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采用白地霉2.498-47在以蛋白胨为氮源发酵时,只在开始pH3.2左右产生胞外蛋白,NH_4~+则无此限制,还有助于胞外多肽的产生。深红酵母2.280胞外蛋白的最大产率约在pH5.8;尿素作唯一氮源效果最好,与蛋白胨合并使用,可产胞外蛋白约800μg/ml。酵母膏对生长和产胞外蛋白很必要,不能用玉米浆和麦芽汁代替。用0.05N NaOH浸洗不同pH和氮源所培养的细胞都能浸出胞内蛋白,接近400μg/ml。发酵产生胞外蛋白自一日后开始,至二日接近最大量,以后逐渐减少。多肽产生起自第二日,五日未达到最大量。两株酵母菌都不表现蛋白酶活性,因此这个现象还不能解释。  相似文献   
中国西北地区通过大量种植中间锦鸡儿(Caragana liouana)进行生态治理, 在荒漠草原带上形成人工灌丛景观, 改变了生态系统的结构和功能, 影响到地-气水汽循环过程, 研究该人工灌丛群落的蒸散特征, 对揭示其生态水文效应和指导地方生态治理实践具有重要意义。该文以宁夏盐池荒漠草原带上的人工灌丛群落为例, 利用茎流-蒸渗仪法测定了2018年5-8月的灌木蒸腾和丛下蒸散, 并分析了环境因子对人工灌丛群落蒸散的影响。结果表明: (1)茎流-蒸渗仪法所测的群落蒸散与水量平衡法、涡度相关法得到的群落蒸散有较好的一致性, 茎流-蒸渗仪法能适用于荒漠草原带人工灌丛群落蒸散及其组分结构的测定; (2)观测期内晴天的灌木蒸腾速率和丛下蒸散速率日变化趋势相近, 均为单峰曲线, 群落蒸散主要发生在日间, 但灌丛最大蒸腾速率的出现时间比丛下蒸散最大速率的出现时间晚1 h; (3) 5-8月间灌木累积蒸腾为83.6 mm, 日平均蒸腾量为0.7 mm·d-1, 季节变化呈抛物线状; 同期丛下累积蒸散为182.5 mm, 日平均蒸散量为1.5 mm·d-1; 丛下蒸散明显大于灌木蒸腾; (4)观测期间人工灌丛群落累积蒸散266.1 mm, 而同期的降水量为222.6 mm, 陆面水分收支处于亏缺状态; (5)净辐射是影响蒸散最主要、最直接的驱动因素, 且能够影响其他因子进而对人工灌丛群落蒸散产生作用。综上, 人工灌丛引发荒漠草原地带陆面水分收支亏缺的现象, 在生态恢复与重建中须引起注意。  相似文献   
宽口光唇鱼微卫星位点的筛选与特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过FIASCO法(Fast Isolation by AFLP Sequences Containing Repeats)筛选宽口光唇鱼Acrossocheilus monticola(Günter)基因组微卫星位点,利用生物素标记的寡核苷酸探针(AC)8、(CT)8、(GGT)8、(GATA)8和(GATT)7首次成功构建宽口光唇鱼基因组微卫星富集文库。从文库中共筛选495个克隆测序,成功设计163对微卫星引物,经PCR扩增检测,获得了18个多态性微卫星标记。利用这18对多态性引物,分析了赤水河赤水市宽口光唇鱼种群的遗传多样性,数据显示:18对多态性微卫星引物的等位基因数为8~31个,平均等位基因数为19.6个,平均期望杂合度为0.8701,平均观测杂合度为0.8312,其中引物Am07、Am35、Am47、Am69、Am78和Am127显著偏离哈迪温伯格平衡(P<0.05),以上数据表明赤水河赤水市宽口光唇鱼种群的遗传多样性水平较高。筛选的微卫星标记对于宽口光唇鱼的遗传背景分析和生物种质资源的保护有重要作用。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Effects of silvicultural activities on birds are of increasing interest because of documented national declines in breeding bird populations for some species and the potential that these declines are in part due to changes in forest habitat. Silviculturally induced disturbances have been advocated as a means to achieve suitable forest conditions for priority wildlife species in bottomland hardwood forests. We evaluated how silvicultural activities on conservation lands in bottomland hardwood forests of Louisiana, USA, influenced species-specific densities of breeding birds. Our data were from independent studies, which used standardized point-count surveys for breeding birds in 124 bottomland hardwood forest stands on 12 management areas. We used Program DISTANCE 5.0, Release 2.0 (Thomas et al. 2006) to estimate density for 43 species with >50 detections. For 36 of those species we compared density estimates among harvest regimes (individual selection, group selection, extensive harvest, and no harvest). We observed 10 species with similar densities in those harvest regimes compared with densities in stands not harvested. However, we observed 10 species that were negatively impacted by harvest with greater densities in stands not harvested, 9 species with greater densities in individual selection stands, 4 species with greater densities in group selection stands, and 4 species with greater densities in stands receiving an extensive harvest (e.g., >40% canopy removal). Differences in intensity of harvest influenced densities of breeding birds. Moreover, community-wide avian conservation values of stands subjected to individual and group selection, and stands not harvested, were similar to each other and greater than that of stands subjected to extensive harvest that removed >40% canopy cover. These results have implications for managers estimating breeding bird populations, in addition to predicting changes in bird communities as a result of prescribed and future forest management practices.