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文章对赤水河河口段张氏(餐)的繁殖生物学进行了研究.结果表明:5-9月份为其繁殖期;最小性成熟个体为雌性体长77mm,体重5.3g;雄性体长108mm,体重9.4g,均为1龄;繁殖群体性比为1.07:1,由4个年龄组组成,其中2龄个体占绝对优势.性成熟系数3-7月份逐渐增大,然后持续减小,至12月降到全年最小值.卵径(0.75±0.14)mm呈单峰型,绝对繁殖力(11010±7723)粒,相对繁殖力(275.1±138.4)粒/g,每克卵巢卵粒数(3789±1389)粒.该种为单批产卵类型鱼类.绝对繁殖力随着鱼体体长、体重和年龄的增长而增大.  相似文献   
卵形鲳鯵对刺激隐核虫的免疫应答和免疫保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用刺激隐核虫(Cryptocaryon irritans)的幼虫对卵形鲳鯵(Trachinotus ovatus)进行腹腔注射和体表感染,然后每隔一周用阻动试验(Immobilization assay)检测免疫鱼的抗血清和皮肤培养液对刺激隐核虫幼虫的阻动效价,在第14周中,分别用亚致死剂量和致死剂量的刺激隐核虫幼虫对免疫鱼攻毒以检测所产生的免疫保护力。实验结果显示:两种免疫方法都能让卵形鲳鯵的血清和皮肤生成阻动刺激隐核虫幼虫的特异性抗体,并能使被免疫鱼获得明显的免疫保护,但是体表感染免疫组的血清和皮肤培养液的阻动效价都要比腹腔注射免疫组高,所获得的免疫保护力也更强。同时还发现,免疫鱼血清和皮肤培养液中的抗体存在明显的差异:两者的最初生成时间、达到峰值的时间、变化规律以及阻动效价等都不一致。因此,我们推测鱼类的系统免疫应答和皮肤黏膜免疫应答有可能是相互独立的,或者是不同步的。鱼类的体液免疫应答,特别是黏膜免疫应答对抵御刺激隐核虫的感染起了重要的作用,采用刺激隐核虫虫体疫苗可能成为预防海水鱼类白点病的一种选择。    相似文献   
云南松林的生物量研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
本文研究了云南省易门县海拔1600—1700m的云南松中幼龄林分的生物量。云南松林的生物量随林龄的增加而增加。4年生林分的总生物量为9.985吨/公顷,11年生林分为27.874吨/公顷,23年生林分为69.852吨/公顷。乔木层的器官生物量分配比例随林龄而变化。针叶和树皮的分配比例随林龄的增加而迅速下降;干材和根的比例则不断上升,其中以干材增加最快;树枝的分配比例以11年生林分最大,23年生林分次之,4年生林分最小。  相似文献   
动脉粥样硬化既是胆固醇在血管壁聚集的疾病,也是发生在动脉壁的一种低强度慢性炎症形式。近年来有研究证实胆固醇结晶在动脉粥样硬化发生发展中具有重要作用。新的显微技术证实,胆固醇结晶在动脉粥样硬化斑块形成的早期即已出现,并与早期炎症有关。胆固醇结晶通过诱发局部炎症,促进大的脂质核心形成;刺破纤维帽,导致斑块破裂进而促进动脉粥样硬化斑块的进展。在影响斑块进程中,NLRP3炎症体的激活对此发挥了重要的作用。NLRP3炎症体是研究最多最明确的炎症体,其与非炎症性疾病的发生发展密切相关。以胆固醇结晶激活NLRP3炎症体的途径作为研究靶点,为动脉粥样硬化的诊断和治疗提供了新的思路和方法。该文就胆固醇结晶在动脉粥样硬化斑块中激活巨噬细胞NLRP3炎症体的两种途径做一综述。  相似文献   
Holmsen, J. D. and Hess, F. D. 1985. Comparison of the disruptionof mitosis and cell plate formation in oat roots by DCPA, colchicineand propham.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1504–1513. Concentrationsof DCPA, propham and colchicine were selected to cause from0% to greater than 60% inhibition of oat (Avena sativa L. ‘Victory’)root growth after 24 h exposure. Root growth progressively declinedas concentrations were raised from 1·0 to 5·6mmol m–3 DCPA, 1·0–5·0 mmol m–3propham, and 50–500 mmol m–3 colchicine. In additionto inhibiting root growth each mitotic disrupter caused theroot tips to swell to an extent dependent upon concentration.All three compounds effectively disrupted mitosis at concentrationsthat caused less than maximal root growth inhibition. Mitoticdisruption was manifest as a reduction in the number of normalmitotic figures and an increase in the number of condensed prophase,multipolar and anaphase bridge division figures. The frequencyof each type of division figure was different for each of thethree compounds. DCPA disrupted mitosis more effectively whencompared with propham and colchicine at concentrations whichcaused the same amount of root growth inhibition. Each mitoticdisrupter also induced the formation of aberrant cell walls.DCPA was the most effective at disrupting cell plate formation,whereas colchicine was least effective. These data suggest thatthe mechanism of action of DCPA is distinct from the mechanismof colchicine or propham Key words: Avena sativa L., mitotic disruption, DCPA, colchicine, propham  相似文献   
SPECIALIZED tissues which synthesize only a small number of different proteins offer obvious advantages as sources of specific and pure messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Presumptive mRNAs have been isolated and partially characterized from reticulocytes1,2, muscle3, myelomas4 and eye lens5. The messenger role of 9S RNA from reticulocytes has been established by its ability to direct the synthesis of haemoglobin in cell-free systems from reticulocytes2 and Krebs 11 ascites tumour cells6 and in Xenopus oocytes7. We show here that 10S and 14S RNA fractions from calf lens direct the synthesis of different polypeptide components of lens crystallin in the ascites cell-free system. These results complement and extend the demonstration, in the accompanying article8, that 14S lens RNA is translated in the reticulocyte lysate.  相似文献   
METHYLATED basic amino-acids have been detected in many proteins1 and we report here the methylation of rhodopsin2–5. Bovine rhodopsin has been found to contain MML (?-N-monomethyl lysine), DML (?-N-dimethyl lysine) and 3-MH (3-methyl histidine). Residues of TML (?-N-trimethyl lysine) and DMA (dimethyl arginine) were also detected in an un-characterized protein association with rhodopsin which is solubilized from outer segments by 1 % nonionic detergent ‘Ammonyx LO’. In vitro methylation of the basic residues in bovine rhodopsin was also detected after dissected retinas had been incubated in a nutrient medium containing 3H-(methyl) methionine.  相似文献   
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