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Similarities in stratigraphic sequence, syndepositional topography and tectonics, and regional tectonic setting between the Mohawk Valley, New York, in the Middle Ordovician and the Australian flank of the Timor Trough today support the idea that the Taconic Foreland Basin orginated in an arc-continent collision. The Trenton Group strata studied - a roughly four million year long sequence correlated by bentonite beds along an 83 km downslope transect in the central Mohawk Valley - represent the continental shelf and outer trench slope. Bank limestones pass upward and downslope into deep water black shales in a manner reminiscent of the lateral and vertical sedimentary sequence on the Sahul Shelf and Australian flank of the Timor Trough. In studying topography, relative depth was measured through reciprocal averaging ordination of benthic macroinvertebrate fossil assemblages. Downslope bathymetric profiles show the development of a horst and graben topography coincident with regional tilting and transgression - a pattern associated with downward flexure of the Australian Plate approaching Timor. The net rate of transgression corresponds to an arc-continent convergence rate on the order of 2 cm per year.  相似文献   
The role of ethylene in the growth of callus and somatic embryogenesisin Medicago sativa was examined. The application of 2,5-norbornadiene,a competitive inhibitor of ethylene action, during a 10 d inductionperiod to medium containing 2,4-D and kinetin inhibited thegrowth of callus but did not affect somatic embryogenesis, nordid it affect ethylene production during the induction stage.The exposure of tissue, incubated on differentiation medium,without hormones, to an atmosphere of 2,5-norbornadiene, inhibitedboth growth and embryo maturation and stimulated pigmentation.The inhibition of embryo maturation was observed even in thepresence of norbornadiene at a concentration which did not affectgrowth of tissue. It is suggested that the action of endogenous ethylene is necessaryfor the growth of the callus and embryo maturation. Key words: Medicago sativa, ethylene, callus growth, somatic embryogenesis  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Carcinonemertes errans is a nemertean worm, the juvenilesof which are found as epibionts on the Dungeness crab, Cancermagister, in close association with the arthrodial membranesof the crabs. The juvenile nemerteans appear to have no meansof taking in particulate food but survive for many months onthe surface of the host. We show that the juvenile C. erransare capable of removing amino acids from dilute solution insea water, that the water near the arthrodial membranes wherethe worms are found contains high concentrations of primaryamines, and that there is a low resistance pathway for low molecularweight amino acids across the arthrodial membrane examined invitro.  相似文献   
Shells from 14 populations of sphaeriid clams including Sphaeriumstriatinum, S. simile, Pisidium walkeri, Musculim partumeiumand M. iransversum were analyzed for organic carbon (µgCmg–1 shell), nitrogen (µg,N mg–1 shell) andCaCOs (%CaCO3 of total clam dry weight). Habitat waters wereassessed for total hardness (expressed as ppm CaCo3), ppm Ca,ppm Mg, conductivity (µmho) and suspended organic Carbon(µgCl–1). For all populations, shell organic C andN are positively correlated and there is an inverse relationshipbetween the amounts of shell CaCO3 and shell organic carbon.Trophic considerations give the best correlation with shelltype at the generic level of consideration since species ofMusculium are found at the opposite end of the trophic scale(eutrophic) from all other populations studied. For S. striatinum,the most extensively studied species, the amount of shell CaCO3is inversely related to water hardness. The selection of shellsin the Sphaeriidae is discussed in relation to structural-functionalneeds and habitat conditions 1 Present Address: Department of Biology, Syracuse University,Syracuse, New York 13210, U.S.A. 2 Present Address: Department of Zoology, Miami University,Oxford, Ohio 45056, U.S.A. (Received 5 December 1978;  相似文献   
  • 1 Six 800-sweep samples of English and Michigan (“old field”) secondary vegetation arthropods are compared with Costa Rican samples taken in the same way.
  • 2 Parasitic Hymenoptera and spiders accounted for a larger proportion of the arthropod fauna in the mid-latitude than the tropical samples.
  • 3 In one English field, the seasonal change in insect numbers was 88% of that recorded over all the seasonal and elevational changes examined in Costa Rica. Furthermore, the difference in the total dry weights of the arthropod fauna between December and July was similar to the difference found between the wet and dry seasons in tropical secondary vegetation (also similar to the difference between day and night values during the dry season).
  • 4 Aphids and Psyllidae were far more abundant in the English site than in the Costa Rican mainland sites.
  • 5 In mid-summer, the English field had far more arthropods in it than did any of the tropical sites sampled.
