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Abstract: Despite its importance for wildlife, most forests in the Pacific Northwest contain low volumes of large downed wood compared to fine woody debris (FWD). We used a replicated experiment to compare short-term responses of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) and western red-backed voles (Clethrionomys californicus) among 3 arrangements of FWD: piled, lopped and scattered, and pile burning, a commonly used method of fuel reduction in commercial Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests in southwest Oregon, USA. We assessed habitat use, density, and survival of mice and voles during 2 consecutive summers (Jun—Aug 1999 and 2000). Both mice and voles used FWD cover disproportionately from its availability, and they differed in their responses to specific FWD arrangements. Mice used piled FWD (proportional use = 37.0%, 90% CI = 33.0–44.0) 43% more than expected (26.0). Number of mice captured (x̄ = 1.9 mice, 90% CI = 1.5–2.5) and index of home range size (x̄ = 4.8 m, 90% CI = 0.7–8.9) at individual FWD piles decreased up to 16% and increased up to 50%, respectively, for each 1-m increase in distance from piles. Voles used all FWD cover classes in proportion to availability, but number of voles captured increased slightly (x̄ = 0.016 voles/m, 90% CI = 0.001–0.031) for each 1-m increase in distance from piles. Piled FWD had no discernable effect on population density and apparent survival of mice, but analyses had low power (0.25, 0.67). Our results suggest that piling FWD would benefit deer mice, whereas lopped and scattered FWD might benefit voles. Thus, a combination of methods to reduce fire risk should be considered to accommodate multiple small mammal species. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):625–632; 2008)  相似文献   
DANIEL ORO  MARC BOSCH  XAVIER RUIZ 《Ibis》1995,137(4):547-549
The establishment of a two month commercial fishing moratorium, which overlapped each year with different stages of the breeding cycle of the Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans at the Ebro Delta, Spain, provided the opportunity of testing the effects of food limitation on the breeding success of this species. The study was carried out in 1993, when the chick rearing stage occurred with normal commercial fishing activity and in 1994, when the chick rearing stage overlapped with the trawling moratorium. We recorded diet of the chicks, breeding phenology, clutch size, egg volume, hatching success and productivity of adult birds. There was a highly significant difference in the diet of the chicks between the two years and significantly lower productivity in 1994, whilst the other parameters examined did not change. These results show that a dependence on discards from commercial fishing activities may be a limiting factor in the breeding success of this seabird.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Additional material of a large specimen of tristichopterid fish from the Upper Famennian Evieux Formation of Belgium is described. This large fish was previously assigned to Tristichopteridae gen. et sp. indet. due to the lack of diagnostic anatomical data. New available material consists of the internal surface of the parietal shield, vomers and anterior part of the parasphenoid, subopercular and submandibulo-branchiostegal bones, and an internal view of the anterior part of the mandible. A possible autapomorphy of the new form from Belgium, Langlieria socqueti gen. nov. et sp. nov., is the absence of marginal teeth on the vomer except on its most lateral part. Apart from these features, it only differs from the genus Mandageria from Australia in the absence of marginal teeth between the dentary fang and the mandibular symphysis, in the presence of a raised marginal crest lateral to the anterior coronoid fang, and in the presence of numerous small marginal teeth on the premaxilla. It differs from the cosmopolitan genus Eusthenodon in a number of respects: the supratemporal, tabular, and postparietal bones are superficially fused, as are the intertemporal and parietal bones, the dermal ornament is proportionally very fine, and the denticulated field of the parasphenoid stands proud rather than being recessed into the body of the bone.  相似文献   
1. Crayfish are among the most threatened taxa in the world and invasive crayfish are the primary cause of the decline of native crayfish. Most research has emphasised biotic interactions as the mechanism by which native crayfish are displaced by invasives, although crayfish occupy variable environments and the role of disturbance in facilitating crayfish invasion and displacement is understudied. 2. We compared tolerance to a disturbance, stream drying, in a native and invasive crayfish as a potential mechanism to explain their distribution. Our experiments and observations were conducted across scales, from laboratory environmental chambers to stream mesocosms to field sampling. We hypothesised that the invasive crayfish would be more tolerant of desiccation than the native, and that this physiological distinction between the two would be reflected in their distribution in relation to stream drying. 3. In the laboratory, the native crayfish Orconectes eupunctus was less tolerant of desiccation than the invasive Orconectes neglectus chaenodactylus, with all native crayfish dying within 2 days without water, while some of the invasive crayfish survived for nearly 2 weeks. Under simulated stream drying in mesocosms, only the native O. eupunctus survived less well than in a control. Field sampling demonstrated a significant negative relationship between O. eupunctus density and low summer flows, while O. neglectus density was positively associated with low summer flows. The greater resistance of O. neglectus to drying could, through priority effects, inhibit recolonisation by O. eupunctus once flow resumes. 4. Abiotic disturbances are potentially important to the displacement of native by invasive crayfish. Disturbance mediated displacement of aquatic species provides both an opportunity to conserve native species by maintaining or restoring habitat and disturbance regimes and is also a challenge due to increasing human water demand, flow regime alteration and global climate change.  相似文献   
