, and from short‐term to long‐term responses of vegetation to climate change. While our knowledge of leaf‐level, instantaneous responses of photosynthesis, respiration, stomatal conductance, transpiration and water‐use efficiency to elevated CO2 and temperature is quite good, our ability to scale these responses up to larger spatial and temporal scales is less developed. We highlight which physiological processes are least understood at various levels of study, and discuss how ignoring differences in the spatial or temporal scale of a physiological process impedes our ability to predict how forest carbon and water fluxes forests will be altered in the future. We also synthesize data from the literature to show that light respiration follows a generalized temperature response across studies, and that the light compensation point of photosynthesis is reduced by elevated growth CO2. Lastly, we emphasize the need to move beyond single factorial experiments whenever possible, and to combine both CO2 and temperature treatments in studies of tree performance.  相似文献   
For herbaceous species, elevated CO2 often increases seed production but usually leads to decreased seed quality. However, the effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on tree fecundity remain uncertain, despite the importance of reproduction to the composition of future forests. We determined how seed quantity and quality differed for pine trees grown for 12 years in ambient and elevated (ambient+200 μL L?1) CO2, at the Duke Forest free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) site. We also compared annual reproductive effort with yearly measurements of aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), precipitation (P), potential evapotranspiration (PET) and water availability [precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration (P?PET)] to investigate factors that may drive interannual variation in seed production. The number of mature, viable seeds doubled per unit basal area in high‐CO2 plots from 1997 to 2008 (P<0.001), but there was no CO2 effect on mean seed mass, viability, or nutrient content. Interannual variation in seed production was positively related to ANPP, with a similar percentage of ANPP diverted to reproduction across years. Seed production was negatively related to PET (P<0.005) and positively correlated with water availability (P<0.05), but showed no relationship with precipitation (P=0.88). This study adds to the few findings that, unlike herbaceous crops, woody plants may benefit from future atmospheric CO2 by producing larger numbers of seeds without suffering degraded seed quality. Differential reproductive responses between functional groups and species could facilitate woody invasions or lead to changes in forest community composition as CO2 rises.  相似文献   
Sclerasterias richardi, a relatively deep sea asteroid (140–200 m) from the border of the Mediterranean continental shelf, is characterized by an asexual reproduction by fissiparity concomitant with a functional sexuality.

A monthly sampling of a population from Calvi (Corsica) has allowed a study of the complete sexual cycle from 354 histologically-treated specimens.

The 218 sexually defined animals (62% males, 38% females) show strict gonochorism. In males, spermatogenesis is cyclic and sexual maturity seems to be reached before that of the females. In females, the different stages of oogenesis are well marked: oogonia and parietal oocytes disappear only at maturity. Oligolecithic oocytes (120–150 μn) show a synchronous growth.

The annual reproductive cycle is well defined in both sexes with one spawning period from mid-September to mid-October.

After spawning, a resting period (from mid-October to mid-January) occurs during which unspawned oocytes are phagocytized by more or less isolated accessory cells. These phagocytic cells have never been found in male specimens.

Each month the presence of specimens without gonads or unsexable individuals is one of the characteristics of this cycle. Their high proportion during the organization stage and after spawning can be easily explained. In March they are frequent too, owing to the infestation of gonads by Ciliates.

As shown by our samples, the bottom water temperature is nearly the same during the whole year and cannot be directly involved as the dominant exogenous variable stimulating spawning.

As a consequence of fissiparity which affects the main part of the population there is a great inter- and intra-individual variability.

The reproductive potentiality is low: as a female emits approximatly 400–500 ova whose development produces planktotrophic larvae with a long pelagic life, it is clear that sexual reproduction is accessory in comparison with asexual reproduction by fission.  相似文献   
The biological control potential of parasitic wasps in the field is expected to increase with the provisioning of sugar sources, which increase longevity and replenish carbohydrate reserves. Apanteles aristoteliae is an important parasitoid of Argyrotaenia franciscana, the orange tortrix, an economic pest in fruit crops. In the present study, the effect of sugar diet on the physiological status of A. aristoteliae is investigated in the laboratory, as well as the effects of nutritional status on short‐term olfactory orientation and parasitism behaviour, and the association between olfactory orientation and immediate parasitism activity. Levels of glycogen, fructose, total sugars, proportional weight gain and volume consumed are higher among females fed 25% sucrose solution than 10% sucrose solution, and lowest for those fed water. Sugar feeding also affects behaviour: wasps with higher levels of fructose or weight gain have a lower probability of making a choice in the olfactometer. Wasps with intermediate fructose levels or weight gain have a higher probability of orienting towards hosts than wasps with low or high levels. Among wasps that make a choice in the olfactometer, wasps fed 10% or 25% sucrose significantly prefer host versus food cues, whereas starved wasps are just as likely to select food cues as host cues.  相似文献   
Abstract: Population trend data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) have been used to identify conservation priorities and justify major conservation initiatives. Yet the BBS has been criticized for potential habitat bias and reliance on abundance indices to estimate trends. We compared 1992–2003 BBS trend estimates to trend estimates derived from bird-banding data collected as part of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program for 36 wood warbler species. Similarity in trends between the 2 monitoring programs at the survey-wide and program-wide scales suggested that each program can provide accurate trend information. The MAPS program, however, was designed primarily to complement (rather than duplicate) count-based efforts, such as the BBS, by providing estimates or indices of demographic rates. Demographic data from MAPS can be used to lend insight into proximate (demographic) causes of population trends and inform management. We illustrate this with analyses of 1992–2003 MAPS data for yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia). We used reverse-time capture-recapture models to evaluate importance of new recruits (including immigrating adults and young from the previous year) relative to surviving adults in explaining variation in trend among BBS physiographic strata. We included the number of young per adult captured (an index of productivity) as a covariate in models to assess effects of productivity on trends. Survival was the key demographic driver of recent population trends. Comparison of MAPS productivity indices and adult apparent survival rate estimates to BBS trend estimates largely confirmed this inference. We suggest that increased MAPS coverage, better coordination between MAPS and the BBS, and continued development of analytical methods that link the 2 programs will enhance the value of these monitoring efforts to land managers and conservation planners working at a variety of spatial scales.  相似文献   
1. Salinisation has had a major effect on the diversity of biota associated with freshwater wetlands. However, there is no information available about whether elements of the biotic communities would be able to recover if the concentration of salts within secondarily salinised wetlands was lowered to levels more typical of freshwater wetlands. 2. We tested the hypothesis that dormant eggs of zooplankton are able to persist in wetlands with elevated salinities for extended periods of time by using zooplankton communities that had developed in mesocosms exposed to either salt concentrations of 13 500 mg L?1 or freshwater (<300 mg L?1) for a period of 22 months. We measured the response of the zooplankton community as concentration was reduced along a gradient of decreasing salinity from 13 500 mg L?1 to freshwater. 3. In the freshwater mesocosms, the zooplankton community was abundant and taxon rich. In comparison at the start of the experiment in the high salinity mesocosms, the zooplankton community had low abundances and very few taxa. Numbers remained low in these mesocosms until salinity was reduced to <2500 mg L?1. Below this, there was a rapid increase in the abundance, and richness of zooplankton and communities became similar to the communities in the freshwater mesocosms. 4. These results indicate that dormant eggs of zooplankton are able to persist in wetlands exposed to high salinity levels for up to 22 months and provide a means for zooplankton communities to rapidly respond once a wetland returns to freshwater. 5. It is likely that if the underlying causes of secondary salinisation in wetlands are addressed, it will be possible to undertake restoration activities that allow the rapid return of some components of their biotic communities.  相似文献   
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