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Ligaments undergo finite strain displaying hyperelastic behaviour as the initially tangled fibrils present straighten out, combined with viscoelastic behaviour (strain rate sensitivity). In the present study the anterior cruciate ligament of the human knee joint is modelled in three dimensions to gain an understanding of the stress distribution over the ligament due to motion imposed on the ends, determined from experimental studies. A three dimensional, finite strain material model of ligaments has recently been proposed by Pioletti in Ref. [2]. It is attractive as it separates out elastic stress from that due to the present strain rate and that due to the past history of deformation. However, it treats the ligament as isotropic and incompressible. While the second assumption is reasonable, the first is clearly untrue. In the present study an alternative model of the elastic behaviour due to Bonet and Burton (Ref. [4]) is generalized. Bonet and Burton consider finite strain with constant modulii for the fibres and for the matrix of a transversely isotropic composite. In the present work, the fibre modulus is first made to increase exponentially from zero with an invariant that provides a measure of the stretch in the fibre direction. At 12% strain in the fibre direction, a new reference state is then adopted, after which the material modulus is made constant, as in Bonet and Burton's model. The strain rate dependence can be added, either using Pioletti's isotropic approximation, or by making the effect depend on the strain rate in the fibre direction only.

A solid model of a ligament is constructed, based on experimentally measured sections, and the deformation predicted using explicit integration in time. This approach simplifies the coding of the material model, but has a limitation due to the detrimental effect on stability of integration of the substantial damping implied by the nonlinear dependence of stress on strain rate. At present, an artificially high density is being used to provide stability, while the dynamics are being removed from the solution using artificial viscosity. The result is a quasi-static solution incorporating the effect of strain rate. Alternate approaches to material modelling and integration are discussed, that may result in a better model.  相似文献   
1. Predation‐exclusion experiments have highlighted that top‐down control is pervasive in terrestrial communities, but most of these experiments are simplistic in that they only excluded a single group of predators and the effect of removal was evaluated on a few species from the community. The main goal of our study was to experimentally establish the relative effects of ants and birds on the same arthropod assemblage of canopy trees. 2. We conducted 1‐year long manipulative experiments in an organic citrus grove intended to quantify the independent effects of bird and ant predators on the abundance of arthropods. Birds were excluded with plastic nets whereas ants were excluded with sticky barriers on the trunks. The sticky barrier also excluded other ground dwelling insects, like the European earwig Forficula auricularia L. 3. Both the exclusion of ants and birds affected the arthropod community of the citrus canopies, but the exclusion of ants was far more important than the exclusion of birds. Indeed, almost all groups of arthropods had higher abundance in ant‐excluded than in control trees, whereas only dermapterans were more abundant in bird‐excluded than in control trees. A more detailed analysis conducted on spiders also showed that the effect of ant exclusion was limited to a few families rather than being widespread over the entire diverse spectrum of spiders. 4. Our results suggest that the relative importance of vertebrate and invertebrate predators in regulating arthropod populations largely depends on the nature of the predator–prey system.  相似文献   
Adaptive immunity allows vertebrates to gain protection against repeated pathogenic infections. Analogous responses (priming) have been recently uncovered in invertebrates. However, whether such responses are widespread is not known. The present study investigated the presence of immunological priming in males of a species whose phylogenetic position places it in one of the less derived insect orders. It is hypothesized that the efficiency of such a response could be related to animal condition, as assessed by the expression of a sexually selected ornament. Hetaerina americana Fabricius (Odonata: Calopterygidae) males bear a conspicuous ornament (a red wing spot), which is evolutionarily maintained via male territorial competition. Using field‐collected animals, a group of males is challenged with bacteria before exposure to a higher dose of the same or a different bacteria, and survival is compared with that of infected males not previously challenged, as well as control groups. Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria are used. To explore how long priming may take to work, the second exposure is carried out either after 1 or 5 days. Red spot and body size are entered in the analysis as predictors of survival within and between groups. There is no difference in survival among groups, which suggests no priming effect. Overall, red spot and body size are not consistent in explaining survival.  相似文献   

The effects of spiperone and domperidone (dopaminergic antagonists), as well as naloxone (enkephalinergic antagonist) on ovarian growth of the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus, were evaluated during the non-reproductive period. In vivo assays were carried out by administering these compounds by adding them to the crayfish food, and subsequently measuring the oocyte diameter (oocytes in secondary vitellogenesis). Only naloxone produced a significantly (p <0.05) higher oocyte diameter than that of the controls, suggesting that this antagonist was blocking the effects of endogenous enkcephalins on the secretion of one or more neurohormones involved in crustacean reproduction. To test this hypothesis, an in vitro incubation of ovarian pieces with thoracic ganglion (TG), a source of the gonad stimulating hormone (GSH), or eyestalk tissue (ET), the source of the gonad inhibiting hormone (GIH), with or without naloxone added to the incubation medium, was done. A significant increase of ovarian growth was observed when TG was present. Moreover, the addition of naloxone to this preparation was able to further increase the ovarian growth, presumably by preventing enkephalinergic inhibition of GSH secretion.  相似文献   