Mountain forests and their soils provide ecological services such as maintenance of biodiversity, provision of clean water, carbon capture and forage for livestock rearing, which is one of the principal economic activities in mountain areas. However, surprisingly little is known about livestock impact in South American mountain forest soils. With the aim of understanding how livestock and topography influence patterns of forest cover, soil compaction, soil loss and soil chemical properties, we analysed these parameters in 100 Polylepis australis woodland plots situated in the humid subtropical mountains of Central Argentina. We used distance from the nearest ranch as an objective index of historical livestock impact and measured standard topographic variables. Our main results reveal that distance from ranch in all cases partly explains tree canopy cover, soil loss, soil compaction and soil chemical properties; suggesting a strong negative effect of livestock. Intermediate altitudes had more tree canopy cover, while landscape roughness – a measure of the variability in slope inclination and aspect – was negatively associated to soil impedance and acidity, and positively associated to soil organic matter content. Finally, flatter areas were more acid. We conclude that livestock has had a substantial influence on forest soil degradation in the Mountains of Central Argentina and possibly other similar South American mountains. Soil degradation should be incorporated into decision making when considering long‐term forest sustainability, or when taking into account retaining livestock for biodiversity conservation reasons. Where soil loss and degradation are ongoing, we recommend drastic reductions in livestock density.  相似文献   
1. Density‐dependent growth has been widely reported in freshwater fishes, but the ontogenetic evolution of competition and its subsequent effects on growth through a life span remains unclear. 2. Patterns of competition can be described by integrating population abundance data with habitat‐modelling results. Weighted usable area (WUA; m2 WUA ha?1) curves are obtained for each flow value and are then coupled with demographic data to obtain the occupancy rates (trout m?2 WUA, the density of a given age class related to its suitable habitat) of the WUA for every age class, year and site. 3. We examined a long‐term data series searching for temporal variation in the influence of habitat occupancy rate on the growth of brown trout Salmo trutta. We tested whether (i) mean cohort mass (mean mass of the cohort during the first 3 years of life) is affected by the occupancy rate experienced across a life span; and (ii) the occupancy rate experienced at different ages influenced mean body size. 4. We observed a consistent negative power relationship between average cohort mass and mean occupancy rate through a life span, indicating that stronger cohorts were related to a reduced growth, with likely consequences for individual fitness. 5. The effects of occupancy rate on size‐at‐age were mainly detected in the size attained at the second year of life, but they were because of the competition at different times. Thus, the level of competition varied through ontogeny, in some of the rivers affecting growth since the first year of life, whereas in most of the rivers the main effects on body size resulted from the competition during the second year of life. 6. Occupancy rate appears more appropriate than density for assessing the occurrence of habitat competition in freshwater fishes, since it encompasses the differences in quantity and quality of suitable habitat for each age class. 7. Our study highlights the importance of density‐dependent growth as a key process in the dynamics of brown trout populations, its temporal variation depending on the temporal changes of density and the variation of competition associated with the habitat capacity for each life stage.  相似文献   
As one of the most specialized pollination syndromes, the fig (Ficus)–fig wasp (Agaonidae) mutualism can shed light on how pollinator behaviour and specificity affect plant diversification through processes such as reproductive isolation and hybridization. Pollinator sharing among species has important implications for Ficus species delimitation and the evolutionary history of the mutualism. Although agaonid wasp pollinators are known to visit more than one host species in monoecious figs, pollinator sharing has yet to be documented in dioecious figs. The present study investigated the frequency of pollinator sharing among sympatric, closely‐related dioecious figs in Ficus sections Sycocarpus and Sycidium. Molecular and morphological species identification established the associations between pollinating agaonid wasp species and host fig species. Cytochrome oxidase I was sequenced from 372 Ceratosolen pollinators of Ficus section Sycocarpus and 210 Kradibia pollinators of Ficus section Sycidium. The association between fig species and morphologically distinct clades of pollinator haplotypes was predominantly one‐to‐one. In Ceratosolen, six of 372 pollinators (1.5%) visited fig species other than the predominant host. No pollinator sharing was detected between the two Sycidium host species, although a rare hybrid shared Kradibia pollinators with both parental species. These findings point to low rates of pollinator sharing among closely‐related dioecious fig species in sympatry, and perhaps lower rates than among monoecious figs. Such rare events could be evolutionarily important as mechanisms for gene flow among fig species. Differences in rates of pollinator sharing among fig lineages might explain the conflicting phylogenetic patterns inferred among monoecious figs, dioecious figs, and their respective pollinators. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 546–558.  相似文献   
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