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Divergent natural selection is often believed to be the driving force behind phenotypic differentiation in characters related to resource acquisition, leading to trophic polymorphism in fishes. Here we use variation in the fatty acid composition of adipose and muscle tissues to look at differences in resource use by two recently described sympatric morphs of Percichthys trucha , a common freshwater fish of the Andean and Patagonian regions of South America. Because dietary fatty acids are often stored in carnivorous animals with litde modification after consumption, they can be used to infer information about dietary habits of individuals. We found that the two morphs differed in the overall composition of fatty acids in both adipose and muscle tissue, but that there were some differences in how die morphs differed in lakes from the northern vs southern part of the range. Furthermore, we found that certain fatty acids were correlated with diet as determined by gut content analysis. Consumption of anisopteran larvae was highly correlated widi 14:0 in adipose and muscle tissue; and higher levels of longer chain unsaturated fatty acids (i.e. 20 and 22 carbons) were correlated with die presence offish and also amphipods in die diets. Taken togetiier, die results suggest that diere are marked differences in die foraging ecology of die two morphs of P. trucha inhabiting southern Andean lakes.  相似文献   
Based on analyses of variation in plumage, morphometrics, vocalizations, and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, we document the occurrence of interspecific hybridization between a Chestnut-naped Antpitta Grallaria nuchalis and a Chestnut-crowned Antpitta G. ruficapilla in a high-elevation forest fragment in the Cordillera Central of the Andes of Colombia. One hybrid individual was collected and at least two were recorded singing. The hybrid specimen exhibits a combination of phenotypic traits that exclude other species of antpittas as potential parents, and its vocalizations combine elements of songs of both of its parental species. Genetic analyses demonstrate that the hybrid has G. nuchalis mitochondrial DNA and mixed nuclear DNA with copies corresponding to G. nuchalis and G. ruficapilla alleles, demonstrating that the female parent was G. nuchalis. Hybridization is considered extremely rare in most groups of suboscine passerines, but it may be facilitated when populations are decimated as a consequence of deforestation and habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   
1. We combined ecological surveys, life table studies, microscopy and molecular sequencing to determine the development, ecology, pathology and phylogeny of Polycaryum laeve, an endoparasite of cladocerans. We report the first records of P. laeve from North America, where we have used a polymerase chain reaction primer and microscopic examination to confirm infections in 14 lakes. Infections are highly pathogenic and caused increased mortality, reduced growth, and reproductive castration in Daphnia pulicaria during life table studies. 2. Biweekly data from Allequash Lake (Wisconsin, U.S.A.) throughout 2003 indicated that fecundity and infection prevalence were inversely correlated. Infection prevalence was highest in late winter and early spring (up to 80%) and lowest during late summer. Epidemics were generally followed by sharp declines in host population density (up to 99%). 3. Within the haemocoel of its host, P. laeve forms thick‐walled sporangia, which occur systemically in later stages of infection. Fungal thalli associate closely with muscle fibres and connective tissue, leading to degeneration as the infection becomes advanced. Following death of the host, flagellated zoospores are released through an exit papilla on the sporangium. Based on the infection‐induced castration of the host and increases in infection prevalence with Daphnia size, we postulate that transmission is horizontal, but may be indirect through an additional host or free‐living stage. 4. Molecular and morphological data clearly indicate that P. laeve belongs in the fungal phylum Chytriodiomycota, order Blastocladiales. Based on ribosomal RNA gene sequences and morphological features, we transfer the genus Polycaryum from the Haplosporidia to the Chytridiomycota, and designate a lectotype and epitype for P. laeve. Considering the high prevalence of P. laeve infection within Daphnia populations, the frequency with which we detected infections among lakes, and the keystone importance of large‐bodied Daphnia in aquatic food webs, we suggest that P. laeve may exert a regulatory influence on Daphnia populations in lake ecosystems.  相似文献   
Crustacean microcoprolites are preserved along with crustacean megafossils in an Eocene limestone within the Humptulips Formation in Grays Harbor County, Washington. The limestone formed at a methane seep, as revealed by early diagenetic carbonate phases resembling those of other seep limestones, δ13Ccarbonate values as low as −27‰, and lipid biomarkers of prokaryotes involved in anaerobic oxidation of methane with δ13C values as low as −110‰. Recognizable crustacean megafossils are chiefly isolated chelipeds, akin to those of callianassid shrimp. The microcoprolites are pierced by ten longitudinal canals with crescent-shaped outlines in cross-section, arranged in two symmetrical groups. The symmetry plan and number of canals of the microcoprolites identify the Humptulips ichnospecies as Palaxius habanensis Brönnimann & Norton. The occurrence of decapod fossils along with microcoprolites suggests that callianassid shrimp were the producers of the Palaxius , supporting earlier work that attributed this ichnogenus to callianassids.  相似文献   
