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Zonulae occludentes and gap junctions were examined both in the intact mouse liver and in a junction-rich membrane fraction from homogenized mouse liver. These preparations were visualized with the techniques of uranyl acetate staining en bloc, staining with colloidal lanthanum, negative staining with phosphotungstate, and freeze-cleaving. The zonula occludens is arranged as a meshwork of branching and anastomosing threadlike contacts sealing the lumen of the bile canaliculus from the liver intercellular space. The gap junction is characterized in section by a 20 A gap between the apposed junctional membrane outer leaflets, and permeation of this space with lanthanum or phosphotungstate reveals a polygonal lattice of subunits with a center-to-center spacing of 90–100 A. Freeze-cleaved gap junctions show a similar lattice. Extraction of junction-rich fractions with 60% aqueous acetone results in a disappearance of the 20 A gap in sectioned pellets and an inability to demonstrate the polygonal lattice with either the freeze-cleave or negative staining techniques. Extraction of the membranes with 50% acetone does not produce this effect. Thin-layer chromatography of the acetone extracts reveals a group of phospholipids in the 60% extract that are not detectable in the 50% extract. Acetone does not cause any detectable change in the structure of the zonula occludens, but the occluding junction becomes leaky to lanthanum following acetone treatment. The effects of other reagents on the junctions are reported.  相似文献   
Responses of tropical cladocerans to a gradient of resource quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The response of three tropical cladocerans to a gradient of resource quality was compared in a series of growth bioassays using seston collected from five lakes of different depth and trophic structure in Michigan, U.S.A. To assess the food quality in terms of digestibility, assimilation experiments were performed with 32P‐labelled seston from the same lakes. Animals were also analysed for P‐content in their tissues at the end of these assays. 2. In general, assimilation efficiency was higher when animals fed on seston from shallow compared to deep lakes, and was significantly correlated with growth rates, suggesting that shallow lakes have the best food resources in terms of digestibility and P availability. 3. Results also showed that all cladoceran species responded similarly to the resource gradient, with lower growth rates in deep lakes and higher growth rates in shallow lakes, although the strength of response (sensitivity) was different among the species tested. 4. The cladoceran Moina micrura was the most sensitive species, and also displayed the highest P‐content and maximal growth rate, a pattern consistent with the growth rate hypothesis. 5. However, seston C : P ratio and growth rates in the different resources did not correlate with the animals’ P‐contents, showing an uncoupling between RNA‐phosphorus demands for growth and seston food quality. 6. In conclusion, our results support the idea that digestion resistance in algae is a major constraint to cladocerans in natural plankton communities.  相似文献   
RACE技术是一项扩增基因末端序列的新技术。该研究从牛BMP4基因出发,以牛软骨的RNA为模板,按照不同物种BMP4基因的相似性设计特异引物,运用PCR和RACE技术扩增并获得了特异片段,该片段经PCR、酶切和测序验证,证实所克隆序列为牛BMP4的3′端序列,包含有1170bp组成的开放读码框(ORF),编码389个氨基酸,3′非编码区121bp个核苷酸和poly(A)15。同源性分析结果表明,牛BMP4 cDNA最大开放读码框所推测的氨基酸序列与已知人、小鼠、大鼠、狗、羊和鸡等真核生物BMP4氨基酸序列进行比较,分别有94.5%、93.1%、91.9%、87.4%、94.2%、79%的同源性。这为克隆其他物种的BMP4基因提供了依据,同时牛骨形态发生蛋白的测序为我们更好的理解牛的生骨机理提供帮助。  相似文献   
Capsule: Breeding success in female Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca is related to isotopic signature of feathers grown in Africa, suggesting wintering habitat links to breeding performance 5000?km away.

Aims: Better understanding of inter-seasonal carry-over effects is a research priority, especially for declining migrants. We use stable isotope analysis to relate Pied Flycatcher winter habitat to summer reproductive success.

Methods: Flycatchers were captured in three UK woodlands in 2013–15. An Africa-grown tertial was trimmed and analysed using Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry to quantify Nitrogen-15 (δ15N) and Carbon-13 (δ13C). In total, 135 samples were taken from 80 individuals.

Results: Wintering δ15N and δ13C differed significantly between years. δ13C correlated with lay date, such that birds with lower carbon levels (indicative of more mesic habitat) bred earlier. There was a significant correlation between wintering δ13C and productivity after allowing for year, site and lay date; birds with low δ13C were more successful. This suggests δ13C links productivity directly as well as indirectly through phenological effects. δ15N did not relate to phenology or productivity.

