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采用白地霉2.498-47在以蛋白胨为氮源发酵时,只在开始pH3.2左右产生胞外蛋白,NH_4~+则无此限制,还有助于胞外多肽的产生。深红酵母2.280胞外蛋白的最大产率约在pH5.8;尿素作唯一氮源效果最好,与蛋白胨合并使用,可产胞外蛋白约800μg/ml。酵母膏对生长和产胞外蛋白很必要,不能用玉米浆和麦芽汁代替。用0.05N NaOH浸洗不同pH和氮源所培养的细胞都能浸出胞内蛋白,接近400μg/ml。发酵产生胞外蛋白自一日后开始,至二日接近最大量,以后逐渐减少。多肽产生起自第二日,五日未达到最大量。两株酵母菌都不表现蛋白酶活性,因此这个现象还不能解释。  相似文献   
Acclimation of plant respiration rates (R) to climate warming is highly variable and many results appear contradictory. We tested the recently suggested hypotheses that pre‐existing, long‐lived leaves should exhibit a relatively limited ability for R to acclimate to climate warming, and that acclimation would occur via changes in the short‐term temperature sensitivity of respiration. Seedlings of a subalpine, evergreen tree species (Eucalyptus pauciflora) were grown under naturally fluctuating conditions within its natural distribution. We used a free air temperature increase (FATI) system of infra‐red ceramic lamps to raise night‐time leaf temperatures by 0.3±0.1, 1.3±0.1, and 2.2±0.1 °C above ambient for 1 year. Light‐saturated assimilation rates and plant growth did not change with nocturnal FATI treatments. Leaf R measured at prevailing temperatures did not differ between FATI treatments. Within each FATI treatment, nocturnal leaf R was highly sensitive to artificial temperature changes within minutes, and also correlated strongly with natural nocturnal and seasonal temperature variation. The corresponding values of Q10 of R varied according to time scale of measurements, but did not vary between FATI treatments. Instead, acclimation of R to nocturnal FATI occurred through changes in the base rate of respiration.  相似文献   
云南松林的生物量研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
本文研究了云南省易门县海拔1600—1700m的云南松中幼龄林分的生物量。云南松林的生物量随林龄的增加而增加。4年生林分的总生物量为9.985吨/公顷,11年生林分为27.874吨/公顷,23年生林分为69.852吨/公顷。乔木层的器官生物量分配比例随林龄而变化。针叶和树皮的分配比例随林龄的增加而迅速下降;干材和根的比例则不断上升,其中以干材增加最快;树枝的分配比例以11年生林分最大,23年生林分次之,4年生林分最小。  相似文献   
中国西北地区通过大量种植中间锦鸡儿(Caragana liouana)进行生态治理, 在荒漠草原带上形成人工灌丛景观, 改变了生态系统的结构和功能, 影响到地-气水汽循环过程, 研究该人工灌丛群落的蒸散特征, 对揭示其生态水文效应和指导地方生态治理实践具有重要意义。该文以宁夏盐池荒漠草原带上的人工灌丛群落为例, 利用茎流-蒸渗仪法测定了2018年5-8月的灌木蒸腾和丛下蒸散, 并分析了环境因子对人工灌丛群落蒸散的影响。结果表明: (1)茎流-蒸渗仪法所测的群落蒸散与水量平衡法、涡度相关法得到的群落蒸散有较好的一致性, 茎流-蒸渗仪法能适用于荒漠草原带人工灌丛群落蒸散及其组分结构的测定; (2)观测期内晴天的灌木蒸腾速率和丛下蒸散速率日变化趋势相近, 均为单峰曲线, 群落蒸散主要发生在日间, 但灌丛最大蒸腾速率的出现时间比丛下蒸散最大速率的出现时间晚1 h; (3) 5-8月间灌木累积蒸腾为83.6 mm, 日平均蒸腾量为0.7 mm·d-1, 季节变化呈抛物线状; 同期丛下累积蒸散为182.5 mm, 日平均蒸散量为1.5 mm·d-1; 丛下蒸散明显大于灌木蒸腾; (4)观测期间人工灌丛群落累积蒸散266.1 mm, 而同期的降水量为222.6 mm, 陆面水分收支处于亏缺状态; (5)净辐射是影响蒸散最主要、最直接的驱动因素, 且能够影响其他因子进而对人工灌丛群落蒸散产生作用。综上, 人工灌丛引发荒漠草原地带陆面水分收支亏缺的现象, 在生态恢复与重建中须引起注意。  相似文献   
用刺激隐核虫(Cryptocaryon irritans)的幼虫对卵形鲳NFDA8(Trachinotus ovatus)进行腹腔注射和体表感染,然后每隔一周用阻动试验(Immobilization assay)检测免疫鱼的抗血清和皮肤培养液对刺激隐核虫幼虫的阻动效价,在第14周中,分别用亚致死剂量和致死剂量的刺激隐核虫幼虫对免疫鱼攻毒以检测所产生的免疫保护力.实验结果显示:两种免疫方法都能让卵形鲳鲹的血清和皮肤生成阻动刺激隐核虫幼虫的特异性抗体,并能使被免疫鱼获得明显的免疫保护,但是体表感染免疫组的血清和皮肤培养液的阻动效价都要比腹腔注射免疫组高,所获得的免疫保护力也更强.同时还发现,免疫鱼血清和皮肤培养液中的抗体存在明显的差异:两者的最初生成时间、达到峰值的时间、变化规律以及阻动效价等都不一致.因此,我们推测鱼类的系统免疫应答和皮肤黏膜免疫应答有可能是相互独立的,或者是不同步的.鱼类的体液免疫应答,特别是黏膜免疫应答对抵御刺激隐核虫的感染起了重要的作用,采用刺激隐核虫虫体疫苗可能成为预防海水鱼类白点病的一种选择.  相似文献   