The induction of frameshifts in E. coli seems to be associated with chromosome replication.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Several fine-structural changes were observed during formation of the so-called pseudocysts of Trichomitus batrachorum grown in an agar-free medium. Among these changes the most frequent were those of the undulating membrane complex. Internalization of the marginal lamella combined with disappearance of the fin-like, membranous dorsal fold occurred with the highest frequency. In many organisms these alterations were accompanied by internalization of the recurrent flagellum, which, however, remained external in other, presumably earlier stages of pseudocyst formation. In some of the internalized and even still external recurrent flagella the microtubules were in various states of disassembly. The often distended flagellar membrane enclosed large accumulations of filaments 5 nm in diameter. Internalization of the anterior flagella also was noted. Changes similar to those characteristic of the recurrent flagella were not seen, however, among the microtubules of the anterior flagella or among those of the pelta or the axostyle.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Tritrichomonas muris shares many fine-structural details with the previously described members of the family Trichomonadidae, and especially with the organisms belonging to the subfamily Tritrichomonadinae. Among the features which T. muris has in common with all Trichomonadidae and in all probability with other Trichomonadida are the arrangement and structure of: the kinetosomes; many rootlet filaments, including the sigmoid filaments of kinetosome #2; the parabasal apparatus; and the pelta-axostyle complex. The structures which T. muris-type flagellates share with other Tritrichomonadinae, and especially with Tritrichomonas augusta-type species (including T. foetus), but not with Trichomonadinae that have been studied to date, are: the Type A costa; a comb-like structure, which appears to have replaced the costal base of Trichomonadinae and of Hypotrichomonas; the suprakinetosomal body, rudimentary in T. muris; and the infrakinetosomal body. The undulating membrane, like that of T. augusta-type organisms, consists of a proximal and a distal part. The proximal part, which contains the proximal marginal lamella, is less developed in T. muris than in T. augusta-type flagellates, being represented by a relatively low ridge for the entire length of the organism. The distal part of the membrane in T. muris, on the other hand, is more highly developed; it is a heavy cord, with a distal marginal lamella which consists of a large triangular organelle having a highly ordered structure and 2 less well defined cords distal to this organelle. The tubules of the recurrent flagellum occupy the area distal to the cords. The sigmoid filaments of kinetosome #2, unlike those of other Trichomonadidae examined to date, extend posteriorly to the peltar-axostylar junction; they seem to terminate within the cytoplasm near, but not connected to the axostyle. In addition to the Type A costa, there is a small rootlet filament, which appears to be homologous to the rudimentary costa noted in Hypotrichomonas. Some of the paraxostylar and paracostal granules consist of an outer, relatively dense layer and an inner “core” of moderate density; between the 2 there is a lucent ring. The discussion deals in some detail with the possible nature of the paraxostylar and paracostal granules in trichomonads. The taxonomic status of Tritrichomonas cricetus (Wantland) [Tritrichomonas criceti (Wantland) emend. Levine] and Trichomonas criceti Ray & Sen Gupta is discussed in an appendix; it is concluded that both of these names are synonyms of T. muris (Grassi).  相似文献   
Tree‐holes provide an important microhabitat that is used for feeding, roosting and breeding by numerous species around the world. Yet despite their ecological importance for many of New Zealand's endangered species, few studies have investigated the abundance or distribution of tree‐holes in native forests. We used complementary ground and climbed tree surveys to determine the abundance, distribution and characteristics of tree‐holes in undisturbed Nothofagus forest in the Lewis Pass, New Zealand. We found that hole‐bearing trees were surprisingly abundant compared with many other studies, including Australian Eucalyptus species and American beech. In fact, we estimated as many as 3906 tree‐holes per hectare, of which 963 holes per hectare were potentially large enough to provide roost sites for hole‐nesting bats in New Zealand, while only eight holes per hectare were potentially suitable for specialist hole‐nesting birds. This was of great interest as primary cavity‐excavating animals are absent from New Zealand forests, compared with North America and Australia. Moreover, tree‐hole formation in New Zealand is likely to be dominated by abiotic processes, such as branch breakage from windstorms and snow damage. As has been found in many other studies, tree‐holes were not uniformly distributed throughout the forest. Tree‐holes were significantly more abundant on the least abundant tree species, Nothofagus fusca, than on either N. menziesii or N. solandri. In addition to tree species, tree size was also an important factor influencing the structural characteristics of tree‐holes and their abundance in this forest. Moreover, these trends were not fully evident without climbed tree surveys. Our results revealed that ground‐based surveys consistently underestimated the number of tree‐holes present on Nothofagus trees, and illustrate the importance of using climbed inspections where possible in tree‐hole surveys. We compare our results with other studies overseas and discuss how these are linked to the biotic and abiotic processes involved in tree‐hole formation. We consider the potential implications of our findings for New Zealand's hole‐dwelling fauna and how stand dynamics and past and future forest management practices will influence the structural characteristics of tree‐holes and their abundance in remnant forest throughout New Zealand.  相似文献   
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