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We have used virus neutralization and antibody-binding techniques to define the epitope for a human monoclonal antibody, designated 19b, within the V3 region of the gp120 surface glycoprotein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Unusually, the 19b epitope encompasses residues on both flanks of the V3 loop. However, 19b binding to gp120 is independent of sequences at the crown of the V3 loop, provided that they are compatible with the formation of a type II beta turn that is presumably necessary to juxtapose the antigenic residues on the V3 flanks. By comparing the V3 sequences of virus gp120s able and unable to bind 19b, we were able to define the canonical 19b epitope as -I----G--FY-T, where residues at the positions indicated by the gaps do not contribute directly to the 19b-binding site. A few conservative substitutions at the more critical residues are also compatible with 19b binding. Inspection of V3 sequences in the human immunodeficiency virus database indicated that the canonical 19b epitope is well conserved among isolates from the North American-European clade B and also among clade E isolates from Thailand and clade F isolates from Brazil. A minority of gp120s from clades A and C also possess the 19b epitope. Consistent with the theoretical predictions of its cross-clade reactivity, 19b was found to bind to gp120s from clades A, B, C, E, and F in immunoassays. However, 19b was not able to reduce the infectivity of primary viruses from clades A, E, and F that were predicted to possess the 19b epitope and only modestly reduced the infectivity of a clade C virus at low input virus concentrations. Cross-clade neutralization via V3-directed antibodies may, therefore, be difficult, even if the antibodies show broad reactivities in binding assays and the viruses theoretically possess the relevant binding site.  相似文献   
the entire mitochondrial genome (mt genome) of the unicellular green alga Platymonas subcordiformis (synonym Tetraselmis subcordiformis; Prasinophyceae) was cloned and a physical map for the four restriction enzymes Hind III, Eco RI, Bgl II and Xba I was constructed. The mt genome of P. subcordiformis is a 42.8 kb circular molecule, coding for at least 23 genes. Hybridization and sequence analysis revealed the presence of a ca. 1.5 kb inverted repeat on the mt genome of P. subcordiformis. Phylogenetic analyses based on sequences of several coxI genes were carried out. Our data indicate that mitochondria from P. subcordiformis and from land plants form a natural, monophyletic group.  相似文献   
The twisting and writhing during growth of single-cell filaments of Bacillus subtilis which lead to macrofiber formation was studied in both left- and right-handed forms of strains FJ7 and RHX. Filament bending, touching, and loop formation (folding), followed by winding up into a double-strand fiber, were documented. Subsequent folds that produced multistrandedness were also examined. The rate of loop rotation during winding up was measured for 26 loops from 16 clones. In most cases, the first loop formed turned at a lower rate than those produced by the following cycles of folding. The sequence of folding topologies differed in FJ7 and RHX strains and in left- versus right-handed structures. Right-handed FJ7 routinely gave rise to four-stranded helices at the second fold, whereas left-handed FJ7 and both left-handed and right-handed forms of RHX made structures with predominantly two double-stranded helical regions. Left-handed RHX structures frequently produced second folds within the initial loop itself, resulting in T- or Y-shaped fibers. Sixteen cases in which the initial touch of a filament to itself produced a loop that snapped open before it could wind up into a double-strand fiber were found. The snap motions were used to obtain estimates of the forces generated by helical growth of single filaments and to investigate theoretical models involving the material properties of cell filaments. In general, the mechanical behavior of growing single-cell filaments and fibers consisting of two-, three-, or four-strand helices was similar to that described for larger, mature, multifilament macrofibers. The behavior of multicellular macrofibers can be understood, therefore, in terms of individual cell growth.  相似文献   
The expression of laminin, a major constituent of endometrial cell basement membranes, is increased during differentiation of human endometrial stromal cells (decidualization). To determine whether laminin plays a role in decidualization, we studied the effects of laminin substrate on the synthesis and release of prolactin (PRL) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), two major secretory proteins of decidualized stromal cells. Endometrial stromal cells were plated on laminin as well as several other extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (types 1 and IV collagen or fibronectin) and on plastic, and cultured in media containing medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) and estradiol. Cells cultured on plastic or ECM proteins displayed similar morphological changes indicative of decidualization. However, the release of PRL and IGFBP-1 from cells cultured on plastic and ECM proteins (types 1 and IV collagen and fibronection) was approximately 2.1-fold and 