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial mats collected in hypersaline salterns were incubated in a greenhouse under low sulphate concentrations ([]) and examined for their primary productivity and emissions of methane and other major carbon species. Atmospheric greenhouse warming by gases such as carbon dioxide and methane must have been greater during the Archean than today in order to account for a record of moderate to warm palaeoclimates, despite a less luminous early sun. It has been suggested that decreased levels of oxygen and sulphate in Archean oceans could have significantly stimulated microbial methanogenesis relative to present marine rates, with a resultant increase in the relative importance of methane in maintaining the early greenhouse. We maintained modern microbial mats, models of ancient coastal marine communities, in artificial brine mixtures containing both modern [] (c. 70 mm ) and ‘Archean’[] (<0.2 mm ). At low [], primary production in the mats was essentially unaffected, while rates of sulphate reduction decreased by a factor of three, and methane fluxes increased by up to 10‐fold. However, remineralization by methanogenesis still amounted to less than 0.4% of the total carbon released by the mats. The relatively low efficiency of conversion of photosynthate to methane is suggested to reflect the particular geometry and chemical microenvironment of hypersaline cyanobacterial mats. Therefore, such mats were probably relatively weak net sources of methane throughout their 3.5 Ga history, even during periods of low environmental levels oxygen and sulphate.  相似文献   
Acclimation of plant respiration rates (R) to climate warming is highly variable and many results appear contradictory. We tested the recently suggested hypotheses that pre‐existing, long‐lived leaves should exhibit a relatively limited ability for R to acclimate to climate warming, and that acclimation would occur via changes in the short‐term temperature sensitivity of respiration. Seedlings of a subalpine, evergreen tree species (Eucalyptus pauciflora) were grown under naturally fluctuating conditions within its natural distribution. We used a free air temperature increase (FATI) system of infra‐red ceramic lamps to raise night‐time leaf temperatures by 0.3±0.1, 1.3±0.1, and 2.2±0.1 °C above ambient for 1 year. Light‐saturated assimilation rates and plant growth did not change with nocturnal FATI treatments. Leaf R measured at prevailing temperatures did not differ between FATI treatments. Within each FATI treatment, nocturnal leaf R was highly sensitive to artificial temperature changes within minutes, and also correlated strongly with natural nocturnal and seasonal temperature variation. The corresponding values of Q10 of R varied according to time scale of measurements, but did not vary between FATI treatments. Instead, acclimation of R to nocturnal FATI occurred through changes in the base rate of respiration.  相似文献   
Effects of salinity and nutrients on carbon gain in relation to water use were studied in the grey mangrove, Avicennia marina, growing along a natural salinity gradient in south‐eastern Australia. Tall trees characterized areas of seawater salinities (fringe zone) and stunted trees dominated landward hypersaline areas (scrub zone). Trees were fertilized with nitrogen (+N) or phosphorus (+P) or unfertilized. There was no significant effect of +P on shoot growth, whereas +N enhanced canopy development, particularly in scrub trees. Scrub trees maintained greater CO2 assimilation per unit water transpired (water‐use efficiency, WUE) and had lower nitrogen‐use efficiency (NUE; CO2 assimilation rate per unit leaf nitrogen) than fringe trees. The CO2 assimilation rates of +N trees were similar to those in other treatments, but were achieved at lower transpiration rates, stomatal conductance and intercellular CO2 concentrations. Maintaining comparable assimilation rates at lower stomatal conductance requires greater ribulose 1·5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity, consistent with greater N content per unit leaf area in +N trees. Hence, +N enhanced WUE at the expense of NUE. Instantaneous WUE estimates were supported by less negative foliar δ13C values for +N trees and scrub control trees. Thus, nutrient enrichment may alter the structure and function of mangrove forests along salinity gradients.  相似文献   
2000-2010年武汉市中心城区湖泊景观变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