While there is currently intense effort to examine the 13C signal of CO2 evolved in the dark, less is known on the isotope composition of day‐respired CO2. This lack of knowledge stems from technical difficulties to measure the pure respiratory isotopic signal: day respiration is mixed up with photorespiration, and there is no obvious way to separate photosynthetic fractionation (pure ci/ca effect) from respiratory effect (production of CO2 with a different δ13C value from that of net‐fixed CO2) at the ecosystem level. Here, we took advantage of new simple equations, and applied them to sunflower canopies grown under low and high [CO2]. We show that whole mesocosm‐respired CO2 is slightly 13C depleted in the light at the mesocosm level (by 0.2–0.8‰), while it is slightly 13C enriched in darkness (by 1.5–3.2‰). The turnover of the respiratory carbon pool after labelling appears similar in the light and in the dark, and accordingly, a hierarchical clustering analysis shows a close correlation between the 13C abundance in day‐ and night‐evolved CO2. We conclude that the carbon source for respiration is similar in the dark and in the light, but the metabolic pathways associated with CO2 production may change, thereby explaining the different 12C/13C respiratory fractionations in the light and in the dark.  相似文献   
动脉粥样硬化既是胆固醇在血管壁聚集的疾病,也是发生在动脉壁的一种低强度慢性炎症形式。近年来有研究证实胆固醇结晶在动脉粥样硬化发生发展中具有重要作用。新的显微技术证实,胆固醇结晶在动脉粥样硬化斑块形成的早期即已出现,并与早期炎症有关。胆固醇结晶通过诱发局部炎症,促进大的脂质核心形成;刺破纤维帽,导致斑块破裂进而促进动脉粥样硬化斑块的进展。在影响斑块进程中,NLRP3炎症体的激活对此发挥了重要的作用。NLRP3炎症体是研究最多最明确的炎症体,其与非炎症性疾病的发生发展密切相关。以胆固醇结晶激活NLRP3炎症体的途径作为研究靶点,为动脉粥样硬化的诊断和治疗提供了新的思路和方法。该文就胆固醇结晶在动脉粥样硬化斑块中激活巨噬细胞NLRP3炎症体的两种途径做一综述。  相似文献   
1H NMR spectra of earthworms Eisenia veneta treated with 3-trifluoromethyl-aniline in a 72-h contact filter paper test have been analysed using pattern recognition techniques to determine the biochemical response. Various strategies for data reduction of the metabolite profile, and illustration by principal components analysis are applied and discussed. The use of mean principal components plots in simplifying group data representation and highlighting the dose-response function is demonstrated. Hierarchical cluster analysis, and cluster significance analysis of the principal components were also used to examine the relative distribution of dose groups. Identification and assignment of metabolite responses to toxicity were found via correlation coefficient-shift plots. As measured by the correlation coefficients alanine was the most significant metabolite, but increased levels of other amino acids such as glycine and asparagine were also observed. Further, elevated levels of glucose, and the citric acid cycle intermediates citrate and succinate were noted as potential biomarkers of toxicity. This work provides a basis for examining the biochemical response of invertebrates to toxins. This should provide a framework to examine toxicity effects of other halogenated aromatic pollutants to earthworms used as environmental monitors.  相似文献   
Abstract: Basic knowledge of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) hearing can improve understanding of deer behavior and may assist in the development of effective deterrent strategies. Using auditory brainstem response testing, we determined that white-tailed deer hear within the range of frequencies we tested, between 0.25–30 kilohertz (kHz), with best sensitivity between 4–8 kHz. The upper limit of human hearing lies at about 20 kHz, whereas we demonstrated that white-tailed deer detected frequencies to at least 30 kHz. This difference suggests that research on the use of ultrasonic (frequencies >20 kHz) auditory deterrents is justified as a possible means of reducing deer—human conflicts.  相似文献   
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