2.8-fold greater respectively, than from cells cultured on laminin. The decrease in PRL and IGFBP-1 expression in cells cultured on laminin was not due to differences in initial cell attachment efficiency or final DNA content. In addition, laminin had no effect on the content of laminin protein or fibronectin mRNA levels, indicating that the effects of laminin on PRL and IGFBP-1 were specific. PGE2 stimulated the release of PRL and IGFBP-1 from cells cultured on laminin to levels comparable to those from cells cultured on plastic or other ECM proteins. This indicates that the decrease in PRL and IGFBP-1 release by laminin was not due to a generalized unresponsiveness. In contrast to the effects of laminin during decidualization, PRL expression was not altered by laminin in terminally differentiated decidual cells isolated at term. Our results support a role for laminin in selectively regulating PRL and IGFBP-1 gene expression during in vitro decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
A functional antibody highly specific for polymerase C1 of Pseudomonas oleovorans GPo1 was raised and used to determine polymerase C1 levels in in vivo experiments. The polymerase C1 antibodies did not show a cross-reaction with polymerase C2 of P. oleovorans. In wild-type P. oleovorans GPo1 and Pseudomonas putida KT2442, amounts of 0.075 and 0.06% polymerase relative to total protein, respectively, were found. P. oleovorans GPo1(pGEc405), which contained additional copies of the polymerase C1-encoding gene under the control of its native promoter, contained 0.5% polymerase C1 relative to total protein. Polymerase C1 reached 10% of total cell protein when the polymerase C1-encoding gene was overexpressed through the P(alk) promoter in P. oleovorans GPo1(pET702, pGEc74). Amounts of poly(R-3-hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA) increased significantly under non-nitrogen-limiting conditions when additional polymerase C1 was expressed in P. oleovorans. Whereas P. oleovorans produced 34% (wt/wt) PHA under these conditions, a PHA level of 64% (wt/wt) could be reached for P. oleovorans GPo1(pGEc405) and a PHA level of 52% (wt/wt) could be reached for P. oleovorans GPo1(pET702, pGEc74) after induction, compared to a PHA level of 13% for the uninduced control. All recombinant Pseudomonas strains containing additional polymerase C1 showed small changes in their PHA composition. Larger amounts of 3-hydroxyhexanoate monomer and smaller amounts of 3-hydroxyoctanoate and -decanoate were found compared to those of the wild type. Two different methods were developed to quantify rates of incorporation of new monomers into preexisting PHA granules. P. oleovorans GPo1 cells grown under nitrogen-limiting conditions showed growth stage-dependent incorporation rates. The highest PHA synthesis rates of 9.5 nmol of C8/C6 monomers/mg of cell dry weight (CDW)/min were found during the mid-stationary phase, which equals a rate of production of 80 g of PHA/kg of CDW/h.  相似文献   
This report summarizes demographic data collected on the Cayo Santiago colony of rhesus monkeys from 1976-1983 and compares the results with those from 1959-1964 [8,9]. For males and nonpregnant/nonlactating, pregnant, and lactating females mean (+/- 1 SD), body weights, crown-rump lengths, and ponderal indices are tabulated for each age on a large (n = 586) single sampling of this free-ranging population of macaques.  相似文献   
Gap junction structures: Analysis of the x-ray diffraction data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Models for the spatial distribution of protein, lipid and water in gap junction structures have been constructed from the results of the analysis of X-ray diffraction data described here and the electron microscope and chemical data presented in the preceding paper (Caspar, D. L. D., D. A. Goodenough, L. Makowski, and W.C. Phillips. 1977. 74:605-628). The continuous intensity distribution on the meridian of the X-ray diffraction pattern was measured, and corrected for the effects of the partially ordered stacking and partial orientation of the junctions in the X-ray specimens. The electron density distribution in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the junction was calculated from the meridional intensity data. Determination of the interference function for the stacking of the junctions improved the accuracy of the electron density profile. The pair-correlation function, which provides information about the packing of junctions in the specimen, was calculated from the interference function. The intensities of the hexagonal lattice reflections on the equator of the X-ray pattern were used in coordination with the electron microscope data to calculate to the two-dimensional electron density projection onto the plane of the membrane. Differences in the structure of the connexons as seen in the meridional profile and equatorial projections were shown to be correlated to changes in lattice constant. The parts of the junction structure which are variable have been distinguished from the invariant parts by comparison of the X-ray data from different specimens. The combination of these results with electron microscope and chemical data provides low resolution three- dimensional representations of the structures of gap junctions.  相似文献   
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