Constructions composed of faeces are rare in insects, but occur in certain leaf-beetle clades. Members of the subfamily Cryptocephalinae share a complex behavioural and morphological synapomorphy, involving portable faecal cases that house the immature stages. A maternally initiated egg case is expanded and enlarged through four larval stadia, then sealed to provide a pupal chamber from which adults eventually emerge. We analyse and compare faecal-case architecture in ten taxa of the cryptocephaline genus Neochlamisus , and assess structural variation within a life cycle, between different 'host forms' of Neochlamisus bebbianae , and among species. These cases proved to be comprised primarily of faeces, with plant trichomes representing the only common secondary component. General architectural trends reflected variation in shape, faecal texture, and the incorporation and density of trichomes. Deviations of the Neochlamisus case from a simple geometrical gnomon reflect the changing body size of the animal, differential application of faeces, and shifts in the orientation of the carriage of the case. Neochlamisus cases are presumably energetically costly to produce, carry, and maintain, and some adaptive hypotheses of case evolution are proposed. Additionally, literature on case morphology in other camptosomates is reviewed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 315–351.  相似文献   
Ligaments undergo finite strain displaying hyperelastic behaviour as the initially tangled fibrils present straighten out, combined with viscoelastic behaviour (strain rate sensitivity). In the present study the anterior cruciate ligament of the human knee joint is modelled in three dimensions to gain an understanding of the stress distribution over the ligament due to motion imposed on the ends, determined from experimental studies. A three dimensional, finite strain material model of ligaments has recently been proposed by Pioletti in Ref. [2]. It is attractive as it separates out elastic stress from that due to the present strain rate and that due to the past history of deformation. However, it treats the ligament as isotropic and incompressible. While the second assumption is reasonable, the first is clearly untrue. In the present study an alternative model of the elastic behaviour due to Bonet and Burton (Ref. [4]) is generalized. Bonet and Burton consider finite strain with constant modulii for the fibres and for the matrix of a transversely isotropic composite. In the present work, the fibre modulus is first made to increase exponentially from zero with an invariant that provides a measure of the stretch in the fibre direction. At 12% strain in the fibre direction, a new reference state is then adopted, after which the material modulus is made constant, as in Bonet and Burton's model. The strain rate dependence can be added, either using Pioletti's isotropic approximation, or by making the effect depend on the strain rate in the fibre direction only.

A solid model of a ligament is constructed, based on experimentally measured sections, and the deformation predicted using explicit integration in time. This approach simplifies the coding of the material model, but has a limitation due to the detrimental effect on stability of integration of the substantial damping implied by the nonlinear dependence of stress on strain rate. At present, an artificially high density is being used to provide stability, while the dynamics are being removed from the solution using artificial viscosity. The result is a quasi-static solution incorporating the effect of strain rate. Alternate approaches to material modelling and integration are discussed, that may result in a better model.  相似文献   
1. Predation‐exclusion experiments have highlighted that top‐down control is pervasive in terrestrial communities, but most of these experiments are simplistic in that they only excluded a single group of predators and the effect of removal was evaluated on a few species from the community. The main goal of our study was to experimentally establish the relative effects of ants and birds on the same arthropod assemblage of canopy trees. 2. We conducted 1‐year long manipulative experiments in an organic citrus grove intended to quantify the independent effects of bird and ant predators on the abundance of arthropods. Birds were excluded with plastic nets whereas ants were excluded with sticky barriers on the trunks. The sticky barrier also excluded other ground dwelling insects, like the European earwig Forficula auricularia L. 3. Both the exclusion of ants and birds affected the arthropod community of the citrus canopies, but the exclusion of ants was far more important than the exclusion of birds. Indeed, almost all groups of arthropods had higher abundance in ant‐excluded than in control trees, whereas only dermapterans were more abundant in bird‐excluded than in control trees. A more detailed analysis conducted on spiders also showed that the effect of ant exclusion was limited to a few families rather than being widespread over the entire diverse spectrum of spiders. 4. Our results suggest that the relative importance of vertebrate and invertebrate predators in regulating arthropod populations largely depends on the nature of the predator–prey system.  相似文献   
Adaptive immunity allows vertebrates to gain protection against repeated pathogenic infections. Analogous responses (priming) have been recently uncovered in invertebrates. However, whether such responses are widespread is not known. The present study investigated the presence of immunological priming in males of a species whose phylogenetic position places it in one of the less derived insect orders. It is hypothesized that the efficiency of such a response could be related to animal condition, as assessed by the expression of a sexually selected ornament. Hetaerina americana Fabricius (Odonata: Calopterygidae) males bear a conspicuous ornament (a red wing spot), which is evolutionarily maintained via male territorial competition. Using field‐collected animals, a group of males is challenged with bacteria before exposure to a higher dose of the same or a different bacteria, and survival is compared with that of infected males not previously challenged, as well as control groups. Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria are used. To explore how long priming may take to work, the second exposure is carried out either after 1 or 5 days. Red spot and body size are entered in the analysis as predictors of survival within and between groups. There is no difference in survival among groups, which suggests no priming effect. Overall, red spot and body size are not consistent in explaining survival.  相似文献   
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