Conclusion: This is the first evidence of carry-over effects between geographical regions for a European passerine. Conservation measures should focus on all aspects of seasonal cycles, not just breeding grounds.  相似文献   
Marine algae of the genus Nannochloropsis are promising producers of biofuel precursors and nutraceuticals and are also harvested commercially for aquaculture feed. We have used quick-freeze, deep-etch electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and carbohydrate analyses to characterize the architecture of the Nannochloropsis gaditana (strain CCMP 526) cell wall, whose recalcitrance presents a significant barrier to biocommodity extraction. The data indicate a bilayer structure consisting of a cellulosic inner wall (∼75% of the mass balance) protected by an outer hydrophobic algaenan layer. Cellulase treatment of walls purified after cell lysis generates highly enriched algaenan preparations without using the harsh chemical treatments typically used in algaenan isolation and characterization. Nannochloropsis algaenan was determined to comprise long, straight-chain, saturated aliphatics with ether cross-links, which closely resembles the cutan of vascular plants. Chemical identification of >85% of the isolated cell wall mass is detailed, and genome analysis is used to identify candidate biosynthetic enzymes.  相似文献   
Sexual reproduction is a nearly universal feature of eukaryotic organisms. Given its ubiquity and shared core features, sex is thought to have arisen once in the last common ancestor to all eukaryotes. Using the perspectives of molecular genetics and cell biology, we consider documented and hypothetical scenarios for the instantiation and evolution of meiosis, fertilization, sex determination, uniparental inheritance of organelle genomes, and speciation.The transition from prokaryote to protoeukaryote to the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA) entailed conservation, modification, and reconfiguration of preexisting genetic circuits via mutation, horizontal gene transfer (HGT), endosymbiosis, and selection, as detailed in previous articles of this collection. During the course of this evolutionary trajectory, the LECA became sexual, reassorting and recombining chromosomes in a process that entails regulated fusions of haploid gametes and diploid → haploid reductions via meiosis. That the LECA was sexual is no longer a matter of speculation/debate as evidence of sex, and of genes exclusively involved in meiosis, has been found in all of the major eukaryotic radiations (Brawley and Johnson 1992; Ramesh et al. 2005; Kobiyama et al. 2007; Malik et al. 2008; Phadke and Zufall 2009; Fritz-Laylin et al. 2010; Lahr et al. 2011; Peacock et al. 2011; Vanstechelman et al. 2013).We propose that the transition to a sexual LECA entailed four innovations: (1) alternation of ploidy via cell–cell fusion and meiosis; (2) mating-type regulation of cell–cell fusion via differentiation of complementary haploid gametes (isogametic and then anisogametic), a prelude to species-isolation mechanisms; (3) mating-type-regulated coupling of the diploid/meiotic state to the formation of adaptive diploid resting spores; and (4) mating-type-regulated transmission of organelle genomes. Our working assumption is that the protoeukaryote → LECA era featured numerous sexual experiments, most of which failed but some of which were incorporated, integrated, and modified. Therefore, this list is not intended to suggest a sequence of events; rather, the four innovations most likely coevolved in a parallel and disjointed fashion.Once these core sexual-cycle themes were in place, the evolution of eukaryotic sex has featured countless prezygotic and postzygotic variations, the outcome being the segregation of panmictic populations into distinct species with distinctive adaptations.For additional reviews on the evolution of sex, the interested reader is referred to Goodenough (1985), Dacks and Roger (1999), Schurko et al. (2009), Wilkins and Holliday (2009), Gross and Bhattacharya (2010), Lee et al. (2010), Perrin (2012), and Calo et al. (2013).  相似文献   

The vocal repertoire of Amazona amazonica during its breeding season has been recorded from wild individuals in Santa Bárbara do Pará, Pará State, Brazil. At individual nests, we continuously recorded vocalizations and behaviour for four hours in the early morning and three hours in the late afternoon, three times a week throughout the breeding season. We identified nine vocalizations that we classified in three behavioural categories: (1) Flight call—emitted when parrots arrive in the nest area; (2) Perched contact calls—two different vocalizations, one of them related to feeding, were emitted when the pair was perched in the nest area and interacted socially between themselves or with other individuals; (3) Aggressive calls—emitted when birds were in a dangerous situation, i.e. alarm (three types of calls), agonistic contact and distress calls (two types of call). The Orange-winged Parrot is a highly social species and the complexity of its social interactions is reflected in the diversity of its vocal repertoire.  相似文献   
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