武汉雅称"百湖之市",湖泊是武汉市的重要名片。以2000、2005和2010年三期Landsat TM数据为数据源,采用归一化差异水体指数(NDWI)提取湖泊水体信息,建立了各个时期武汉市中心城区湖泊矢量图层,计算了湖泊的面积萎缩率、斑块分维数和破碎度等景观指数,对2000—2010年武汉市中心城区湖泊变化特征进行了分析。研究表明,武汉市各个湖泊均有不同程度的萎缩,湖泊面积萎缩率大小和其所隶属的环线及政策因素有较大的关系;各湖泊斑块分维数在1-1.3之间,并越来越接近于1,表明在人类活动持续影响下,其形状变得越来越规则;同时斑块数目增加,湖泊在面积萎缩的同时,也变得越来越破碎,研究显示主要是道路修建所致导致的湖泊分割,湖泊被分割后,自净能力下降,会导致水体污染而最终被填埋。总之,10年武汉市湖泊景观环境朝着不良方向发展,应该制定更严格的政策进行水域管理。  相似文献   
Abstract: Studies of space use and habitat selection of endangered species are useful for identifying factors that influence fitness of individuals and viability of populations. However, there is a lack of published information regarding these behaviors for the federally threatened Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus). We documented space use and habitat selection for 28 female black bears in 2 subpopulations of the Tensas River Basin population in northeast Louisiana, USA. The Tensas subpopulation inhabits a relatively large (>300-km2) contiguous area of bottomland hardwood forest, whereas the Deltic subpopulation exists mainly in 2 small (<7-km2) forested patches surrounded by an agricultural matrix. Females on Deltic maintained smaller seasonal and annual home ranges than females on Tensas (all P < 0.04), except for females with cubs during spring. On Tensas, females with cubs maintained smaller home ranges than females without cubs during spring (P = 0.01), but we did not detect this difference on Deltic or in other seasons. Females on Tensas and Deltic exhibited differences in habitat selection when establishing home ranges and within home ranges (P < 0.001). Deltic females selected mature bottomland hardwood forests and avoided agricultural habitats at both spatial scales. Tensas females selected a mixture of swamps, mature and regenerating forests, and exhibited variation in selection across scale, season, and reproductive status. We suggest that differences in space use and habitat selection between Tensas and Deltic are at least partially due to habitat differences at the landscape (i.e., amount of forested habitat) and patch (i.e., food availability) scales. Our results contribute to the understanding of factors that influence space use and habitat selection by black bears and provide specific information on habitat types selected by Louisiana black bears to agencies involved in habitat protection and restoration for this threatened subspecies.  相似文献   
Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition has been identified as a major threat to biodiversity, but field surveys of its effects have rarely focussed on sites which are actively managed to maintain characteristic species. We analysed permanent quadrat data from 106 plots in nature reserves on calcareous grassland sites in the United Kingdom collected during a survey between 1990 and 1993 and compared the data with the results from resurvey of 48 of these plots between 2006 and 2009. N deposition showed no significant spatial association with species richness, species diversity, or the frequency of species adapted to low nutrient conditions in the 1990–1993 dataset. However, temporal analysis showed that N deposition was significantly associated with changes in Shannon diversity and evenness. In plots with high rates of N deposition, there was a decrease in species diversity and evenness, a decline in the frequency of characteristic calcareous grassland species, and a lower number of rare and scarce species. As all sites had active management to maintain a high diversity and characteristic species, our results imply that even focussed management on nature conservation objectives cannot prevent adverse effects of high rates of N deposition. Structural equation modelling was used to compare different causal mechanisms to explain the observed effects. For change in Shannon diversity, direct effects of N deposition were the dominant mechanism and there was an independent effect of change in grazing intensity. In contrast, for change in herb species number, indirect effects on soil acidity, linked to both N and S deposition, were more important than direct effects of N deposition.  相似文献   
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