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Infection of Dictyostelium discoideum with Legionella pneumophila resulted in a large number of differentially regulated genes among them three core autophagy genes, ATG8, ATG9 and ATG16. Macroautophagy contributes to many physiological and pathological processes and might also constitute an important mechanism in cell‐autonomous immunity. For further studies we selected the highly conserved ATG9. In colocalization studies with GFP‐tagged ATG9 and different organelle marker proteins we neither observed colocalization with mitochondria, the ER nor lysosomes. However, there was partial colocalization with the Golgi apparatus and many ATG9‐GFP‐containing vesicles localized along microtubules and accumulated around the microtubule organizing centre. ATG9‐deficient cells had pleiotropic defects. In addition to growth defects they displayed severe developmental defects, consistent with the known role of autophagy in Dictyostelium development. Unexpectedly, the ATG9 mutant also had a strong phagocytosis defect that was particularly apparent when infecting the cells with L. pneumophila. However, those Legionellae that entered the host could multiply better in mutant than in wild‐type cells, because of a less efficient clearance in the early and a more efficient replication in the late phase of infection. We conclude that ATG9 and hence macroautophagy has a protective role during pathogen infection.  相似文献   
The antibacterial activity of propolis has been widely investigated. Since reports dealing with antimicrobial activity of the origin of propolis are not available, this study was carried out aiming to analyse the in vitro antimicrobial activity of the methanol extracts of poplar type propolis and Populus (Populus nigra, P. alba, P. tremuloides) buds as its sources against standard strains of a panel of microorganisms by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). The concentrations of the “poplar” phenolics were relatively high (4.5%) and some compounds typical for P. nigra such as pinobanksin and 4,3 acetyloxycaffeate were found in the propolis sample by GC-MS. The poplar type propolis and Populus bud exudates were found to inhibit most clinically important microorganisms in a wide spectrum including pathogenic yeasts but not Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   
DURING replication of RNA tumour viruses, the genetic information contained in the viral RNA seems to be transferred to DNA1,2. Studies on the enzymatic activities present in the virus particles suggest that this transfer is mediated by an RNA dependent DNA polymerase3,4. RNA-DNA hybrids have been demonstrated to occur as intermediates in this reaction5 and single stranded DNA is generated as an early reaction product6, which is then replicated to give a double stranded DNA product6–8. The mechanism by which the single stranded DNA is displaced from the RNA template is, however, not known.  相似文献   
Sculpture of dermal bones and their vascularization in basal tetrapods are closely connected. Ontogenetic data suggest that the large vessels that coursed to the superficial bone surface induced the formation of sculptural ridges and tubercles around their openings. Imprints show that the vessels continued on the bone surface and coursed within furrows or pits, where they were protected by the sculpture from mechanical damage. Dermal bone histology indicates a consolidation of the integument in basal tetrapods by strong, mineralized Sharpey's fibres in the sculptural ridges and tubercles, and by the presence of metaplastic tissue in several taxa. Because of the tight integration of bone and dermis, the large vessels were not able to spread over the sculptural elements, but instead had to pass interosseously. The diverse sculptural morphologies depend on the variation in height and width of the ‘nodal points’ and their connecting ridges, and in the size and shape of the enclosed cells and furrows. A principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant function analysis (DFA) of 47 basal tetrapod taxa with 12 discrete characters shows that dermal sculpture is suited for distinguishing some main basal tetrapod lineages. Taxa that are interpreted as being largely aquatic have generally a more regular sculpture than presumably terrestrial ones. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 302–340.  相似文献   
Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Crassulaceae) is a medicinal plant native to Madagascar. The aim of this study was to investigate the flavonoid content of an aqueous leaf extract from Kdaigremontiana (Kd), and assess its antiherpetic potential. The major flavonoid, kaempferol 3‐Oβ‐d ‐xylopyranosyl‐(1 → 2)‐α‐l ‐rhamnopyranoside ( 1 ), was isolated from the AcOEt fraction (Kd‐AC). The BuOH‐soluble fraction afforded quercetin 3‐Oβ‐d ‐xylopyranosyl‐(1 → 2)‐α‐l ‐rhamnopyranoside ( 2 ) and the new kaempferol 3‐Oβ‐d ‐xylopyranosyl‐(1 → 2)‐α‐l ‐rhamnopyranoside‐7‐Oβ‐d ‐glucopyranoside ( 3 ), named daigremontrioside. The crude extract, Kd‐AC fraction, flavonoids 1 and 2 were evaluated using acyclovir‐sensitive strains of HSV‐1 and HSV‐2. Kd‐AC was highly active against HSV‐1 (EC50 = 0.97 μg/ml, SI > 206.1) and HSV‐2 (EC50 = 0.72 μg/ml, SI > 277.7). Flavonoids 1 and 2 showed anti‐HSV‐1 (EC50 = 7.4 μg/ml; SI > 27 and EC50 = 5.8 μg/ml; SI > 8.6, respectively) and anti‐HSV‐2 (EC50 = 9.0 μg/ml; SI > 22.2 and EC50 = 36.2 μg/ml; SI > 5.5, respectively) activities, suggesting the contribution of additional substances to the antiviral activity.  相似文献   
探索目的基因在转基因白桦杂交子代群体中的传递规律,为后续进一步跟踪调查,实现转基因白桦的聚合育种提供帮助。以1年生BpAP1、TabZIP转基因白桦杂交T1代和5年生BpGH3.5、BpCCR转基因白桦为研究对象,测定杂交子代种子千粒质量、发芽率和发芽势等活力指标,同时采用PCR扩增法检测目的基因,调查杂交T2代白桦苗高。杂交子代各家系间种子千粒质量、种子活力指标和苗高等在0.01水平上差异显著,各性状的家系遗传力均高于85.00%。研究结果表明,目的基因在T2代群体中的传递规律不符合孟德尔遗传规律,雌、雄配子目的基因的传递效率分别为30.00%、50.00%左右,同时未获得3目的基因聚合的杂交T2代个体。目的基因的随机插入降低了白桦杂交T2代种子活力,未获得3基因聚合的白桦杂交子代,目的基因的聚合对杂交子代个体的生长发育产生了不利影响,甚至产生致死现象。  相似文献   
pPLA‐I is the evolutionarily oldest patatin‐related phospholipase A (pPLA) in plants, which have previously been implicated to function in auxin and defence signalling. Molecular and physiological analysis of two allelic null mutants for pPLA‐I [ppla‐I‐1 in Wassilewskija (Ws) and ppla‐I‐3 in Columbia (Col) ] revealed pPLA‐I functions in auxin and light signalling. The enzyme is localized in the cytosol and to membranes. After auxin application expression of early auxin‐induced genes is significantly slower compared with wild type and both alleles show a slower gravitropic response of hypocotyls, indicating compromised auxin signalling. Additionally, phytochrome‐modulated responses like abrogation of gravitropism, enhancement of phototropism and growth in far red‐enriched light are decreased in both alleles. While early flowering, root coils and delayed phototropism are only observed in the Ws mutant devoid of phyD, the light‐related phenotypes observed in both alleles point to an involvement of pPLA‐I in phytochrome signalling.  相似文献   
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