We identified 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers for Alouatta caraya. Three markers were isolated from an enriched genomic library of A. caraya (AC14, AC17, AC45), five were previously described in Homo sapiens (TGMS1, TGMS2, D5S117, D8S165, D17S804), and three were identified for Lagothix lagotricha (1110, 1118, 157). Forty‐eight individuals from one Argentinean population were genotyped, yielding heterozygosity values between 0.146 and 0.792. These markers provide an exclusion power of 0.922 when neither parent is known (0.992 when one parent is known) and are suitable for parentage analysis, population genetics and phylogeographical studies of A. caraya, the southernmost primate in the New World.  相似文献   
Polymorphic di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide repeats were examined in Allonemobius to determine whether they could serve as useful markers in studies of sperm precedence, population genetics and hybrid zone structure. Ten microsatellite DNA loci were sufficiently polymorphic to be used for paternity tests and showed no evidence of linkage disequilibrium or deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in Allonemobius socius. Nine of 10 of these microsatellites can be amplified from three other Allonemobius species, suggesting that these markers will have widespread utility in this ground cricket genus.  相似文献   
1. Periphytic diatoms, macrophytes, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish were sampled with standard methods in 185 streams in nine European countries to compare their response to degradation. Streams were classified into two main stream type groups (i.e. lowland, mountain streams); in addition, the lowland streams were grouped into four more specific stream types. 2. Principal components analysis with altogether 43 environmental parameters was used to construct complex stressor gradients for physical–chemical, hydromorphological and land use data. About 30 metrics were calculated for each sample and organism group. Metric responses to different stress types were analysed by Spearman Rank Correlation. 3. All four organism groups showed significant response to eutrophication/organic pollution gradients. Generally, diatom metrics were most strongly correlated to eutrophication gradients (85% and 89% of the diatom metrics tested correlated significantly in mountain and lowland streams, respectively), followed by invertebrate metrics (91% and 59%). 4. Responses of the four organism groups to other gradients were less strong; all organism groups responded to varying degrees to land use changes, hydromorphological degradation on the microhabitat scale and general degradation gradients, while the response to hydromorphological gradients on the reach scale was mainly limited to benthic macroinvertebrates (50% and 44% of the metrics tested correlated significantly in mountain and lowland streams, respectively) and fish (29% and 47%). 5. Fish and macrophyte metrics generally showed a poor response to degradation gradients in mountain streams and a strong response in lowland streams. 6. General recommendations on European bioassessment of streams were derived from the results.  相似文献   
The monophyletic genus Wolffiella (Lemnaceae) comprises 10 species divided taxonomically into three sections. Relative to other genera of Lemnaceae, Wolffiella has a restricted range, with species distributed in warm temperate to tropical areas of Africa and the Americas, with only one species occurring in both areas. Sequence data from coding (rbcL and matK) and non‐coding (trnK and rpl16 introns) regions of cpDNA were analyzed phylogenetically to resolve relationships within Wolffiella, and these results were compared to earlier allozyme and morphological studies. Allozymes, cpDNA and morphology all supported the recognition of three sections. Relationships among species were similar in most respects between the allozyme and cpDNA trees, as well as among the different plastid partitions. In Wolffiella, both non‐synonymous and synonymous substitutions were greater in matK than in rbcL, as observed in other taxa. The synonymous substitution rate in matK was similar to the substitution rate of the non‐coding regions. All partitions, including coding regions, exhibited some homoplasy. Biogeographical reconstructions from a combination of cpDNA partitions indicated that Wolffiella originated in Africa with early movement to and radiation in the Americas. The one species found in both Africa and the Americas, W. welwitschii, likely originated in the Americas and subsequently dispersed to Africa. Using the SOWH test, the cpDNA data could reject two alternative biogeographical hypotheses suggested from analyses of morphological and allozyme data. The present distribution of Wolffiella can be explained by two major dispersal events and this contrasts with the more complex species distributions in other Lemnaceae genera. Limited dispersal in Wolffiella relative to other Lemnaceae genera may be due to more recent origins of species, lower dispersibility and poorer colonizing ability. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 79 , 565–576.  相似文献   
The changes in germination, peroxidase activity and isoperoxidase spectrum have been studied in apple embryos at 5°C (stratification) and at 20°C in the presence or absence of seed coats. The embryo dormancy is progressively released at 5°C, but not at 20°C. The peroxidase activity in embryos covered with seed coats is very low at 5°C as well as at 20°C which corresponds to a restricted number of isoenzymes. In isolated embryos the peroxidase activity increases significantly. This is due to an increase in both the number and the activity of the isoperoxidases and it is more pronounced at 20°C than at 5°C. The obtained results suggest that the soluble peroxidases are not involved in the process of the release of embryo dormancy. The variations observed are attributed to the growth process following germination, which can occur even at low temperature.  相似文献   
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